Structure of the Royal Netherlands Army

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Structure of the Royal Netherlands Army
Flag of the Royal Netherlands Army.svg
Flag of the Royal Netherlands Army

The current structure of the Royal Netherlands Army is as follows: [1]



Order of Battle graphic

Structure of the Royal Netherlands Army 2020 (click to enlarge) Royal Netherlands Army - Organization 2023.png
Structure of the Royal Netherlands Army 2020 (click to enlarge)

Land Forces Headquarters

The Land Forces Headquarters (Dutch: Hoofdkwartier landmacht) is based at the Kromhoutkazerne in Utrecht and consists of the following departments:

11 Air Assault Brigade

The 11 Air Assault Brigade (Dutch: 11 Luchtmobiele Brigade) is a rapidly deployable air manoeuvre infantry brigade integrated into the Rapid Forces Division (German: Division Schnelle Kräfte) of the German Army since 2014. The brigade is based In the northern (Assen) and central part (Arnhem area) of the Netherlands and consists of the following units:

  • Embleem 11 Luchtmobiele Brigade.svg 11 Air Assault Brigade , HQ in Schaarsbergen [3]
    • 11 Staff/ headquarter Company (11 Stafcompagnie), in Schaarsbergen and Deelen Air Base
    • 11 (AASLT/PARA) Infantry Battalion "Garde Grenadiers en Jagers" (11 Infanteriebataljon Garde Grenadiers en Jagers), in Schaarsbergen
      • A; B; C and D Company
    • 12 (AASLT/SOF Support) Infantry Battalion "Regiment van Heutsz" (12 Infanteriebataljon Regiment Van Heutsz), in Schaarsbergen
      • A; B; C and D Company
    • 13 (AASLT) Infantry Battalion "Stoottroepen Prins Bernhard" (13 Infanteriebataljon Stoottroepen Prins Bernhard), in Assen
      • A; B; C (PARA) and D Company
    • 20 National Reserve Corps (NATRES) Battalion (20 Natresbataljon), in The Hague
      • Alpha Company (Alfacompagnie), in The Hague
      • Bravo Company (Bravocompagnie), in Bergen
      • Charlie Company (Charliecompagnie), in Amsterdam
      • Delta Company (Deltacompagnie), in The Hague
      • Echo Company (Echocompagnie), in Stroe
      • Foxtrot Company (Foxtrotcompagnie), in Schaarsbergen
    • 11 (AASLT) Brigade Reconnaissance Squadron "Huzaren van Boreel" (11 Brigade Verkennings Eskadron Huzaren van Boreel), in Schaarsbergen
      • Pathfinder Platoon (Pathfinderpeloton), in Schaarsbergen
    • 11 (AASLT) Engineer Company (11 Geniecompagnie), in Schaarsbergen
    • 11 (AASLT) Supply Company (11 Bevoorradingscompagnie), in Schaarsbergen
    • 11 (AASLT) Medical Company (11 Geneeskundige compagnie), in Assen and Schaarsbergen
    • 11 (AASLT) Maintenance Company (11 Herstelcompagnie), in Schaarsbergen

13 Light Brigade

The 13 Light Brigade (Dutch: 13 Lichte Brigade) is a motorized brigade integrated into the 10th Panzer Division of the German Army. The brigade operates the Boxer armoured fighting vehicle and the Bushmaster infantry mobility vehicle. The brigade is based in Oirschot and consists of the following units:

  • 13 Lichte Brigade embleem embleem.svg 13 Light Brigade , in Oirschot [4]
    • 13 Staff Company (13 Stafcompagnie), in Oirschot
    • 17 Armoured Infantry Battalion "Fuseliers Prinses Irene" (17 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Fuseliers Prinses Irene), in Oirschot
    • 42 Armoured Infantry Battalion "Limburgse Jagers" (42 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Limburgse Jagers), in Oirschot
      • A; B; C and D Company, with Boxer armoured fighting vehicles
    • 30 National Reserve Corps (NATRES) Battalion (30 Natresbataljon), in Vlissingen
      • Alpha Company (Alfacompagnie), in Vlissingen
      • Bravo Company (Bravocompagnie), in Breda
      • Charlie Company (Charliecompagnie), in Oirschot
      • Delta Company (Deltacompagnie), in Brunssum
      • Echo Company (Echocompagnie), in Vredepeel
    • 41 Armoured Engineer Battalion (41 Pantsergeniebataljon), in Oirschot
      • Staff Company, 411 and 412 Armored Engineer Company, 414 CBRN Defense Company
    • 42 Brigade Reconnaissance Squadron "Huzaren van Boreel" (42 Brigadeverkenningseskadron Huzaren van Boreel), in Oirschot, with Fennek light armoured reconnaissance vehicles
    • 13 Medical Company (13 Geneeskundige Compagnie), in Oirschot
    • 13 Maintenance Company (13 Herstelcompagnie), in Oirschot
    • Robotics and Autonomous Systems Cell (Robotica en Autonome Systemen cel), in Oirschot

