Martin Beddoe

Last updated

It is the first time you have been in court and you are of previous good character and here you are in relation to a very serious offence. You had considerable problems with your finances and then suffered a reactive depression brought on by the spiralling debts. [18]

Judicial career

As a judge, Beddoe has presided over many high-profile criminal cases, [19] including trial of BAFTA nominated film producers [20] who used Film Tax Credit to claim back inflated cash from the Treasury. [21]

Judicial appointments

In 2007 Beddoe became the Resident Judge on the South Eastern Circuit based at Southwark Crown Court Southwark Crown Court entrance.jpg
In 2007 Beddoe became the Resident Judge on the South Eastern Circuit based at Southwark Crown Court

Beddoe was a Recorder of the Crown Court from 2002 until 2007, when he was appointed a Senior Circuit Judge, [22] becoming the Resident Judge on the South Eastern Circuit based at Southwark Crown Court. [12]

Notable cases

In 2017, Judge Beddoe presided over the case of Ricardo McFarlane, 30-year-old Muslim convert charged with anti-social behaviour after preaching Sharia law in Oxford Street and two other London venues, [23] who declined to stand up in court on religious grounds. [24] McFarlane allegedly breached the terms of an antisocial behaviour order [25] barring him from addressing members of the public to promote sharia law. [26] At the hearing in Southwark Crown Court, Judge Beddoe noticed that McFarlane did not stand when he entered the room. [27] McFarlane's defence barrister commented:

"Because of his religious belief he believes there is only one person who he should bow to." [28]

To which Judge Beddoe responded:

"That is as may be, but this isn't a court of religion, this is a secular court and it expects to be treated with respect. That isn't in breach of any religious principles I'm aware of." [29]

McFarlane then proceeded to stand for Judge Beddoe while he was speaking and during the rest of the hearing. [30]


In May 2017, Judge Beddoe was a lead walker at the London Legal Walk organised by London Legal Support Trust, which was designed to bring together leading criminal practitioners to raises funds for charities that provide life changing legal advice and representation to those in need. [31] It was attended by leading criminal practitioners and professionals working in the criminal justice system, including Lord Thomas, the Lord Chief Justice, Nicholas Hilliard QC, Recorder of London, and Lord Igor Judge, former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. [31] In June 2006, Beddoe cycled in the London to Brighton British Heart Foundation cycle rally to raise money in memory of a member of his former chambers, Paul Morgan, who died in 2005 of heart disease at the age of 50. [32]

Personal life

Beddoe is married to philosopher Mary Margaret Anne McCabe. [1] A fitness enthusiast, he cycles a lot [33] and is a keen golfer who served as a club captain of Old Tonbridgian Golfing Society. [34]

See also

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His Honour Judge
Martin Beddoe
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (HM Government) (2022).svg
Circuit judge
Assumed office