List of Historic Sites of Japan (Iwate)

Last updated

This list is of the Historic Sites of Japan located within the Prefecture of Iwate . [1]


National Historic Sites

As of 24 June 2024, thirty-four Sites have been designated as being of national significance (including three *Special Historic Sites). [2] [3]

*Chūson-ji Precinct
Chūson-ji keidai
Hiraizumi component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land [4]
Chuson-ji Precinct Chuson-ji Konjiki-do 201806.jpg
Chūson-ji Precinct
39°00′07″N141°06′00″E / 39.00186419°N 141.10007091°E / 39.00186419; 141.10007091 (Chūson-ji Precinct) 3 165
*Muryōkō-in ruins
Muryōkōin ato
Hiraizumi component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land [4]
Muryoko-in ruins 230728 Muryokoin Hiraizumi Iwate pref Japan14s3.jpg
Muryōkō-in ruins
38°59′35″N141°06′57″E / 38.99293001°N 141.1158882°E / 38.99293001; 141.1158882 (Muryōkō-in ruins) 3 117
*Mōtsū-ji Precinct and associated Chinjusha
毛越寺境内 附 鎮守社跡
Mōtsūji keidai tsuketari chinjūsha ato
Hiraizumi component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land [4]
Motsu-ji Precinct 230728 Motsuji Hiraizumi Iwate pref Japan13s3.jpg
Mōtsū-ji Precinct
38°59′26″N141°06′56″E / 38.99053116°N 141.11545706°E / 38.99053116; 141.11545706 (Mōtsū-ji Precinct) 3 116
Ayaorishinden Site
Ayaorishinden iseki
Tōno Jōmon period settlement ruins 39°19′01″N141°17′56″E / 39.31704513°N 141.29888505°E / 39.31704513; 141.29888505 (Ayaorishinden Site) 1 3344
Ōshū Kaidō
Ōshū Kaidō
Ichinohe, Iwate Edo period highway 40°14′20″N141°28′07″E / 40.2388038°N 141.46854328°E / 40.2388038; 141.46854328 (Ōshū Kaidō) 6 00003655
Shimofunato Shell Mound
Shimofunato kaizuka
Ōfunato Jōmon period shell midden 39°02′16″N141°43′09″E / 39.03776484°N 141.7190317°E / 39.03776484; 141.7190317 (Shimofunato Shell Mound) 1 129
Tsunozuka Kofun
Tsunozuka kofun
Ōshū Kofun period tumuli
Tsunozuka Kofun Tunozukakohun-1.jpg
Tsunozuka Kofun
39°08′29″N141°05′37″E / 39.14136172°N 141.09374587°E / 39.14136172; 141.09374587 (Tsunozuka Kofun) 1 168
Kabayama Site
Kabayama iseki
Kitakami Jōmon period settlement
Kabayama Site Kabayama Stone Circles.jpg
Kabayama Site
39°14′32″N141°07′48″E / 39.24234144°N 141.12987147°E / 39.24234144; 141.12987147 (Kabayama Site) 1 163
Hashino iron mining and smelting site
Hashino kōro ato
Kamaishi oldest Western-style blast furnace in Japan, built in 1858; influenced the development of the Yawata Steel Works and for this reason a component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining [5] [6]
Hashino Blast Furnace Site Hashino-sanbankouroato.jpg
Hashino Blast Furnace Site
39°20′36″N141°40′57″E / 39.34342274°N 141.6824396°E / 39.34342274; 141.6824396 (Hashino Blast Furnace Site) 6 157
Hiraizumi component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land [4]
Kinkeizan Mount Kinkeisan.JPG
38°59′36″N141°06′33″E / 38.99335037°N 141.10920153°E / 38.99335037; 141.10920153 (Kinkeizan) 2,3 3428
Kunohe Castle ruins
Kunohe-jō ato
Ninohe Muromachi period castle ruins
Kunohe Castle ruins Kunohejou001.jpg
Kunohe Castle ruins
40°16′04″N141°18′11″E / 40.26790019°N 141.30316196°E / 40.26790019; 141.30316196 (Kunohe Castle ruins) 2 134
Goshono site
Goshono iseki
Ichinohe component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Jōmon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan [7]
Goshono site Yu Suo Ye Yi Ji Gao Chuang Shi Cang Ku .JPG
Goshono site
40°11′53″N141°18′23″E / 40.19815136°N 141.30645834°E / 40.19815136; 141.30645834 (Goshono site) 1 169
Ezuriko Kofun Cluster
Ezuriko kofun-gun
Kitakami Kofun period tumuli
Ezuriko Kofun Cluster Eduriko Kohun Park.jpg
Ezuriko Kofun Cluster
39°17′29″N141°04′56″E / 39.29146211°N 141.08231253°E / 39.29146211; 141.08231253 (Ezuriko Kofun Cluster) 1 166
Former Residence of Takano Chōei
Takano Chōei kyū-taku
Ōshū Bakumatsu period rangaku scholar residence 39°08′30″N141°08′28″E / 39.14161321°N 141.14100696°E / 39.14161321; 141.14100696 (Former Residence of Takano Chōei) 8 128
Kunimisan temple ruins
Kunimisan Haiji ato
Kitakami Heian period temple ruins
Kunimisan temple ruins Gokurakuji,Kitakami,Iwate.jpg
Kunimisan temple ruins
39°15′48″N141°08′32″E / 39.263443°N 141.14212°E / 39.263443; 141.14212 (Kunimisan temple ruins) 3 3398
