Joachim Herrmann (CSU)

Last updated
  1. Bayerisches Ministerpräsidentenamt: Goppel und Herrmann machen Weg frei für Seehofer, Der Spiegel , in German
  2. Wahl der bayerischen Delegierten zur 12. Bundesversammlung Landtag of Bavaria, press release of 17 March 2004.
  3. Andrea Shalal (April 22, 2017), German conservatives urge end to EU-Turkey talks after pro-Erdogan vote Reuters .
  4. Members of the Rail Infrastructure Advisory Council Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA).
  5. 2010 Annual Report BayernLB.
  6. 2013 Annual Report BayernLB.
  7. Board of Trustees German Forum for Crime Prevention (DFK).
Joachim Herrmann
2022-08-21 European Championships 2022 - Closing Press Conference by Sandro Halank-034.jpg
Herrmann in 2022
Additional Deputy Minister President of Bavaria
Assumed office
30 October 2008