43 Mechanised Brigade

The 43 Mechanised Brigade (Dutch: 43 Gemechaniseerde Brigade) is a mechanised brigade integrated into the 1st Panzer Division of the German Army. Armoured vehicles, such as the CV90 infantry fighting vehicle and the Leopard 2 main battle tank, are at the core of the brigade. The brigade is based, with the exception of the 414 Panzer Battalion and 11 Armoured Engineer Battalion, in Havelte and consists of the following units:

  • Embleem 43 Gemechaniseerde Brigade.svg 43 Mechanised Brigade , in Havelte [5]
    • 43 Staff Company (43 Stafcompagnie), in Havelte
    • 44 Armoured Infantry Battalion "Prins Johan Willem Friso" (44 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Johan Willem Friso), in Havelte
    • 45 Armoured Infantry Battalion "Oranje Gelderland" (45 Pantserinfanteriebataljon Oranje Gelderland), in Havelte (Will move to Soesterberg in 2027)
      • A; B; C and D Company, with CV9035 infantry fighting vehicles
    • 414th Panzer Battalion (GE & NL, 414 Tankbataljon), in Bergen (Germany)
    • 10 National Reserve Corps (NATRES) Battalion (10 Natresbataljon), in Assen
      • Alpha Company (Alfacompagnie), in Assen
      • Bravo Company (Bravocompagnie), in Assen
      • Charlie Company (Charliecompagnie), in Wezep
      • Delta Company (Deltacompagnie), in Amersfoort
      • Echo Company (Echocompagnie), in Amersfoort
      • Foxtrot Company (Foxtrotcompagnie), in Enschede
    • 11 Armoured Engineer Battalion (11 Pantsergeniebataljon), in Wezep
      • Staff Company, 111 and 112 Armored Engineer Company, 101 CBRN Defense Company
    • 43 Brigade Reconnaissance Squadron "Huzaren van Boreel" (43 Brigadeverkenningseskadron Huzaren van Boreel), in Havelte, with Fennek light armoured reconnaissance vehicles
    • 43 Medical Company (43 Geneeskundige Compagnie), in Havelte
    • 43 Maintenance Company (43 Herstelcompagnie), in Havelte

Korps Commandotroepen

The Korps Commandotroepen is the special operations force of the Royal Netherlands Army and based in Roosendaal. It consists of the following units: [6]

  • Kl-korps-commandotroepen-kct.svg Korps Commandotroepen , in Roosendaal
    • SOF Support Company (SOF Supportcompagnie)
    • Special Operations Instruction and Training Company (Opleidings- en trainingscompagnie speciale operaties)
    • 103rd; 104th; 105th and 108th Commando Troops Company (Commandotroepencompagnie)

1 (German/Netherlands) Corps

The 1 (German/Netherlands) Corps is based in Münster and has additional locations in Eibergen and Garderen. The Corps is a NATO-assigned headquarters for land operations that is led in turns by Germany and the Netherlands. It is capable of commanding a multinational force of approximately 50,000 troops. It consists of the following bi-national units:

Joint Ground-based Air Defence Command

The Joint Ground-based Air Defence Command (Dutch: Defensie Grondgebonden Luchtverdedigingscommando) is a joint command, consisting of both army and Royal Netherlands Air Force personnel, that is responsible for the protection of both Dutch and allied territory, vital objects and military units from airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones. In 2018 the Flugabwehrraketengruppe 61 of the German Air Force was integrated into the command. The command is based, with the exception of the Flugabwehrraketengruppe 61, at the Lieutenant General Best Barracks in Vredepeel and consists of the following units:

