List of United States Navy ships present at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941

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29 ft
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>49 ft
Army base
Navy base
1:USS California 2:USS Maryland 3:USS Oklahoma 4:USS Tennessee
5:USS West Virginia 6:USS Arizona 7:USS Nevada 8:USS Pennsylvania 9:Ford Island NAS 10:Hickam field
A:Oil storage tanks B:CINCPAC headquarters building C:Submarine base D:Navy Yard Pearlmap2.png
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  Army base
  Navy base
1:USS California 2:USS Maryland 3:USS Oklahoma 4:USS Tennessee
5:USS West Virginia 6:USS Arizona 7:USS Nevada 8:USS Pennsylvania 9:Ford Island NAS 10:Hickam field
A:Oil storage tanks B:CINCPAC headquarters building C:Submarine base D:Navy Yard

List of United States Navy ships present at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, including commissioned warships and service auxiliaries, but not yard craft assigned to the Fourteenth Naval District. Destroyer Division 80, consisting of the four old destroyers Allen, Chew, Schley, and Ward; USCG cutter Taney; gunboat Sacramento; and auxiliaries Cockatoo, Condor, Crossbill, Reedbird, and Sunnadin were part of Fourteenth Naval District. The remainder listed were assigned to the Pacific Fleet.



Ship NameDesigStatusNotesLinks
Pennsylvania BB-38Damaged gun, final repairs at Hunters Point in drydock No. 1, with Cassin and Downes. Three propeller shafts removed.
Arizona BB-39Sunk, total loss, not salvagedMoored Battleship row, berth F-7 forward of Nevada aft of Tennessee
Nevada BB-36Seriously damaged, beached, salvaged, repaired at Puget Sound Moored aft of Arizona at berth F-8
Oklahoma BB-37Sunk, total loss, salvaged and scrappedMoored Battleship row, outboard of Maryland at berth F-5, forward of West Virginia
Tennessee BB-43Relatively minor damage, repaired by February 1942Moored starboard side to berth F-6, next to West Virginia and forward of Arizona
California BB-44Sunk, floated, rebuilt by January 1944 at Puget SoundMoored starboard side to, at berth F-3.
Maryland BB-46Damaged, two bomb hits, repaired by February 26, 1942 at Puget SoundMoored on Battleship row, inboard of Oklahoma at berth F-5, forward of Tennessee
West Virginia BB-48Sunk, floated, rebuilt by July 1944 at Puget SoundMoored outboard of Tennessee at berth F-6, forward of Arizona
New Orleans CA-32Minor damage, repaired at Pearl Harbor and Mare IslandMoored at Berth B-16, Navy Yard Pearl Harbor undergoing engine repairs
San Francisco CA-38UndamagedUnder overhaul at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard berth B-17
Raleigh CL-7Damaged by torpedo, repaired at Pearl Harbor and Mare IslandMoored at berth F-12, forward of Utah, aft of Detroit
Detroit CL-8UndamagedMoored at berth F-13, aft of Raleigh
Phoenix CL-46UndamagedBerth C-6
Honolulu CL-48Minor damage from a bomb near missMoored at berth B-21, Navy Yard, with St. Louis outboard
St. Louis CL-49Minor bullet hitsMoored outboard of Honolulu at Berth B-21, Navy Yard,
Helena CL-50Seriously damaged, repaired by mid-1942 at Mare Island Moored at berth B-2 Naval station with Oglala
Allen DD-66UndamagedMoored to Chew, Solace nearby to port, berth X-5.
Schley DD-103UndamagedMoored in a nest of ships undergoing overhaul in berth B-20, unarmed.
Chew DD-106Undamagedberthed at X-5 to Allen
Ward DD-139Undamagedpatrolling channel entrance to Pearl Harbor
Dewey DD-349Undamagedmoored berth X-2 with Phelps, MacDonough, Worden, Hull and Dobbin
Farragut DD-348UndamagedMoored at Berth X-14 with Aylwin, Farragut, Dale and Monaghan (starboard to port)
Hull DD-350Very minor damage from a bomb near-missberth X-2, nested with Dobbins, Dewey, Worden, MacDonough, and Phelps
Macdonough DD-351Undamagedberth X-2, nested with Dobbins, Hull, Dewey, Worden and Phelps
Worden DD-352Undamagedmoored Berth X-2, undergoing routine upkeep alongside portside of the Dobbin. Nested to portside were Hull, Phelps, Dewey and MacDonough
Dale DD-353UndamagedMoored at Berth X-14 with Aylwin, Farragut, Dale and Monaghan (starboard to port)
