List of Ultraman Leo characters

Last updated

This is a list of characters for the 1974 Ultra Series Ultraman Leo .



Ultraman Leo

Ultraman Leo (ウルトラマンレオ, Urutoraman Reo) is the titular protagonist of his series, who took on the appearance of 20-year-old Gen Ootori (おゝとり ゲン, Ōtori Gen) [a] and worked as an instructor of Jonan Sports Center. In contrast to the previous Showa Ultras, Leo's home world was the Planet L77 of Leo Constellation (獅子座L77星, Shishi-za Eru Nana-ju Nana Sei) instead of Land of Light in Nebula M78.

Leo was one of the survivors of his home world's destruction by the hands of Alien Magma and his Giras monsters. Ever since adopting a human identity, Gen views Earth as his second home and committed to defend it no matter the cost. Having rescued Seven from Alien Magma, Gen was enrolled into MAC as their seventh member and took over the former's mission to fight against monster threats. Despite his new job, Gen was still permitted to visit Jonan in his free time. Being an Ultraman in disguise, Gen displays excellent body performance and senses but due to his young age, he is prone to make irrational decisions and would even pick a fight with others. However, Gen builds up a character development as the series progressed thanks to his interaction with humans and training provided by Dan, as well as protecting Earth while maintaining friendship with MAC members. By the time MAC was annihilated in episode 40, Gen and Toru live with the Miyama family as they team up to investigate Saucer Monster attacks through his previous experiences. By the end of the season, Gen bids farewell to Toru as he left traveling on a yacht.

As Ultraman Leo, Gen transforms with the Leo Ring (レオリング, Reo Ringu) on his left hand. [b] [2] [3] [4] [5] Being an Ultraman from another world, Leo's time limit on Earth is 2 minutes and 40 seconds, while his abdomen bears the Secret Sign (シークレットサイン, Shīkuretto Sain) that functions as coat of arms for L77 inhabitants. [6] As an Ultraman who uses martial arts proficiency in combat (Karate and Space Kenpō (宇宙拳法, Uchū Kenpō)), Leo's main finishing move is Leo Kick (レオキック, Reo Kikku), a flying kick attack with multiple variations of it shown in the series progress. [7] He can also perform beam finishers, such as Leo Cross Beam (レオクロスビーム, Reo Kurosu Bīmu), Dark Shooter (ダークシューター, Dāku Shūtā) and Shooting Beam (シューティングビーム, Shūtingu Bīmu). [8] [9] He can also wield weapons in combat:

Gen Ootori is portrayed by Ryu Manatsu (真夏 竜, Manatsu Ryū). [15]

Tooru Umeda

Tooru Umeda (梅田 トオル, Umeda Tōru) [c] is a 10 year old recurring character who eventually becomes the supporting protagonist. One of the students of Jonan Sports Center, Tooru views Gen as an older brother, especially after being orphaned by Alien Tsuruk and was adopted by Momoko alongside his younger sister Kaoru. With Kaoru and his friends from Jonan Sports Center were killed by Silver Bloome, Tooru lives with the Miyama family. The loss of his family members and his close friends nearly drove Tooru to the point of despair, which Nova exploited but slowly moves on with Gen's moral support. In the final episode, Tooru discovered Gen's identity as Ultraman Leo and was held captive by Commander Black as a leverage for Leo in against Black End until several children that Gen tutored freed him as they beat Commander Black to death. Tooru bids farewell to Gen as they parted ways.

Tooru Umeda is portrayed by Tsunehiro Arai (新井 つねひろ, Arai Tsunehiro). [15]


The Monster Attacking Crew (モンスターアタッキングクルー, Monsutā Atakkingu Kurū), abbreviated as MAC (マック, Makku), is an attack team which succeeded the Earth Defense Force (地球防衛隊, Chikyū Bōei-tai). The floating headquarters are MAC Stations (MACステーション, Makku Sutēshon), operating above the major cities of United States, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The series' main setting is the Asia branch of MAC, but whereas there are multiple MAC operation bases on Japan, Dan Moroboshi commanded the Space Patrol Team (宇宙パトロール隊, Uchū Patorōru-tai). Differing from past attack teams, there are multiple replacement officers and those who were killed in duty. Eventually in episode 40, all officers except Dan and Gen were killed when Silver Bloome destroyed the Asia branch MAC Station.

