This is a list of some of the ordinary and generalized (or extraordinary) homology and cohomology theories in algebraic topology that are defined on the categories of CW complexes or spectra. For other sorts of homology theories see the links at the end of this article.
If is a spectrum, then it defines generalized homology and cohomology theories on the category of spectra as follows:
These are the theories satisfying the "dimension axiom" of the Eilenberg–Steenrod axioms that the homology of a point vanishes in dimension other than 0. They are determined by an abelian coefficient group , and denoted by (where is sometimes omitted, especially if it is ). Usually is the integers, the rationals, the reals, the complex numbers, or the integers mod a prime .
The cohomology functors of ordinary cohomology theories are represented by Eilenberg–MacLane spaces.
On simplicial complexes, these theories coincide with singular homology and cohomology.
Spectrum: (Eilenberg–MacLane spectrum of the integers.)
Coefficient ring: if , otherwise.
The original homology theory.
Spectrum: (Eilenberg–Mac Lane spectrum of the rationals.)
Coefficient ring: if , otherwise.
These are the easiest of all homology theories. The homology groups are often denoted by . The homology groups , , with rational, real, and complex coefficients are all similar, and are used mainly when torsion is not of interest (or too complicated to work out). The Hodge decomposition writes the complex cohomology of a complex projective variety as a sum of sheaf cohomology groups.
Spectrum: (Eilenberg–Maclane spectrum of the integers mod .)
Coefficient ring: (integers mod ) if , otherwise.
The simpler K-theories of a space are often related to vector bundles over the space, and different sorts of K-theories correspond to different structures that can be put on a vector bundle.
Spectrum: KO
Coefficient ring: The coefficient groups πi(KO) have period 8 in i, given by the sequence Z, Z2, Z2,0, Z, 0, 0, 0, repeated. As a ring, it is generated by a class η in degree 1, a class x4 in degree 4, and an invertible class v14 in degree 8, subject to the relations that 2η = η3 = ηx4 = 0, and x42 = 4v14.
KO0(X) is the ring of stable equivalence classes of real vector bundles over X. Bott periodicity implies that the K-groups have period 8.
Spectrum: KU (even terms BU or Z × BU, odd terms U).
Coefficient ring: The coefficient ring K*(point) is the ring of Laurent polynomials in a generator of degree 2.
K0(X) is the ring of stable equivalence classes of complex vector bundles over X. Bott periodicity implies that the K-groups have period 2.
Spectrum: KSp
Coefficient ring: The coefficient groups πi(KSp) have period 8 in i, given by the sequence Z, 0, 0, 0,Z, Z2, Z2,0, repeated.
KSp0(X) is the ring of stable equivalence classes of quaternionic vector bundles over X. Bott periodicity implies that the K-groups have period 8.
Spectrum: KG
G is some abelian group; for example the localization Z(p) at the prime p. Other K-theories can also be given coefficients.
Spectrum: KSC
Coefficient ring:to be written...
The coefficient groups (KSC) have period 4 in i, given by the sequence Z, Z2, 0, Z, repeated. Introduced by Donald W. Anderson in his unpublished 1964 University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. dissertation, "A new cohomology theory".
Spectrum: ku for connective K-theory, ko for connective real K-theory.
Coefficient ring: For ku, the coefficient ring is the ring of polynomials over Z on a single class v1 in dimension 2. For ko, the coefficient ring is the quotient of a polynomial ring on three generators, η in dimension 1, x4 in dimension 4, and v14 in dimension 8, the periodicity generator, modulo the relations that 2η = 0, x42 = 4v14, η3 = 0, and ηx = 0.
Roughly speaking, this is K-theory with the negative dimensional parts killed off.
This is a cohomology theory defined for spaces with involution, from which many of the other K-theories can be derived.
Cobordism studies manifolds, where a manifold is regarded as "trivial" if it is the boundary of another compact manifold. The cobordism classes of manifolds form a ring that is usually the coefficient ring of some generalized cohomology theory. There are many such theories, corresponding roughly to the different structures that one can put on a manifold.
The functors of cobordism theories are often represented by Thom spaces of certain groups.
Spectrum: S (sphere spectrum).
Coefficient ring: The coefficient groups πn(S) are the stable homotopy groups of spheres, which are notoriously hard to compute or understand for n > 0. (For n < 0 they vanish, and for n = 0 the group is Z.)
Stable homotopy is closely related to cobordism of framed manifolds (manifolds with a trivialization of the normal bundle).