Honederamura Shōen ruins
Honederamura shōen iseki
Ichinoseki Heian period estate ruins
Honederamura Shoen Site Gu Si Cun Zhuang Yuan (Yi Guan Ben Si )7.jpg
Honederamura Shōen Site
38°58′54″N140°57′06″E / 38.9817021°N 140.95177743°E / 38.9817021; 140.95177743 (Honederamura Shōen Site) 6 3415
Sakiyama Shell Mound
Sakiyama kaizuka
Miyako Jōmon period shell midden
Sakiyama Shell Mound Sakiyama Shell midden sites museum, Miyako.jpg
Sakiyama Shell Mound
39°40′29″N141°57′41″E / 39.67463142°N 141.96144694°E / 39.67463142; 141.96144694 (Sakiyama Shell Mound) 1 170
Shiwa Castle ruins
Shiwa-jō ato
Morioka Heian period castle ruins
Shiwa Castle ruins Zhi Bo Cheng Wai Da Gou toZhu Di Pyeng .JPG
Shiwa Castle ruins
39°41′08″N141°06′22″E / 39.68555267°N 141.10624036°E / 39.68555267; 141.10624036 (Shiwa Castle ruins) 2 167
Morioka Castle
Morioka-jō ato
Morioka Edo period castle
Morioka Castle 171103 Morioka Castle Morioka Iwate pref Japan20s3.jpg
Morioka Castle
39°42′02″N141°09′04″E / 39.70066353°N 141.15108067°E / 39.70066353; 141.15108067 (Morioka Castle) 2 141
Ōsuzukami Site
Ōsuzukami iseki
Ōshū Jōmon period settlement ruins 39°06′47″N140°57′14″E / 39.11310698°N 140.95390454°E / 39.11310698; 140.95390454 (Ōsuzukami Site) 1 00003597
Ōhora Shell Mound
Ōhora kaizuka
Ōfunato Jōmon period shell midden 39°04′01″N141°44′40″E / 39.06681149°N 141.74457859°E / 39.06681149; 141.74457859 (Ōhora Shell Mound) 1 3299
Takonoura Shell Mound
Takonoura kaizuka
Ōfunato Jōmon period shell midden 39°02′08″N141°44′23″E / 39.0356528°N 141.7398608°E / 39.0356528; 141.7398608 (Takonoura Shell Mound) 1 130
Hiraizumi Heian period Buddhist site
Takkoku-no-Iwaya 230728 Takkoku-no-iwaya Bishamondo Hiraizumi Iwate pref Japan02s3.jpg
38°58′08″N141°03′29″E / 38.96901282°N 141.0581363°E / 38.96901282; 141.0581363 (Takkoku-no-Iwaya) 3 3414
Isawa Castle Site
Isawa-jō ato
Ōshū Heian period castle ruins
Isawa Castle Site Isawa Castle-2.JPG
Isawa Castle Site
39°10′51″N141°08′07″E / 39.18075357°N 141.13514156°E / 39.18075357; 141.13514156 (Isawa Castle Site) 2 118
Nakazawahama Shell Mound
Nakazawahama kaizuka
Rikuzentakata Jōmon period shell midden 38°57′16″N141°41′39″E / 38.95441924°N 141.69403949°E / 38.95441924; 141.69403949 (Nakazawahama Shell Mound) 1 131
Tokutan Castle ruins
Tokutan-jō ato
Yahaba Heian period castle ruins
Tokutan Castle ruins Tokutan Castle site.jpg
Tokutan Castle ruins
39°36′28″N141°10′21″E / 39.60777681°N 141.17236734°E / 39.60777681; 141.17236734 (Tokutan Castle ruins) 2 159
Nanbu-Date border mounds
Nanbu-ryō Date-ryō
Kitakami, Kanegasaki Edo period border markers 39°15′53″N141°03′03″E / 39.26466287°N 141.05074033°E / 39.26466287; 141.05074033 (Nambu-Date border mounds) 2 3252
Hatten Site
Hatten iseki
Kitakami Jōmon period settlement ruins 39°19′44″N141°09′26″E / 39.32894584°N 141.15726166°E / 39.32894584; 141.15726166 (Hatten Site) 1 164
Yanagi-no-Gosho and Sites of Hiraizumi
Yanagi-no-Gosho - Hiraizumi iseki-gun
Hiraizumi, Ōshū designation includes the sites in Ōshū of Chōjagahara temple ruins (長者ヶ原廃寺跡) and Shirotoridate ruins (白鳥舘遺跡), which formed part of the original 2006 World Heritage nomination of "Hiraizumi - Cultural Landscape Associated with Pure Land Buddhist Cosmology" [8] [9] [10]
Yanagi-no-Gosho Yanaginogosho Site.JPG
38°59′37″N141°07′09″E / 38.993611°N 141.119167°E / 38.993611; 141.119167 (Yanagi-no-Gosho) 2 171
Tonomi Palisade ruins
Tonomi-no-saku iseki
Kanegasaki Heian period castle ruins
Tonomi Palisade ruins Tonomi Palisade Marker.jpg
Tonomi Palisade ruins
39°11′22″N141°06′52″E / 39.18949°N 141.11450°E / 39.18949; 141.11450 (Tonomi Palisade ruins) 2 00003816
Yakata Site
Yakata iseki
Kamaishi 39°10′54″N141°53′43″E / 39.18165°N 141.89514°E / 39.18165; 141.89514 (Yakata Site) 1 00004110
Kuriki Iron Mine Site
Kuriki tetsuzan ato
Sumita 39°10′05″N141°25′08″E / 39.16816°N 141.41888°E / 39.16816; 141.41888 (Kuriki Iron Mine Site) 6 00004139
Nabekura Castle Site
Nabekura-jō ato
Tōno 39°19′35″N141°31′38″E / 39.326250°N 141.527311°E / 39.326250; 141.527311 (Nabekura Castle Site) 2 00004171
Kuroyama Old Cave Site
Kuroyama no mukashi ana iseki
Kunohe 40°14′14″N141°23′27″E / 40.237354°N 141.390856°E / 40.237354; 141.390856 (Kuroyama Old Cave Site)