Early members

With the exception of Dan and Gen, all officers that debuted in episode 1 had their names revolved around the Japanese words for colors.

Later additions
One-off members


Mechas and vehicles


Note: Neither of these vehicles were used in-story.

Other main characters

Jonan Sports Center

Jonan Sports Center (城南スポーツセンター, Jōnan Supōtsu Sentā) is a private organization that promotes sports, with Gen taking the job as an instructor. Although Gen's close friends have died in Silver Bloome's attack, Jonan Sports Center still exists and Gen still maintains his job until the final episode.

Miyama family

Other Ultras


Astra (アストラ, Asutora) is the younger brother of Ultraman Leo, who as well survive their planet's destruction and occasionally forms the tag team duo Leo Brothers (レオ兄弟, Reo Kyōdai). Aside from being a younger brother, he was an identical twin to Leo, but received a surgery that altered his face as a result of treating his injuries. [20] Being a former captor of the Alien Magma race, the Magmatic Chain (マグマチックチェーン, Magumachikku Chēn) on his left thigh serves as a reminder from his fateful day before Ultraman King rescued him. [21]

Astra first appeared in episode 22 to help Leo in fighting against monster siblings Gallon and Litter. Ever since then, he would appear to help his brother in occasional moments. In a two parter episode 38–39, Astra was left frozen and impersonated by Alien Babarue to steal the Ultra Key from the Planet Ultra and put it on a collision course with Earth. Ultraman King would later on expose Babarue's deception, allowing Leo to save his younger brother and undo the damages his impostor had made. Astra's final appearance was assisting Leo in against Saucer Monster Hungler.

Instead of assuming a human form, Astra wanders alone in space and only returns when he is needed. In contrast to Leo's Space Kenpo and Karate, Astra fights with kickboxing. By himself, Astra can manipulate sunlight as a blinding light force, performing Astra Chop (アストラチョップ, Asutora Choppu) and shrinks his body with Ultra Reduction (ウルトラリダクション, Urutora Ridakushon) to destroy an opponent from within. [22] Alongside Leo, Astra can perform combination attacks, such as Ultra Double Flasher (ウルトラダブルフラッシャー, Urutora Daburu Furasshā) and Ultra Double Spark (ウルトラダブルスパーク, Urutora Daburu Supāku). [22] [21] In Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 , Astra can perform Astra Kick (アストラキック, Asutora Kikku) and Leo's Red Shuriken Beam (レッド手裏剣ビーム, Reddo Shuriken Bīmu).

In episodes 38 and 39, Astra is voiced by Junji Maruyama (丸山 純二, Maruyama Junji). [23]

Ultraman King

Ultraman King (ウルトラマンキング, Urutoraman Kingu) is a legendary Ultra who lives alone in Planet King (キング星, Kingu Sei), aged 300,000 years old. [24] [25] In the past, King had rescued Astra from Alien Magma's captivity but was unable to destroy the Magmatic Chain on his left thigh. [21]

King first appeared in episode 26 to help Leo after he was shrunken by an alien sorcerer Pressure, giving the former his Ultra Mantle as an advantage in combat. When Alien Babarue posed as Astra to stir up the conflict between Leo and the Ultra Brothers, King interfered and exposed Babarue's treachery as he broke the Ultra Key while informing Leo of Astra's actual location. After Leo was horribly dismembered by Commander Black, King uses King Revival Ray (キング再生光線, Kingu Saisei Kōsen) to reconstitute the former in the nick of time to stop Bunyo's reign of terror. [26]

Ultraman King's known features are the Ultra Mantle, which he gave one to Leo and the King Top (キングトップ, Kingu Toppu) belt that allows him to perceive events in multiverse. [13] [27] With the King Hammer (キングハンマー, Kingu Hanmā), he can regrow Ultraman Leo back to his original size. [26] His main attacks are King Flasher (キングフラッシャー, Kingu Furasshā) beam, King Spark (キングスパーク, Kingu Supāku) lightning and Baptism Ray (洗礼光線, Senrei Kōsen) to expose an impostor. [24] [26]

