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Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Trichoptera
Family: Xiphocentronidae
Subfamily: Proxiphocentroninae
Schmid, 1982
Genus: Proxiphocentron
Schmid, 1982

Proxiphocentron anakmata
Proxiphocentron arjinae
Proxiphocentron prathamajam

Proxiphocentron is a genus of caddisflies from South-east Asia. [1]

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  1. Peng, Lang; Ge, Xinyu; Sun, ChangHai; Wang, Beixin (2022-01-14). "The First Report of the Genera Abaria and Drepanocentron (Trichoptera: Xiphocentronidae) from China, with Descriptions of Two New Species". Insects. 13 (1): 95. doi:10.3390/insects13010095. ISSN   2075-4450. PMC   8781399 . PMID   35055938.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)