Keratinizing metaplasia

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Keratinizing metaplasia
Specialty Dermatology

Keratinizing metaplasia is a condition affecting the epithelial surfaces of the body. [1] It is caused by a dietary deficiency of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is most often found in fats, milk, and some leafy vegetables. [2]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Riboflavin</span> Vitamin and supplement

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vitamin</span> Nutrients required by organisms in small amounts

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vitamin A</span> Essential nutrient

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Retinol</span> Chemical compound

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A nutrient is a substance used by an organism to survive, grow, and reproduce. The requirement for dietary nutrient intake applies to animals, plants, fungi, and protists. Nutrients can be incorporated into cells for metabolic purposes or excreted by cells to create non-cellular structures, such as hair, scales, feathers, or exoskeletons. Some nutrients can be metabolically converted to smaller molecules in the process of releasing energy, such as for carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and fermentation products, leading to end-products of water and carbon dioxide. All organisms require water. Essential nutrients for animals are the energy sources, some of the amino acids that are combined to create proteins, a subset of fatty acids, vitamins and certain minerals. Plants require more diverse minerals absorbed through roots, plus carbon dioxide and oxygen absorbed through leaves. Fungi live on dead or living organic matter and meet nutrient needs from their host.

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Vitamin deficiency is the condition of a long-term lack of a vitamin. When caused by not enough vitamin intake it is classified as a primary deficiency, whereas when due to an underlying disorder such as malabsorption it is called a secondary deficiency. An underlying disorder can have 2 main causes:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vitamin A deficiency</span> Disease resulting from low Vitamin A concentrations in the body

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Vitamin B<sub>12</sub> deficiency Disorder resulting from low blood levels of vitamin B12

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vitamin D deficiency</span> Human disorder

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Tocofersolan (INN) or tocophersolan, also referred to as TPGS, is a synthetic water-soluble version of vitamin E. Natural forms of vitamin E are fat soluble, but not water-soluble. Tocofersolan is polyethylene glycol derivative of α-tocopherol that enables water solubility.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nutritional neuroscience</span> Scientific discipline

Nutritional neuroscience is the scientific discipline that studies the effects various components of the diet such as minerals, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, fats, dietary supplements, synthetic hormones, and food additives have on neurochemistry, neurobiology, behavior, and cognition.


  1. Miller SJ (1989). Nutritional deficiency and the skin. J Am Acad Dermatol. pp. 21:1–30.
  2. Rapini, Ronald P.; Bolognia, Jean L.; Jorizzo, Joseph L. (2007). Dermatology: 2-Volume Set. St. Louis: Mosby. p. 664. ISBN   978-1-4160-2999-1.