Ultraman King is voiced by Motomu Kiyokawa (清川 元夢, Kiyokawa Motomu) in episode 39 and Hiroshi Masuoka (増岡 弘, Masuoka Hiroshi) in episode 50. [23]

Inter-Galactic Defense Force


Melos (メロス, Merosu) is the captain of Inter-Galactic Defense Force's Andromeda Nebula Branch and is one of the protagonists of The Ultraman manga, in addition to Zoffy. When the Jackal Army announce their genocide against the Ultra Warriors, Melos rescued his brethren on Earth and lead the 28 survivors to face the army on Planet Jackal. He was defeated when Jackal feigned his surrender, but Zoffy wore his Cosmo Tector in order to pose as Melos and delay the army while Mother of Ultra revived the slain Ultra Brothers for a counterattack.

Melos wears the Cosmo Tector (コスモテクター, Kosumo Tekutā) armor which granted his a number of arsenals, such as Andrang (アンドラン, Andoran) boomerang and Andro Laser N75 (アンドロレーザーN75, Andoro Rēzā Enu Nanajū-go) shoulder cannons. The armors can telepathically detached and reassemble to his body to his own liking. His main finishing move is Laser Shot Andro Melos (レーザーショットアンドロメロス, Rēzā Shotto Andoro Merosu).

As with all male characters in the 2015 animated adaptation of The Ultraman, Melos is voiced by Kōichi Yamadera (山寺 宏一, Yamadera Kōichi). [28]


Alien Magma

Sabre Tyrant Alien Magma (サーベル暴君 マグマ星人, Sāberu Bōkun Maguma Seijin, 1, 2, 30) is an evil alien who had destroyed countless planets, including Leo's home world L77. [29] [30] Despite his notoriety, Magma is not very adept in actual battles and only participate when his monsters Red and Black Giras are dominant. In episodes 1 and 2, he is the black-caped Heavy Armed Type (重武装タイプ, Jū Busō Taipu), equipped with a 25-meter-long pata Magma Saber (マグマサーベル, Maguma Sāberu) that can fire Laser Ray (レーザー光線, Rēzā Kōsen) on his right arm and Magma Hook (マグマフック, Maguma Fukku) on his left arm. [29] [31] [32] [33] [34] Alien Magma had sent both the Giras twins on Earth to sink Japan, fighting against Seven before Leo appeared to save him. In his second appearance, Leo's necessity for vengeance against Magma caused him to lose the fight. When Leo finally killed the Giras twins in their final confrontation, Magma was forced to retreat.

In episode 30, Alien Magma returned in an attempt to court the beautiful monster Rolan. While assaulting her for refusing his proposal, Gen in Maccy 3 opened fire to give Rolan a chance to escape. Magma would shrunk to human size and hunt several kids who possessed pinwheels made by Rolan. When Rolan was about to leave Earth, Magma tried to kill her as penance for refusing his proposal until Leo interfered, using her pinwheel to pierce through Magma's heart, finally avenging his parents on Planet L77. While lacking the mantle, Magma retained the same abilities and weapon as first episode in addition to Arrow Ray (アロー光線, Arō Kōsen), shooting a stream of needles from his hand. [29] [35]

The Alien Magma in episodes 1 and 2 is portrayed by Yoshihisa Uragami (浦上 嘉久, Uragami Yoshihisa). [36] The identity of the Alien Magma in episode 30 is ambiguous, as the episode itself and magazine Ultraman Pictorial: Warrior of Light's 35 Years Steps (ウルトラマン画報 光の戦士三十五年の歩み, Urutoraman Gahō Hikari no Senshi Sanjūgo-nen no Ayumi) claimed him to be the same Magma from episodes 1 and 2 whereas other magazines would contradict this theory. [29] [35] [37] [38]

Ultra Killer Gorgo

Hitman Alien Ultra Killer Gorgo (殺し屋宇宙人 ウルトラキラーゴルゴ, Koroshiya Uchūjin Urutora Kirā Gorugo) is an alien bounty hunter known for his reputation in outer space. According to Dan and Kotaro, Gorgo is powerful enough to kill an Ultra Warrior, so much so that only Ultraman Ace's Space Q can kill him. Gorgo was hired by Alien Magma to kill Ultraman Leo in exchange of a planet under his rule. When Magma was discovered threatening Leo with his comrades at Jonan Sports Center, Gorgo forfeited the match and decided to fight Leo under fair terms, going as far as to allow his opponent to bring an ally with him as penance from earlier. Unfortunately this become his undoing as Dan summoned Kotaro, who becomes Taro and performed Double Strium Ray against Gorgo to kill the bounty hunter.

