List of Cultural Properties of Japan – paintings (Yamagata)

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This list is of the Cultural Properties of Japan designated in the category of paintings (絵画, kaiga) for the Prefecture of Yamagata . [1]


National Cultural Properties

As of 1 July 2019, eight properties have been designated Important Cultural Properties (including one *National Treasure), being of national significance. [2] [3] [4]

*Scenes in and around the Capital, colours on paper with gold ground, by Kanō Eitoku
shihon kinji chakushoku rakuchū rakugai zu (Kanō Eitoku hitsu, rokkyoku byōbu)
1562–74 Yonezawa Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum pair of six-panel folding screens, given by Oda Nobunaga to Uesugi Kenshin in 1574; the right screen includes a depiction of the Gion Festival [5] [6] Kano Eitoku - Rakuchu rakugai zu (Uesugi) - right screen.jpg Luo Zhong Luo Wai Tu Zuo .jpg each screen 3.633 metres (11 ft 11.0 in) by 1.594 metres (5 ft 2.8 in) 37°54′27″N140°06′24″E / 37.90759147°N 140.10665967°E / 37.90759147; 140.10665967 (Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum)
Amida Triad, colours on silk
kenpon chakushoku Amida sanzon zō
1309 Yonezawa Uesugi Jinja ( 上杉神社 ) Goryeo Buddhist paintings; three scrolls, with Amida Nyorai in the centre flanked by Kannon and Seishi [7] Amitabha Triad - a (Uesugi Jinja).jpg Amitabha Triad - Amitabha (Uesugi Jinja).jpg Amitabha Triad - Mahasthamaprapta (Uesugi Jinja).jpg each scroll 148 centimetres (4 ft 10 in) by 77 centimetres (2 ft 6 in) 37°54′33″N140°06′15″E / 37.909237°N 140.104072°E / 37.909237; 140.104072 (Uesugi Jinja)
Wang Zhaojun, colours on silk, by Hishida Shunsō
kenpon chakushoku Ō Shōkun zu (Hishida Shunsō hitsu)
1902 Tsuruoka Zenpō-ji ( 善宝寺 )
(kept at Chidō Museum)
harem scene with the celebrated Han beauty [8] [9] Wang Zhaojun - O Shokun by Hishida Shunso (Zenpoji Tsuruoka).jpg 3.70 metres (12 ft 2 in) by 1.68 metres (5 ft 6 in) 38°46′22″N139°46′01″E / 38.772722°N 139.767036°E / 38.772722; 139.767036 (Zenpōji)
Bishamonten, colours on silk
kenpon chakushoku Bishamonten zō
end of the Heian period Yonezawa Uesugi Jinja ( 上杉神社 )1 hanging scroll; the painting once hung in the Bishamon-dō of Kasugayama Castle [10] Bishamonten (Uesugi Jinja Yonezawa).jpg 109 centimetres (3 ft 7 in) by 44.6 centimetres (1 ft 5.6 in) 37°54′33″N140°06′15″E / 37.909237°N 140.104072°E / 37.909237; 140.104072 (Uesugi Jinja)
Oku no Hosomichi , light colours on paper, by Yosa Buson
shihon tansai Oku no Hosomichi zu (Yosa Buson hitsu)
1779 Yamagata Yamagata Museum of Art six-panel folding screen with the entire text of Matsuo Bashō's haibun [11] Oku no Hosomichi by Yosa Buson (Yamagata Museum of Art).jpg 3.490 metres (11 ft 5.4 in) by 1.393 metres (4 ft 6.8 in) 38°15′21″N140°19′57″E / 38.255832°N 140.332392°E / 38.255832; 140.332392 (Yamagata Museum of Art)
Ippen, colours on paper
shihon chakushoku Yūgyō shōnin e (den-Kanō Sōshū hitsu)
1594 Yamagata Kōmyō-ji (光明寺)
(kept at Nara National Museum)
ten handscrolls traditionally attributed to Kanō Sōshū ( 狩野宗秀 ) [12] [13] Ippen emaki attributed to Kano Soshu (Komyoji Yamagata).jpg 170 metres (557 ft 9 in) by 33.6 centimetres (1 ft 1.2 in) 34°41′01″N135°50′12″E / 34.683573°N 135.836624°E / 34.683573; 135.836624 (Nara National Museum)
Mandala of the Two Realms, gold paint on violet paper
shiryō kindei ryōkai mandara zu
Heian period Yonezawa Uesugi Jinja ( 上杉神社 )pair of hanging scrolls presented to the shrine by the Uesugi clan during the Meiji period; formerly kept at the family temple on Mount Kōya [14] Diamond Realm Mandala (Uesugi Jinja Yonezawa).jpg Womb Realm Mandala (Uesugi Jinja Yonezawa).jpg Diamond Realm Mandala: 108 centimetres (3 ft 7 in) by 88 centimetres (2 ft 11 in); Womb Realm Mandala: 107 centimetres (3 ft 6 in) by 87.8 centimetres (2 ft 10.6 in) 37°54′33″N140°06′15″E / 37.909237°N 140.104072°E / 37.909237; 140.104072 (Uesugi Jinja)
Sacred horse, wooden panel, by Kōnome Sadoshige
ita-e chakushoku shinme zu (Kōnome Sadoshige hitsu)
1563 Tendō Jakushō-ji ( 若松寺 ) ema formed of five wooden boards [15] Ita-e with sacred horse by Konome Sadoshige (Wakamatsudera Tendo).jpg 182.5 centimetres (5 ft 11.9 in) by 163 centimetres (5 ft 4 in) 38°21′46″N140°25′08″E / 38.362859°N 140.418878°E / 38.362859; 140.418878 (Jakushō-ji)