Prefectural Historic Sites

As of 1 May 2024, thirty-seven Sites have been designated as being of prefectural importance. [11]

Noda Pit Dwelling Sites
Noda tateana jūkyo seki-gun
Noda 40°06′12″N141°48′10″E / 40.103216°N 141.802734°E / 40.103216; 141.802734 (Noda Pit Dwelling Sites)
Dorota temple ruins
Dorota Haiji ato
Ichinoseki 38°56′20″N141°06′50″E / 38.938925°N 141.113977°E / 38.938925; 141.113977 (Dorota Haiji Site)
Sekiya Cave Dwelling Site
Sekiya dōkutsu jūkyo ato
Ōfunato 39°07′39″N141°40′21″E / 39.127472°N 141.672446°E / 39.127472; 141.672446 (Sekiya Cave Dwelling Site)
Funakubo Cave
Funakubo dōkutsu
Shiwa 39°34′19″N141°14′46″E / 39.571855°N 141.246243°E / 39.571855; 141.246243 (Funakubo Cave)
Senba-Tsutsumi Pit Dwelling Site
Senba-Tsutsumi tateana jūkyo ato
Iwate 39°57′36″N141°10′49″E / 39.959904°N 141.180346°E / 39.959904; 141.180346 (Senba-Tsutsumi Pit Dwelling Site)
Imamatsu Pit Dwelling Site
Imamatsu tateana jūkyo ato
Iwate 39°57′43″N141°09′17″E / 39.961925°N 141.154833°E / 39.961925; 141.154833 (Imamatsu Pit Dwelling Site)
Ezomori Kofun
Ezomori kofun
Yahaba 39°37′02″N141°10′10″E / 39.617337°N 141.169519°E / 39.617337; 141.169519 (Ezomori Kofun)
Ukishima Kofun Cluster
Ukishima kofun-gun
Iwate 39°56′23″N141°08′50″E / 39.939653°N 141.147323°E / 39.939653; 141.147323 (Ukishima Kofun Cluster)
Nippei Site
Nippei iseki
Yahaba 39°19′07″N141°03′49″E / 39.318713°N 141.063720°E / 39.318713; 141.063720 (Nippei Site)
Myōgozawa Tile Excavation Site
Myōgozawa ko-kawara shutsudo-chi
Ōshū 39°05′05″N141°07′35″E / 39.084738°N 141.126466°E / 39.084738; 141.126466 (Myōgozawa Tile Excavation Site)
Futago and Narita Ichirizuka
Futago・Narita Ichirizuka
Kitakami 39°20′53″N141°07′49″E / 39.347992°N 141.130151°E / 39.347992; 141.130151 (Futago - Narita Ichirizuka)
Tannaisan Jinja Sutra Mound
Tannaisan Jinja kyōzuka
Hanamaki 39°20′49″N141°17′15″E / 39.346965°N 141.2874963°E / 39.346965; 141.2874963 (Tannaisan Jinja Sutra Mound)
Kaitori Shell Mound
Kaitori kaizuka
Ichinoseki 38°47′02″N141°10′20″E / 38.783850°N 141.172248°E / 38.783850; 141.172248 (Kaitori Shell Mound)
Shimokado Okahijirizuka
Shimokado Okahijirizuka
Kitakami 39°14′48″N141°08′22″E / 39.246541°N 141.139428°E / 39.246541; 141.139428 (Shimokado Okahijirizuka)
Shizukuishi Kaidō Ichirizuka
Shizukuishi Kaidō no ichirizuka
Takizawa, Shizukuishi 39°42′03″N141°03′00″E / 39.700781°N 141.049905°E / 39.700781; 141.049905 (Shizukuishi Kaidō Ichirizuka)
Ezo Ichirizuka
Ezo ichirizuka
Hanamaki 39°27′07″N141°08′19″E / 39.452068°N 141.138589°E / 39.452068; 141.138589 (Ezo Ichirizuka)
Isseki-Ichijō Sutra Mound
Isseki-Ichijō kyōzuka
Miyako 39°38′33″N141°56′30″E / 39.642420°N 141.941653°E / 39.642420; 141.941653 (Isseki-Ichijō Sutra Mound)
Matsusakigawa Ichirizuka
Matsusakigawa ichirizuka
Morioka 39°50′21″N141°28′52″E / 39.839229°N 141.481015°E / 39.839229; 141.481015 (Matsusakigawa Ichirizuka)
Bishamondōhira Ichirizuka
