Renewable energy in Spain

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Renewable Energy in Spain [1]
Flag of Spain.svg
Renewable Energy (RE)
RE as % of Gross Final Energy Consumption.21.2% (2020)
NREAP target for above:20.0% (2020)
Renewable Electricity
Percentage electricity generated by RE.55.8% (2024)
RE generated / Total electricity generation.111,459/266,867 GWh Net(2014) [2]
Record % RE covered electricity consumption70.4% (21/11/15 wind only) [3]
Installed capacity (2024)
Wind Power31.7 GW
Bio Energy1.2 GW
Solar Power33.7 GW
Hydro Power20.0 GW
Geothermal0 GW
Total renewable86.6 GW

Renewable energy in Spain, comprising bioenergy, wind, solar, and hydro sources, accounted for 15.0% of the Total Energy Supply (TES) in 2019. Oil was the largest contributor at 42.4% of the TES, followed by gas, which made up 25.4%. [4] [5]


Spain, along with other European Union (EU) States, has a target of generating 32% of all its energy needs from renewable energy sources by 2030. [6] A previous target of 20% for 2020, [7] with an additional 0.8% available for other EU countries under the cooperation mechanism, was reached and slightly surpassed. [8] [9] [10]

In 2021, renewables generated 46.7% of Spain's electricity needs, the largest part of it from wind power (23.3%), followed by hydroelectric (11.4%), solar (9.9%), and other renewables (2.2%). [11] [12] In 2023, the share of electricity generated from renewable sources rose to 50.8%, reflecting the country's progress towards its decarbonisation goals. [13]


Andasol is the first parabolic trough power plant in Europe, and Andasol 1 went online in March 2009. Because of the high altitude (1,100 m) and the semi-arid climate, the site has exceptionally high annual direct insolation of 2,200 kWh/m per year. Andasol Solar Power Station 2.jpg
Andasol is the first parabolic trough power plant in Europe, and Andasol 1 went online in March 2009. Because of the high altitude (1,100 m) and the semi-arid climate, the site has exceptionally high annual direct insolation of 2,200 kWh/m per year.
PS10 solar power plant PS10 solar power tower.jpg
PS10 solar power plant

In 2021 the contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity generation was 47% of the overall electricity production, with wind leading with a share of 23% and solar with 8% [14] . This is comparable to the International Energy Agency (IEA) median for 2019, which stood at 38% of electricity generation from renewables. [5]

In the early 2000s, the growth of wind power contributed to an increase in Spain's renewable electricity production. By 2021, wind and solar energy made up 23% and 8% of total electricity generation, respectively. The installation of photovoltaic (PV) plants beginning in 2007 played a key role in this increase, doubling the renewables' share in Spain's electricity mix from 20% in 2008 to 40% in 2013. After this period of growth, the share of renewables in Spain's electricity generation leveled off, reaching 37% by 2019 [5] , and 47% by 2021 [14] .

Spain's renewable energy sector has undergone significant shifts, initially driven by the 1997 Special Regime and Royal Decree 661/2007, which promoted considerable growth in wind and solar PV installations through favorable conditions and feed-in tariffs. However, the dynamics of the sector shifted following legislative reforms in 2012, marked by the enactment of Law 24/2013 and Royal Decree 413/2014. These reforms introduced a new financial framework for the electricity market, modifying compensation mechanisms for renewable sources, which led to a deceleration in new developments. Consequently, the rapid increase in renewable capacity, notably in wind energy, from 2.2 GW in 2000 to 23.0 GW in 2013, slowed, with only a slight rise to 23.4 GW by 2018. Solar PV installations experienced a similar trend. [5]

In 2015 solar power suddenly demonstrated a possible way through the impasse. The continued fall in prices for solar systems and Spain's abundant sunshine led to prices for solar power reaching grid price parity. Suddenly there was the potential for sustained and spontaneous growth in solar installations in Spain as households and producers could produce power more economically. However, the Spanish government introduced what has been dubbed the world's first "sun tax" on solar installations making them economically less viable as well as draconian fines (up to 60 million Euros) for anyone not complying with the tax.[ citation needed ]

