List of myco-heterotrophic genera

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This is a list of plant genera that engage in myco-heterotrophic relationships with fungi. It does not include the fungi that are parasitized by these plants.



Burmanniaceae (Dioscoreales)

Corsiaceae (Liliales)

Iridaceae, formerly Geosiridaceae (Asparagales)

Orchidaceae (Asparagales)

Corallorhiza maculata Corallorhiza maculata 0905.JPG
Corallorhiza maculata

This list concerns only the species that are leafless or are losing photosynthetic function.

Petrosaviaceae, also called Melanthiaceae (Petrosaviales)

Triuridaceae (Pandanales), including Lacandoniaceae


Ericaceae (Ericales)

Gentianaceae (Gentianales)

Polygalaceae (Fabales)


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