The video begins when an old man named Rufus (played by SkyBlu in extensive makeup) [2] is complaining to his wife,Agnes (played by Redfoo,also in makeup), [2] that LMFAO and the Party Rock Crew are partying too much next door of their house,as Rufus and Agnes are getting ready for bed for the night. Rufus decides to go over next door to tell them to stop. Rufus scolds RedFoo and the Party Rock Crew,and when he asks them to explain about their behavior,RedFoo and the Party Rock Crew reply to Rufus with the title song and then continue dancing as Rufus immediately calls the police.
Police and other emergency services are seen driving through the city in cardboard cars,receive the call,and immediately head for the party. SkyBlu is also seen driving through the city with Chelsea Korka and other women. The video returns to RedFoo and the Party Rock Crew still partying in the 'Party Rock' house. The police arrive at the house,but instead of arresting Redfoo,they also come in and start partying. Rufus then enters the Party Rock Crew's residence,but when he sees Agnes partying in the crowd,he angrily leaves. Agnes then performs the song's bridge. As the party continues,RedFoo gets drunk,is rushed to the hospital,and accidentally drops his iPhone. A man wearing a turtle-backpack finds RedFoo's iPhone,connects it with his headphones,and begins shuffling to "Party Rock Anthem". According to the opening caption of "Party Rock Anthem",it is revealed that RedFoo and SkyBlu slipped into comas due to excessive party rocking. The video ends with RedFoo and SkyBlu in the deserted hospital,where "Party Rock Anthem" will begin. [1]