The tax created controversy among stakeholders. On the one hand, the government has argued that those generating their own power still rely on the national grid for power backup and so should be liable for contributing to the cost. On the other hand, the solar industry has argued that the government is simply trying to protect the centralised established power producers whose revenues would be threatened by this competitive solar threat. Environmentalists have criticised the tax for artificially blocking Spain from continuing its long standing movement to renewable energy production.[ citation needed ]

Spain is advancing Europe's energy autonomy with Iberdrola's renewable energy projects, supported by a €1 billion loan from the European Investment Bank in a deal signed in June 2023. Iberdrola plans to build 19 solar photovoltaic power plants and three onshore wind farms in Spain, Portugal, and Germany, with a total capacity of nearly 2.2 gigawatts. These projects aim to generate 4 terawatt-hours of electricity, equal to the annual consumption of over 1 million households. Importantly, 70% of these installations will be in rural areas affected by the transition to net-zero emissions, fostering regional development. To ensure a stable power supply, Iberdrola will integrate hybrid battery systems into its photovoltaic projects. These plants are expected to be operational by the end of 2028, aligning with the European Commission's REPowerEU plan to reduce fossil fuel imports and accelerate the green transition [15] and Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Union (EU) [16] .

Energy Policy

Climate Change and Energy Transition Act of 2021

This law was passed by Congress with the aim to comply with the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement and reach climate neutrality (full decarbonization and a 100% renewable energy grid) by 2050. Specific objectives include achieving at least 42% of total final renewable energy consumption and 74% total renewable energy production, ending the sale of polluting vehicles by 2040, requiring all cities of over 50,000 residents to adopt sustainability mobility plans that include low-emission zones, requiring cities of over 20,000 residents to approve low-emissions zones if their air quality is poor, establishing charging points at gas stations and buildings with more than 20 parking spots, promoting financing of public transportation, prohibiting new hydrocarbon extraction projects (fracking), and promoting installation of solar panels for private use/ self-consumption. A significant note is that the government will have to revise the law every five years according to progress made and include national plans for adaptation to climate change that identify risks and impacts on natural systems, territories, people, and socio-economic sectors. The law also includes a committee of scientific experts on climate change to be established as the leaders on evaluating issues and making recommendations [17] [18] .

Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan

This is an implementation plan outlining Spain's pathway to achieve its climate and energy targets for the years 2021-2030 in alignment with the European Union's climate and energy framework and overall, 2030 goals. Its specific targets include reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40%, increasing the share of renewable energy to at least 32% of EU energy use, and improving energy efficiency by at least 32.5%. It details policies and measures in all sectors needed for this transition, including energy, transport, agriculture, waste management, and more. The plan also focuses on energy sharing and exportation/ importation. It lays out goals to intensify regional cooperation between Portugal, Spain, and France to provide stable energy security. Every EU member state was required to submit a plan like this to the European Commission by the end of 2019 [19] .

Royal Decree 244/ 2019

To promote the adoption of renewable energy, Royal Decree 244/2019 was enacted. It established a framework for the nationwide deployment of rooftop solar panel installations and introduced a financial mechanism that allows for bill reductions based on the electricity exported to the grid, with compensation determined by the hourly wholesale price and capped by actual consumption. Additionally, this framework supports shared self-consumption installations, enabling multiple consumers to collectively benefit from a single renewable energy system [16] .

Employment in Renewable Energy

Initially, there was growing national interest in renewable energy, but a sharp decline in production and employment occurred after 2015. However, since 2018, the sector has shown signs of recovery, with renewed confidence in meeting national goals. Despite this, short-term job growth in the industry remains overall limited. At the regional level, growth has been uneven, with Extremadura, Galicia, and Navarra outperforming the national average. To address this, the EU has implemented financial mechanisms, such as European Funds, to reduce these gaps. Moving forward, Spain must establish a unified renewable energy policy to promote regional balance [20] .

