CW complex

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In mathematics, and specifically in topology, a CW complex (also cellular complex or cell complex) is a topological space that is built by gluing together topological balls (so-called cells) of different dimensions in specific ways. It generalizes both manifolds and simplicial complexes and has particular significance for algebraic topology. [1] It was initially introduced by J. H. C. Whitehead to meet the needs of homotopy theory. [2] CW complexes have better categorical properties than simplicial complexes, but still retain a combinatorial nature that allows for computation (often with a much smaller complex).


The C in CW stands for "closure-finite", and the W for "weak" topology. [2]


CW complex

A CW complex is constructed by taking the union of a sequence of topological spaces such that each is obtained from by gluing copies of k-cells , each homeomorphic to the open -ball , to by continuous gluing maps . The maps are also called attaching maps. Thus as a set, .

Each is called the k-skeleton of the complex.

The topology of is weak topology: a subset is open iff is open for each k-skeleton .

In the language of category theory, the topology on is the direct limit of the diagram The name "CW" stands for "closure-finite weak topology", which is explained by the following theorem:

Theorem  A Hausdorff space X is homeomorphic to a CW complex iff there exists a partition of X into "open cells" , each with a corresponding closure (or "closed cell") that satisfies:

  • For each , there exists a continuous surjection from the -dimensional closed ball such that
    • The restriction to the open ball is a homeomorphism.
    • (closure-finiteness) The image of the boundary is covered by a finite number of closed cells, each having cell dimension less than k.
  • (weak topology) A subset of X is closed if and only if it meets each closed cell in a closed set.

This partition of X is also called a cellulation.

The construction, in words

The CW complex construction is a straightforward generalization of the following process:

  • A 0-dimensional CW complex is just a set of zero or more discrete points (with the discrete topology).
  • A 1-dimensional CW complex is constructed by taking the disjoint union of a 0-dimensional CW complex with one or more copies of the unit interval. For each copy, there is a map that "glues" its boundary (its two endpoints) to elements of the 0-dimensional complex (the points). The topology of the CW complex is the topology of the quotient space defined by these gluing maps.
  • In general, an n-dimensional CW complex is constructed by taking the disjoint union of a k-dimensional CW complex (for some ) with one or more copies of the n-dimensional ball. For each copy, there is a map that "glues" its boundary (the -dimensional sphere) to elements of the -dimensional complex. The topology of the CW complex is the quotient topology defined by these gluing maps.
  • An infinite-dimensional CW complex can be constructed by repeating the above process countably many times. Since the topology of the union is indeterminate, one takes the direct limit topology, since the diagram is highly suggestive of a direct limit. This turns out to have great technical benefits.

Regular CW complexes

A regular CW complex is a CW complex whose gluing maps are homeomorphisms. Accordingly, the partition of X is also called a regular cellulation.

A loopless graph is represented by a regular 1-dimensional CW-complex. A closed 2-cell graph embedding on a surface is a regular 2-dimensional CW-complex. Finally, the 3-sphere regular cellulation conjecture claims that every 2-connected graph is the 1-skeleton of a regular CW-complex on the 3-dimensional sphere. [3]

Relative CW complexes

Roughly speaking, a relative CW complex differs from a CW complex in that we allow it to have one extra building block that does not necessarily possess a cellular structure. This extra-block can be treated as a (-1)-dimensional cell in the former definition. [4] [5] [6]


0-dimensional CW complexes

Every discrete topological space is a 0-dimensional CW complex.

1-dimensional CW complexes

Some examples of 1-dimensional CW complexes are: [7]

Finite-dimensional CW complexes

Some examples of finite-dimensional CW complexes are: [7]

Infinite-dimensional CW complexes

Non CW-complexes


Homology and cohomology of CW complexes

Singular homology and cohomology of CW complexes is readily computable via cellular homology. Moreover, in the category of CW complexes and cellular maps, cellular homology can be interpreted as a homology theory. To compute an extraordinary (co)homology theory for a CW complex, the Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence is the analogue of cellular homology.

Some examples:

since all the differentials are zero.
Alternatively, if we use the equatorial decomposition with two cells in every dimension
and the differentials are matrices of the form This gives the same homology computation above, as the chain complex is exact at all terms except and

Both of the above examples are particularly simple because the homology is determined by the number of cells—i.e.: the cellular attaching maps have no role in these computations. This is a very special phenomenon and is not indicative of the general case.

Modification of CW structures

There is a technique, developed by Whitehead, for replacing a CW complex with a homotopy-equivalent CW complex that has a simpler CW decomposition.

Consider, for example, an arbitrary CW complex. Its 1-skeleton can be fairly complicated, being an arbitrary graph. Now consider a maximal forest F in this graph. Since it is a collection of trees, and trees are contractible, consider the space where the equivalence relation is generated by if they are contained in a common tree in the maximal forest F. The quotient map is a homotopy equivalence. Moreover, naturally inherits a CW structure, with cells corresponding to the cells of that are not contained in F. In particular, the 1-skeleton of is a disjoint union of wedges of circles.

Another way of stating the above is that a connected CW complex can be replaced by a homotopy-equivalent CW complex whose 0-skeleton consists of a single point.