Bishamondōhira ichirizuka
Morioka 39°50′48″N141°25′50″E / 39.846767°N 141.430435°E / 39.846767; 141.430435 (Bishamondōhira Ichirizuka)
Tsukanosawa Ichirizuka
Tsukanosawa ichirizuka
Morioka 39°49′40″N141°23′06″E / 39.827786°N 141.385117°E / 39.827786; 141.385117 (Tsukanosawa Ichirizuka)
Ōhashi Ichirizuka
Ōhashi ichirizuka
Morioka 39°49′40″N141°19′38″E / 39.827654°N 141.327267°E / 39.827654; 141.327267 (Ōhashi Ichirizuka)
Onomatsu Ichirizuka
Onomatsu ichirizuka
Morioka 39°46′01″N141°09′57″E / 39.766985°N 141.165905°E / 39.766985; 141.165905 (Onomatsu Ichirizuka)
Niizuka Ichirizuka
Niizuka ichirizuka
Morioka 39°52′22″N141°11′03″E / 39.872792°N 141.184273°E / 39.872792; 141.184273 (Niizuka Ichirizuka)
Ōtake temple ruins
Ōtake Haiji ato
Kitakami 39°18′35″N141°09′39″E / 39.309821°N 141.160852°E / 39.309821; 141.160852 (Ōtake Haiji Site)
Takahatake Ichirizuka
Takahatake ichirizuka
Morioka 39°41′16″N141°14′56″E / 39.687661°N 141.248815°E / 39.687661; 141.248815 (Takahatake Ichirizuka)
Kuribayashi Copper Mint ruins
Kuribayashi zeniza ato
Kamaishi 39°20′07″N141°49′22″E / 39.335151°N 141.822890°E / 39.335151; 141.822890 (Kuribayashi Copper Mint Site)
Kawarage Tile Kiln ruins
Kawarage kawara kama ato
Shiwa 39°34′05″N141°09′14″E / 39.568139°N 141.153825°E / 39.568139; 141.153825 (Kawarage Tile Kiln Site)
Kotsunagi Ichirizuka
Kotsunagi ichirizuka
Ichinohe 40°07′00″N141°16′32″E / 40.116795°N 141.275522°E / 40.116795; 141.275522 (Kotsunagi Ichirizuka)
Ueda Ichirizuka
Ueda ichirizuka
Morioka 39°44′08″N141°08′35″E / 39.735426°N 141.143032°E / 39.735426; 141.143032 (Ueda Ichirizuka)
Kouchikyū Ichirizuka
Kouchikyū ichirizuka
Hanamaki 39°29′30″N141°08′35″E / 39.491705°N 141.143063°E / 39.491705; 141.143063 (Kouchikyū Ichirizuka)
Tamagawa Iron Mine ruins
Tamagawa tetsuzan ato
Karumai 40°16′53″N141°34′33″E / 40.281269°N 141.575927°E / 40.281269; 141.575927 (Tamagawa Iron Mining Site)
Ōzuchi Castle ruins
Ōzuchi-jō ato
Ōtsuchi Da Chui Cheng Ji Shi Bei .jpg 39°21′42″N141°53′46″E / 39.361710°N 141.896195°E / 39.361710; 141.896195 (Ōzuchi Castle Site)
Tateishino Ichi Site
Tateishino ichi iseki
Tanohata 39°54′09″N141°55′40″E / 39.902549°N 141.927798°E / 39.902549; 141.927798 (Tateishino Ichi Site)
Ōdate Settlement Site
Ōdate-chō ato
Morioka inhabited from the late Jōmon to the Heian period 39°42′55″N141°06′50″E / 39.715147°N 141.113772°E / 39.715147; 141.113772 (Ōdate Settlement Site)
Kuroyama Pit Dwelling Site
Kuroyama no mukashi ana iseki
Kunohe 40°14′15″N141°23′27″E / 40.237387°N 141.390909°E / 40.237387; 141.390909 (Kuroyama Pit Dwelling Site)
Kuriki Iron Mine Site
Kuriki tetsuzan ato
Sumita 39°10′05″N141°25′08″E / 39.168058°N 141.418948°E / 39.168058; 141.418948 (Kuriki Iron Mine Site)
Yubunezawa Stone Circle
Yubunezawa kanjō resseki
Takizawa Tang Zhou Ze Huan Zhuang Lie Shi noYi Bu 2.jpg 39°46′52″N141°05′51″E / 39.781165°N 141.097504°E / 39.781165; 141.097504 (Yubunezawa Stone Circle)

