Order polynomial

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The order polynomial is a polynomial studied in mathematics, in particular in algebraic graph theory and algebraic combinatorics. The order polynomial counts the number of order-preserving maps from a poset to a chain of length . These order-preserving maps were first introduced by Richard P. Stanley while studying ordered structures and partitions as a Ph.D. student at Harvard University in 1971 under the guidance of Gian-Carlo Rota.



Let be a finite poset with elements denoted , and let be a chain elements. A map is order-preserving if implies . The number of such maps grows polynomially with , and the function that counts their number is the order polynomial.

Similarly, we can define an order polynomial that counts the number of strictly order-preserving maps , meaning implies . The number of such maps is the strict order polynomial. [1]

Both and have degree . The order-preserving maps generalize the linear extensions of , the order-preserving bijections . In fact, the leading coefficient of and is the number of linear extensions divided by . [2]


Letting be a chain of elements, we have


There is only one linear extension (the identity mapping), and both polynomials have leading term .

Letting be an antichain of incomparable elements, we have . Since any bijection is (strictly) order-preserving, there are linear extensions, and both polynomials reduce to the leading term .

Reciprocity theorem

There is a relation between strictly order-preserving maps and order-preserving maps: [3]

In the case that is a chain, this recovers the negative binomial identity. There are similar results for the chromatic polynomial and Ehrhart polynomial (see below), all special cases of Stanley's general Reciprocity Theorem. [4]

Connections with other counting polynomials

Chromatic polynomial

The chromatic polynomial counts the number of proper colorings of a finite graph with available colors. For an acyclic orientation of the edges of , there is a natural "downstream" partial order on the vertices implied by the basic relations whenever is a directed edge of . (Thus, the Hasse diagram of the poset is a subgraph of the oriented graph .) We say is compatible with if is order-preserving. Then we have

where runs over all acyclic orientations of G, considered as poset structures. [5]

Order polytope and Ehrhart polynomial

The order polytope associates a polytope with a partial order. For a poset with elements, the order polytope is the set of order-preserving maps , where is the ordered unit interval, a continuous chain poset. [6] [7] More geometrically, we may list the elements , and identify any mapping with the point ; then the order polytope is the set of points with if . [2]

The Ehrhart polynomial counts the number of integer lattice points inside the dilations of a polytope. Specifically, consider the lattice and a -dimensional polytope with vertices in ; then we define

the number of lattice points in , the dilation of by a positive integer scalar . Ehrhart showed that this is a rational polynomial of degree in the variable , provided has vertices in the lattice. [8]

In fact, the Ehrhart polynomial of an order polytope is equal to the order polynomial of the original poset (with a shifted argument): [2] [9]

This is an immediate consequence of the definitions, considering the embedding of the -chain poset .

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