Computational physics |
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The Morse/Long-range potential (MLR potential) is an interatomic interaction model for the potential energy of a diatomic molecule. Due to the simplicity of the regular Morse potential (it only has three adjustable parameters), it is very limited in its applicability in modern spectroscopy. The MLR potential is a modern version of the Morse potential which has the correct theoretical long-range form of the potential naturally built into it. [1] It has been an important tool for spectroscopists to represent experimental data, verify measurements, and make predictions. It is useful for its extrapolation capability when data for certain regions of the potential are missing, its ability to predict energies with accuracy often better than the most sophisticated ab initio techniques, and its ability to determine precise empirical values for physical parameters such as the dissociation energy, equilibrium bond length, and long-range constants. Cases of particular note include:
The MLR potential is based on the classic Morse potential which was first introduced in 1929 by Philip M. Morse. A primitive version of the MLR potential was first introduced in 2006 by Robert J. Le Roy and colleagues for a study on N2. [7] This primitive form was used on Ca2, [8] KLi [6] and MgH, [9] [10] [11] before the more modern version was introduced in 2009. [1] A further extension of the MLR potential referred to as the MLR3 potential was introduced in a 2010 study of Cs2, [12] and this potential has since been used on HF, [13] [14] HCl, [13] [14] HBr [13] [14] and HI. [13] [14]
The Morse/Long-range potential energy function is of the form
where for large ,
so is defined according to the theoretically correct long-range behavior expected for the interatomic interaction. is the depth of the potential at equilibrium.
This long-range form of the MLR model is guaranteed because the argument of the exponent is defined to have long-range behavior:
where is the equilibrium bond length.
There are a few ways in which this long-range behavior can be achieved, the most common is to make a polynomial that is constrained to become at long-range:
where n is an integer greater than 1, which value is defined by the model chosen for the long-range potential .
It is clear to see that:
The MLR potential has successfully summarized all experimental spectroscopic data (and/or virial data) for a number of diatomic molecules, including: N2, [7] Ca2, [8] KLi, [6] MgH, [9] [10] [11] several electronic states of Li2, [1] [2] [15] [3] [10] Cs2, [16] [12] Sr2, [17] ArXe, [10] [18] LiCa, [19] LiNa, [20] Br2, [21] Mg2, [22] HF, [13] [14] HCl, [13] [14] HBr, [13] [14] HI, [13] [14] MgD, [9] Be2, [23] BeH, [24] and NaH. [25] More sophisticated versions are used for polyatomic molecules.
It has also become customary to fit ab initio points to the MLR potential, to achieve a fully analytic ab initio potential and to take advantage of the MLR's ability to incorporate the correct theoretically known short- and long-range behavior into the potential (the latter usually being of higher accuracy than the molecular ab initio points themselves because it is based on atomic ab initio calculations rather than molecular ones, and because features like spin-orbit coupling which are difficult to incorporate into molecular ab initio calculations can more easily be treated in the long-range). MLR has been used to represent ab initio points for KLi [26] and KBe. [27]
Density-functional theory (DFT) is a computational quantum mechanical modelling method used in physics, chemistry and materials science to investigate the electronic structure of many-body systems, in particular atoms, molecules, and the condensed phases. Using this theory, the properties of a many-electron system can be determined by using functionals, i.e. functions of another function. In the case of DFT, these are functionals of the spatially dependent electron density. DFT is among the most popular and versatile methods available in condensed-matter physics, computational physics, and computational chemistry.
Dilithium, Li2, is a strongly electrophilic, diatomic molecule comprising two lithium atoms covalently bonded together. Li2 is known in the gas phase. It has a bond order of 1, an internuclear separation of 267.3 pm and a bond energy of 102 kJ/mol or 1.06 eV in each bond. The electron configuration of Li2 may be written as σ2.
The Morse potential, named after physicist Philip M. Morse, is a convenient interatomic interaction model for the potential energy of a diatomic molecule. It is a better approximation for the vibrational structure of the molecule than the quantum harmonic oscillator because it explicitly includes the effects of bond breaking, such as the existence of unbound states. It also accounts for the anharmonicity of real bonds and the non-zero transition probability for overtone and combination bands. The Morse potential can also be used to model other interactions such as the interaction between an atom and a surface. Due to its simplicity, it is not used in modern spectroscopy. However, its mathematical form inspired the MLR (Morse/Long-range) potential, which is the most popular potential energy function used for fitting spectroscopic data.
Koopmans' theorem states that in closed-shell Hartree–Fock theory (HF), the first ionization energy of a molecular system is equal to the negative of the orbital energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). This theorem is named after Tjalling Koopmans, who published this result in 1934.
The isothermal–isobaric ensemble is a statistical mechanical ensemble that maintains constant temperature and constant pressure applied. It is also called the -ensemble, where the number of particles is also kept as a constant. This ensemble plays an important role in chemistry as chemical reactions are usually carried out under constant pressure condition. The NPT ensemble is also useful for measuring the equation of state of model systems whose virial expansion for pressure cannot be evaluated, or systems near first-order phase transitions.