Energy consumption by sector

Projected total gross final energy consumption by sector in 2020 (calculated as per NREAP criteria.)
  1. Heating and cooling (32.5%)
  2. Electricity (33.6%)
  3. Transport (33.9%)

Electricity Sector

Components of renewable electricity coverage in Spain 2015. Donut chart spain.png
Components of renewable electricity coverage in Spain 2015.

In 2015, wind power provided the largest share at 19.1% followed by hydroelectric power at 11.1%. Solar power provided 5.2% and renewable thermal a further 2%. The total electricity supplied (demand coverage) from renewables was 37.4% of Spain's requirements in 2015. The current generational mix of electricity production can be checked in real time on the Red Electrica de Espana website. [26]

Sharp variation from one year to the next is largely due to the substantial differences in hydroelectric production from one year to the next. Excluding hydroelectric production electricity generation from renewable energy sources grew from around 10 percent [27] in 2006 to 26.3 percent of demand coverage in 2015. Most of the growth occurred in the years leading up to 2012 with little change in baseline capacity between 2012 and 2015. Renewable energy generated electricity had a record year in 2014 when it supplied 42.8% of Spain's national demand.

Total annual net generation from renewable sources has grown from around 60 TWh in 2007 to close to 100-110 TWh in the years 2013–2015. Wind power overtook hydroelectric power as the largest source of renewable electricity from around 2008 onwards to produce around 50 TWh from 2013 onwards. Hydroelectric power remains to second largest source typically generating between 25 and 45 TWh per year depending on whether the year is a wet or dry one. Solar PV power grew from just 484 GWh in 2007 to 8,202 GWh by 2012 and has remained at a similar level through to 2015. Solar thermal power grew from almost no presence at 8 GWh in 2007 to 5,085 GWh by 2015. Renewable thermal and other sources have grown from around 2,589 GWh in 2007 to 4,625 GWh in 2015. Total electricity generation from all sources has fallen in Spain from 288 TWh in 2007 to 267 TWh by 2015, a fall of around 7%.

Electricity coverage by renewables (%) [25] [28] [29] [30]

Heating and cooling sector

Renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector, final energy consumption 2014 [1]
SourcektoeEstimated share of total

sector (all sources)

of which: -solid biomass3,76113.29%
-bio liquids00%
RE from heat pumps3321.17%
Solar Energy2590.92%
Overall share of energy use in the heating and cooling sector from renewable sources [1]
Percentage of total sector13.5%14.0%14.0%15.6%16.9%15.9%16.2%16.1%17.2%18.0%

Every two years all EU countries as well as Iceland and Norway submit Progress Reports outlining their renewable energy development and movement towards meeting their 2020 renewable energy targets. According to the Spanish progress reports between 2011 and 2014 renewable energy share in the heating and cooling sector grew from 13.6% to 15.8%. In 2014 biomass provided the largest share of RE in the heating and cooling sector at approximately 13.65% of the total, equating to 3.862 million tonnes of oil equivalent. RE from heat pumps provided a little over 1% of the total sector, solar and geothermal power provided a contribution of 0.92% and 0.07% respectively.

Transport sector

Renewable energy in the transport sector, 2014 [1]
Confirmed renewable


Renewable electricity119
Total (Confirmed)119.7
*Unconfirmed renewable

biofuels sources

HVO (hydro treated vegetable oil)289
Total (Unconfirmed)1,010

According to the third Spanish submission of EU country Progress Reports covering the years 2013 and 2014 renewable energy use in the transport sector in Spain and Brazil included renewable electricity accounting for energy use of 119.7 k toe. *The bio fuels listed in the report and the table above had not been confirmed as coming from sustainable sources and were awaiting assessment and possible confirmation and as such are not yet able to be confirmed as renewable energy sources. They are included for information about the sector. The total energy from bio fuels were 1,010 k toe in 2014. Renewable electricity accounted for 0.5% of the total fuel use in the transport sector (using 2020 EU target criteria). A rough calculation would imply that if the bio fuels are finally confirmed as renewable sources then the total renewable energy use in the transport sector would come to approximately 4.7% of the total in 2014.


