Rolling stock of the Croatian Railways

Last updated

This is a list of past and present rolling stock owned and operated by Croatian Railways, consisting of diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, diesel multiple units, electric multiple units and railroad cars. When the company began operation in 1991, it was with a collection of equipment inherited from "ŽTP Zagreb" – a Croatian division of Yugoslav Railways. Much of this equipment was later refurbished/modernized and remains in use today. Over the years, Croatian Railways has supplemented this initial fleet with new orders and with new acquisitions of secondhand equipment from other operators.


Diesel locomotives

DesignationBuild yearTotal unitsProducer AAR wheel arrangement Power output Image
HŽ 2041 1962–6510Brissoneau et Lotz / Đuro Đaković Bo'Bo'606 kW HZ 2041 104.jpg
HŽ 2044 198115 EMD-GM / Đuro Đaković (A1A)'(A1A)'1,826 kW HZ 2044 017.jpg
HŽ 2062 1972–7318 EMD-GM / Đuro Đaković Co'Co'1,640 kW HZ diesel unit.jpg
HŽ 2063 19722 EMD-GM Co'Co'2,461 kW HZ 2063 003 in Sisak.jpg
HŽ 2132 1959–63, 1965–78102Jenbach / Đuro Đaković / TŽV GredeljC397 kW 2132-066 locomotive (1).JPG

Electric locomotives

Currently in service with the National rail operator there are 46 HŽ 1141 and 15 HŽ 1142 Domestically produced Locomotives, all of which will undergo modernization and upgrade under contract signed with the Končar company last year. [1] HŽ is leasing further 9 HŽ 1141 locomotives to third parties. [2] Of the total 46 HŽ 1141 locomotives currently active, 17 locomotives are used pulling passenger coaches and 29 are used in HŽ Cargo, however 3 HŽ 1141 locomotives were damaged in recent rail accidents and are out of service due to extensive repairs. Eventually all HŽ 1141 locomotives currently in service with the Croatian railways will be transferred and solely used by HŽ Cargo, leaving HŽ 1142 as sole locomotive with HŽ Putnički Promet. Further five Vectron X4 A17 locomotives are also in service with HZ Cargo.

DesignationBuild yearTotal unitsProducer AAR wheel arrangement Power output Image
HŽ 1141 1968–72, 1981–85, 1987, 2002–03, 2008–1846 [3] ASEA / Končar Bo'Bo'3,860 kW HZ 1141 386 na putnickom vlaku.jpg
HŽ 1142 1981–198815 Končar Bo'Bo'4,400 kW HZ 1142 008 Zagreb Glavni Kolodvor (35440719523).jpg
Vectron X4 A17 20175 [4] Siemens Mobility Bo'Bo'5,600 kW J27 441 Vectron 193 844.jpg


HZ, national railway operator will introduce 7 additional Diesel electric train sets for regional passenger service, all 7 train sets should be delivered by end of 2025. [5] National rail operator also plans to purchase additional intercity trains, 6 sets for total of €47.78 million, or around €8. million per train on Zagreb - Split route. [6] [7] [8] [9] Current HŽ 7123 lacks the capacity for the route which in summer months is very popular with the tourist. However, as the line between Ogulin - Split isn't electrified, currently only Diesel powered trains or DMUs have the range, there are plans to build a link between Drežnica, via Otočac to Perušić and on to Gospić, Gračac and Split, which would be eventually electrified, however these are longer-term plans. One of the requirement for six new DMUs is that they're equipped with the tilting technology, which excludes Croatian manufacturer Koncar. Alstom, Stadler or Simens could be providing six new trains. Additional requirement for the six trains on Zagreb Split route to be bi-mode, electric-diesel sets equipped with latest rail technology that meets the needs of all passengers. On top of these 6 intercity trains, further 8 regional Electric-battery units will be purchased for routes in Istria and Dalmatia. New intercity trains should be in service by 2026, according to the statement issued by the Croatian Government. [10]

DesignationBuild yearTotal unitsProducer AAR wheel arrangement Power output Image
HŽ 7022 20121 TŽV Gredelj Bo'2'+2'Bo'+2Bo'1,390 kW [11] C00 542 Bf Zagreb Gl. K., 7022.jpg
HŽ 7023 2015–202512 [5] [12] [13] Končar, Croatia Bo’2’2’Bo’N/A HZ Class 7023 - InnoTrans 2016 (5).jpg
HŽ 7121 1980–8631 Đuro Đaković Bo'Bo' + 2'2'2x210 kW HZ 7121 128.jpg
HŽ 7122 1980–198125 FIAT / KALMAR (1A)"(1A)"2x147 kW 7122 series train (3).JPG
HŽ 7123 20046 Bombardier Transportation 2'B' 2'B'2x560 kW HZ 7123 series DMU (06).JPG


Currently national operator utilizes two EMU types, Hungarian built Ganz EMUs which were purchased in late 70s and Koncar built EMUs that came in to service from 2011. Plan is to replace all Ganz made EMUs by late 2025 with only Koncar built units. 12 brand new EMUs are on order and should be delivered by late 2025. Eventually Hrvatske Zeljeznice hopes top operate around 72-84 EMUs built by Koncar, 12 of which planned to be 5 section regional trains, 12 four section regional trains and 55-60 four section local trains.