Prefectural Cultural Properties

As of 2 November 2018, seventy-seven properties have been designated at a prefectural level. [4] [16]

Shellfish-gathering at Shinagawa Gotenyama
Distant View of Nori-gathering at Okuyama near Nihon Kaian-ji
light colours on silk, by Andō Hiroshige
絹本淡彩 御殿山品川汐干狩図 日本海晏寺奥山海苔取遠望図 安藤広重筆
kenpon tansai Gotenyama Shinagawa shiohi gari zu Nihon Kaianji Okuyama nori-tori enbō zu (Andō Hiroshige hitsu)
C19 Tendō privatepair of scrolls Gathering Shellfish at Shinagawa Gotenyama by Hiroshige.jpg Gathering Nori at Okuyama near Nihon Kaianji by Hiroshige.jpg 90.4 centimetres (2 ft 11.6 in) by 30.1 centimetres (11.9 in) 38°21′02″N140°19′02″E / 38.350555°N 140.317253°E / 38.350555; 140.317253 (Terazu, Tendō)
Tsukuda-jima Sumiyoshi in Tōkyō
Arashiyama in Kyōto
Beach by the Light of the Rising Moon at Naniwa Sumiyoshi
light colours on silk, by Andō Hiroshige
絹本淡彩 東都佃島住よし図 京都嵐山図 浪花住吉月出見の浜図 安藤広重筆
kenpon tansai Tō-to Tsukuda-jima Sumiyoshi zu Kyōto Arashiyama zu Naniwa Sumiyoshi tsuki de mi no hama zu (Andō Hiroshige hitsu)
C19 Yamagata Jikōmyō-in (慈光明院)three scrolls Tsukuda-jima Sumiyoshi by Hiroshige (Yamagata).jpg Arashiyama by Hiroshige (Yamagata).jpg Viewing Rising Moon from Beach at Sumiyoshi in Naniwa by Hiroshige (Yamagata).jpg 92.0 centimetres (3 ft 0.2 in) by 28.9 centimetres (11.4 in) 38°15′16″N140°20′16″E / 38.254353°N 140.337868°E / 38.254353; 140.337868 (Jikōmyō-in)
Landscape, light colours on silk, by Yo Shakuya
絹本淡彩山水図 余夙夜筆
kenpon tansai sansui zu Yo Shakuya hitsu
1796 Sakata Homma Museum of Art Landscape by Yo Shakuya (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 114.0 centimetres (3 ft 8.9 in) by 35.0 centimetres (1 ft 1.8 in) 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Aizen Myōō, colours on silk
kenpon chakushoku Aizen Myōō zō
late Kamakura period Sagae Hōzō-in (宝蔵院) Aizen Myoo (Hozoin Sagae).jpg 82.9 centimetres (2 ft 8.6 in) by 48.2 centimetres (1 ft 7.0 in) 38°24′39″N140°15′05″E / 38.410828°N 140.251487°E / 38.410828; 140.251487 (Hōzō-in)
Farewell to Sonehara Rokei, ink on paper, by Fukuhara Gogaku
紙本墨画曽根原魯卿叙別図 福原五岳
shihon bokuga Sonehara Rokei jobetsu zu Fukuhara Gogaku hitsu
C18 Sakata Homma Museum of Art Farewell to Sonehara Rokei by Fukuhara Gogaku (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 75.8 centimetres (2 ft 5.8 in) by 27.2 centimetres (10.7 in) 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Twin moons, ink on paper, by Shōkadō Shōjō
紙本墨画対月図 松花堂昭乗筆 江月賛
shihon bokuga taigetsu no zu Shōkadō Shōjō hitsu Kōgestu san