Wind power

In 2014 Spain was the world's fourth biggest producer of wind power. In that year, the year-end installed capacity was 23 GW and the annual production was 51,439 GWh, a share of total electricity consumption of 21.1%. [31] Installed capacity grew from around 0.8GW in 1998 to approximately 23 GW by 2012. As can be seen from the graph, virtually no new wind power has been installed from 2012 to 2017.

Wind power installed capacity (MW) [32]

Hydroelectric Power

Installed capacity of hydroelectric power has grown by small incremental amounts annually since 2006 from 18,1815 MW in 2006 to 19,468 MW in 2014. Between 2014 and 2015 there was a significant growth in pumped storage generation of 850 MW. Total capacity reached 20,336 MW in 2015.

Hydroelectric installed capacity (MW) [32]

Annual electricity generation from hydroelectric sources varies considerably from year to year. A rough calculation shows that the contribution to total net generation varied approximately between 9-17 percent annually. This variation helps explain the fluctuating annual figures for total renewable energy in Spain. Production in 2012 was a little over half that of 2010 at just 24,100 gW/h.

Solar power

In 2005 Spain became the first country in Europe to require the installation of photovoltaic electricity generation in new buildings, and the second in the world (after Israel) to require the installation of solar hot water systems. [33] With the construction of the PS10, located near Seville, Spain became the first country to ever have a commercial solar energy power tower. [34] In recent years there has been much controversy over a tax on PV power generation as the cost of PV solar installations has reached grid parity in Spain according to several sources. Solar power first began to be installed significantly in 2006 with 136 MW installed capacity before rising rapidly to 6,949 MW by 2013. Little change in installed capacity occurred between 2013 and 2018, but between 2019 and 2022 Spain doubled its capacity.

Solar power installed capacity (MW) [32]

Renewable Thermal

In 2014 biomass and biogas contributed to around 2% of electricity generation in Spain as well as 13.65% of heat consumed in the heating and cooling sector. In terms of the energy provided to each sector in ktoe (thousand tonnes of oil equivalent), the fuels provided over nine times more energy to the heating and cooling sector.

Renewable thermal installed capacity (MW) [32]

Production by region

Production by source and Autonomous Community:

The following two tables show a snapshot of the generation of electricity from renewable sources in Spain at the end of 2006 and the end of 2013. In 2006 two regions were generating around 70 percent of electricity demand from renewables. By 2013 four regions were generating more electricity from renewables than the total demand within each region. The leading region was Castile and León which generated 164 percent of its total electricity demand.

Renewable Electricity in Spain (GWh, 2006 data) [35]
Autonomous Community Hydroelectric power (Nationwide)Wind powerSolar power - allBiomass


Solid waste


Total Renewable GenerationTotal Electricity Demand % Renewable of Total

Electricity Demand

Castile and León 696038401427487111751579370.8%
Galicia 756159701242317140912027969.5%
La Rioja 1248971321027186055.2%
Aragón 30733342163864871188554.6%
Navarre 37922482826902924540154.1%
Extremadura 224401002245507644.2%
Castile-La Mancha 71039358993447861268637.7%
Asturias 1680357022140026581239121.5%
Cantabria 875001141927569316.3%
Catalonia 32233017772413849484987.9%
Andalusia 9461042572802721407376.7%
Basque Country 3363393553261059209345.1%
Valencia 1041266135501375276685.0%
Canary Islands 028800028893723.1%
Balearic Islands 050013313862352.2%
Murcia 6593612017683342.1%
Madrid 830858330479305981.6%
Ceuta & Melilla 0000223910.5%
Renewable Electricity in Spain (GWh, 2013 data) [36]
Autonomous Community Hydroelectric