Alien Babarue

Dark Alien Alien Babarue (暗黒星人 ババルウ星人, Ankoku Seijin Babarū Seijin, 38, 39) is the ruler of the dark universe (暗黒宇宙の支配者, Ankoku Uchū no Shihai-sha) who was the feared opponent of the Ultra Brothers, having targeted the Planet Ultra and fought them in numerous occasions. [29] [39] [40]

After freezing Astra, Babarue took the form of Imit-Astra (にせアストラ, Nise Asutora) and steal the Ultra Key (ウルトラキー, Urutora Kī) to send the Land of Light towards a collision with Earth. [41] [42] When the Ultra Brothers arrived on Earth, Imit-Astra deceived Leo into protecting him from the Ultra Brothers, to the point of being a forced meat shield from their combined attack until Ultraman King arrived and exposed Babarue's true identity, breaking the Key so he couldn't use it for its alternate purpose, a superweapon capable of blowing planets to pieces with a single shot. As the Land of Light continued on its course to Earth, Babarue's plan almost came to fruition, but Leo rescued Astra, commencing the plan to save both planets. While Astra took the Ultra Key to the Land of Light to be repaired and reinstated, Leo faced Babarue in battle and destroyed him, ending the alien's plans for the destruction of Earth and the Land of Light.

Babarue's main weapons were a Kusari-fundo launched from his left arm and a retractable arm cutter on his right. He can also perfectly disguise as an Ultraman without any traces of flaws.

Alien Babarue is voiced by Motomu Kiyokawa, who also voiced King the same episodes that the former appeared. Meanwhile, his disguise as Astra is voiced by the former's voice actor, Junji Maruyama. [23]

Commander Black

Commander Black (ブラック指令, Burakku Shirei, 40-51) [d] is a mysterious man clad in black clothing who commanded the Saucer Monster attacks on Earth. Commander Black is notable for being the first and only antagonist in the Ultra Series to completely wipe out a human team, using Silver Bloome to kill and consume almost everyone in MAC, with only Dan and Gen escaping with their lives. Although his reason to invade Earth was never specified, the 2001 magazine Kokoro ni Ultraman Leo (心にウルトラマンレオ, Kokoro ni Urutoraman Reo, Within Ultraman Leo's Heart) reveals that Commander Black invaded Earth to avenge Babarue's death, with his position as an invader is bigger than Alien Magma. [45]

With the crystal ball in his possession, Commander Black directed his Saucer Monsters from Black Star to invade Earth. However, as all of them were beaten by Ultraman Leo, Black summoned his last Saucer Creature Black End to challenge Leo into a final showdown and kidnap Tooru as his hostage until a group of children led by Ayumi attacked him. Tooru would later be freed and threw Commander Black's crystal ball to Leo, who used it to defeat Black End. With his Saucer Monster destroyed, Commander Black was reduced to a pile of bubbles in his final breath.

Commander Black is portrayed by Takeshi Ōbayashi (大林 丈史, Ōbayashi Takeshi). [46]

Saucer Creatures

The Saucer Creatures (円盤生物, Enban Seibutsu, 40-51) [e] are a type of Kaiju deployed from the demonic planet Black Star (ブラックスター, Burakku Sutā). [44] Through Commander Black's crystal ball, the Black Star would send a Saucer Monster as Leo destroyed them one-by-one. When Black End, the final Saucer Monster defeated, the Black Star try to destroy Earth on a collision course until Leo destroys it with Shooting Beam. Following the destruction of Black Star, Roberuga (ロベルガー, Roberugā) - a new Saucer Monster unrelated to the original set but connected to them by being formed from the wreckage of Black Star - appears in Ultraman Mebius , which takes place 34 years later in the main continuity's timeline.