Consider climbing up the connectivity ladder—assume X is a simply-connected CW complex whose 0-skeleton consists of a point. Can we, through suitable modifications, replace X by a homotopy-equivalent CW complex where consists of a single point? The answer is yes. The first step is to observe that and the attaching maps to construct from form a group presentation. The Tietze theorem for group presentations states that there is a sequence of moves we can perform to reduce this group presentation to the trivial presentation of the trivial group. There are two Tietze moves:

1) Adding/removing a generator. Adding a generator, from the perspective of the CW decomposition consists of adding a 1-cell and a 2-cell whose attaching map consists of the new 1-cell and the remainder of the attaching map is in . If we let be the corresponding CW complex then there is a homotopy equivalence given by sliding the new 2-cell into X.
2) Adding/removing a relation. The act of adding a relation is similar, only one is replacing X by where the new 3-cell has an attaching map that consists of the new 2-cell and remainder mapping into . A similar slide gives a homotopy-equivalence .

If a CW complex X is n-connected one can find a homotopy-equivalent CW complex whose n-skeleton consists of a single point. The argument for is similar to the case, only one replaces Tietze moves for the fundamental group presentation by elementary matrix operations for the presentation matrices for (using the presentation matrices coming from cellular homology. i.e.: one can similarly realize elementary matrix operations by a sequence of addition/removal of cells or suitable homotopies of the attaching maps.

'The' homotopy category

The homotopy category of CW complexes is, in the opinion of some experts, the best if not the only candidate for the homotopy category (for technical reasons the version for pointed spaces is actually used). [16] Auxiliary constructions that yield spaces that are not CW complexes must be used on occasion. One basic result is that the representable functors on the homotopy category have a simple characterisation (the Brown representability theorem).

See also

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In algebraic topology, the cellular approximation theorem states that a map between CW-complexes can always be taken to be of a specific type. Concretely, if X and Y are CW-complexes, and f : XY is a continuous map, then f is said to be cellular, if f takes the n-skeleton of X to the n-skeleton of Y for all n, i.e. if for all n. The content of the cellular approximation theorem is then that any continuous map f : XY between CW-complexes X and Y is homotopic to a cellular map, and if f is already cellular on a subcomplex A of X, then we can furthermore choose the homotopy to be stationary on A. From an algebraic topological viewpoint, any map between CW-complexes can thus be taken to be cellular.

This is a glossary of properties and concepts in algebraic topology in mathematics.

In topology, a branch of mathematics, a graph is a topological space which arises from a usual graph by replacing vertices by points and each edge by a copy of the unit interval , where is identified with the point associated to and with the point associated to . That is, as topological spaces, graphs are exactly the simplicial 1-complexes and also exactly the one-dimensional CW complexes.



  1. Hatcher, Allen (2002). Algebraic topology. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   0-521-79540-0. This textbook defines CW complexes in the first chapter and uses them throughout; includes an appendix on the topology of CW complexes. A free electronic version is available on the author's homepage.
  2. 1 2 Whitehead, J. H. C. (1949a). "Combinatorial homotopy. I." (PDF). Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . 55 (5): 213–245. doi: 10.1090/S0002-9904-1949-09175-9 . MR   0030759. (open access)
  3. De Agostino, Sergio (2016). The 3-Sphere Regular Cellulation Conjecture (PDF). International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms.
  4. Davis, James F.; Kirk, Paul (2001). Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society.
  5. "CW complex in nLab".
  6. "CW-complex - Encyclopedia of Mathematics".
  7. 1 2 Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine : channel, Animated Math (2020). "1.3 Introduction to Algebraic Topology. Examples of CW Complexes". Youtube.
  8. Turaev, V. G. (1994). Quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds. De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics. Vol. 18. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co. ISBN   9783110435221.
  9. Hatcher, Allen (2002). Algebraic topology. Cambridge University Press. p. 522. ISBN   0-521-79540-0. Proposition A.4
  10. Milnor, John (February 1959). "On Spaces Having the Homotopy Type of a CW-Complex" . Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 90 (2): 272–280. doi:10.2307/1993204. ISSN   0002-9947. JSTOR   1993204.
  11. Hatcher, Allen, Algebraic topology, Cambridge University Press (2002). ISBN   0-521-79540-0. A free electronic version is available on the author's homepage
  12. Hatcher, Allen, Vector bundles and K-theory, preliminary version available on the author's homepage
  13. Hatcher, Allen (2002). Algebraic topology. Cambridge University Press. p. 529. ISBN   0-521-79540-0. Exercise 1
  14. Milnor, John (1959). "On spaces having the homotopy type of a CW-complex". Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 90 (2): 272–280. doi: 10.1090/s0002-9947-1959-0100267-4 . JSTOR   1993204.
  15. "Compactly Generated Spaces" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2012-08-26.
  16. For example, the opinion "The class of CW complexes (or the class of spaces of the same homotopy type as a CW complex) is the most suitable class of topological spaces in relation to homotopy theory" appears in Baladze, D.O. (2001) [1994], "CW-complex", Encyclopedia of Mathematics , EMS Press

General references