early C17 Yamagata privateseated monk with comments or san ( ) by Kōgetsu Sōgan ( 江月宗玩 ); inscription reads 黒月則隠白月則現江月叟書之 Twin moons by Shokado Shojo (Yamagata).jpg 111.0 centimetres (3 ft 7.7 in) by 26.0 centimetres (10.2 in) 38°15′21″N140°20′13″E / 38.255891°N 140.337049°E / 38.255891; 140.337049 (Hatagomachi, Yamagata)
Landscape with people, flowers, and fruit, light colours on paper, six-fold screen, by Ike no Taiga
紙本墨画淡彩山水人物花果図 池大雅筆 六曲屏風
shihon bokuga tansai sansui jinbutsu kaka zu Ike no Taiga hitsu rokkyoku byōbu
1771 Sagae private 088L.jpg 351 centimetres (11 ft 6 in) by 147 centimetres (4 ft 10 in) 38°22′47″N140°16′52″E / 38.379589°N 140.280991°E / 38.379589; 140.280991 (Nanakomachi, Sagae)
Daruma, ink on paper
紙本墨画達磨図 無款
shihon bokuga Daruma zu mukan
Muromachi period Kahoku private Daruma (Kahoku Yamagata).jpg 66.0 centimetres (2 ft 2.0 in) by 29.0 centimetres (11.4 in) 38°25′29″N140°18′55″E / 38.424647°N 140.315194°E / 38.424647; 140.315194 (Yachi, Kahoku)
Swallow in flight, ink on paper, by Kō Saidō
紙本墨画飛燕図 康西堂筆
shihon bokuga hien zu Kō Saidō hitsu
C15 Sakata private Swallow in flight (Ko Saido Sakata).jpg 42.6 centimetres (1 ft 4.8 in) by 31.2 centimetres (1 ft 0.3 in) 38°55′05″N139°50′41″E / 38.918159°N 139.844724°E / 38.918159; 139.844724 (Hamada, Sakata)
Fuke Zenji, ink on paper, by Seta Kamon
紙本墨画普化禅師像 瀬田掃部筆 雲居禅師賛
shihon bokuga Fuke Zenji zō Seta Kamon hitsu Unkyo Zenji san
C16/17 Sakata privatewith comments or san ( ) by Ungo Kiyo ( 雲居希膺 ) (1582-1659) Fuke Zenji by Seta Kamon (Sakata).jpg 75.7 centimetres (2 ft 5.8 in) by 21.3 centimetres (8.4 in) 38°55′05″N139°50′41″E / 38.918159°N 139.844724°E / 38.918159; 139.844724 (Hamada, Sakata)
Grapes and squirrel, ink on paper, by Miyamoto Musashi
紙本墨画葡萄栗鼠図 宮本武蔵筆
shihon bokuga budō risu zu Miyamoto Musashiō hitsu
C17 Tendō Dewazakura Museum of Art Grapes and squirrel by Miyamoto Musashi (Dewazakura Museum of Art Tendo).jpg 126.5 centimetres (4 ft 1.8 in) by 46.5 centimetres (1 ft 6.3 in) 38°20′59″N140°22′15″E / 38.349599°N 140.370727°E / 38.349599; 140.370727 (Dewazakura Museum of Art)
Landscape in the beiten style, ink on paper, by Okada Hankō
紙本墨画米点山水図 岡田半江筆
shihon bokuga beiten sansui zu Okada Hankō hitsu
1830 Yamagata Yamagata Museum of Art Landscape in the beiten style by Okada Hanko (Yamagata Museum of Art).jpg 134.8 centimetres (4 ft 5.1 in) by 38.2 centimetres (1 ft 3.0 in) 38°15′21″N140°19′57″E / 38.255832°N 140.332392°E / 38.255832; 140.332392 (Yamagata Museum of Art)
Landscape in the beihō style, ink on paper, by Okada Hankō
紙本墨画米法山水図 岡田半江筆
shihon bokuga beihō sansui zu Okada Hankō hitsu