With the exception of Bunyo, they are shown to be a composite of Earth creature and astrobiology. Befitting their race, they can turn themselves into flying saucers for easy transportation. Several of them can shrink into the size of humans, allowing them to blend in the human society unnoticed as Leo would only take action upon their return to actual sizes. The destruction of MAC by Silver Bloome leaves Earth with no means of countering alien invasions. Each Saucer Monster displays a different level of intelligence:


Demonic Space Overlord "Demon King Jackal" (宇宙大魔王 ジャッカル大魔王, Uchū Daimaō Jakkaru Daimaō) is the antagonist of 1975 manga, The Ultraman, illustrated by Mamoru Uchiyama.

The leader of the eponymous Jackal Army (ジャッカル軍団, Jakkaru Gundan), Jackal was banished into the black hole by Ultraman King for his crimes against the universe. Unfortunately, the black hole itself empowers Jackal long enough for him to escape and lead his army in an attempted genocide against the Ultra Warriors, forcing the survivors to take refuge on Earth. On Earth, members of the Jackal Army try to force Zoffy into surrendering himself, but the recent arrival of Melos turn the tides of the battle and lead the surviving Ultras into storming Planet Jackal and attacked their leader. The Demon King Jackal managed to defeat Melos by feigning surrender but Zoffy dons the Cosmo Tector to mislead the Jackal Army, allowing Mother of Ultra to revive the fallen Ultra Brothers and obliterate the Demon King. With peace returning to the universe, the surviving Jackal Army ceased fighting and surrender themselves.

The Demon King Jackal is capable of assuming various forms to assassinate the Ultra Warriors; Zetton in against Ultraman, Alien Nackle and Black King against Returned Ultraman, Ace Killer against Ace, Birdon against Taro and Zoffy against the Leo Brothers.

As with all male characters, Demon King Jackal is voiced by Koichi Yamadera when The Ultraman was adapted into a 2015 short animation.


  1. Name is according to the romanization from Crunchyroll subtitle. [1] The Hiragana for Ootori (とり) can also be perceived as おとり.
  2. In the television series, it was previously named as the Lion's Eyes (獅子の瞳, Shishi no Hitomi).
  3. Name is based on Crunchyroll's translation.
  4. The kanji "指令" is actually read as "Directive", sharing the same pronunciation with Commander (司令, Shirei). [43] This is a result of a typing error in the show, thus the English notation is indeed "Commander" by official sources. [29] [44]
  5. In Crunchyroll, it is translated as either "Saucer Race" or "living flying saucer", the latter from episode 40.
  6. Translated as "Silver Blume" in Crunchyroll.
  7. Translated as "Black Dome" in Crunchyroll.
  8. Translated as "Absorba" in Crunchyroll.
  9. Translated as "Black Garon" in Crunchyroll.
  10. Translated as "Hangler" in Crunchyroll.
  11. Translated as "Black Therina" in Crunchyroll.
  12. In real life, only props of Sakura shells were used since real shells are hard to find in Tokyo suburbs. [50]
  13. Translated as "Satan Mois" in Crunchyroll.
  14. Name is from Tsuburaya All Monsters Photobook. [43] Other sources stated it as Miniature Strange Birds (小型怪鳥, Kogata Kaichō), [51] Little Strange Birds (小怪鳥, Ko Kaichō) [29] or Miniature Strange Bird Saucer (小型怪鳥円盤, Kogata Kaichō Enban). [40] [44]
  15. Translated as "Nouva" in Crunchyroll.
  16. In English notation, he is either called as "Alien Bunyo" or "Bunyo the Alien". [29] [44]


