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In mathematics, the winding number or winding index of a closed curve in the plane around a given point is an integer representing the total number of times that the curve travels counterclockwise around the point, i.e., the curve's number of turns. For certain open plane curves, the number of turns may be a non-integer. The winding number depends on the orientation of the curve, and it is negative if the curve travels around the point clockwise.
Winding numbers are fundamental objects of study in algebraic topology, and they play an important role in vector calculus, complex analysis, geometric topology, differential geometry, and physics (such as in string theory).
Suppose we are given a closed, oriented curve in the xy plane. We can imagine the curve as the path of motion of some object, with the orientation indicating the direction in which the object moves. Then the winding number of the curve is equal to the total number of counterclockwise turns that the object makes around the origin.
When counting the total number of turns, counterclockwise motion counts as positive, while clockwise motion counts as negative. For example, if the object first circles the origin four times counterclockwise, and then circles the origin once clockwise, then the total winding number of the curve is three.
Using this scheme, a curve that does not travel around the origin at all has winding number zero, while a curve that travels clockwise around the origin has negative winding number. Therefore, the winding number of a curve may be any integer. The following pictures show curves with winding numbers between −2 and 3:
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−2 | −1 | 0 | ||
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1 | 2 | 3 |
Let be a continuous closed path on the plane minus one point. The winding number of around is the integer
where is the path written in polar coordinates, i.e. the lifted path through the covering map
The winding number is well defined because of the existence and uniqueness of the lifted path (given the starting point in the covering space) and because all the fibers of are of the form (so the above expression does not depend on the choice of the starting point). It is an integer because the path is closed.
Winding number is often defined in different ways in various parts of mathematics. All of the definitions below are equivalent to the one given above:
A simple combinatorial rule for defining the winding number was proposed by August Ferdinand Möbius in 1865 [1] and again independently by James Waddell Alexander II in 1928. [2] Any curve partitions the plane into several connected regions, one of which is unbounded. The winding numbers of the curve around two points in the same region are equal. The winding number around (any point in) the unbounded region is zero. Finally, the winding numbers for any two adjacent regions differ by exactly 1; the region with the larger winding number appears on the left side of the curve (with respect to motion down the curve).
In differential geometry, parametric equations are usually assumed to be differentiable (or at least piecewise differentiable). In this case, the polar coordinate θ is related to the rectangular coordinates x and y by the equation:
Which is found by differentiating the following definition for θ:
By the fundamental theorem of calculus, the total change in θ is equal to the integral of dθ. We can therefore express the winding number of a differentiable curve as a line integral:
The one-form dθ (defined on the complement of the origin) is closed but not exact, and it generates the first de Rham cohomology group of the punctured plane. In particular, if ω is any closed differentiable one-form defined on the complement of the origin, then the integral of ω along closed loops gives a multiple of the winding number.
Winding numbers play a very important role throughout complex analysis (c.f. the statement of the residue theorem). In the context of complex analysis, the winding number of a closed curve in the complex plane can be expressed in terms of the complex coordinate z = x + iy. Specifically, if we write z = reiθ, then
and therefore
As is a closed curve, the total change in is zero, and thus the integral of is equal to multiplied by the total change in . Therefore, the winding number of closed path about the origin is given by the expression [3]
More generally, if is a closed curve parameterized by , the winding number of about , also known as the index of with respect to , is defined for complex as [4]
This is a special case of the famous Cauchy integral formula.
Some of the basic properties of the winding number in the complex plane are given by the following theorem: [5]
Theorem.Let be a closed path and let be the set complement of the image of , that is, . Then the index of with respect to ,is (i) integer-valued, i.e., for all ; (ii) constant over each component (i.e., maximal connected subset) of ; and (iii) zero if is in the unbounded component of .
As an immediate corollary, this theorem gives the winding number of a circular path about a point . As expected, the winding number counts the number of (counterclockwise) loops makes around :
Corollary.If is the path defined by , then
In topology, the winding number is an alternate term for the degree of a continuous mapping. In physics, winding numbers are frequently called topological quantum numbers. In both cases, the same concept applies.