DesignationBuild yearTotal unitsProducer AAR wheel arrangement Power output Image
HŽ 6111 1976–7921 Ganz Mávag2'2'+Bo'Bo'+2'2'1,200 kW HZ 6111 serie.jpg
HŽ 6112 2011–202455 Končar Bo'2'2'2'Bo2,000 kW HZ 6112 001-0 1.jpg

Battery electric multiple unit

National Rail operator Hrvatske Zeljeznice signed a contract for 2 Battery electric multiple unit train sets in contract valued at €17.1 million. [14] National rail operator Croatian Railways hopes to secure an order of additional 60 brand new battery electric multiple units by 2030, replacing all but 20 DMUs that entered service in past decade, namely, HŽ 7022, HŽ 7023 and HŽ 7123 series. [15] National rail operator will install required battery storage/charging facilities at main railway stations that are currently not connected to electrified rail network. Stations include, Split, Osijek, Varaždin, Bjelovar, Virovitica, Gospić and Pula. [16] [17] [18] 8 Additional Elecxtric/Batery train sets will be purchased on top of 2 already ordered scheduled to enter service in 2026. [19] However longer term, by 2060, Croatian Government indicates they'll secure funding for up to 60 further Battery electric train sets for total of 70 or so BEMUs in service with the HZ ideally by the end of this decade. If all current and planned new train purchases are fulfilled by 2030, Croatian Railways will operate a fleet of 55 EMUs, 25 modern DMUs and at least 60 BEMUs, in total some 140 modern train sets.

DesignationBuild yearTotal unitsProducer AAR wheel arrangement Power output Image
TBATBA2+8 on order Končar, Croatia Bo'2'2'2'Bo2,000 kW

Passenger railroad cars

Shunting of railroad cars at Zagreb Central Station (2022) Shunting of railroad cars at Zagreb Central Station (2022).jpg
Shunting of railroad cars at Zagreb Central Station (2022)

Passenger railroad cars currently owned by Croatian Railways follow the general Eurofima coach design. Majority of them were manufactured in the factory Goša FOM between the 1970s and 1990s, and in 1991 they were inherited from Yugoslav Railways (division “ŽTP Zagreb”).

Mainly during the 2000s, all railroad cars of the rolling stock were modernized in TŽV Gredelj to cope with demands of quality service in modern times. During the modernization, the cars intended for the transport of passengers in trains of the highest rank (including 1st and 2nd class cars, dining car and sleeping cars) received air conditioning, a completely new interior and exterior, installation of a closed vacuum toilet system, installation of doors with automatic control, etc. During the first years of company's existence and later, especially after the appearance of the first newly reconstructed cars in 2003, there was a surplus of first-class cars in the fleet, and for that reason, a large number of originally first-class cars were gradually transformed into lower-class cars. On later reconstructions, these cars only underwent some minor modifications (exterior painting in the new colour scheme, replacement of the seats and interior wall panels, etc.) and were gradually phased out of traffic during the 2010s and 2020s. [20]

Croatian Railways also has cars jointly produced by the factories "Janko Gredelj" and "Boris Kidrič" in the mid-1980s, that were reconstructed and modernized in TŽV Gredelj between 2011 and 2012. Cars received air-conditioning, new side doors with automatic control, complete new interior, closed vacuum toilet system, etc.

Car types

Although each car of the fleet has its own numerical ID, the type of the car is additionally recognized by the letter designation, which is a combination of capital and lowercase letters in the name of the car. The letter mark of the car, together with the numerical mark, is located on the sides of each car.

Capital letters in the letter mark of the car:

A – first class car

B – second class car

AB – first and second class car

WL – sleeping car

WR – dining (restaurant) car

Lowercase letters in the letter mark of the car:

aa – car with two axles (withdrawn from active rolling stock)

c – couchette car

ee – car with electricity supply exclusively through the passing electric line

t – car with seats and a passage in the middle (opposite to corridor car)

l – car with an audio system

m – car longer than 24,50 meters (80.3 feet)

List of active railroad cars

Below is the list of active railroad cars in the rolling stock of Croatian Railways according to their types and characteristics as of May 2022: [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]