  • Defensie Grondgebonden Luchtverdedigings Commando embleem.svg Joint Ground-based Air Defence Command , in Vredepeel [8] [9]
    • 800 Support Squadron (800 Ondersteuningssquadron)
      • Communication and Information Systems Flight (CIS-vlucht)
      • Logistics Flight (Logistieke vlucht)
      • Force Protection Flight (Force Protection-vlucht)
    • 802 Patriot Squadron (802 Patriot-squadron)
      • Command and Control Flight(Commandovoeringsvlucht)
      • 4x Patriot flights (Patriot-vlucht), with Patriot long range surface-to-air missiles (4th flight was activated July 1st 2024)
      • Logistics Flight (Logistieke vlucht)
    • 11th Air Defense Battery (11 Luchtverdedigingsbatterij)
      • 1x Stinger MANPAD platoon, with shoulder launched FIM-92 Stinger missile
      • 1x Counter-UAS-platoon, with SkyWall Patrol
    • 12th Air Defense Battery (12 Luchtverdedigingsbatterij) (Activated July 1st 2024)
      • Being formed, will be equipped and structured identically to the 13th Air Defense Battery
    • 13th Air Defense Battery "Ypenburg" (13 Luchtverdedigingsbatterij Ypenburg)
    • Air Defense Missile Group 61 (Flugabwehrraketengruppe 61), in Todendorf (Germany)
      • Headquarters und Staff Squadron, with LÜR radar systems
      • Mantis Squadron, with MANTIS very short-range protection systems
      • LeFlaSys squadron, with Wiesel 2 LeFlaSys short range surface-to-air missiles
      • Training Squadron
    • Instruction and Training Center (Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum)
    • Ground-based Air- and Missile Defense Expertise Center (Kenniscentrum Grondgebonden Lucht- en Raketverdediging)

Operational Support Command Land

The Operational Support Command Land (Dutch: Operationeel Ondersteuningscommando Land) provides a broad range of specialist support to the army, and is based in Apeldoorn. The command is the largest unit of the army. It consists of the following units:

  • Embleem Operationeel Ondersteuningscommando Land.svg Operational Support Command Land , in Apeldoorn [10]
    • Command & Control Support Command (Command & Control Ondersteuningscommando), in Stroe
      • A; B and C Signal Company
      • D CEMA Company
      • Signals Service School
    • Joint ISTAR Command (Joint ISTAR Commando - JISTARC), in 't Harde
    • Fire Support Command (Vuursteun Commando), in 't Harde [12] [13]
      • 11 Horse Artillery Battalion (11 Afdeling Rijdende Artillerie; being formed; will join the 43 Mechanised Brigade in 2025) [13]
      • 41 Field Artillery Battalion (41 Afdeling Veldartillerie; will join the 13 Light Brigade in 2025) [13]
        • Headquarters Battery (Stafbatterij)
        • A and B Battery, each with 9× Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzers
        • C Battery, with 16× MO-120-RT towed mortars (being re-equipped with 9× Panzerhaubitze 2000 and will join 11 Horse Artillery Battalion in 2025; MO-120-RT mortars will be transferred to 11 Air Assault Brigade) [13]
        • D Battery, with 6× Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzers (will receive 3× additional Panzerhaubitze 2000 and join 11 Horse Artillery Battalion in 2025) [13]
      • Fire Support School (Vuursteunschool)
      • Artillery Fire Range (Artillerieschietkamp)
    • 1 Civil-military Cooperation Command (1 Civiel en Militair Interactiecommando), in Apeldoorn
    • Supply and Transport Command (Bevoorrading en Transport Commando), in Stroe
      • Staff Company (Stafcompagnie)
      • 110 and 220 Transport Company (Transportcompagnie)
      • 130 and 230 Base Company (Clustercompagnie)
      • 140 Heavy Transport Company (140 Zwaar Transportcompagnie)
      • 210 Regional Transport Company (210 Regionale Vervoerscompagnie)
      • 240 Service Company (240 Dienstencompagnie)
    • 101 Engineer Battalion (101 Geniebataljon), in Wezep
      • 101 Staff Company (101 Stafcompagnie)
      • 102 and 103 Construction Company (Constructiecompagnieën)
      • 105 Hydraulic Engineer Company (105 Geniecompagnie Waterbouw)
    • 400 Medical Battalion (400 Geneeskundig Bataljon), in Ermelo
      • Staff and Support Company (Staf & Ondersteuningscompagnie)
      • 420; 421; 422 and 423 Hospital Company (Hospitaalcompagnie)
    • Defense Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service (Explosieven Opruimingsdienst Defensie), in Soesterberg
    • Land Forces Command Staff Support Group (Ondersteuningsgroep CLAS), in Arnhem [14]
      • Royal Military Band "Johan Willem Friso" (Koninklijke Militaire Kapel "Johan Willem Friso)
      • Regimental Fanfare Garde Grenadiers en Jagers (Regimentsfanfare Garde Grenadiers en Jagers)
      • Mounted Units Regimental Fanfare (Regimentsfanfare Bereden Wapens)
      • National Reserve Korps Fanfare (Fanfare Korps Nationale Reserve)
      • Honorary Cavalry Escort (Cavalerie Ere Escorte)
      • Defense Geography Service (Dienst Geografie Defensie)
      • Military Penitentiary Center (Militair Penitentiair Centrum)
      • Individual Transmission Office - Security Sector Reform (Bureau Individuele Uitzendingen - Security Sector Reform)
      • Internal [Security] Service (Interne Dienstverlening)
      • Military Court (Militaire Rechtbank)