The above example of a curve winding around a point has a simple topological interpretation. The complement of a point in the plane is homotopy equivalent to the circle, such that maps from the circle to itself are really all that need to be considered. It can be shown that each such map can be continuously deformed to (is homotopic to) one of the standard maps , where multiplication in the circle is defined by identifying it with the complex unit circle. The set of homotopy classes of maps from a circle to a topological space form a group, which is called the first homotopy group or fundamental group of that space. The fundamental group of the circle is the group of the integers, Z; and the winding number of a complex curve is just its homotopy class.
Maps from the 3-sphere to itself are also classified by an integer which is also called the winding number or sometimes Pontryagin index.
One can also consider the winding number of the path with respect to the tangent of the path itself. As a path followed through time, this would be the winding number with respect to the origin of the velocity vector. In this case the example illustrated at the beginning of this article has a winding number of 3, because the small loop is counted.
This is only defined for immersed paths (i.e., for differentiable paths with nowhere vanishing derivatives), and is the degree of the tangential Gauss map.
This is called the turning number, rotation number, [6] rotation index [7] or index of the curve, and can be computed as the total curvature divided by 2π.
In polygons, the turning number is referred to as the polygon density. For convex polygons, and more generally simple polygons (not self-intersecting), the density is 1, by the Jordan curve theorem. By contrast, for a regular star polygon {p/q}, the density is q.
Turning number cannot be defined for space curves as degree requires matching dimensions. However, for locally convex, closed space curves, one can define tangent turning sign as , where is the turning number of the stereographic projection of its tangent indicatrix. Its two values correspond to the two non-degenerate homotopy classes of locally convex curves. [8] [9]
The winding number is closely related with the (2 + 1)-dimensional continuous Heisenberg ferromagnet equations and its integrable extensions: the Ishimori equation etc. Solutions of the last equations are classified by the winding number or topological charge (topological invariant and/or topological quantum number).
A point's winding number with respect to a polygon can be used to solve the point in polygon (PIP) problem – that is, it can be used to determine if the point is inside the polygon or not.
Generally, the ray casting algorithm is a better alternative to the PIP problem as it does not require trigonometric functions, contrary to the winding number algorithm. Nevertheless, the winding number algorithm can be sped up so that it too, does not require calculations involving trigonometric functions. [10] The sped-up version of the algorithm, also known as Sunday's algorithm, is recommended in cases where non-simple polygons should also be accounted for.
In the mathematical field of algebraic topology, the fundamental group of a topological space is the group of the equivalence classes under homotopy of the loops contained in the space. It records information about the basic shape, or holes, of the topological space. The fundamental group is the first and simplest homotopy group. The fundamental group is a homotopy invariant—topological spaces that are homotopy equivalent have isomorphic fundamental groups. The fundamental group of a topological space is denoted by .
In mathematics, an n-sphere or hypersphere is an -dimensional generalization of the -dimensional circle and -dimensional sphere to any non-negative integer . The -sphere is the setting for -dimensional spherical geometry.
In mathematics, the Cauchy integral theorem in complex analysis, named after Augustin-Louis Cauchy, is an important statement about line integrals for holomorphic functions in the complex plane. Essentially, it says that if is holomorphic in a simply connected domain Ω, then for any simply closed contour in Ω, that contour integral is zero.
In mathematics, more specifically complex analysis, the residue is a complex number proportional to the contour integral of a meromorphic function along a path enclosing one of its singularities. Residues can be computed quite easily and, once known, allow the determination of general contour integrals via the residue theorem.
In geometry, a solid angle is a measure of the amount of the field of view from some particular point that a given object covers. That is, it is a measure of how large the object appears to an observer looking from that point. The point from which the object is viewed is called the apex of the solid angle, and the object is said to subtend its solid angle at that point.
