In algebra and theoretical computer science, an action or act of a semigroup on a set is a rule which associates to each element of the semigroup a transformation of the set in such a way that the product of two elements of the semigroup (using the semigroup operation) is associated with the composite of the two corresponding transformations. The terminology conveys the idea that the elements of the semigroup are acting as transformations of the set. From an algebraic perspective, a semigroup action is a generalization of the notion of a group action in group theory. From the computer science point of view, semigroup actions are closely related to automata: the set models the state of the automaton and the action models transformations of that state in response to inputs.
An important special case is a monoid action or act, in which the semigroup is a monoid and the identity element of the monoid acts as the identity transformation of a set. From a category theoretic point of view, a monoid is a category with one object, and an act is a functor from that category to the category of sets. This immediately provides a generalization to monoid acts on objects in categories other than the category of sets.
Another important special case is a transformation semigroup . This is a semigroup of transformations of a set, and hence it has a tautological action on that set. This concept is linked to the more general notion of a semigroup by an analogue of Cayley's theorem.
(A note on terminology: the terminology used in this area varies, sometimes significantly, from one author to another. See the article for details.)
Let S be a semigroup. Then a (left) semigroup action (or act) of S is a set X together with an operation • : S × X → X which is compatible with the semigroup operation ∗ as follows:
This is the analogue in semigroup theory of a (left) group action, and is equivalent to a semigroup homomorphism into the set of functions on X. Right semigroup actions are defined in a similar way using an operation • : X × S → X satisfying (x • a) • b = x • (a ∗ b).
If M is a monoid, then a (left) monoid action (or act) of M is a (left) semigroup action of M with the additional property that
where e is the identity element of M. This correspondingly gives a monoid homomorphism. Right monoid actions are defined in a similar way. A monoid M with an action on a set is also called an operator monoid.
A semigroup action of S on X can be made into monoid act by adjoining an identity to the semigroup and requiring that it acts as the identity transformation on X.
If S is a semigroup or monoid, then a set X on which S acts as above (on the left, say) is also known as a (left) S-act, S-set, S-action, S-operand, or left act over S. Some authors do not distinguish between semigroup and monoid actions, by regarding the identity axiom (e • x = x) as empty when there is no identity element, or by using the term unitary S-act for an S-act with an identity. [1]
The defining property of an act is analogous to the associativity of the semigroup operation, and means that all parentheses can be omitted. It is common practice, especially in computer science, to omit the operations as well so that both the semigroup operation and the action are indicated by juxtaposition. In this way strings of letters from S act on X, as in the expression stx for s, t in S and x in X.
It is also quite common to work with right acts rather than left acts. [2] However, every right S-act can be interpreted as a left act over the opposite semigroup, which has the same elements as S, but where multiplication is defined by reversing the factors, s • t = t • s, so the two notions are essentially equivalent. Here we primarily adopt the point of view of left acts.
It is often convenient (for instance if there is more than one act under consideration) to use a letter, such as , to denote the function
defining the -action and hence write in place of . Then for any in , we denote by
the transformation of defined by
By the defining property of an -act, satisfies
Further, consider a function . It is the same as (see Currying ). Because is a bijection, semigroup actions can be defined as functions which satisfy
That is, is a semigroup action of on if and only if is a semigroup homomorphism from to the full transformation monoid of .
Let X and X′ be S-acts. Then an S-homomorphism from X to X′ is a map
such that
The set of all such S-homomorphisms is commonly written as .
M-homomorphisms of M-acts, for M a monoid, are defined in exactly the same way.
For a fixed semigroup S, the left S-acts are the objects of a category, denoted S-Act, whose morphisms are the S-homomorphisms. The corresponding category of right S-acts is sometimes denoted by Act-S. (This is analogous to the categories R-Mod and Mod-R of left and right modules over a ring.)
For a monoid M, the categories M-Act and Act-M are defined in the same way.
A correspondence between transformation semigroups and semigroup actions is described below. If we restrict it to faithful semigroup actions, it has nice properties.
Any transformation semigroup can be turned into a semigroup action by the following construction. For any transformation semigroup of , define a semigroup action of on as for . This action is faithful, which is equivalent to being injective.
Conversely, for any semigroup action of on , define a transformation semigroup . In this construction we "forget" the set . is equal to the image of . Let us denote as for brevity. If is injective, then it is a semigroup isomorphism from to . In other words, if is faithful, then we forget nothing important. This claim is made precise by the following observation: if we turn back into a semigroup action of on , then for all . and are "isomorphic" via , i.e., we essentially recovered . Thus, some authors [3] see no distinction between faithful semigroup actions and transformation semigroups.
Transformation semigroups are of essential importance for the structure theory of finite-state machines in automata theory. In particular, a semiautomaton is a triple (Σ,X,T), where Σ is a non-empty set called the input alphabet, X is a non-empty set called the set of states and T is a function
called the transition function. Semiautomata arise from deterministic automata by ignoring the initial state and the set of accept states.
Given a semiautomaton, let Ta: X → X, for a ∈ Σ, denote the transformation of X defined by Ta(x) = T(a,x). Then the semigroup of transformations of X generated by {Ta : a ∈ Σ} is called the characteristic semigroup or transition system of (Σ,X,T). This semigroup is a monoid, so this monoid is called the characteristic or transition monoid . It is also sometimes viewed as a Σ∗-act on X, where Σ∗ is the free monoid of strings generated by the alphabet Σ, [note 1] and the action of strings extends the action of Σ via the property
Krohn–Rhodes theory, sometimes also called algebraic automata theory, gives powerful decomposition results for finite transformation semigroups by cascading simpler components.
