Nonius (crater)

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Nonius crater 4107 h3.jpg
Coordinates 34°48′S3°48′E / 34.8°S 3.8°E / -34.8; 3.8
Diameter 69 km
Depth 3.0 km
Colongitude 357° at sunrise
Eponym Pedro Nunes
Satellite craters Nonius lunar crater map.jpg
Satellite craters

Nonius is a lunar impact crater. It is located in the rugged southern highlands on the Moon's near side. It was named after 16th century Portuguese mathematician Pedro Nunes, Latinized as Nonius. [1] The northwestern side and about half the interior floor are overlain by the rim and outer rampart of the walled plain Walther. About half its diameter to the southeast is the smaller crater Kaiser, and slightly farther to the south lies Fernelius.

The surviving rim of this crater has been damaged by multiple impacts, including the merged pair of Nonius K and Nonius L across the northern rim. The surviving outline is more hexagonal in shape than round. The interior floor has an uneven surface, with low ridges and a crater-formed gouge in the western half.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Nonius.

A35.4° S5.6° E10 km
B35.8° S2.0° E21 km
C35.4° S1.1° E7 km
D35.5° S1.8° E6 km
F35.9° S3.8° E7 km
G34.7° S5.7° E6 km
K33.7° S3.9° E18 km
L33.5° S3.5° E31 km
Q35.9° S4.2° E7 km
R35.9° S3.3° E10 km
S34.8° S4.3° E4 km

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  1. "Nonius". Gazeteer of Planetary Nomenclature. International Astronomical Union . Retrieved 7 September 2017.