Renewable energy in Afghanistan

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Electricity supply in Afghanistan by source Afghanistan electricity production.svg
Electricity supply in Afghanistan by source

Renewable energy in Afghanistan includes biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind power. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Afghanistan is a landlocked country surrounded by five other countries. With a population of less than 35 million people, it is one of the lowest energy consuming countries in relation to a global standing. [6] It holds a spot as one of the countries with a smaller ecological footprint. Hydropower is currently the main source of renewable energy due to Afghanistan's geographical location. Its large mountainous environment facilitates the siting of hydroelectric dams (see also list of dams and reservoirs in Afghanistan) and other facets of hydro energy. [2]


The renewable energy resource potential of Afghanistan is estimated at over 300,000 MW according to the state's Ministry of Energy and Water. [7] [2] The country currently spends around $280 million on importing 670 MW of electricity from neighboring Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. [8] [1]

Another form of renewable energy in Afghanistan is biogas. [9] With the start of biogas, communities have begun to feel the benefits beyond that of the environment through capacity building as well. [9]

Biomass energy

Afghanistan has the potential to produce about 4,000 MW of power through biomass. [7] [2] Traditional biomass energy has supplied up to 90% of energy demand, [10] such as from firewood and dung. [11] [9] [12]


Biogas can be used in many different countries with the same function and uses. The renewable energy sector in Afghanistan is growing today through biogas. [9] The "use of biogas produced from anaerobic decomposition of organic material. This biogas typically contains equal amounts of CH4 and CO2." [13] When biogas is converted in the right way, that is when the renewable energy and resource is possible deriving the hydrogen from the waste. [9] Biogas "decompose municipal solid wastes anaerobically and landfill gas to energy projects that directly combust the landfill gas are being implemented." [13] The strength of biogas is incredible, it has been proven that the "biogas energy corridor can work as a good substitute for nearly 70% of the country's population residing in rural areas. Installation of plants to bottle the biogas can be additional opportunity. The need of a national policy is imperative to bring this technology at farmer's doorstep." [14] The renewable energy that this brings is very strong through reducing the carbon footprint of each community immeasurably. [9] The system of biogas also creates immense potential for capacity building through the community connectedness that goes into the process. [13] The teamwork is inevitable that comes from this initiative which begins with an exchange of knowledge, both shared and new. Then capacity building can begin to form contributing to resources and market development growing rapidly. [9] Advocacy for all parties is the only way for effective participatory renewable energy to be made. [15] The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) spoke on the topic when the Country Program Manager of Afghanistan had this to say,

UNEP is pleased to endorse the vision and mission of the Biogas Consortium Afghanistan. The majority of the population of Afghanistan uses firewood and coal for their cooking and heating needs; more sustainable energy options are required. […] UNEP has committed to providing higher-level guidance, helping the consortium align its activities towards national policies and strategies. UNEP shall also advocate the benefits and studies that arise from the consortiums work in biogas in Afghanistan [15]


The Wakhan District of Badakhshan Province in the far northeast of the country Wakhan Langar.jpg
The Wakhan District of Badakhshan Province in the far northeast of the country

An area of vast untapped potential lies in the heat energy locked inside the earth in the form of magma or dry, hot rocks. Geothermal energy for electricity generation has been used worldwide for nearly 100 years. The technology currently exists to provide low-cost electricity from Afghanistan's geothermal resources, which are located in the main axis areas of the Hindu Kush. These run along the Herat fault system, all the way from Herat in the west to the Wakhan District of Badakhshan Province in the far northeast.

With efficient use of the natural resources already abundantly available in Afghanistan, alternative energy sources could be directed into industrial use, supply the energy needs of the nation and build economic self-sufficiency.


The Naghlu Dam in Kabul Province, which is the largest dam in Afghanistan, has the capacity to produce 100 megawatts (MW) of electricity. Jalalabad dam.jpg
The Naghlu Dam in Kabul Province, which is the largest dam in Afghanistan, has the capacity to produce 100 megawatts (MW) of electricity.
Aerial photography of Kandahar at night in 2011. Its electricity is provided mainly by two sources, the Kajaki hydroelectric power station in neighboring Helmand Province and solar farms on the outskirts of the city. Section of Kandahar at night in 2011.jpg
Aerial photography of Kandahar at night in 2011. Its electricity is provided mainly by two sources, the Kajaki hydroelectric power station in neighboring Helmand Province and solar farms on the outskirts of the city.

Hydropower and hydro-energy are some of the best energy options in the country. The geographical location of Afghanistan is extremely mountainous which makes the implementation of hydropower an easier choice. [16]

The current system in place though it works well, is not without its flaws. As Yasah et al. contend, "the common strategy is currently to build micro-hydropower facilities to power single bulbs and maybe a water boiler for the whole community. Such constructions will not deliver sufficient power for electric ovens etc., grid electricity will not stretch out to the rural areas of Afghanistan in the near decades." [17]

Acknowledging how low Afghanistan's ecological footprint is in terms of its energy consumption, it is not a current possibility to have enough energy. [6] In fact, "the country has 75 billion cubic meters of potentially available renewable water resources are also the main source of recharge for groundwater as precipitation is low in Afghanistan." [16] Water has become such a precious commodity across the globe that makes having an abundance of it, as a natural resource is a fortunate reality for Afghanistan. [16] That being said it is also contended that even though these ideas and proposals for hydro energy would work and have positive effects, the necessary work that is a project such as hydro energy. [16] [17]