In mathematics, an associative algebraA over a commutative ring K is a ring A together with a ring homomorphism from K into the center of A. This is thus an algebraic structure with an addition, a multiplication, and a scalar multiplication. The addition and multiplication operations together give A the structure of a ring; the addition and scalar multiplication operations together give A the structure of a module or vector space over K. In this article we will also use the term K-algebra to mean an associative algebra over K. A standard first example of a K-algebra is a ring of square matrices over a commutative ring K, with the usual matrix multiplication.
In mathematics, a group action of a group G on a set S is a group homomorphism from G to some group of functions from S to itself. It is said that Gacts on S.
In algebra, a homomorphism is a structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures of the same type. The word homomorphism comes from the Ancient Greek language: ὁμός meaning "same" and μορφή meaning "form" or "shape". However, the word was apparently introduced to mathematics due to a (mis)translation of German ähnlich meaning "similar" to ὁμός meaning "same". The term "homomorphism" appeared as early as 1892, when it was attributed to the German mathematician Felix Klein (1849–1925).
In abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics, a monoid is a set equipped with an associative binary operation and an identity element. For example, the nonnegative integers with addition form a monoid, the identity element being 0.
In mathematics, a semigroup is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an associative internal binary operation on it.
In mathematics, the concept of an inverse element generalises the concepts of opposite and reciprocal of numbers.
In mathematics, rings are algebraic structures that generalize fields: multiplication need not be commutative and multiplicative inverses need not exist. Informally, a ring is a set equipped with two binary operations satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication of integers. Ring elements may be numbers such as integers or complex numbers, but they may also be non-numerical objects such as polynomials, square matrices, functions, and power series.
In group theory, Cayley's theorem, named in honour of Arthur Cayley, states that every group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of a symmetric group. More specifically, G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group whose elements are the permutations of the underlying set of G. Explicitly,
In mathematics, the idea of a free object is one of the basic concepts of abstract algebra. Informally, a free object over a set A can be thought of as being a "generic" algebraic structure over A: the only equations that hold between elements of the free object are those that follow from the defining axioms of the algebraic structure. Examples include free groups, tensor algebras, or free lattices.
In algebra, a module homomorphism is a function between modules that preserves the module structures. Explicitly, if M and N are left modules over a ring R, then a function is called an R-module homomorphism or an R-linear map if for any x, y in M and r in R,
In abstract algebra, the free monoid on a set is the monoid whose elements are all the finite sequences of zero or more elements from that set, with string concatenation as the monoid operation and with the unique sequence of zero elements, often called the empty string and denoted by ε or λ, as the identity element. The free monoid on a set A is usually denoted A∗. The free semigroup on A is the subsemigroup of A∗ containing all elements except the empty string. It is usually denoted A+.
In mathematics, a join-semilattice is a partially ordered set that has a join for any nonempty finite subset. Dually, a meet-semilattice is a partially ordered set which has a meet for any nonempty finite subset. Every join-semilattice is a meet-semilattice in the inverse order and vice versa.
In universal algebra, a variety of algebras or equational class is the class of all algebraic structures of a given signature satisfying a given set of identities. For example, the groups form a variety of algebras, as do the abelian groups, the rings, the monoids etc. According to Birkhoff's theorem, a class of algebraic structures of the same signature is a variety if and only if it is closed under the taking of homomorphic images, subalgebras, and (direct) products. In the context of category theory, a variety of algebras, together with its homomorphisms, forms a category; these are usually called finitary algebraic categories.
In group theory, an inverse semigroupS is a semigroup in which every element x in S has a unique inversey in S in the sense that x = xyx and y = yxy, i.e. a regular semigroup in which every element has a unique inverse. Inverse semigroups appear in a range of contexts; for example, they can be employed in the study of partial symmetries.
In abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics, a group with operators or Ω-group is an algebraic structure that can be viewed as a group together with a set Ω that operates on the elements of the group in a special way.
In algebra, a presentation of a monoid is a description of a monoid in terms of a set Σ of generators and a set of relations on the free monoid Σ∗ generated by Σ. The monoid is then presented as the quotient of the free monoid by these relations. This is an analogue of a group presentation in group theory.
In mathematics and theoretical computer science, a semiautomaton is a deterministic finite automaton having inputs but no output. It consists of a set Q of states, a set Σ called the input alphabet, and a function T: Q × Σ → Q called the transition function.
In algebra, a transformation semigroup is a collection of transformations that is closed under function composition. If it includes the identity function, it is a monoid, called a transformationmonoid. This is the semigroup analogue of a permutation group.
In mathematics, particularly in abstract algebra, a semigroup with involution or a *-semigroup is a semigroup equipped with an involutive anti-automorphism, which—roughly speaking—brings it closer to a group because this involution, considered as unary operator, exhibits certain fundamental properties of the operation of taking the inverse in a group:
In mathematics, the automorphism group of an object X is the group consisting of automorphisms of X under composition of morphisms. For example, if X is a finite-dimensional vector space, then the automorphism group of X is the group of invertible linear transformations from X to itself. If instead X is a group, then its automorphism group is the group consisting of all group automorphisms of X.