List of secondary schools in Romania

Last updated

This article lists secondary schools in Romania.


Alba County

Arad County

Moise Nicoara National College, Arad Moise Nicoara National College - facade.JPG
Moise Nicoară National College, Arad

Argeș County

Ion Bratianu National College, Pitesti RO AG - Liceul "I.C. Bratianu".jpg
Ion Brătianu National College, Pitești

Bacău County

Vasile Alecsandri National College Liceul Vasile Alecsandri Bacau.jpg
Vasile Alecsandri National College

Bihor County

Emanuil Gojdu National College, Oradea Emanuil Gojdu High School - Oradea.JPG
Emanuil Gojdu National College, Oradea

Bistrița-Năsăud County

Liviu Rebreanu National College, Bistrita Colegiul National Liviu Rebreanu.jpg
Liviu Rebreanu National College, Bistrița

Botoșani County

A. T. Laurian National College, Botosani Liceul A.T. Laurian.jpg
A. T. Laurian National College, Botoșani

Brașov County

Radu Negru National College, Fagaras Radu Negru Fagaras HS.jpeg
Radu Negru National College, Făgăraș

Brăila County

Nicolae Balcescu National College, Braila Br233 colegiul balcescu.jpg
Nicolae Bălcescu National College, Brăila


Saint Sava National College, Bucharest in March 2015 Saint Sava National College.jpg
Saint Sava National College, Bucharest in March 2015

Buzău County

Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu National College RO BZ Hasdeu high school.jpg
Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu National College

Caraș-Severin County

Traian Doda National College Liceul "Traian Doda" municipiul Caransebes.jpg
Traian Doda National College

Călărași County

Barbu Stirbei National College, Calarasi RO CL Calarasi Carol I gymnasium.jpg
Barbu Știrbei National College, Călărași

Cluj County

Andrei Muresanu National College, Dej CN Muresanu Dej.jpeg
Andrei Mureșanu National College, Dej

Constanța County

Mihai Eminescu National College, Constanta Colegiul National ,,Mihai Eminescu"-CT-II-m-A-02855.jpg
Mihai Eminescu National College, Constanța

Covasna County

Szekely Miko National College, Sfantu Gheorghe Miko kollegium.jpg
Székely Mikó National College, Sfântu Gheorghe

Dâmbovița County

Ienachita Vacarescu National College Liceul Ienachita Vacarescu.jpg
Ienăchiță Văcărescu National College

Dolj County

Carol I National College, Craiova Carol 6.jpg
Carol I National College, Craiova

Galați County

Vasile Alecsandri National College, Galati GL-II-m-B-03002 Scoala tip Spiru Haret azi Colegiul Vasile Alecsandri.JPG
Vasile Alecsandri National College, Galați

Giurgiu County

Ion Maiorescu National College, Giurgiu Ion Maiorescu Giurgiu 2.jpeg
Ion Maiorescu National College, Giurgiu

Gorj County

Tudor Vladimirescu National College, Targu Jiu Colegiul National "Tudor Vladimirescu", Targu Jiu.JPG
Tudor Vladimirescu National College, Târgu Jiu

Harghita County

Hunedoara County

Aurel Vlaicu High School, Orastie Liceul Aurel Vlaicu Orastie.jpg
Aurel Vlaicu High School, Orăștie

Ialomița County

Iași County

National College (Iasi) Colegiul National din Iasi.JPG
National College (Iași)
Costache Negruzzi National College, Iasi Colegiu Negruzzi Iasi.JPG
Costache Negruzzi National College, Iași

Ilfov County

Maramureș County

Dragos Voda National College, Sighetu Marmatiei Liceul Dragos Voda din Sighet (7).JPG
Dragoș Vodă National College, Sighetu Marmației

Mehedinți County

Mureș County

Alexandru Papiu Ilarian National College, Targu Mures Papiu kollegium.JPG
Alexandru Papiu Ilarian National College, Târgu Mureș

Neamț County

Olt County

Radu Greceanu National College, Slatina Greceanu Slatina intrare.jpeg
Radu Greceanu National College, Slatina

Prahova County

Ion Luca Caragiale National College, Ploiesti Colegiul National 'Ion Luca Caragiale', Str. Gheorghe Doja nr.98.JPG
Ion Luca Caragiale National College, Ploiești

Satu Mare County

Sălaj County

Sibiu County

Samuel von Brukenthal National College, Sibiu Colegiul National von Brukenthal.jpg
Samuel von Brukenthal National College, Sibiu

Suceava County

Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi National College, Radauti Colegiul National Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi, Radauti.JPG
Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi National College, Rădăuți

Teleorman County

Timiș County

Constantin Diaconovici Loga National College, Timisoara Colegiul CD Loga 2016.jpg
Constantin Diaconovici Loga National College, Timișoara

Tulcea County

Vaslui County

Gheorghe Rosca Codreanu National College, Barlad Colegiul National "Gheorghe Rosca Codreanu" Barlad.jpg
Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu National College, Bârlad

Vâlcea County

Alexandru Lahovari National College, Ramnicu-Valcea Colegiul ,,Alexandru Lahovari"20180603 080242.jpg
Alexandru Lahovari National College, Râmnicu-Vâlcea

Vrancea County

Alexandru Ioan Cuza National College, Focsani Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza Focsani.jpg
Alexandru Ioan Cuza National College, Focșani

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Saint Sava National College</span> High school in Bucharest, Romania

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