Hydropower resources

Afghanistan has the potential to produce over 23,000 MW of hydroelectricity. [18] [19] [7] [2] The country has significant hydro resources with the river catchment area of 677,900 km2, annual average rainfall of 300 mm and widespread hilly topography. [6]

Solar and wind power

A wind farm in Panjshir Province Wind farm in Panjshir Province-2.jpg
A wind farm in Panjshir Province

Afghanistan has the potential to produce over 222,000 MW of electricity by using solar panels. [2] [7] The use of solar power is steadily increasing throughout country. [20] [21] [5] [4] [22] [3] [23] Annual average solar insolation varies from 4 to 6.5 kWh/m2/day, with over 300 days of sunshine per year.

The report also stated that Afghanistan has the potential to produce around 68,000 MW of electricity by installing and using wind turbines. [24] [7] Wind power is not the commonly used method in Afghanistan for renewable energy though there are vast opportunities. It is believed that the areas which would produce the most wind energy and would benefit the most are in western Afghanistan, [25] [26] and some areas in the country's north as well. [27]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Energy in Afghanistan</span>

Energy in Afghanistan is provided by hydropower followed by fossil fuel and solar power. Currently, less than 50% of Afghanistan's population has access to electricity. This covers the major cities in the country. Many rural areas do not have access to adequate electricity but this should change after the major CASA-1000 project is completed.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Renewable energy in Nepal</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Renewable energy in Kenya</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Renewable energy in Turkey</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Energy in Nepal</span>

Nepal is a country enclosed by land, situated between China and India. It has a total area of 148,006.67 square kilometers and a population of 29.16 million. It has a small economy, with a GDP of $33.66 billion in 2020, amounting to about 1% of South Asia and 0.04% of the World's GDP.

Myanmar had a total primary energy supply (TPES) of 16.57 Mtoe in 2013. Electricity consumption was 8.71 TWh. 65% of the primary energy supply consists of biomass energy, used almost exclusively (97%) in the residential sector. Myanmar’s energy consumption per capita is one of the lowest in Southeast Asia due to the low electrification rate and a widespread poverty. An estimated 65% of the population is not connected to the national grid. Energy consumption is growing rapidly, however, with an average annual growth rate of 3.3% from 2000 to 2007.

In 2013, renewable energy provided 26.44% of the total electricity in the Philippines and 19,903 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electrical energy out of a total demand of 75,266 gigawatt-hours. The Philippines is a net importer of fossil fuels. For the sake of energy security, there is momentum to develop renewable energy sources. The types available include hydropower, geothermal power, wind power, solar power and biomass power. The government of the Philippines has legislated a number of policies in order to increase the use of renewable energy by the country.

There is enormous potential for renewable energy in Kazakhstan, particularly from wind and small hydropower plants. The Republic of Kazakhstan has the potential to generate 10 times as much power as it currently needs from wind energy alone. But renewable energy accounts for just 0.6 percent of all power installations. Of that, 95 percent comes from small hydropower projects. The main barriers to investment in renewable energy are relatively high financing costs and an absence of uniform feed-in tariffs for electricity from renewable sources. The amount and duration of renewable energy feed-in tariffs are separately evaluated for each project, based on feasibility studies and project-specific generation costs. Power from wind, solar, biomass and water up to 35 MW, plus geothermal sources, are eligible for the tariff and transmission companies are required to purchase the energy of renewable energy producers. An amendment that introduces and clarifies technology-specific tariffs is now being prepared. It is expected to be adopted by Parliament by the end of 2014. In addition, the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business indicator shows the country to be relatively investor-friendly, ranking it in 10th position for investor protection.

Vietnam utilizes four main sources of renewable energy: hydroelectricity, wind power, solar power and biomass. At the end of 2018, hydropower was the largest source of renewable energy, contributing about 40% to the total national electricity capacity. In 2020, wind and solar had a combined share of 10% of the country's electrical generation, already meeting the government's 2030 goal, suggesting future displacement of growth of coal capacity. By the end of 2020, the total installed capacity of solar and wind power had reached over 17 GW. Over 25% of total power capacity is from variable renewable energy sources. The commercial biomass electricity generation is currently slow and limited to valorizing bagasse only, but the stream of forest products, agricultural and municipal waste is increasing. The government is studying a renewable portfolio standard that could promote this energy source.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Renewable energy in Ukraine</span>

In Ukraine, the share of renewables within the total energy mix is less than 5%. In 2020 10% of electricity was generated from renewables; made up of 5% hydro, 4% wind, and 1% solar. Biomass provides renewable heat.

Zambia is potentially self-sufficient in sources of electricity, coal, biomass and renewable energy. The only energy source where the country is not self-sufficient is petroleum energy. Many of the sources of energy where the country is self-sufficient are largely unexploited. As of 2017, the country's electricity generating capacity stood at 1,901 megawatts.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Renewable energy in Austria</span>

By the end of 2016 Austria already fulfilled their EU Renewables Directive goal for the year 2020. By 2016 renewable energies accounted to 33.5% of the final energy consumption in all sectors. The renewable energy sector is also accountable for hosting 41,591 jobs and creating a revenue of 7,219 million euros in 2016.


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