(special regime)

Wind powerSolar




All - Renewable ThermalTotal Renewable GenerationTotal Electricity Demand% Renewable of Total

Electricity Demand

Castilla y León 79556281268108481812229313586164.09%
Extremadura 28553801649111015058024586126.52%
Castilla-La Mancha 551491865767816972381231211745104.83%
Galicia 8226184494960205972018319538103.30%
Aragón 3594101348690309228100131019098.26%
Navarra 146627266502953044037472085.53%
La Rioja 1066810780130121394165584.23%
Asturias 191133111420166640511052738.48%
Andalucía 13033316987198815861764139593728037.44%
Cantabria 6112797502821049446223.51%
Cataluña 4607109931957443125996654712220.51%
Región de Murcia 765654443802581579780120.24%
Comunidad Valenciana 1584252595105645348312561518.86%
Canarias 033640287866286257.68%
País Vasco 3751683560281871114173166.43%
Baleares 0060122112956742.27%
Comunidad de Madrid 691000092286547301691.81%
Ceuta y Melilla 00000.100.14120.02%

Targets and progress


Renewable energy target trajectory NREAP report 20/12/11. [21]
Renewable energy share of heating and cooling sector8.9%11.0%11.3%11.7%12.1%12.5%13.4%14.3%15.1%15.8%16.5%17.3%
Renewable energy share of electricity sector18.4%29.2%31.0%32.0%32.7%33.5%34.1%34.4%35.5%36.4%37.4%39.0%
Renewable energy share of transport sector0.8%5.0%7.1%7.6%7.8%8.0%8.3%8.7%9.1%9.6%10.2%11.3%
Renewable energy share of total energy consumption8.2%13.2%14.4%15.1%15.6%16.1%16.7%17.3%18.1%18.9%19.7%20.8%

The table above shows the expected trajectory for shares of renewable energy in the three sectors as well as the overall target trajectory. The information represents the Spanish submission as one of the European country National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPS). Overall between 2005 and 2020 renewable energy sources are expected to rise from 8.2% of total energy use in 2005 to 20.8% of energy use by 2020.


Renewable energy Progress Report Spain, 2013–16. [1]
Renewable energy share of heating and cooling sector14.1%15.8%16.8%16.8%
Renewable energy share of electricity sector36.7%37.8%36.9%36.6%
Renewable energy share of transport sector0.5%0.5%1.2%5.3%†
Renewable energy share of total energy consumption15.3%16.2%16.2%17.3%

† 2016 was the first year in which the contribution of biofuels was counted in the transport sector.

