Stepped-wedge trial

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In medicine, a stepped-wedge trial (or SWT) is a type of randomised controlled trial (RCT). An RCT is a scientific experiment that is designed to reduce bias when testing a new medical treatment, a social intervention, or another testable hypothesis.


In a traditional RCT, the researcher randomly divides the experiment participants into two groups at the same time:

In a SWT, a logistic constraint typically prevents the simultaneous treatment of some participants, and instead, all or most participants receive the treatment in waves or "steps".

For instance, a researcher wants to measure whether teaching college students how to make several meals increased their propensity to cook at home instead of eating out.

The term "stepped wedge" was coined by The Gambia Hepatitis Intervention Study due to the stepped-wedge shape that is apparent from a schematic illustration of the design. [1] [2] The crossover is in one direction, typically from control to intervention, with the intervention not removed once implemented. The stepped-wedge design can be used for individually randomized trials, [3] [4] i.e., trials where each individual is treated sequentially, but is more commonly used as a cluster randomized trial (CRT). [5]

Experiment design

The stepped-wedge design involves the collection of observations during a baseline period in which no clusters are exposed to the intervention. Following this, at regular intervals, or steps, a cluster (or group of clusters) is randomized to receive the intervention [5] [6] and all participants are once again measured. [7] This process continues until all clusters have received the intervention. Finally, one more measurement is made after all clusters have received the intervention. [8]


Hargreaves and colleagues offer a series of five questions that researchers should answer to decide whether SWT is indeed the optimal design, and how to proceed in every step of the study. [9] Specifically, researchers should be able to identify:

The reasons SWT is the preferred design
If measuring a treatment effect is the primary goal of research, SWT may not be the optimal design. SWTs are appropriate when the research focus is on the effectiveness of the treatment rather than on its mere existence. Overall, if the study is pragmatic (i.e. seeks primarily to implement a certain policy), logistical and other practical concerns are considered to be the best reasons to turn to a stepped wedge design. Also, if the treatment is expected to be beneficial, and it would not be ethical to deny it to some participants, then SWT allows all participants to have the treatment while still allowing a comparison with a control group. By the end of the study, all participants will have the opportunity to try the treatment. Note there may still be ethical issues raised by delaying access to the treatment for some participants.[ citation needed ]
Which SWT design is more suitable
SWTs can feature three main designs employing a closed cohort, an open cohort, and a continuous recruitment with short exposure. [10] :In the closed cohort, all subjects participate in the experiment from beginning to end. All the outcomes are measured repeatedly at fixed time points which may or may not be related to each step.[ citation needed ]
In the open cohort design, outcomes are measured similarly to the former design, but new subjects can enter the study, and some participants from an early stage can leave before the completion. Only a part of the subjects are exposed from the start, and more are gradually exposed in subsequent steps. Thus, the time of exposure varies for each subject.
In continuous recruitment design with short exposure, very few or no subjects participate in the beginning of the experiment but more become eligible, and are exposed to short intervention gradually. In this design, each subject is assigned to either the treatment or the control condition. Since participants are assigned to either the treatment or the control group, the risk of carry-over effects, which may be a challenge for closed and open cohort designs, is minimal.[ citation needed ]
Which analysis strategy is appropriate
Linear Mixed Models (LMM), Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM), and Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) are the principal estimators recommended for analyzing the results. While LMM offers higher power than GLMM and GEE, it can be inefficient if the size of clusters vary, and the response is not continuous and normally distributed. If any of those assumptions are violated, GLMM and GEE are preferred.[ citation needed ]
How big the sample should be
Power analysis and sample size calculation are available. Generally, SWTs require smaller sample size to detect effects since they leverage both between and within-cluster comparisons. [11] [12]
Best practices for reporting the design and results of the trial
Reporting the design, sample profile, and results can be challenging, since no Consolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) have been designated for SWTs. However, some studies have provided both formalizations and flow charts that help reporting results, and sustaining a balanced sample across the waves. [13]


While there are several other potential methods for modeling outcomes in an SWT, [14] the work of Hussey and Hughes [7] "first described methods to determine statistical power available when using a stepped wedge design." [14] What follows is their design.

Suppose there are samples divided into clusters. At each time point , preferably equally spaced in actual time, some number of clusters are treated. Let be if cluster has been treated at time and otherwise. In particular, note that if then .

For each participant in cluster , measure the outcome to be studied at time . Note that the notation allows for clustering by including in the subscript of , , , and . We model these outcomes as:


This model can be viewed as a Hierarchical linear model where at the lowest level where is the mean of a given cluster at a given time, and at the cluster level, each cluster mean .

Estimate of variance

The design effect (estimate of unit variance) of a stepped wedge design is given by the formula: [11]


To calculate the sample size it is needed to apply the simple formula: [11]


Note that increasing either k, t, or b will result to decreasing the required sample size for an SWT.

Further, the required cluster c size is given by: [11]

To calculate how many clusters cs need to switch from the control to the treatment condition, the following formula is available: [11]

If c and cs are not integers, they need to be rounded to the next larger integer and distributed as evenly as possible among k.


Stepped wedge design features many comparative advantages to traditional RCTs (Randomized controlled trials).


SWT may suffer from certain drawbacks.

Ongoing work

The number of studies using the design have been on the increase. In 2015, a thematic series was published in the journal Trials. [19] In 2016, the first international conference dedicated to the topic was held at the University of York. [20] [21]

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