This is a list of the constituent colleges of the Old University of Leuven (founded 1425; suppressed 1797). [1] Many of them are listed heritage sites and some are in use by the current Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Four of the colleges were specifically teaching colleges for undergraduates in the Liberal Arts, and these were called Pedagogies. [2]
Name | Dutch | French | Latin | Foundation | Founder | Location | Heritage reference |
Castle College | De Burcht or Het Kasteel | Collège du Chateau | Paedagogium Castri | 1431 | Godfrey de Goimpel | Mechelsestraat | demolished |
Pig College | Het Varken | Collège du Porc | Paedagogium Porci | 1430 | Henricus van Loen | Muntstraat | demolished |
Lily College | De Lelie | Collège du Lys | Paedagogium Lilii | 1431 | Charles Viruli | Diestsestraat | demolished |
Falcon College | De Valk | Collège du Faucon | Paedagogium Falconis | 1546 | Jan Stockelpot | Tiensestraat | 42155 |
The others provided residential facilities for students studying at the advanced faculties (law, medicine, theology).
Name | Dutch | French | Latin | Foundation | Founder | Location | Heritage reference | Image |
Holy Ghost College | Heilige-Geestcollege | Collège du Saint-Esprit | Collegium Sancti Spiritus vel Collegium Theologicum | 1442 | Louis de Rycke | Naamsestraat | 42164 | ![]() |
Saint Ivo's College | Sint-Ivocollege | Collège de Saint-Yves / Collège des Bacheliers | Collegium Sancti Ivonis vel Baccalaureum | 1483 | Robertus de Lacu | Vanderkelenstraat | 42165 | |
Saint Donatian's College | Sint-Donatuscollege | Collège de Saint-Donat | Collegium Sancti Donatiani | 1484 | Antoine Hanneron and Jean Carondelet | Sint-Donatuspark | demolished | |
Standonck College | Standonckcollege | Collège de Standonck | Collegium Standonicum | 1490 | Jean Standonck | Hogeschoolplein | 42186 | |
Houterlee College | Houterleecollege | Collège de Houterle | Collegium Houterlaeum | 1499 | Henricus de Houterlé | |||
Winckel College | Collège Winckelius | Collegium Winckelianum | 1505 | Joannes de Winckel | ||||
Arras College | Atrechtcollege | Collège d’Arras | Collegium Atrebatense | 1509 | Nicolaus Ruterius | Naamsestraat | 42153 (1974) | ![]() |
Collegium Trilingue | Collège des Trois Langues | Collegium Trilingue | 1517 | Hieronymus van Busleyden | Busleidengang | 42159 | ![]() | |
Pope's College | Pauscollege | Collège du Pape Adrien VI | Collegium Pontificium Adriani VI | 1523 | Pope Adrian VI | Hogeschoolplein | 42171 | ![]() |
Savoy College | Savoiecollege | Collège de Savoie | Collegium Sabaudicum | 1551 | Eustace Chapuys | |||
St Anne's College | Sint-Annacollege | Collège Sainte-Anne | Collegium Sanctae Annae vel Namurcense | 1553 | Nicolas Goblet | Naamsestraat | 42174 | ![]() |
Driutius College | Collège Driutius | Collegium Driutianum | 1559 | Michel Driutius | ||||
Viglius College | Vigliuscollege | Collège Viglius | Collegium Viglianum | 1569 | Viglius Zwichemius | |||
Van Dale College | Van Dalecollege | Collège Van Daele | Collegium Dalense | 1569 | Petrus Van Dale | Naamsestraat | 42175 (1942) | ![]() |
Craendonck College | Craandonckcollege / Kempisch college | Collège Craendonck | Collegium Craendonck | 1571 | Marcel Craendonck | |||
Premonstratensian College | College van Premonstreit | Collège des Prémontrés | Collegium Praemonstratense | 1571 | Naamsestraat | 42157 (1942) | ||
Divaeus College | Collège Divaeus | Collegium Divaei | 1575 | Gregorius Divaeus | ||||
Breugel College | Breugelcollege | Collège Breugel | Collegium Bruegelianum | 1577 | Petrus Breugel | |||
King’s College | Koningscollege | Collegium Regium seu Seminarium Regium | 1579 | Philip II of Spain | Naamsestraat | 42167 | ||
