Multifocal motor neuropathy

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Multifocal motor neuropathy
Other namesMultifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block
Specialty Neurology

Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) is a progressively worsening condition where muscles in the extremities gradually weaken. The disorder, a pure motor neuropathy syndrome, is sometimes mistaken for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) because of the similarity in the clinical picture, especially if muscle fasciculations are present. MMN is thought to be autoimmune. It was first described in the mid-1980s. [1]


Unlike ALS, which affects both upper and lower motor neuron pathways, MMN involves only the lower motor neuron pathway, specifically, the peripheral nerves emanating from the lower motor neurons. Definitive diagnosis is often difficult, and many MMN patients labor for months or years under an ALS diagnosis before finally getting a determination of MMN.

MMN usually involves very little pain; however, muscle cramps, spasms and twitches can cause pain for some people. MMN is not fatal, and does not diminish life expectancy. Many patients, once undergoing treatment, only experience mild symptoms over prolonged periods, though the condition remains slowly progressive. MMN can however, lead to significant disability, with loss of function in hands affecting ability to work and perform everyday tasks, and "foot drop" leading to inability to stand and walk; some patients end up using aids like canes, splints and walkers.


Usually beginning in one or both hands, MMN is characterized by weakness, muscle atrophy, cramping, and often profuse fasciculations (muscle twitching). The symptoms are progressive over long periods, often in a stepwise fashion, but unlike ALS are often treatable.[ citation needed ]

Sensory nerves are usually unaffected.[ citation needed ]

Wrist drop and foot drop (leading to trips and falls) are common symptoms. Other effects can include gradual loss of finger extension, leading to a clawlike appearance. Cold & hot temperatures exacerbate MMN symptoms to such an extent, unlike other neuropathies, that this temperature response is being investigated as a diagnostic tool. [2]


MMN is thought to be caused by alterations in the immune system, such that certain proteins (antibodies) that would normally protect one from viruses and bacteria begin to attack constituents of peripheral nerves. Antibodies may be directed against "GM-1", a ganglioside found at the Nodes of Ranvier. These antibodies have been detected in at least one-third of MMN patients. More recent studies also suggest that newer tests for antibodies directed against GM-1, as well as a number of related gangliosides, are positive in over 80% of MMN patients. There are increasing reasons to believe these antibodies are the cause of MMN.[ citation needed ]


The diagnosis of MMN depends on demonstrating that a patient has a purely motor disorder affecting individual nerves, that there are no upper motor neuron (UMN) signs, that there are no sensory deficits, and that there is evidence of conduction block. These criteria are designed to differentiate the disorder from ALS (purely motor but with UMN signs), the Lewis-Sumner Syndrome variant of Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) (similar to MMN but usually with significant sensory loss), and "vasculitis" (a type of multiple mononeuropathy syndrome caused by inflammatory damage to the blood vessels in nerves that also causes sensory and motor symptoms). [ citation needed ]

A neurologist is usually needed to determine the diagnosis, which is based on the history and physical examination along with the electrodiagnostic study, which includes nerve conduction studies (NCS) and needle electromyography (EMG). The NCS usually demonstrate conduction block. This can be done by showing that the nerve signal cannot conduct past a "lesion" at some point along the nerve. For example, if the nerve is blocked in the forearm, an electrical impulse can easily get from the wrist to the hand if the stimulus is placed at the wrist. However, the signal will be blocked from reaching the hand if the stimulus is applied at the elbow. In MMN, sensory conduction along the same path should be normal. The EMG portion of the test looks for signals in the way muscles fire. In MMN it will most likely reveal abnormalities suggesting that some percentage of the motor axons has been damaged. Laboratory testing for GM1 antibodies is frequently done, and can be very helpful if they are abnormal. However, since only a third of patients with MMN have these antibodies, a negative test does not rule out the disorder. Spinal fluid examination is not usually helpful.[ citation needed ]