early C19 Sakata Homma Museum of Art Landscape in beihou style by Okada Hanko (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 227.0 centimetres (7 ft 5.4 in) by 46.8 centimetres (1 ft 6.4 in) 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Hōnen, ink on paper, by Reizei Tamachika
紙本墨画法然上人像 冷泉為恭
shihon bokuga Hōnen shōnin-zō Reizei Tamachika hitsu
mid-C19 Ōishida private Honen by Reizei Tamachika (Oishida Yamagata).jpg 92.3 centimetres (3 ft 0.3 in) by 29.5 centimetres (11.6 in) 38°35′38″N140°22′22″E / 38.593797°N 140.372658°E / 38.593797; 140.372658 (Ōishida)
Pasturing cattle, ink on paper
紙本墨画牧牛図 無款
shihon bokuga bokugyū-zu mukan
C14 Sakata privatethought to be of Yuan origin Pasturing cattle (Sakata Yamagata).jpg 50.0 centimetres (1 ft 7.7 in) by 29.5 centimetres (11.6 in) 38°54′23″N139°50′07″E / 38.906288°N 139.835261°E / 38.906288; 139.835261 (Wakatake-chō, Sakata)
Bamboo, ink on paper, by Yanagisawa Kien
紙本墨画墨竹図 柳里恭筆
shihon bokuga bokuchiku-zu Ryūrikō hitsu
C18 Sakata private Bamboo by Yanagisawa Kien (Sakata Yamagata).jpg 111.5 centimetres (3 ft 7.9 in) by 27.0 centimetres (10.6 in) 38°54′22″N139°50′30″E / 38.906129°N 139.841709°E / 38.906129; 139.841709 (Kamegasaki, Sakata)
Daruma, ink on paper, by Kaihō Yūshō
紙本墨画面壁達磨図 海北友松筆
shihon bokuga menpeki Daruma-zu Kaihō Yūshō hitsu
C16/17 Sakata private
(kept at Homma Museum of Art)
Daruma by Kaiho Yusho (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 104.0 centimetres (3 ft 4.9 in) by 39.0 centimetres (1 ft 3.4 in) 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Goose among reeds, ink on paper by Kōnome Sadashige
紙本墨画芦雁図 郷目貞繁
shihon bokuga rogan-zu Kōnome Sadashige hitsu
mid-C16 Kahoku private Goose among reeds by Konome Sadashige (Kahoku Yamagata).jpg 58.2 centimetres (1 ft 10.9 in) by 44.5 centimetres (1 ft 5.5 in) 38°23′41″N140°18′35″E / 38.394852°N 140.309637°E / 38.394852; 140.309637 (Mizonobe, Kahoku)
Views of Yamagata City, oil painting by Takahashi Yuichi
油彩山形市街図 高橋由一筆
yusai Yamagata-shi gai-zu (Takahashi Yuichi hitsu)
1885 Yamagata Yamagata Prefecture
(kept at Yamagata Museum of Art)
in 1881 and 1884 Takahashi Yuichi was commissioned by Mishima Michitsune to paint scenes of public works in Yamagata Prefecture; in the centre is the Yamagata Prefecture Office of 1877, on the right a school and the police headquarters, and on the left a museum [17] Views of Yamagata City by Takahashi Yuichi.jpg 151.1 centimetres (4 ft 11.5 in) by 104.4 centimetres (3 ft 5.1 in) 38°15′21″N140°19′57″E / 38.255832°N 140.332392°E / 38.255832; 140.332392 (Yamagata Museum of Art)