Barium fluoride is an inorganic compound with the formula BaF2. It is a colorless solid that occurs in nature as the rare mineral frankdicksonite. Under standard conditions it adopts the fluorite structure and at high pressure the PbCl2 structure. Like CaF2, it is resilient to and insoluble in water.
Spartan is a molecular modelling and computational chemistry application from Wavefunction. It contains code for molecular mechanics, semi-empirical methods, ab initio models, density functional models, post-Hartree–Fock models, and thermochemical recipes including G3(MP2) and T1. Quantum chemistry calculations in Spartan are powered by Q-Chem.
The stretched exponential function
Car–Parrinello molecular dynamics or CPMD refers to either a method used in molecular dynamics or the computational chemistry software package used to implement this method.
This page deals with the electron affinity as a property of isolated atoms or molecules. Solid state electron affinities are not listed here.
The helium hydride ion, hydridohelium(1+) ion, or helonium is a cation (positively charged ion) with chemical formula HeH+. It consists of a helium atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, with one electron removed. It can also be viewed as protonated helium. It is the lightest heteronuclear ion, and is believed to be the first compound formed in the Universe after the Big Bang.
In chemistry, a water cluster is a discrete hydrogen bonded assembly or cluster of molecules of water. Many such clusters have been predicted by theoretical models (in silico), and some have been detected experimentally in various contexts such as ice, bulk liquid water, in the gas phase, in dilute mixtures with non-polar solvents, and as water of hydration in crystal lattices. The simplest example is the water dimer (H2O)2.
Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy is a nonlinear infrared spectroscopy technique that has the ability to correlate vibrational modes in condensed-phase systems. This technique provides information beyond linear infrared spectra, by spreading the vibrational information along multiple axes, yielding a frequency correlation spectrum. A frequency correlation spectrum can offer structural information such as vibrational mode coupling, anharmonicities, along with chemical dynamics such as energy transfer rates and molecular dynamics with femtosecond time resolution. 2DIR experiments have only become possible with the development of ultrafast lasers and the ability to generate femtosecond infrared pulses.
In computational chemistry, spin contamination is the artificial mixing of different electronic spin-states. This can occur when an approximate orbital-based wave function is represented in an unrestricted form – that is, when the spatial parts of α and β spin-orbitals are permitted to differ. Approximate wave functions with a high degree of spin contamination are undesirable. In particular, they are not eigenfunctions of the total spin-squared operator, Ŝ2, but can formally be expanded in terms of pure spin states of higher multiplicities.
CONQUEST is a linear scaling, or O(N), density functional theory (DFT) electronic structure open-source code. The code is designed to perform DFT calculations on very large systems containing many thousands of atoms. It can be run at different levels of precision ranging from ab initio tight binding up to full DFT with plane wave accuracy. It has been applied to the study of three-dimensional reconstructions formed by Ge on Si(001), containing over 20,000 atoms. Tests on the UK's national supercomputer HECToR in 2009 demonstrated the capability of the code to perform ground-state calculations on systems of over 1,000,000 atoms.
Heat transfer physics describes the kinetics of energy storage, transport, and energy transformation by principal energy carriers: phonons, electrons, fluid particles, and photons. Heat is energy stored in temperature-dependent motion of particles including electrons, atomic nuclei, individual atoms, and molecules. Heat is transferred to and from matter by the principal energy carriers. The state of energy stored within matter, or transported by the carriers, is described by a combination of classical and quantum statistical mechanics. The energy is different made (converted) among various carriers. The heat transfer processes are governed by the rates at which various related physical phenomena occur, such as the rate of particle collisions in classical mechanics. These various states and kinetics determine the heat transfer, i.e., the net rate of energy storage or transport. Governing these process from the atomic level to macroscale are the laws of thermodynamics, including conservation of energy.
In computational chemistry, a solvent model is a computational method that accounts for the behavior of solvated condensed phases. Solvent models enable simulations and thermodynamic calculations applicable to reactions and processes which take place in solution. These include biological, chemical and environmental processes. Such calculations can lead to new predictions about the physical processes occurring by improved understanding.
In theoretical physics, the dual graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that is a dual of the graviton under electric-magnetic duality, as an S-duality, predicted by some formulations of supergravity in eleven dimensions.
Diargon or the argon dimer is a molecule containing two argon atoms. Normally, this is only very weakly bound together by van der Waals forces. However, in an excited state, or ionised state, the two atoms can be more tightly bound together, with significant spectral features. At cryogenic temperatures, argon gas can have a few percent of diargon molecules.
Adiabatic electron-transfer is a type of oxidation-reduction processes. The mechanism is ubiquitous in nature in both the inorganic and biological spheres. Adiabatic electron-transfers proceed without making or breaking chemical bonds. Adiabatic electron-transfer can occur by either optical or thermal mechanisms. Electron transfer during a collision between an oxidant and a reductant occurs adiabatically on a continuous potential-energy surface.