Iccia gens

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The gens Iccia was a minor plebeian family at Rome. It is known primarily from a small number of individuals who lived during the first century BC, [1] as well as a number of inscriptions from Gallia Narbonensis. [2]



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  1. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. II, p. 559 ("Iccius").
  2. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, vol. XII.
  3. Caesar, De Bello Gallico, ii. 3, 6.
  4. Cicero, Philippicae, iii. 10.
  5. Horace, Carmen Saeculare, i. 29; Epistulae, i. 12.
  6. Birch, pp. 520, 521.
  7. CIL XII. 5686, 592.
  8. CIL XII. 5686, 593.
  9. CIL XII. 1705
  10. CIL XII. 3226.
  11. CIL XII. 1335.
  12. CIL XII. 3494.
  13. CIL XII. 1733.