Spectrum: MO (Thom spectrum of orthogonal group)
Coefficient ring: π*(MO) is the ring of cobordism classes of unoriented manifolds, and is a polynomial ring over the field with 2 elements on generators of degree i for every i not of the form 2n−1. That is: where can be represented by the classes of while for odd indices one can use appropriate Dold manifolds.
Unoriented bordism is 2-torsion, since 2M is the boundary of .
MO is a rather weak cobordism theory, as the spectrum MO is isomorphic to H(π*(MO)) ("homology with coefficients in π*(MO)") – MO is a product of Eilenberg–MacLane spectra. In other words, the corresponding homology and cohomology theories are no more powerful than homology and cohomology with coefficients in Z/2Z. This was the first cobordism theory to be described completely.
Spectrum: MU (Thom spectrum of unitary group)
Coefficient ring: π*(MU) is the polynomial ring on generators of degree 2, 4, 6, 8, ... and is naturally isomorphic to Lazard's universal ring, and is the cobordism ring of stably almost complex manifolds.
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Spectrum: MSO (Thom spectrum of special orthogonal group)
Coefficient ring: The oriented cobordism class of a manifold is completely determined by its characteristic numbers: its Stiefel–Whitney numbers and Pontryagin numbers, but the overall coefficient ring, denoted is quite complicated. Rationally, and at 2 (corresponding to Pontryagin and Stiefel–Whitney classes, respectively), MSO is a product of Eilenberg–MacLane spectra – and – but at odd primes it is not, and the structure is complicated to describe. The ring has been completely described integrally, due to work of John Milnor, Boris Averbuch, Vladimir Rokhlin, and C. T. C. Wall.
Spectrum: MSU (Thom spectrum of special unitary group)
Coefficient ring:
Spectrum: MSpin (Thom spectrum of spin group)
Coefficient ring: See (D. W.Anderson,E. H. Brown&F. P. Peterson 1967 ).
Spectrum: MSp (Thom spectrum of symplectic group)
Coefficient ring:
Spectrum: MPL, MSPL, MTop, MSTop
Coefficient ring:
The definition is similar to cobordism, except that one uses piecewise linear or topological instead of smooth manifolds, either oriented or unoriented. The coefficient rings are complicated.
Spectrum: BP
Coefficient ring: π*(BP) is a polynomial algebra over Z(p) on generators vn of dimension 2(pn − 1) for n ≥ 1.
Brown–Peterson cohomology BP is a summand of MUp, which is complex cobordism MU localized at a prime p. In fact MU(p) is a sum of suspensions of BP.
Spectrum: K(n) (They also depend on a prime p.)
Coefficient ring:Fp[vn, vn−1], where vn has degree 2(pn -1).
These theories have period 2(pn − 1). They are named after Jack Morava.
Coefficient ringZ(2)[v1, ..., vn, 1/vn] where vi has degree 2(2i−1)
Coefficient ring:
Spectrum: Ell
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Spectra: tmf, TMF (previously called eo2.)
The coefficient ring π*(tmf) is called the ring of topological modular forms. TMF is tmf with the 24th power of the modular form Δ inverted, and has period 242=576. At the prime p = 2, the completion of tmf is the spectrum eo2, and the K(2)-localization of tmf is the Hopkins-Miller Higher Real K-theory spectrum EO2.
In mathematics, the term homology, originally introduced in algebraic topology, has three primary, closely-related usages. The most direct usage of the term is to take the homology of a chain complex, resulting in a sequence of abelian groups called homology groups. This operation, in turn, allows one to associate various named homologies or homology theories to various other types of mathematical objects. Lastly, since there are many homology theories for topological spaces that produce the same answer, one also often speaks of the homology of a topological space. There is also a related notion of the cohomology of a cochain complex, giving rise to various cohomology theories, in addition to the notion of the cohomology of a topological space.
In mathematics, specifically in homology theory and algebraic topology, cohomology is a general term for a sequence of abelian groups, usually one associated with a topological space, often defined from a cochain complex. Cohomology can be viewed as a method of assigning richer algebraic invariants to a space than homology. Some versions of cohomology arise by dualizing the construction of homology. In other words, cochains are functions on the group of chains in homology theory.
In mathematics, cobordism is a fundamental equivalence relation on the class of compact manifolds of the same dimension, set up using the concept of the boundary of a manifold. Two manifolds of the same dimension are cobordant if their disjoint union is the boundary of a compact manifold one dimension higher.