Multifocal motor neuropathy is normally treated by receiving intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), which can in many cases be highly effective, or immunosuppressive therapy with cyclophosphamide or rituximab. Steroid treatment (prednisone) and plasmapheresis are no longer considered to be useful treatments(not usually some pt highly recommended); [3] prednisone can exacerbate symptoms. IVIg is the primary treatment, with about 80% of patients responding, usually requiring regular infusions at intervals of 1 week to several months. Other treatments are considered in case of lack of response to IVIg, or sometimes because of the high cost of immunoglobulin. Subcutaneous immunoglobulin is under study as a less invasive, more-convenient alternative to IV delivery. [4]

Ongoing specialist community support, information, advice, and guidance is available from a range of Charities, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), and Patient Advisory Groups around the world. In the United Kingdom this is provided by GAIN (Guillain–Barré and Associated Inflammatory Neuropathies), [5] in the USA it is provided by GBS/CIDP Foundation International, [6] and in The European Union by a range of organisations under the umbrella of EPODIN (European Patient Organization for Disimmune & Inflammatory Neuropathies) [7]

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Hirayama disease, also known as monomelic amyotrophy (MMA), is a rare motor neuron disease first described in 1959 in Japan. Its symptoms usually appear about two years after adolescent growth spurt and is significantly more common in males, with an average age of onset between 15 and 25 years. Hirayama disease is reported most frequently in Asia but has a global distribution. It is typically marked by insidious onset of muscle atrophy of an upper limb, which plateaus after two to five years from which it neither improves nor worsens. There is no pain or sensory loss. It is not believed to be hereditary.

Peripheral mononeuropathy is a nerve related disease where a single nerve, that is used to transport messages from the brain to the peripheral body, is diseased or damaged. Peripheral neuropathy is a general term that indicates any disorder of the peripheral nervous system. The name of the disorder itself can be broken down in order to understand this better; peripheral: in regard to peripheral neuropathy, refers to outside of the brain and spinal cord; neuro: means nerve related; -pathy; means disease. Peripheral mononeuropathy is a disorder that links to Peripheral Neuropathy, as it only effects a single peripheral nerve rather than several damaged or diseased nerves throughout the body. Healthy peripheral nerves are able to “carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to muscles, organs, and other body tissues”.

Facial onset sensory and motor neuronopathy, often abbreviated FOSMN, is a rare disorder of the nervous system in which sensory and motor nerves of the face and limbs progressively degenerate over a period of months to years. This degenerative process, the cause of which is unknown, eventually results in sensory and motor symptoms — the former consisting mainly of paresthesia followed by numbness, and the latter in muscle weakness, atrophy, and eventual paralysis. FOSM is characterized by sensory and motor loss beginning in the face and spreading to involve an increasingly larger area including the scalp, upper arms and trunk. The muscles or respiration and swallowing are commonly affected. In many ways, it is reminiscent of the much better known condition amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, with which it is closely related. There is no cure; treatment is supportive. Life expectancy may be shortened by respiratory complications arising from weakness of the muscles that aid breathing and swallowing. It was first described in four patients by Vucic and colleagues working at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States; subsequent reports from the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia point to a global incidence of the disease. It is thought to be exceptionally rare, with only approximately 100 individuals described to date in the medical literature.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sensory neuronopathy</span> Sensory neuropathy caused by damage of nerve cells in the dorsal root ganglion

Sensory neuronopathy is a type of peripheral neuropathy that results primarily in sensory symptoms due to destruction of nerve cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion. The causes of nerve damage are grouped into categories including those due to paraneoplastic causes, immune mediated, infectious, inherited or degenerative causes and those due to toxin exposure. In idiopathic sensory neuronopathy no cause is identified. Idiopathic causes account for about 50% of cases. Sensory neuronopathy differs from the more common length dependent axonal polyneuropathies in that the symptoms do not progress in a distal to proximal pattern, rather symptoms develop in a multifocal, asymmetric, and non-length dependent manner. Ataxia is a prominent symptom early in the disease course. The trigeminal nerve ganglion is also commonly affected leading to facial numbness. Motor nerves are usually not affected however some cases do have mild motor involvement in the form of weakness. Symptoms tend to develop sub-acutely, over weeks, in acquired sensory neuronopathy and more slowly in inherited or primary degenerative cases. In cases of paraneoplastic or infectious sensory neuropathy, treatment is directed at the underlying cancer or infectious cause respectively. Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory therapies are also commonly used however their effectiveness is limited.


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