List of faculty members at the Institute for Advanced Study

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The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) is a private institution in Princeton, New Jersey, designed to foster research by scientists in a variety of fields without the complications of teaching or funding, or the agendas of sponsorship. The IAS uses the word faculty in a special way and denotes a lifetime appointment. Although they do not teach classes (because there are no classes at IAS), faculty hold the title of Professor, and often give lectures and direct research.

This list includes current and former Faculty members, and their dates of tenure at the Institute. [1]

NameFieldYear joinedYear LeftNotes
Stephen L. Adler theoretical physicist19692010Emeritus 2010-
Suzanne Conklin Akbari medievalist2019current
James W. Alexander topologist19331951
Andreas E. Z. Alföldi historian and archaeologist19561965Emeritus 1965-1981
Danielle S. Allen political theorist20072015
Nima Arkani-Hamed particle physicist2008current
Michael F. Atiyah mathematician19691972
John N. Bahcall astrophysicist19712005
Arne K. A. Beurling mathematician19541973Emeritus 1973-1986
Yve-Alain Bois art historian2005current
Enrico Bombieri mathematician19772011Emeritus 2011-
Armand Borel mathematician19571993Emeritus 1993-2003
Jean Bourgain mathematician19942018
Glen W. Bowersock historian19802006Emeritus 2006-
Wendy Brown political theorist2021current
Caroline Walker Bynum historian20032011Emerita 2011-
Luis Caffarelli mathematician19861996
Angelos Chaniotis historian2010current
Harold F. Cherniss historian of philosophy19481974Emeritus 1974-1987
Marshall Clagett historian19641986Emeritus 1986-2005
Giles Constable historian19852003Emeritus 2003-
Patricia Crone historian19972015
José Cutileiro historian and diplomat20012004
Roger Dashen physicist19691987
Camillo De Lellis mathematician2019current
Pierre Deligne mathematician19842007Emeritus 2008-
Nicola Di Cosmo historian2003current
Robbert Dijkgraaf mathematical physicist2012currentDirector 2012-2022
Freeman Dyson physicist and mathematician19531994Emeritus 1994-2020
Edward M. Earle politics: military foreign affairs19341954
Albert Einstein theoretical physicist19331946Emeritus 1946-1955
John Huxtable Elliott historian19731990
Didier Fassin anthropologist2009current
Patrick J. Geary historian20122019Emeritus 2019-
Clifford Geertz anthropologist19702000Emeritus 2000-2006
Felix Gilbert historian19621975Emeritus 1975-1991
James F. Gilliam historian19651985Emeritus 1985-1990
Peter Goddard mathematical physicist20042016Director 2004-2012, Professor 2012-2016, Emeritus 2016-
Kurt Gödel mathematician19461976Emeritus 1976-1978
Hetty Goldman archaeologist19361947Emeritus 1947-1972
Peter Goldreich astrophysicist20042009Emeritus 2009-
Oleg Grabar historian19901998Emeritus 1998-2011
Phillip A. Griffiths mathematician19912009Director 1991-2003, Professor 2004-2009, Emeritus 2009-
Christian Habicht historian19731998Emeritus 1998-2018
Harish-Chandra mathematician19681983
Jonathan Haslam historian2015currentGeorge F. Kennan Professor
Ernst Herzfeld archeologist and Iranologist19361944
Albert O. Hirschman political scientist19741985Emeritus 1985-2012
Helmut Hofer mathematician2009current
Lars V. Hörmander mathematician19641968
Piet Hut astrophysicist1985current
Jonathan Israel historian20012016Emeritus 2016-
Myles W. Jackson historian of science2018current
Ernst H. Kantorowicz historian19511963
George F. Kennan historian19531974Emeritus 1974-2005
Robert P. Langlands mathematician19722007Emeritus 2007-
Irving Lavin art historian19732001Emeritus 2001-2019
Tsung-Dao Lee physicist19601962
Stanislas Leibler physicist and biologist2009current
Arnold J. Levine biologist20042011Emeritus 2011-
Elias A. Lowe paleographer19361945Emeritus 1945-1969
Jacob Lurie mathematician2019current
Robert MacPherson mathematician19942018Emeritus 2018-
Juan Maldacena theoretical physicist2002current
Avishai Margalit philosopher20062011George F. Kennan Professor
Eric Maskin economic theorist20002011
Jack F. Matlock, Jr. historian19962001
Millard Meiss art historian19581974Emeritus 1974-1975
Benjamin D. Meritt historian19351969Emeritus 1969-1989
John W. Milnor mathematician19701990
David Mitrany political scientist19331953
Deane Montgomery mathematician19511980Emeritus 1980-1992
Marston Morse mathematician19351962Emeritus 1962-1977
Alondra Nelson social scientist2019current
J. Robert Oppenheimer physicist19471966Director 1947-1966
Abraham Pais physicist19501963
Erwin Panofsky art historian19351962Emeritus 1962-1968
Peter Paret historian19861997Emeritus 1997-
Tullio E. Regge physicist19651981
Winfield W. Riefler economist19351949
Dani Rodrik political economist20132015
Marshall N. Rosenbluth physicist19671982
Peter Sarnak mathematician2007current
Sabine Schmidtke historian2014current
Joan Wallach Scott gender historian19852014Emerita 2014-
Nathan Seiberg theoretical physicist1997current
Atle Selberg mathematician19511987Emeritus 1987-2007
Kenneth M. Setton medieval historian19681984Emeritus 1984-1995
Carl L. Siegel mathematician19451951
Thomas Spencer mathematician1986current
Walter W. Stewart economist19381950Emeritus 1950-1958
James Stone computational astrophysicist2019current
Bengt G. D. Strömgren astronomer and astrophysicist19571967
Richard Taylor mathematician20122018
Homer Thompson archeologist19471977Emeritus 1977-2000
Scott Tremaine astrophysicist2007current
Francesca Trivellato historian2018current
Misha Tsodyks theoretical neuroscientist2019current
Kirk Varnedoe art historian20022003
Oswald Veblen mathematician19321950Emeritus 1950-1960
Akshay Venkatesh mathematician2018current
Vladimir Voevodsky mathematician20022017
John von Neumann mathematician19331957
Heinrich von Staden historian19982010Emeritus 2010-
Michael Walzer philosopher of politics and ethics19802007Emeritus 2007-
Robert B. Warren economist19391950
André Weil mathematician19581976Emeritus 1976-1998
Hermann Weyl mathematician19331951Emeritus 1951-1955
Morton White philosopher and historian of ideas19701987Emeritus 1987-2016
Hassler Whitney mathematician19521977Emeritus 1977-1989
Avi Wigderson mathematician1999current
Frank Wilczek physicist19892000
Edward Witten mathematical physicist1987current
Ernest Llewellyn Woodward historian19511960Emeritus 1961-1971
C. N. Yang physicist19551966
Shing-Tung Yau mathematician19801984
Matias Zaldarriaga astrophysicist2009current

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