In mechanics and geometry, the 3D rotation group, often denoted SO(3), is the group of all rotations about the origin of three-dimensional Euclidean space under the operation of composition.
In mathematics and physical science, spherical harmonics are special functions defined on the surface of a sphere. They are often employed in solving partial differential equations in many scientific fields. The table of spherical harmonics contains a list of common spherical harmonics.
In mathematics, the beta function, also called the Euler integral of the first kind, is a special function that is closely related to the gamma function and to binomial coefficients. It is defined by the integral
In mathematics, theta functions are special functions of several complex variables. They show up in many topics, including Abelian varieties, moduli spaces, quadratic forms, and solitons. As Grassmann algebras, they appear in quantum field theory.
In mathematics, the linking number is a numerical invariant that describes the linking of two closed curves in three-dimensional space. Intuitively, the linking number represents the number of times that each curve winds around the other. In Euclidean space, the linking number is always an integer, but may be positive or negative depending on the orientation of the two curves.
In geometric topology, a branch of mathematics, a Dehn twist is a certain type of self-homeomorphism of a surface.
In quantum field theory, the theta vacuum is the semi-classical vacuum state of non-abelian Yang–Mills theories specified by the vacuum angleθ that arises when the state is written as a superposition of an infinite set of topologically distinct vacuum states. The dynamical effects of the vacuum are captured in the Lagrangian formalism through the presence of a θ-term which in quantum chromodynamics leads to the fine tuning problem known as the strong CP problem. It was discovered in 1976 by Curtis Callan, Roger Dashen, and David Gross, and independently by Roman Jackiw and Claudio Rebbi.
Arc length is the distance between two points along a section of a curve.
In differential geometry, the torsion tensor is a tensor that is associated to any affine connection. The torsion tensor is bilinear map of two input vectors , that produces an output vector representing the displacement within a tangent space when the tangent space is developed along an infinitesimal parallelogram whose sides are . It is skew symmetric in its inputs, because developing over the parallelogram in the opposite sense produces the opposite displacement, similarly to how a screw moves in opposite ways when it is twisted in two directions.
In mathematics, an analytic semigroup is particular kind of strongly continuous semigroup. Analytic semigroups are used in the solution of partial differential equations; compared to strongly continuous semigroups, analytic semigroups provide better regularity of solutions to initial value problems, better results concerning perturbations of the infinitesimal generator, and a relationship between the type of the semigroup and the spectrum of the infinitesimal generator.
In the mathematical theory of conformal mappings, the area theorem gives an inequality satisfied by the power series coefficients of certain conformal mappings. The theorem is called by that name, not because of its implications, but rather because the proof uses the notion of area.
In mathematics, especially in the area of mathematical analysis known as dynamical systems theory, a linear flow on the torus is a flow on the n-dimensional torus which is represented by the following differential equations with respect to the standard angular coordinates
In physics, Berry connection and Berry curvature are related concepts which can be viewed, respectively, as a local gauge potential and gauge field associated with the Berry phase or geometric phase. The concept was first introduced by S. Pancharatnam as geometric phase and later elaborately explained and popularized by Michael Berry in a paper published in 1984 emphasizing how geometric phases provide a powerful unifying concept in several branches of classical and quantum physics.
In mathematics a translation surface is a surface obtained from identifying the sides of a polygon in the Euclidean plane by translations. An equivalent definition is a Riemann surface together with a holomorphic 1-form.
In representation theory of mathematics, the Waldspurger formula relates the special values of two L-functions of two related admissible irreducible representations. Let k be the base field, f be an automorphic form over k, π be the representation associated via the Jacquet–Langlands correspondence with f. Goro Shimura (1976) proved this formula, when and f is a cusp form; Günter Harder made the same discovery at the same time in an unpublished paper. Marie-France Vignéras (1980) proved this formula, when and f is a newform. Jean-Loup Waldspurger, for whom the formula is named, reproved and generalized the result of Vignéras in 1985 via a totally different method which was widely used thereafter by mathematicians to prove similar formulas.