  1. 1 2 3 4 心にレオ 2001, p. 60
  2. ウルトラ怪獣大全集 1984 , pp. 70–71, 「ウルトラマンレオ」
  3. 1 2 3 画報 上巻 2002 , pp. 176–180
  4. 心にレオ 2001, p. 12.
  5. 僕たち 2003, p. 76.
  6. "レオとアストラの腹部についているのは?" (in Japanese). Archived from the original on April 10, 2019. Retrieved 10 April 2019.
  7. 超技全書 1990, p. 70-71, 「蹴り技」.
  8. 超技全書 1990, p. 78.
  9. 超技全書 1990, p. 79.
  10. 超技全書 1990, p. 81.
  11. 超技全書 1990, p. 77.
  12. "ヌンチャクで戦うウルトラマン" (in Japanese). Retrieved 10 April 2019.
  13. 1 2 "ウルトラマンレオのマント" (in Japanese). Retrieved 11 April 2019.
  14. 超技全書 1990, p. 80, 「ウルトラマント」.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "充実の特典映像は必見!「ウルトラマンレオ Blu-ray BOX」発売!" (in Japanese). 2018-12-21. Retrieved 2019-04-12.
  16. 1 2 3 心にレオ 2001 , p. 61
  17. 白書 1982, p. 162.
  18. 心にレオ 2001, p. 73.
  19. "円⾕特撮メカ 第4回 МAC(宇宙パトロール隊)所属 マックモール" (in Japanese). Retrieved 12 August 2019.
  20. "レオとアストラは双子" (in Japanese). Retrieved 11 April 2019.
  21. 1 2 3 ウルトラ怪獣大全集 1984 , p. 72, 「アストラ」
  22. 1 2 超技全書 1990 , pp. 104–105, 「アストラ 全技」
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 6 円谷プロ画報. Vol. 第1巻. 竹書房. 2013. p. 231. ISBN   978-4-8124-9491-2.
  24. 1 2 ウルトラ怪獣大全集 1984 , p. 73, 「ウルトラマンキング」
  25. "ウルトラヒーローの最年長者は?" (in Japanese). Retrieved 2017-04-18.
  26. 1 2 3 超技全書 1990 , pp. 104–105, 「ウルトラマンキング 全技」
  27. "キングトップ" (in Japanese). Retrieved 11 April 2019.
  28. "ザ・ウルトラマン 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市" (in Japanese). Japan Animator Expo. Archived from the original on 2017-12-12. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  29. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 白書 1982 , pp. 184–185, 「ウルトラマンレオ 怪獣リスト」
  30. 画報 上巻 2002, pp. 182, 191.
  31. ウルトラ怪獣大全集 1984, p. 74.
  32. 大辞典 2001, p. 301.
  33. 画報 上巻 2002, p. 182.
  34. 円谷プロ全怪獣図鑑 2013, p. 117.
  35. 1 2 画報 上巻 2002 , pp. 191
  36. 円谷プロ画報. Vol. 第1巻. 竹書房. 2013. p. 230. ISBN   978-4-8124-9491-2.
  37. ウルトラ怪獣大全集 1984, p. 79.
  38. 全怪獣怪人. Vol. 上巻. 勁文社. 1990. p. 293. ISBN   4-7669-0962-3.
  39. 画報 上巻 2002, p. 194.
  40. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ウルトラ怪獣大全集 1984 , pp. 80–81, 「ウルトラマンレオ 全怪獣」
  41. "ウルトラマンレオを苦しめた凶悪宇宙人達とTシャツ界の悪童「ハードコアチョコレート」が再び手を組んだ!最凶のオリジナルデザインTシャツ第2弾が登場!" (in Japanese). 2014-06-19. Retrieved 6 March 2020.
  42. "『ウルトラ怪獣散歩』3rdシーズン突入!都電荒川線をまさかのジャック!? 5/21(日)24:00~フジテレビONE/フジテレビONEsmartにてスタート!" (in Japanese). 2017-05-18. Retrieved 2020-03-06.
  43. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 円谷プロ全怪獣図鑑 2013, pp. 124–125
  44. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 画報 上巻 2002, pp. 194–198
  45. 心にレオ 2001, p. 56.
  46. "1/20(土)~28(日)のウルトライベント情報!" (in Japanese). 2018-01-19. Retrieved 14 April 2019.
  47. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 全怪獣怪人・中 2003 , pp. 350–351
  48. 大辞典 2001, p. 12-28, 「あ」.
  49. 1 2 大辞典 2001 , pp. 218–226, 「て」
  50. 心にレオ 2001, p. 219.
  51. 1 2 3 大辞典 2001 , pp. 141–155, 「さ」
  52. 全怪獣怪人・中 2003, p. 351.
  53. 大辞典 2001, p. 42.
