Ranks and insignia of Organisation Todt show the pay grades, wage groups, and paramilitary ranks used by Organisation Todt.
OT-pay grade | Technical services and transport | Administrative and executive | Medical | Equivalent rank |
16 | OT-Arbeiter | OT-Arbeiter | OT-Sanitäter | Grenadier |
15 | OT-Stammarbeiter | - | - | Obergrenadier |
14 | OT-Vorarbeiter | OT-Vorarbeiter | OT-Stammsanitäter | Gefreiter |
13 | OT-Meister | OT-Meister | OT-Obersanitäter | Obergefreiter |
12 | OT-Obermeister | OT-Obermeister | OT-Hauptsanitäter | Unteroffizier |
OT-Truppführer | OT-Truppführer | OT-Sanitätstruppführer | Feldwebel | |
11 | OT-Obertruppführer | OT-Obertruppführer | OT-Sanitätsobertruppfüher | Oberfeldwebel |
OT-Haupttruppführer | OT-Haupttruppführer | OT-Sanitätshaupttruppführer | Stabsfeldwebel | |
10 | OT-Bauführer | OT-Frontführer | OT-Arzt | Leutnant |
9 | OT-Oberbauführer | OT-Oberfrontführer | OT-Oberarzt | Oberleutnant |
8 | OT-Hauptbauführer | OT-Hauptfrontführer | OT-Stabsarzt | Hauptmann |
7 | OT-Bauleiter | OT-Stabsfrontführer | OT-Oberstabsarzt | Major |
6 | OT-Oberbauleiter | OT-Oberstabsfrontführer | OT-Oberfeldarzt | Oberstleutnant |
5 | OT-Hauptbauleiter | OT-Oberstfrontführer | OT-Oberstarzt | Oberst |
4 | OT-Einsatzleiter | OT-Einsatzleiter | - | Generalmajor |
3 | OT-Einsatz-gruppenleiter II | - | - | Generalleutnant |
2 | OT-Einsatz-gruppenleiter I | - | - | General |
1 | Amtschef Organisation Todt | - | - | Generaloberst |
Wage group | OT-rank | Specifications |
J1 | OT-Arbeiter OT-Stammarbeiter OT-Vorarbeiter | Technical and clerical employees under 20 years of age, without completed vocational education |
J2 | OT-Stammarbeiter OT-Vorarbeiter OT-Meister | Technical and clerical employees under 20 years of age, with completed vocational education and apprenticeship |
K1 | OT-Vorarbeiter OT-Meister OT-Obermeister | Clerical employees with repetitive tasks |
K2 | Clerical employees with simple tasks | |
T1 | Technical employees with repetitive tasks | |
T2 | OT-Obermeister OT-Truppführer | Technical employees with simple tasks |
M | OT-Obermeister OT-Truppführer OT-Obertruppführer | Foremen |
MO | OT-Truppführer OT-Obertruppführer OT-Haupttruppführer | Head foremen |
K3 | OT-Obertruppführer OT-Haupttruppführer OT-Frontführer | Administrative employees |
T3 | OT-Haupttruppführer OT-Bauführer | Technical employees with difficult tasks |
K4 | OT-Frontführer OT-Oberfrontführer OT-Hauptfrontführer | Leading administrative employees |
T4 | OT-Oberbauführer OT-Hauptbauführer OT-Bauleiter | Leading technical employees |
TH | OT-Hauptbauführer OT-Bauleiter OT-Oberbauleiter | Executives |
Sources: [3]
Wage Group | Category |
A | Assistant foremen |
B | Leading skilled workers |
C | Skilled specialists |
D | Skilled workers Leading semi-skilled workers |
E | Semi-skilled workers Leading unskilled workers |
F | Unskilled workers |
G | Guard workers |
H | Catering and service workers |
J | Workers under the age of 18 |
K | Female workers |
Source: [4]
Collar insignia | Shoulder insignia | OT rank | Translation | Heer equivalent |
Amtschef Organisation Todt | Head of office Organization Todt | Generaloberst | ||
OT-Einsatz-gruppenleiter I | OT-Operations group leader I | General | ||
OT-Einsatz-gruppenleiter II | OT-Operations group leader II | Generalleutnant | ||
OT-Einsatzleiter | OT-Operations manager | Generalmajor | ||
OT-Hauptbauleiter | OT-Main site manager | Oberst | ||
OT-Oberbauleiter | OT-Chief site manager | Oberstleutnant | ||
OT-Bauleiter | OT-Site manager | Major | ||
![]() | ![]() | OT-Hauptbauführer | OT-Main construction guide | Hauptmann |
![]() | ![]() | OT-Oberbauführer | OT-Superintendent | Oberleutnant |
![]() | ![]() | OT-Bauführer | OT-Construction guide | Leutnant |
![]() | ![]() | OT-Haupttruppführer | OT-Main squad leader | No equivalent |
![]() | ![]() | OT-Obertruppführer | OT-Senior troop leader | Stabsfeldwebel |
![]() | ![]() | OT-Truppführer | OT-Squad leader | Hauptfeldwebel |
![]() | OT-Obermeister | OT-Senior master | Unteroffizier | |
OT-Meister | OT-Master | Obergefreiter | ||
![]() | OT-Vorarbeiter | OT-Foreman | Gefreiter | |
OT-Stammarbeiter | OT-Permanent worker | Soldat | ||
OT-Arbeiter | OT-Worker | Soldat | ||
Source: [5] [6] [7] |
Organisation Todt was a civil and military engineering organisation in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, named for its founder, Fritz Todt, an engineer and senior member of the Nazi Party. The organisation was responsible for a huge range of engineering projects both in Nazi Germany and in occupied territories from France to the Soviet Union during the Second World War. The organisation became notorious for using forced labour. From 1943 until 1945 during the late phase of the Third Reich, OT administered all constructions of concentration camps to supply forced labour to industry.
