List of weapons of mass destruction by country

Last updated

The following countries have either attempted to develop, actually built, or bought weapons of mass destruction, including biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons.



Programs per countryBiologicalChemicalNuclear
Albania NFN
Algeria NNA
Argentina NNA
Australia NFA
Brazil NNA
Bulgaria NFF
Canada FFF
China P FC
Egypt NCN
France FFC
Germany FFS
India NFC
Iran NFD
Iraq F F A
Israel PP P
Italy FFS
Japan FF A
Kazakhstan NNF
Libya NFA
Mexico NNA
Myanmar NPP
Netherlands NFS
North Korea CCC
Pakistan NNC
Philippines NNA
Poland NNF
Rhodesia FFN
Romania NNA
Russia CCC
Saudi Arabia NN P
South Africa FF F
South Korea NNA
Spain NN A
Sweden NF A
Switzerland NFA
Syria N C P
Taiwan PFA
Ukraine NNF
United Kingdom F F C
United States F F C