Letter mark of the carBuiltReconstructedIn serviceNotes
Aeelt1976–1983200311First class-only air-conditioned car for international and domestic traffic with seats and a passage in the middle; original car type: A, B, AB
Bee1976–19842004–200943Second class-only air-conditioned corridor car for international and domestic traffic; original car type: A, B, AB
Beemt19912009–20107Second class-only air-conditioned car with seats and a passage in the middle, for international and domestic traffic; original car type: Aeelmt
ABee198420085First and second class air-conditioned corridor car for international and domestic traffic; original car type: AB, B
ABeemt19912009– 20104First and second class air-conditioned car with seats and a passage in the middle, for international and domestic traffic; original car type: Aeelmt
Beelt1976–19771997–20023Second class-only air-conditioned car with seats and a passage in the middle, for international and domestic traffic; original car type: AB, B
WLee1980200410Air-conditioned corridor sleeping car for international and domestic traffic
WLl19802Corridor sleeping car for international and domestic traffic
BCee198420087Second class-only air-conditioned corridor couchette car for international and domestic travel - the beds can be converted into seats for the daytime travel; original car type: B
BCl19848Second class-only corridor couchette car for international and domestic traffic - the beds can be converted into seats for the daytime travel
WRee19801995–1997, 20052Air-conditioned dining car for international and domestic traffic
Beet1986–19872011–201320Second class-only air-conditioned car for domestic traffic with seats and a passage in the middle; only type of car in the active fleet manufactured by "Janko Gredelj" and "Boris Kidric"; original car type: Bt
Bee1983–19862006–20095Second class-only corridor car for international and domestic traffic, some units have space for bicycles; original car type: A, B

Withdrawn stock

Rented locomotives and test vehicles in Croatia


In 1993 renumbered all their vehicles. This results in some confusion to the relation to their previous numbers. All other companies, which have been formed after dissolution of have kept the original numbers.

Higher speed passenger travel

In Croatia, these well known international brand names were on test:

Hrvatske Željeznice wants to modernise and speed up passenger traffic since they are limited to max. 160 km/h. There have been tests performed with both trains. Although they performed well they were not purchased, due to a lack of funds. It is planned to upgrade the track to 200 – 250 km/h in future. These units will most likely not be purchased in the end. A cheaper solution for passenger traffic is sought.

See also


  1. "HŽ Cargo i Končar-KEV sklopili ugovor za obnovu lokomotiva, produljuju im rok trajanja za još 14 godina".
  2. ", the European Railway Server".
  3. "HŽ Cargo i Končar-KEV sklopili ugovor za obnovu lokomotiva, produljuju im rok trajanja za još 14 godina".
  4. "Jutarnji list - HŽ Cargo uzeo u najam električnu lokomotivu, 2021. U planu još tri". 13 November 2020.
  5. 1 2 "HŽ za dvije godine dobiva sedam novih suvremenih vlakova". 3 October 2023.
  6. "Nabavlja se 6 novih vlakova na liniji Zagreb-Split. Umirovljenici se mogu voziti besplatno".
  7. "Besplatno putovanje za umirovljenike i novi vlakovi iz Zagreba za Split".
  8. "Jutarnji list - Veliki rast broja putnika u 2022., iduće godine očekuju se još bolji rezultati: Posebna pogodnost za studente". 15 December 2022.
  9. "Prijedlog financijskog plana hž putničkog prijevoza za 2023. godinu i projekcija plana za 2024.1 2025. godinu" [Proposal for the financial plan of the Croatian Passenger Transport Authority for 2023 and projection of the plan for 2024.1 2025](PDF) (in Croatian). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2022-11-14.
  10. "Objavljen otvoreni postupak javne nabave 6 novih elektrodizelskih vlakova za povezivanje Zagreba i Splita".
  11. "Low floor diesel multiple unit". Archived from the original on 2016-07-11.
  12. "Inforegio - New electric trains to improve reliability and service on Croatia's rail network".
  13. "Ugovor za baterijske vlakove".
  14. "Ugovor za baterijske vlakove".
  15. "HŽ kupio nove baterijske vlakove! Ekipa Danasa se provozala u novim vozilima". 21 December 2022.
  16. "Tri nova vlaka za putnički prijevoz i Ugovor za baterijske vlakove".
  17. "HŽ predstavio nove baterijske vlakove koji mogu postići brzinu do 160km/H! Do 2025. Plan je da ih imamo ukupno 70". 22 December 2022.
  18. "Velika ulaganja u željezničku infrastrukturu u idućih deset godina: Ovo su planovi".
  19. "HŽ kupuje nove vlakove za liniju Zagreb-Split: Do kraja 2027. Bit će uloženo 100 milijuna eura".
  20. 1 2 "Vagoni – TZV Gredelj" (in Croatian). Retrieved 2022-05-30.
  21. "At Vagon – TZV Gredelj" (in Croatian). Retrieved 2022-05-30.
  22. "Bee vagon – TZV Gredelj" (in Croatian). Retrieved 2022-05-30.
  23. "ABee vagon – TZV Gredelj" (in Croatian). Retrieved 2022-05-30.
  24. "Bcee vagon – TZV Gredelj". (in Croatian). Retrieved 2022-05-30.
  25. "WL vagon – TZV Gredelj" (in Croatian). Retrieved 2022-05-30.
  26. "WR vagon – TZV Gredelj" (in Croatian). Retrieved 2022-05-30.