This article describes some of the longest words in the Spanish language.
esternocleidooccipitomastoideo (31 letters) is the plural of the noun esternocleidooccipitomastoideo , which is the sternocleidomastoid, a muscle in the human neck. [1] The word has a 22-letter synonym: esternocleidomastoideo , [2] [3] [4] which is shorter because it omits the Latin prefix occipito- ('occipital'). [5] Both words are abbreviated as ECOM. [4]
The 24-letter word electroencefalografistas, plural of electroencefalografista , means 'electroencephalographists' or 'electroencephalographers': specialists in the brain measurement technology of electroencephalography (EEG). [3] [6]
The 23-letter adverb anticonstitucionalmente means 'anticonstitutionally'. [7] Anticonstitucionalmente is also the Portuguese translation; the French translation, anticonstitutionnellement , is an exceptionally long word as well (25 letters). [7]
In the table below, all of the Spanish nouns except for arteriosclerosis can be pluralised by adding an s (es for internacionalizaciones) to the end. The adjective otorrinolaringológico can also be pluralised with an s; the plurals of the other adjectives end in es.
The RAE column indicates whether the Real Academia Española lists and defines the word in the Diccionario de la lengua española , its official dictionary.