Monaghan DD-354UndamagedMoored at Berth X-14 with Aylwin, Farragut, Dale and Monaghan (starboard to port)
Aylwin DD-355Minor damage to propellerberthed at buoy X-18 with Dale to port, followed by Farragut and Monaghan
Selfridge DD-357Undamagednested with Conyngham, Tucker, Case and Reid, undergoing repairs alongside Whitney at berth X-8
Phelps DD-360Undamagedberth X-2 undergoing tender overhaul, nested with Hull, Dewey, Worden, MacDonough, and Dobbins
Cummings DD-365Minor damage from bomb fragmentsnested at berth B-15; order of the ships from the pier outboard – Tracy, Preble, Cummings
Reid DD-369Undamagednested with Conyngham, Tucker, Case and Selfridge, undergoing repairs alongside Whitney at berth X-8
Case DD-370Undamagedmoored starboard side of Whitney at berth X-8. Nested with Conyngham, Reid, Tucker, Case and Selfridge moored alongside to port
Conyngham DD-371Undamagedmoored starboard side to Whitney at berth X-8. Reid, Tucker, Case and Selfridge were nested outboard.
Cassin DD-372Heavily damaged, considered lost, but rebuilt with new parts by February 5, 1944 at Mare Island with new partsin drydock next to Downes, forward of Pennsylvania
Shaw DD-373Heavily damaged, lost bow, repaired by July 1942 at Mare floating drydock YFD-2 sunk
Tucker DD-374Undamagedmoored with Whitney, Reid, Conyngham, Case and Selfridge at berth X-8.
Downes DD-375Heavily damaged, considered lost, but rebuilt and recommissioned November 15, 1943 at Mare Islandin drydock next to Cassin forward of Pennsylvania
Bagley DD-386Minor damage from nearby explosionsBerth B-22, Navy Yard Pearl Harbor
Blue DD-387UndamagedBerth X-7
Helm DD-388Minor damage by two bomb near-missesUnderway from berth X-7 just prior to attack, en route to deperming buoys at West Loch
Mugford DD-389Undamagedmoored port side to the Sacramento, in berth B-6, at the Navy Yard
Ralph Talbot DD-390Undamagedmoored bow to southward to buoy X-11 with the Patterson alongside to port and the Henley to starboard.
Henley DD-391Minor damage from strafingMoored with Patterson and Ralph Talbot
Patterson DD-392Undamagedmoored at berth X-11 with Henley and Ralph Talbot
Jarvis DD-393Undamagedmoored port side to Mugford at berth B-6 Navy Yard Pearl Harbor, during a restricted availability period
Narwhal SS-167Undamagedmoored in berth S-9 at the Submarine Base
Dolphin SS-169Undamagedmoored port side to, Pier #4, in Berth S-8, U.S. Submarine Base
Cachalot SS-170Undamagedmoored at berth B-1, Navy Yard, undergoing scheduled overhaul
Tautog SS-199Undamagedmoored at pier two, U.S. Submarine Base
Oglala CM-4Sunk, salvaged, upgraded and recommissioned February 1944 at Mare IslandMoored alongside Helena at berth B-2
Turkey AM-13Undamagedmoored in a nest at the Coal Dock with Rail, Bobolink, and Vireo
Bobolink AM-20Undamagedmoored in a nest at the westerly end of the Coal Docks with Vireo and Turkey inboard, and Rail outboard.
Rail AM-26Undamagedmoored in a nest at the Coal Dock with Turkey, Bobolink, and Vireo
Tern AM-31Undamagedmoored berth B-5 (north end of 1010 dock) undergoing upkeep alongside Argonne
Grebe AM-43Undamagedberth B-20, Navy Yard, alongside Schley
Vireo AM-52Undamagedmoored inboard at the Coal Dock, bow to seaward, with Turkey, Bobolink, and Rail moored outboard
Gamble DM-15Undamagedmoored in berth D-3, Middle Loch, in nest with division, order of ships from starboard Ramsay, Breese, Montgomery, and Gamble
Ramsay DM-16Undamagedmoored in berth D-3, Middle Loch, in nest with division, order of ships from starboard Ramsay, Breese, Montgomery, and Gamble
Montgomery DM-17Undamagedmoored in berth D-3, Middle Loch, in nest with division, order of ships from starboard Ramsay, Breese, Montgomery, and Gamble
Breese DM-18Undamagedmoored in berth D-3, Middle Loch, in nest with division, order of ships from starboard Ramsay, Breese, Montgomery, and Gamble
Tracy DM-19Undamagedmoored portside to berth B-15, Navy Yard, unarmed, disabled, undergoing overhaul. Preble and Cummings were moored to starboard in that order.
Preble DM-20Undamagedmoored in berth B-15, undergoing scheduled overhaul, no arms on board. Nest order of ships from the pier outboard – Tracy, Preble, Cummings