Fritz Todt was a German construction engineer and senior figure of the Nazi Party. He was the founder of Organisation Todt (OT), a military-engineering organisation that supplied German industry with forced labour, and served as Reich Minister for Armaments and Ammunition in Nazi Germany early in World War II, directing the entire German wartime military economy from that position.
Wehrmachtbericht was the daily Wehrmacht High Command mass-media communiqué and a key component of Nazi propaganda during World War II. Produced by the Propaganda Department of the OKW, it covered Germany's military situation and was broadcast daily on the Reich Broadcasting Corporation of Nazi Germany. All broadcasts were authorized by the Reich Ministry of Propaganda under Joseph Goebbels. Despite the latter's attempts to temper excessive optimism, they often exaggerated the success of the German armed forces, the Wehrmacht, leading historian Aristotle Kallis to describe their tone as "triumphalist".
General der Panzertruppe was a General of the branch rank of the German Army, introduced in 1935. A General der Panzertruppe was a lieutenant general, above major general (Generalleutnant), commanding a Panzer corps.
Enno Lolling was a Nazi doctor. As a member of the SS, he served as a Lagerarzt at Dachau concentration camp. He later headed up the medical division for all the SS concentration camps. Lolling committed suicide in Flensburg as the war was ending.
Franz Wilhelm Seidler is a German historian, author and expert on German military history. From 1973 to 1998, he was a professor of Modern History at the Bundeswehr University Munich. Since retirement, he has published works of revisionist nature in extreme right-wing publishers, such as Pour le Mérite Verlag.
Rudolf Querner was a German SS functionary during the Nazi era. He served as the Higher SS and Police Leader in Austria and Germany and was responsible for the evacuations and death marches from concentration camps at the end of the war. Arrested by the Allied authorities, he committed suicide in prison.
Kurt Wilhelm Albert Karl Agricola was a general in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II who held senior level occupational rear-security commands in the occupied Soviet Union. A native of Saxony, Agricola entered army service in 1908 and served during World War I. During the interwar era, he held staff assignments and continued to rise through the army's ranks in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany. His career stalled in January 1939, when he was sent into retirement on political grounds because of his marriage to Martha born Hahn, a Jewish woman. Reactivated again upon the start of World War II, Agricola received exclusively positions behind the front line. As rear area commander of the 2nd Army in the occupied Soviet union during 1941–43, Agricola brought changes in the Wehrmacht's harsh occupation policies and was successful in maintaining control of his area of occupied territory from Soviet partisans. Shortly after the war's end, he was arrested by Soviet authorities, convicted of war crimes and remained in captivity for a decade. One of the last German prisoners in the Soviet Union, he was released in October 1955 and died shortly thereafter in West Germany.
The comparative ranks of Nazi Germany contrasts the ranks of the Wehrmacht to a number of national-socialist organisations in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 in a synoptic table. Nazi organisations used a hierarchical structure, according to the so-called Führerprinzip, and were oriented in line with the rank order system of the Wehrmacht.
General der Luftwaffe was a General of the branch rank of the Deutsche Luftwaffe in Nazi Germany. Until the end of World War II in 1945, this particular general officer rank was on three-star level (OF-8), equivalent to a US Lieutenant general.
Luftwaffe personnel structure consisted of two broad categories, Wehrmachtangehörige or members of the armed forces, and Wehrmachtgefolge or auxiliaries of the armed forces.
Transportflotte Speer was a government owned waterways transportation company in Nazi Germany. At its creation it was tasked with the transportation of building material on the German inland waterways. During the war, it became subordinated to the Ministry of Armaments, and was given extensive coastal and inland transportation missions in occupied Europe, mainly in the service of Organisation Todt. The company was named after Albert Speer.
Legion Speer was a Nazi German paramilitary motor transportation corps founded in 1942. The members of the Legion were non-German citizens, and as such could not belong to the Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps (NSKK). The legion was disbanded in 1944, and its members absorbed into the Transportkorps Speer. It was named after Albert Speer.
Transportkorps Speer was created in 1944 from Legion Speer and the units of the National Socialist Motor Corps that was serving the Organisation Todt. Shortly after its creation it became subordinated to the Wehrmacht. Yet, its major mission remained in support of OT, which at this time was mainly engaged in rebuilding and repair of bomb damaged industrial facilities and housing complexes. Transportkorps Speer was organized in motor transportation battalions and regiments, supported by depot, repair, engineering, signal, and medical units.
Helmuth Osthoff was a German musicologist and composer. Much of his career was spent at Frankfurt University, prior to which he held posts at Halle University and Berlin University. He wrote the first major biography on the composer Josquin des Prez, published as a two volume monograph in 1962 and 1965
Rudolf Gerber was a German musicologist. He was professor and director of the musicology department of the University of Gießen and from 1943 professor of musicology at the University of Göttingen.
The Ranks and insignia of German Women's Auxiliary Services were the ranks given to women who served in the German military and paramilitary forces during World War II.
In Germany, Regierungspräsident is the job title of the head of a federal state authority in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia. The jurisdiction of the authority defines a certain administrative division (Regierungsbezirk). The office holders are political civil servants, meaning they can be removed from their office by the government without reasons, and are appointed by the Minister President of the respective federal state.
Hans-Erich Volkmann is a German historian, whose works primarily deal with the history of Germany from the 19th–20th century, and particularly how it relates to the East European states. He is one of the authors of the first volume of Germany and the Second World War. He has also been one of the editors of Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift.