Immigration to Latvia

Last updated

Immigration to Latvia is the process by which people migrate to Latvia to reside in the country. Some, but not all, stay permanently and eventually become Latvian citizens. Immigration has been the main source of major population growth in Latvia in recent years due to negative natural increase. [1]


As of 31 December 2024 according to the data of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (Latvian: Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde (PMLP)), there were 85,978 foreigners with temporary residence permits and 45,731 with permanent residence permits, excluding Latvian citizens and Latvian non-citizens. [2]


In 1940, following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Latvia was incorporated into the Soviet Union. This period saw significant upheavals, including mass deportations of Latvians to Siberia and other remote regions. Between 1940 and 1941, approximately 16,563 individuals were deported. After World War II, from 1945 to 1949, an additional 43,904 people were forcibly expelled. These actions were part of the Soviet regime's efforts to suppress potential opposition and reshape the demographic landscape. [3]

Population of Latvia (in millions) from 1935 to 2022 Population of latvia 22.jpg
Population of Latvia (in millions) from 1935 to 2022

Soviet post-war industrialization and influx of immigrants

The most substantial immigration to Latvia occurred during the post-World War II era, particularly from the mid-1940s through the 1980s. The Soviet government initiated extensive industrialization projects in Latvia, establishing factories and industrial complexes that required a large workforce. To meet this demand, workers from various Soviet republics, especially Russia, were relocated to Latvia. This influx significantly altered the country's demographic composition. From 1959 to 1968, nearly 130,000 Russian speakers immigrated to Latvia, primarily to work in large industrial factories. These immigrants often received priority in housing, leading to the rapid construction of new residential areas. By 1959, about 400,000 Russian settlers had arrived, reducing the ethnic Latvian population to 62%. [3]

Khruschevka apartment block in Riga, built in the Soviet era Alises street 6, Agenskalns, Riga, Latvia.jpg
Khruschevka apartment block in Riga, built in the Soviet era

This trend continued, and by 1989, ethnic Latvians comprised approximately 52% of the population, down from 77% before the war. [3]

Demographic impact

The continuous influx of immigrants from other Soviet republics led to a significant demographic shift. While the overall population of Latvia increased, the proportion of ethnic Latvians decreased markedly. This shift was a result of both the arrival of new residents and the earlier deportations and emigration of Latvians during and after the war. The Soviet-era settlement policies were driven by economic objectives, aiming to provide labor for industrial enterprises, and political motives, seeking to integrate Latvia more closely into the Soviet system by altering its ethnic composition. [4] [1]

After independence restoration

Since the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Latvia's population has significantly decreased, dropping from 2,658,161 to around 1,862,700 by 2025, a decline of approximately 30%. This trend is attributed to both natural decrease, with births consistently lower than deaths, and substantial emigration, particularly after joining the EU in 2004, which saw many young people seeking better opportunities abroad. [5]

Migration data indicates Latvia experienced net emigration for most years post-1991, with negative net migration rates reflecting more people leaving than arriving. However, in 2022, a positive net migration of 18,800 was recorded, largely due to the arrival of 23,500 Ukrainian refugees following regional conflicts. This shift highlights the impact of geopolitical events on migration patterns. [5]

Foreign students

Foreign students in Latvia (since 2014) Foreign students in Latvia (since 2014).png
Foreign students in Latvia (since 2014)

Since around 2014, Latvia has seen a notable increase in foreign students, with numbers growing from about 1,500 before 2013 to over 8,000 by 2020, and continuing to rise. [7] Popular programs include medicine, business, and IT, contributing economically with an estimated €148 million annually to the national budget. This trend is unexpected given the overall population decline, offering a counterbalance to demographic challenges. [5] [8] [9] [6]

The composition of foreign students in Latvia shows a diverse range of origins, with a significant portion from non-EU countries, particularly India and Uzbekistan. [10] [11] [12] [13] [6] [14]

The majority of mobile students in Latvia attend either Rīga Stradiņš University or Riga Technical University, with a combined 52.1% of students, others include Turība University. [10]


According to the data of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (PMLP), as of 31 December 2024, there were 45,731 foreign nationals with permanent residence permits, excluding Latvian citizens and Latvian non-citizens. [2]

Permanent residency

In the table only nationalities with a population of 100 or more are shown.

Permanent residency permit in Latvia [2]
Country of affiliationPopulation
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 30771
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 3104
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 2968
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 2011
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 671
Latvian non-citizen454
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 441
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 338
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 290
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 272
Flag of the Taliban.svg  Afghanistan 263
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 258
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 244
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan 243
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 240
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan 220
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 212
Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova 155
Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 155
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 152
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 126
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 124
Flag of India.svg  India 123
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 122
Latvian stateless person112
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 106
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 100

Temporary residency

In the table only nationalities with a population of 100 or more are shown.

Temporary residency permit in Latvia [2]
Country of affiliationPopulation
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 36203
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 10741
Flag of India.svg  India 5245
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan 4077
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 2754
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 2609
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 2455
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 1309
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 1066
Flag of France.svg  France 1036
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 913
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka 882
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 873
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 822
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 821
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 820
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 772
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan 735
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 698
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 683
Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan 663
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 617
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 582
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 568
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 512
Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 494
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 447
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 366
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan 353
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 344
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 339
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 300
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 300
Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova 250
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 248
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 231
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 209
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 198
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 194
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 180
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 171
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 151
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 125
Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 124
Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon 123
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 117
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 116
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 112
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 110

See also


  1. 1 2 "Latvia political briefing: Demographic Situation and Development of Demographic.. – China-CEE Institute". 2025-01-03. Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "Statistika: Uzturēšanās atļaujas 2024 | Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde" [Statistics: Residence permits 2024 | Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs]. Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (in Latvian). Retrieved 2025-03-15.
  3. 1 2 3 Heleniak, Timothy (2006-02-01). "Latvia Looks West, But Legacy of Soviets Remains". Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  4. "Looking for a way out: Latvia's demographic crisis". OSW Centre for Eastern Studies. 2024-07-16. Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  5. 1 2 3 "Population growth in 2022 due to immigration". Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  6. 1 2 3 "Mobile students in Latvia by sex, country, where previous education was attained, education thematic group and educational attainment (at the beginning of school year) 2014 - 2024". Oficiālās statistikas portāls. Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  7. (2014). "Samazinās studentu skaits Latvijas augstskolās - LV portāls" [The number of students at Latvian universities is decreasing]. (in Latvian). Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  8. "More foreign students than expected in Latvia's universities". Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  9. "Indian students in Latvia: the good, the bad and the truth". Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  10. 1 2 "Latvia remains a popular choice among Indian students and others". Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  11. "Indiešu studentu skaits desmit gadu laikā pieaudzis 16 reizes. Cik tērē indietis, lai nokļūtu Rīgas universitātē?" [The number of Indian students has increased 16 times in ten years. How much does an Indian spend to get to Riga University?]. (in Latvian) (published August 9, 2024). 2024-08-09. Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  12. "Latvijā septītā daļa studējošo – ārzemnieki; pēc studijām šeit paliek vien retais" [One seventh of students in Latvia are foreigners; only a few stay here after studying]. (in Latvian). Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  13. "Latvija kā pasaulē pievilcīgs studiju galamērķis" [Latvia as a globally attractive study destination]. Biznesa augstskola Turība (in Latvian). Retrieved 2025-03-14.
  14. "The number of students in academic year 2024/25 has slightly increased". Retrieved 2025-03-14.