Stephen I of Antioch

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Stephen I of Antioch (Latin : Stephanus) was the Bishop of Antioch between 341 and 345 [1] or 342 and 344, [2] depending on the source. He was leader of the Arian party, called Eusebians, during the Arian controversy and an adversary of Athanasius.

Arian councils

Stephen was present at the Council of Sardica (343) leading the arian party alongside Acacius of Caesarea, the successor of Eusebius of Nicomedia, where he fought for the depositions of Athanasius and Marcellus of Ancyra, something the orthodox party, spearheaded by Hosius, was not prepared to do. Angry with the result, the arians left the council and reunited again at the so-called Council of Philippopolis, which condemned the two bishops and pronounced an anathema against the Fathers at Sardica. [3]

In 344, some orthodox representatives of Sardica visited Antioch (Vincent of Capua and Euphrates of Cologne). During the night, a harlot was found in their quarters and the event became a big scandal that, after an investigation, traced back to Stephen. As a result, a Council of Antioch in 344 deposed him. [3]

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It must be regarded as certain that the council which condemned Paul rejected the term homoousios; but naturally only in a false sense used by Paul; not, it seems because he meant by it a unity of Hypostasis in the Trinity, but because he intended by it a common substance out of which both Father and Son proceeded, or which it divided between them, — so St. Basil and St. Athanasius; but the question is not clear. The objectors to the Nicene doctrine in the fourth century made copious use of this disapproval of the Nicene word by a famous council.

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  1. "Primates of the Apostolic See of Antioch". St. John of Damascus Faculty of Theology, University of Balamand. Archived from the original on 2011-07-31. Retrieved 2011-12-24.
  2. "Patriarchs of Antioch: Chronological List". Syriac Orthodox Resources. Retrieved 2011-12-24.
  3. 1 2 Henry Melvill Gwatkin. "The Arian Controversy". Archived from the original on 2012-04-26. Retrieved 2011-12-26.
Titles of the Great Christian Church
Preceded by Bishop of Antioch
Succeeded by