In mathematics, particularly algebraic topology, cohomotopy sets are particular contravariant functors from the category of pointed topological spaces and basepoint-preserving continuous maps to the category of sets and functions. They are dual to the homotopy groups, but less studied.
In mathematics, especially in homological algebra and algebraic topology, a Künneth theorem, also called a Künneth formula, is a statement relating the homology of two objects to the homology of their product. The classical statement of the Künneth theorem relates the singular homology of two topological spaces X and Y and their product space . In the simplest possible case the relationship is that of a tensor product, but for applications it is very often necessary to apply certain tools of homological algebra to express the answer.
In mathematics, complex cobordism is a generalized cohomology theory related to cobordism of manifolds. Its spectrum is denoted by MU. It is an exceptionally powerful cohomology theory, but can be quite hard to compute, so often instead of using it directly one uses some slightly weaker theories derived from it, such as Brown–Peterson cohomology or Morava K-theory, that are easier to compute.
In algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, a spectrum is an object representing a generalized cohomology theory. Every such cohomology theory is representable, as follows from Brown's representability theorem. This means that, given a cohomology theory
In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, an Eilenberg–MacLane space is a topological space with a single nontrivial homotopy group.
In mathematics, the Thom space,Thom complex, or Pontryagin–Thom construction of algebraic topology and differential topology is a topological space associated to a vector bundle, over any paracompact space.
In algebraic topology, a Steenrod algebra was defined by Henri Cartan to be the algebra of stable cohomology operations for mod cohomology.
In mathematics, specifically in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem is a precise statement of certain relations between the shape of an algebraic variety and the shape of its subvarieties. More precisely, the theorem says that for a variety X embedded in projective space and a hyperplane section Y, the homology, cohomology, and homotopy groups of X determine those of Y. A result of this kind was first stated by Solomon Lefschetz for homology groups of complex algebraic varieties. Similar results have since been found for homotopy groups, in positive characteristic, and in other homology and cohomology theories.
In mathematics, a local system on a topological space X is a tool from algebraic topology which interpolates between cohomology with coefficients in a fixed abelian group A, and general sheaf cohomology in which coefficients vary from point to point. Local coefficient systems were introduced by Norman Steenrod in 1943.
In mathematics, the Adams spectral sequence is a spectral sequence introduced by J. Frank Adams which computes the stable homotopy groups of topological spaces. Like all spectral sequences, it is a computational tool; it relates homology theory to what is now called stable homotopy theory. It is a reformulation using homological algebra, and an extension, of a technique called 'killing homotopy groups' applied by the French school of Henri Cartan and Jean-Pierre Serre.
In mathematics, the Arf invariant of a nonsingular quadratic form over a field of characteristic 2 was defined by Turkish mathematician Cahit Arf when he started the systematic study of quadratic forms over arbitrary fields of characteristic 2. The Arf invariant is the substitute, in characteristic 2, for the discriminant for quadratic forms in characteristic not 2. Arf used his invariant, among others, in his endeavor to classify quadratic forms in characteristic 2.
In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, there is a distinguished class of spectra called Eilenberg–Maclane spectra for any Abelian group pg 134. Note, this construction can be generalized to commutative rings as well from its underlying Abelian group. These are an important class of spectra because they model ordinary integral cohomology and cohomology with coefficients in an abelian group. In addition, they are a lift of the homological structure in the derived category of abelian groups in the homotopy category of spectra. In addition, these spectra can be used to construct resolutions of spectra, called Adams resolutions, which are used in the construction of the Adams spectral sequence.
In mathematics, Brown–Peterson cohomology is a generalized cohomology theory introduced by Edgar H. Brown and Franklin P. Peterson, depending on a choice of prime p. It is described in detail by Douglas Ravenel . Its representing spectrum is denoted by BP.
In mathematics and specifically in topology, rational homotopy theory is a simplified version of homotopy theory for topological spaces, in which all torsion in the homotopy groups is ignored. It was founded by Dennis Sullivan and Daniel Quillen. This simplification of homotopy theory makes certain calculations much easier.
In homotopy theory, a branch of algebraic topology, a Postnikov system is a way of decomposing a topological space's by filtering its homotopy type. What this looks like is for a space there is a list of spaces where
This is a glossary of properties and concepts in algebraic topology in mathematics.
In mathematics, specifically algebraic topology, there is a resolution analogous to free resolutions of spectra yielding a tool for constructing the Adams spectral sequence. Essentially, the idea is to take a connective spectrum of finite type and iteratively resolve with other spectra that are in the homotopy kernel of a map resolving the cohomology classes in using Eilenberg–MacLane spectra.