Land Materiel Logistic Command

The Land Materiel Logistic Command (Dutch: Materieellogistiek Commando Land) is responsible for the maintenance and conservation of land systems and provides advice for the procurement of new materiel. It consists of the following units:

  • Materieel Logistiek Commando Land embleem.svg Land Materiel Logistic Command, in Utrecht [15]
    • 300 Equipment Logistics Company (300 Materieellogistieke Compagnie), in Amersfoort
    • Technical Department (Afdeling Techniek), in Leusden
    • Logistics Department (Afdeling Logistiek), in Lettele
    • Systems and Analysis Department (Afdeling Systemen & Analyse), in Utrecht

Instruction and Training Command

The Instruction and Training Command (Dutch: Opleidings- en Trainingscommando) is based in Amersfoort and provides training and courses to the land forces. It consists of the following units:

  • Opleidings- en Trainingscommando embleem.svg Instruction and Training Command, in Amersfoort [16]
    • Royal Military School (Koninklijke Militaire School), in Ermelo [17]
      • School North (School Noord), in Assen
      • School South (School Zuid), in Oirschot
      • Airmobile School (School Luchtmobiel), in Arnhem
    • Land Training and Land Warfare Center (Land Training Centre en Land Warfare Centre), in Amersfoort
    • Maneuver Instruction and Training Center (Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Manoeuvre), in Amersfoort [18]
      • Maneuver School (Manoeuvreschool)
      • Shooting Training School (Schiet Training School)
      • Signal School (School Verbindingsdienst)
      • Ground Air Cooperation School (School Grond Lucht Samenwerking)
      • Peace Missions School (School voor Vredesmissies)
      • Ground-based Maneuver Expertise Center (Kenniscentrum Grondgebonden Manoeuvre)
      • Military & Equipment Defense Expertise Center (Defensie Expertise Centrum Militair & Uitrusting)
      • Logistics Company (Logistieke compagnie)
    • Engineer Instruction and Training Center (Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Genie), in Vught [19]
      • Miners and Sappers School (Mineurs- en Sappeursschool), in Vught and Reek
      • Pioneer and Pontonnier School (Pioniers- en Pontonniersschool), in Vught, Hedel and Wezep
      • CBRN Defense Center (Defensie CBRN Centrum), in Vught
      • Engineer Expertise Center (Kenniscentrum Genie), in Vught
    • Logistics Instruction and Training Center (Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Logistiek), in Soesterberg
    • Driving Instruction and Training Center (Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Rijden), in Oirschot
    • Physical Training and Sport Organisation (Lichamelijke Oefening & Sportorganisatie), at various locations

National Reserve Corps

Korps Nationale Reserve embleem.svg

The National Reserve Corps (Dutch: Korps Nationale Reserve ) provides support during large incidents. The reserve battalions are all integrated into one of the three combat brigades. It consists of the following units:

  • 10th NATRES Battalion of the 43rd Mechanized Brigade. Area of operations is the north and the east of the Netherlands.
  • 20th NATRES Battalion of the 11th Air Assault Brigade. Area of operations are the west and the centre of the Netherlands.
  • 30th NATRES Battalion of the 13th Light Brigade. Area of operations is the south of the Netherlands.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">13th Light Brigade (Netherlands)</span> Military unit

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  1. "Organisatiestructuur landmacht - Koninklijke Landmacht -". 16 September 2019.
  2. "Hoofdkwartier Landmacht". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  3. "11 Luchtmobiele Brigade". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  4. "13 Lichte Brigade". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  5. "43 Gemechaniseerde Brigade". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  6. "Korps Commandotroepen". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
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  8. "Defensie Grondgebonden Luchtverdedigingscommando". Royal Netherlands Army. 8 January 2020. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  9. "Eenheden Defensie Grondgebonden Luchtverdedigingscommando". Royal Netherlands Army. 8 January 2020. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  10. "Operationeel Ondersteuningscommando Land". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
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  13. 1 2 3 4 5 "Versterking vuursteun krijgt vorm". Netherlands Army. Retrieved 9 June 2024.
  14. "Ondersteuningsgroep CLAS". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  15. "Materieellogistiek Commando Land". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  16. "Opleidings- en Trainingscommando". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  17. "Koninklijke Militaire School". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  18. "Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Manoeuvre". Royal Netherlands Army. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
  19. "Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Genie". Royal Netherlands Army. 16 September 2019. Retrieved 30 April 2020.