Pels College | Pelscollege | Collège Pels | Collegium Pelsianum | 1584 | Joannes Pelts | |||
Mons College | Collège de Mons | Collegium Montense | 1596 | Joannes Beviene | ||||
Liège College | College van Luik | Séminaire de Liège | Collegium seu Seminarium Leodiense | 1605 | Ernest of Bavaria | Muntstraat | 42158 | ![]() |
St Anthony's College (Irish Franciscan College) | Klooster der Ierse minderbroeders | 1607 | Florence Conry | Janseniusstraat | 42137 | ![]() | ||
Bay College | Baiuscollege | Collège de Bay | Collegium Bayanum | 1614 | Jacobus Baius | |||
Holland College | Hollands college / College van Haarlem | Collège de Hollande | Collegium Divae Pulcheriae | 1617 | Philippus Rovenius | Damiaanplein (previously Varkensmarkt) | 42166 | ![]() |
College of the Canons Regular | Klooster van de Reguliere kanunniken van Sint-Augustinus van Windesheim | Collège des chanoines réguliers | Collegium Canonicorum Regularium S. Augustini | 1618 | priors of Groenendael and Bethlehem | |||
Luxembourg College | Luxemburgcollege | Collège de Luxembourg | Collegium Mylianum | 1619 | Joannes Mylius | Vaartstraat | 42168 | ![]() |
Teutonic College | Duits-Ordecollege | Collège de l’ordre teutonique | Collegium Ordinis Teutonici | 1621 | Edmund Huyn, commander of Alden Biesen | |||
Irish College | Iers College | Collège des Hibernois | Collegium pastorale Hibernorum | 1623 | Eugene Matthews | |||
St Willebrord's College | Sint-Willibrordscollege / Bossche college | Collège Saint-Willebrord | Collegium Sancti Willebrordi | 1625 | Nicolaus Zoesius | |||
Irish Dominican College of Holy Cross | Ierse Predikherencollege | Collège des Dominicains Irlandais / Collège de la Sainte Croix | Collegium Sanctae Crucis | 1626 | ||||
Aulne College | Aulncollege | Collège d’Aulne | Collegium Alnense | 1629 | Edmond de Jouvent, abbot of Aulne | Naamsestraat | 42154 | |
Malderus College | Collège Malderus | Collegium Malderi | 1633 | Johannes Malderus, bishop of Antwerp | Sint-Maartenstraat | 42169 | ||
Hovius College | Collège dit le Patrimoine du Christ | Collegium Hovii | 1633 | Franciscus Hovius | ||||
Trinity College | Heilige Drievuldigheidscollege | Collège de la Sainte-Trinité / Nouveau Collège | Collegium SS. Trinitatis vel Novum Collegium | 1657 | Oude Markt | 42163 | ||
Villers College | Villerscollege | Collège de Villers | Collegium Villariense | 1660 | Bernardus vander Heck | Vaartstraat | 42178 | |
St Michael's College | Sint-Michielscollege | Collège de Saint-Michel | Collegium Sancti Michaelis | 1670 | Paulus Hubens and Laurentius Zoenius | |||
Mechlin College | Mechels college | Collège de Malines | Collegium Provinciae Mechliniensis | 1675 | Mechelen city council | |||
College van de Hoge Heuvel | Collège Alticollense | Collegium SS. Willebrordi et Bonifacii vel Alticollense | 1686 | Johannes van Neercassel | Naamsestraat | 42156 |
Leuven, also called Louvain, is the capital and largest city of the province of Flemish Brabant in the Flemish Region of Belgium. It is located about 25 kilometres east of Brussels. The municipality itself comprises the sub-municipalities of Heverlee, Kessel-Lo, Leuven proper, Wilsele, Wijgmaal and part of Haasrode and Korbeek-Lo. It is the eighth largest city in Belgium, with more than 100,244 inhabitants.
New College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1379 by Bishop William of Wykeham in conjunction with Winchester College as New College's feeder school, New College was one of the first colleges in the university to admit and tutor undergraduate students.
A currency symbol or currency sign is a graphic symbol used to denote a currency unit. Usually it is defined by a monetary authority, such as the national central bank for the currency concerned.