Sicard DM-21UndamagedMoored starboard side to Pruitt in berth B-18 Navy Yard undergoing overhaul.
Pruitt DM-22Undamagedmoored at berth B-18, Navy Yard, undergoing routine overhaul. Sicard and Ontario moored to port in that order.
Zane DMS-14Undamagedmoored bow and stern in a nest with Mine Division Four at buoys D-7 and D-7s; order from port to starboard: Trever, Wasmuth, Zane, and Perry.
Wasmuth DMS-15Undamagedmoored bow and stern in a nest with Mine Division Four at buoys D-7 and D-7s; order from port to starboard: Trever, Wasmuth, Zane, and Perry.
Trever DMS-16Undamagedmoored at buoys D-7 and D-7-S, bow towards Pearl City, in the following order from north, Trever, Wasmuth, Zane, and Perry
Perry DMS-17Undamagedmoored at buoy D-7, in the following order from north, Trever, Wasmuth, Zane, and Perry
Sacramento PG-19Undamagedmoored port side to berth B-6, Navy Yard with Mugford and Jarvis moored alongside to starboard.
Dobbin AD-3Minor damageberth X-2, nested with Hull, Dewey, Worden, MacDonough, and Phelps
Whitney AD-4Undamagedmoored bow and stern to buoys X-8 and X-8S with Conyngham, Reid, Tucker, Case and Selfridge moored alongside to port
Curtiss AV-4Suffered bomb damage, repaired San Diego, back to Pearl Harbor by January 13, 1942moored in berth X-22
Tangier AV-8Minor damage by several bomb near-missesberthed at F-10, Ford Island, with ship's head bearing 230° true; Utah moored at F-11 directly astern; Raleigh at F-12
Avocet AVP-4Undamagedmoored at berth F-1, Naval Air Station Dock
Swan AVP-7Undamagedresting on the Marine Railway dock, in boiler upkeep
Hulbert AVD-6Undamagedmoored berth S-3 at the Submarine Base
Thornton AVD-11Undamagedmoored port side to dock at berth S-1, Submarine Base
Pyro AE-1Minor damage due to a near-miss from a dive bombermoored starboard side to West Loch dock.
Ramapo AO-12Undamagedmoored in Berth B-12, aft of Rigel, starboard side to, under the large crane
Neosho AO-23Undamaged, moved to berth M-3 Merry Point at 0930moored, starboard side to, in Berth F-4, Naval Air Station, Ford Island (aft of California)
Medusa AR-1Undamagedmoored berth X-23 near Curtiss
Vestal AR-4Damaged, struck by 2 bombs and adjacent to Arizona during explosions, repaired self and a Pearl Harbormoored port side to the port side of the Arizona at F-7
Rigel AR-11Minor damage from bomb near-missesmoored in berth B-13, Navy Yard, unarmed and undergoing major repairs and conversion, forward of Ramapo
Pelias AS-14Undamagedmoored at submarine Base dock
Widgeon ASR-1Undamagedberthed at the submarine base
Solace AH-5Undamagedmoored berth X-4. Moved to berth X-13 at 0900.
Castor AKS-1Undamagedberthed at Merry Point berth M-4, near Sumner
Antares AKS-3Undamaged, docked at Honolulu at 1146Operating at harbor entrance
Ontario AT-13Undamagedmoored in berth B-18, Repair Basin, Pearl Harbor outboard of the Sicard, undergoing an overhaul
Keosanqua AT-38UndamagedOperating at harbor entrance with Antares
Utah AG-16Sunk, total loss, salvage stopped, war grave memorialmoored at Berth F-11, between Raleigh forward and Tangier astern
Argonne AG-31Minor damage from strafingMoored at berth B-5, north end of 1010 Dock.
Sumner AG-32Minor injuries to gun crews incurred while firing on aircraftMoored to the new dock at the southern end of the Submarine Base, port side to, bow to eastward
Cockatoo AMc-8Undamaged
Crossbill AMc-9UndamagedReturned to harbor from sweeping 0525 [ permanent dead link ]
Condor AMc-14UndamagedReturned to harbor from sweeping 0525 [ permanent dead link ]
Reedbird AMc-30Undamaged
Sunnadin AT-28Undamaged
Taney WHEC-37Undamaged. Moored in Honolulu harbor.On July 25, 1941, the Coast Guard cutter was transferred to the Navy and reported for duty with the local defense forces of the 14th Naval District (Destroyer Division 80).
Hoga YT-146Undamaged during attack
Sotoyomo YT-9Damaged by Shaw explosions and fires; completely submerged; thought total loss but repaired and returned to service.In floating dry dock, YFD-2, with Shaw undergoing overhaul. ,
Baltimore Receiving ShipUndamaged during attackLater sold and scuttled.

See also

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