Municipal Cultural Properties

Properties designated at a municipal level include:

Jizō with the Ten Kings of Hell
Jizō jūō zu
C14 Sagae Kezō-in (華蔵院) Goryeo Buddhist painting Ksitigarbha with Ten Kings of Hell (Kezoin Sagae).jpg 115.2 centimetres (3 ft 9.4 in) by 59.1 centimetres (1 ft 11.3 in) 38°24′37″N140°15′07″E / 38.410289°N 140.252023°E / 38.410289; 140.252023 (Kezō-in)
Mount Fuji, byōbu, by Takeuchi Seihō
竹内棲鳳筆 冨士図 六曲屏風
Takeuchi Seihō hitsu Fuji zu rokkyoku byōbu
late C19 Sakata Homma Museum of Art pair of six-fold screens Fuji by Takeuchi Seiho (Homma Museum of Art).jpg Fuji by Takeuchi Seiho (Homma Museum of Art)r.jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Peonies, by Takahashi Sōhei
高橋草坪筆 牡丹図
Takahashi Sōhei hitsu botan zu
C19 Sakata private Peonies by Takahashi Sohei.jpg
Copperplate Landscapes, by Shiba Kōkan
司馬江漢筆 銅版風景図
Shiba Kōkan hitsu dōban fūkei zu
Edo period Sakata Homma Museum of Art seven prints Copperplate Landscape by Shiba Kokan (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
American Ship, by Honma Hokuyō
本間北曜筆 アメリカ船図
Honma Hokuyō hitsu Amerika-fune zu
1853 Sakata Homma Museum of Art from Perry's first visit American Ship by Honma Hokuyo (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Four Asleep, by Nagasawa Rosetsu
長沢芦雪筆 四睡図
Nagasawa Rosetsu hitsu shi-sui zu
C18 Sakata Homma Museum of Art the four sleeping figures are Hanshan, Shide, Fenggan, and a tiger [18] Four Asleep by Nagasawa Rosetsu (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Figures of Foreigners, emakimono, by Ohara Keizan
小原慶山筆 異人形容図巻
Ohara Keizan hitsu Ijin keiyō zu maki
C18 Sakata Homma Museum of Art Figures of Foreigners by Ohara Keizan (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Tao Yuanming, by Maruyama Ōkyo
円山応挙筆 五柳先生図
Maruyama Ōkyo hitsu Goryū Sensei zu
C18 Sakata
Mañjuśrī in the Clouds, by Kanō Tsunenobu
狩野常信筆 雲中文殊之図
Kanō Tsunenobu hitsu kumo naka Monju no zu
early Edo period Sakata
Broom, by Yosa Buson
與謝蕪村筆 箒図
Yosa Buson hitsu hōki zu
C18 Sakata
Hotei, by Itō Jakuchū
伊藤若冲筆 布袋図
Itō Jakuchū hitsu Hotei zu
C18 Sakata Homma Museum of Art Hotei by Ito Jakuchu (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Fierce Tiger, by Ganku
岸駒筆 猛虎図
Ganku hitsu mōko zu
Edo period Sakata Homma Museum of Art Tiger by Kishi Ganku (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Fishing-Folk, by Watanabe Kazan
渡辺崋山筆 漁民図 画賛
Watanabe Kazan hitsu Gyomin zu gasan
C19 Sakata
Revenge of the Loyal Samurai of Akō, by Yasuda Raishū
安田雷洲筆 赤穂義士復讐図
Yasuda Raishū hitsu Akō gishi fukushū zu
C19 Sakata Homma Museum of Art iconography borrowed from the Adoration of the Shepherds [19] Reward for 47 Ronin by Yasuda Raishu (Homma Museum of Art).jpg 38°55′24″N139°50′32″E / 38.923293°N 139.842117°E / 38.923293; 139.842117 (Homma Museum of Art)
Sakata Sannō Festival, byōbu, by Igarashi Unrei
五十嵐雲嶺筆 酒田山王例祭図 六曲屏風
Igarashi Unrei hitsu Sakata Sannō reisai rokkyoku byōbu
1851 Sakata privatepair of six-fold screens (detail pictured) Sakata Festival by Igarashi Unrei.jpg
Salted Salmon, by Ikeda Kametarō
池田亀太郎筆 塩鮭図
Ikeda Kametarō hitsu shiozake zu
C19/20 Sakata Sakata City Museum of Art cf. Takahashi Yuichi Salted Salmon by Ikeda Kametaro (Sakata City Museum of Art).jpg 38°53′35″N139°48′57″E / 38.893183°N 139.815897°E / 38.893183; 139.815897 (Sakata City Museum of Art)
Distant View of Matsuyama Castle, by Tanaka Seikyo
松山城遠望図 田中静居筆
Matsuyama-jō enbō zu Tanaka Seikyo hitsu
C19 Sakata Distant View of Matsuyama Castle by Tanaka Seikyo (Sakata).jpg

See also

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  1. "Cultural Properties for Future Generations". Agency for Cultural Affairs . Retrieved 18 August 2019.
  2. 国宝・重要文化財 [Number of National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 July 2019. Retrieved 18 August 2019.
  3. "Database of National Cultural Properties: 国宝・重要文化財(美術品)(絵画 山形県)" (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on 22 July 2019. Retrieved 18 August 2019.
  4. 1 2 山形県内の指定文化財 [Cultural Properties in Yamagata Prefecture] (in Japanese). Yamagata Prefecture. 2 November 2018. Retrieved 18 August 2019.
  5. "【国宝】紙本金地著色洛中洛外図 狩野永徳筆 六曲屏風" [Views in and around Kyoto, colours on paper, by Kanō Eitoku (NT)]. Yamagata Prefecture . Retrieved 8 October 2013.
  6. "rakuchuu rakugai-zu". Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System. 8 October 2013.
  7. "絹本著色阿弥陀三尊像" [Amida Triad, colours on silk]. Yamagata Prefecture . Retrieved 8 October 2013.
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