According to the third Spanish submission of EU country Progress Reports, (submitted every 2 years), covering the years 2013 and 2014, the country achieved renewable energy shares in each sector as listed in the table above. Spain has a 20.8% renewable energy target in its total energy in order to meet the European Union renewable energy targets for 2020. By 2014 Spain had achieved a 16.2% share of total energy use. Most of the growth occurred in the electricity sector which has grown from 18.4% of the total sector in 2005 to 37.8% by 2014.. During the same period the thermal sector registered a smaller rise from 8.9% to 15.8%. The transport sector remains well below its target trajectory at just 0.5% in 2014, although this may improve if Spanish biofuel use is confirmed as coming from sustainable sources to a level of roughly equal to 4.7% of the sector (see transport sector heading above). Spain's overall target for renewable energy use across all sectors stood at 16.2% of the total in 2014, just above its trajectory target and not a long way short of its 20.8% target for 2020.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "SHARES (Renewables) - Energy - Eurostat" . Retrieved 6 February 2022.
  2. "Elaborated data: Red Electrica De Espana, Publicaciones, Indicadores nacionales Data sheet for "Balances de energía eléctrica" March 2016 Accessed 5/5/16".
  3. "Red Electrica de Espana Corporate Responsibility Report 2015" (PDF).
  4. "Spain 2021 – Analysis". IEA. Retrieved 13 March 2024.
  5. 1 2 3 4 "Spain 2021 - Energy Policy Review" (PDF). International Energy Agency (IEA). 2021.
  6. "Share of energy consumption from renewable sources in Europe". 4 March 2022. Retrieved 26 August 2022.
  8. 1 2 "National Renewable Energy Action Plans, Directive 2009/28/EC". 29 June 2023.
  9. "Share of renewable energy in the EU up to 19.7% in 2019". 18 December 2020. Retrieved 26 August 2022.
  10. "EU overachieves 2020 renewable energy target". Eurostat . 19 January 2022. Retrieved 26 August 2022.
  11. "In 2021, Spain was the European country that generated the second highest amount of electricity with wind and solar power | Red Eléctrica". Red Eléctrica de España. 30 June 2022. Retrieved 26 August 2022.
  12. Informe resumen de energías renovables 2021 (PDF) (Report) (in Spanish). Red Eléctrica de España. June 2022. Retrieved 26 August 2022.
  13. "Spain produced just over half of electricity from renewable sources in 2023". Reuters. 19 December 2023.
  14. 1 2 "In 2021, Spain Generated the Second Highest Amount of Electricity with Wind and Solar Power". Red Eléctrica. 30 June 2022. Retrieved 10 February 2025.
  15. "Spain renewables projects strengthen Europe energy autonomy". European Investment Bank. Retrieved 5 February 2024.
  16. 1 2 Ramírez, F. Javier; Honrubia-Escribano, A.; Gómez-Lázaro, E.; Pham, Duc T. (20 September 2018). "The role of wind energy production in addressing the European renewable energy targets: The case of Spain". Journal of Cleaner Production. 196: 1198–1212. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.06.102. ISSN   0959-6526.
  17. "Spain Approves Its First Climate Change Law: At Least 74% Renewable Electricity Production By 2030". The Corner. Retrieved 4 March 2025.
  18. "Spain - Energy". International Trade Administration. 31 July 2024. Retrieved 4 March 2025.
  19. "Spain's energy policy and regulatory framework". European Commission. 2019. Retrieved 10 February 2025.
  20. Blanco, Miguel; Ferasso, Marcos; Bares, Lydia (January 2021). "Evaluation of the Effects on Regional Production and Employment in Spain of the Renewable Energy Plan 2011–2020". Sustainability. 13 (6): 3587. doi: 10.3390/su13063587 . ISSN   2071-1050.
  21. 1 2 "National Action Plans, European Commission". 29 June 2023.
  22. "SHARES summary results 2020".
  23. "Spanish National Renewable Energy Action Plan, Directive 2009/28/EC". 29 June 2023.
  24. "European Commission, National Energy Efficiency Action Plans and Annual Reports". 29 June 2023.
  25. 1 2 Preliminary Report 2015, Red Electrica Espana
  26. current mix of electricity generation
  27. Annual Report 2007, Red Electrica de Espana, figure for wind power only, excludes very small contribution from other sources.
  28. Corporate Responsibility Report 2009, p91, Red Eléctrica Corporación
  29. Preliminary Report 2013, p12, Red Eléctrica de España
  30. Corporate Responsibility Report 2014, p61, Red Eléctrica de España
  31. The Spanish Electricity System Preliminary Report 2014 (PDF), Red Eléctrica de España (REE), 2014
  32. 1 2 3 4 "Series estadísticas nacionales". Red Eléctrica de España. Retrieved 18 April 2020.
  33. REN21: Renewables Global Status Report - Update 2006 Archived 18 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  34. "".
  35. Red Eléctrica de España Annual Report 2006 Archived 30 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  36. Red Electrica de Espana, Annual Report 2013