Municipal Historic Sites

As of 1 May 2024, a further one hundred and eighty-five Sites have been designated as being of municipal importance. [12]

See also


  1. "Cultural Properties for Future Generations". Agency for Cultural Affairs . Retrieved 24 June 2024.
  2. 史跡名勝天然記念物 [Number of Monuments of Japan by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 June 2024. Retrieved 24 June 2024.
  3. "Database of National Cultural Properties: 史跡名勝天然記念物 (史跡, 特別史跡 岩手県)" (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs . Retrieved 24 June 2024.
  4. 1 2 3 4 "Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land". UNESCO . Retrieved 14 June 2012.
  5. "Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining". UNESCO . Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  6. "Hashino Iron Mining and Smelting Site". Kyuyama. Archived from the original on 16 October 2013. Retrieved 14 June 2012.
  7. "Jomon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan". UNESCO . Retrieved 24 December 2022.
  8. 長者ヶ原廃寺跡 [Chōjagahara Haiji Site] (in Japanese). Iwate Prefecture. Archived from the original on 20 April 2012. Retrieved 3 August 2012.
  9. 白鳥舘遺跡 [Shirotori-tate Site] (in Japanese). Iwate Prefecture. Archived from the original on 20 April 2012. Retrieved 3 August 2012.
  10. 世界遺産の概要 [World Heritage Site: summary] (in Japanese). Iwate Prefecture. Archived from the original on 13 June 2012. Retrieved 3 August 2012.
  11. 都道府県別指定等文化財件数(都道府県分) [Number of Prefectural Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 May 2024. Retrieved 25 February 2025.
  12. 都道府県別指定等文化財件数(市町村分) [Number of Municipal Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 May 2024. Retrieved 25 February 2025.