Oud-Heverlee Leuven, also called OH Leuven or OHL, is a Belgian professional football club from the city of Leuven. It was created in 2002 from the merger of three clubs, F.C. Zwarte Duivels Oud-Heverlee, whose registration number it inherited, Daring Club Leuven, and Stade Leuven. The club's home ground is Den Dreef, located in Heverlee. The club currently plays in the country's first division, the Belgian Pro League.
The Belgian Catholic Church, also known as the Catholic Church in Belgium, is part of the global Catholic Church and is under the spiritual leadership of the Pope, the curia in Rome and the Episcopal Conference of Bishops.
The American College of the Immaculate Conception, or the American College of Louvain is a former Roman Catholic seminary in Leuven, Belgium. Founded in 1857, it was operated by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to prepare European priests for service in the United States and to provide a residence for Americans priests studying at the Catholic University of Louvain.
Irish people in mainland Europe are members of the Irish diaspora who reside in mainland Europe.
Learning on Screen - The British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) is a representative body promoting the production, study and use of moving image, sound and related media for learning and research. It is a company limited by guarantee, with charity status, serving schools, colleges and post compulsory education interests in the UK.
The Panjab Digital Library is a voluntary organization digitizing and preserving the cultural heritage of Panjab since 2003. With over 65 million digitized pages, it is the biggest resource of digital material on Panjab. There are many historically significant documents stored and made available online. Its scope covers Sikh and Punjabi culture. The library funded by The Nanakshahi Trust was launched online in August 2009. Its base office is located at Chandigarh, India.
The Old University of Leuven is the name historians give to the university, or studium generale, founded in Leuven, Brabant, in 1425. The university was closed in 1797, a week after the cession to the French Republic of the Austrian Netherlands and the principality of Liège by the Treaty of Campo Formio.
The city of Leuven in Belgium was the seat of three successive universities, each of which had a notable academic library.
KU Leuven is a Catholic research university in the city of Leuven, Belgium. Founded in 1425, it is the oldest university in Belgium and the oldest university in the Low Countries.
Pope's College or Pope Adrian VI College in Leuven was a college for theology students at the Old University of Leuven, founded by Pope Adrian VI in 1523. At the suppression of the old university in 1797 the college became public property. It is now a hall of residence of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, rented from the city council.
St Anne's College was one of the colleges of Leuven University, now listed as built heritage of Flanders, Belgium.
The Irish College of St Anthony, in Leuven, Belgium, known in Irish: Coláiste na nGael i Lobháin, Latin: Hibernorum Collegii S. Antonii de Padua Lovanii, French: Collège des Irlandais à Louvain and Dutch: Iers College Leuven, has been a centre of Irish learning on the European Continent since the early 17th century. The college was dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua.
The 2016 Tasmanian Bushfires were a large series of bushfires in Tasmania which started in January 2016 throughout the state, and continued into February 2016, with considerable damage to fire sensitive areas in the Central Highlands, West Coast and South West regions. By autumn 2016, no bushfires were reported within the state.
Trinity College was one of the colleges of Leuven University, dedicated to preliminary studies in the liberal arts. The college was established by the university authorities in 1657 to replace the "Collège de Gand" founded by Frans van de Nieulande in 1559, which had closed in 1655 for lack of funds. Building began in 1658, under the supervision of Jan du Can and Adriaan van Mechelen, and from 1659 the college was housed on the Old Market. It was sometimes known as "Collegium Novum". The college was sequestered when the university was closed down in 1797 during the French occupation. The buildings were sold at public auction in 1802. The southern wing, added in 1684, was demolished in 1813. The final remnants of the 17th-century buildings were destroyed by aerial bombardment in May 1944. Since 1843 a Josephite secondary-school, Heilige Drievuldigheidscollege, has stood on the location.
Holy Ghost College was one of the colleges of Leuven University, now listed as built heritage of Flanders, Belgium.
Saint Ivo's College was a college at the Old University of Leuven that provided accommodation and facilities for poor students in the Faculty of Law. The founder was Robertus de Lacu, originally from Ghent, who had been professor of canon law since 1463. The college was dedicated to Ivo of Kermartin, the patron saint of lawyers, and was used by the law faculty for faculty meetings and ceremonies. The original library was destroyed by marauding Spanish soldiers in 1578, during the Dutch Revolt.