The Cambridge Modern History

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The Cambridge Modern History
Italy 1799.jpg
Italy in 1799, from the Atlas (1912)

CountryUnited Kingdom
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published1902–1912; 1957–1979
No. of books14 (Cambridge Modern History)
14 (New Cambridge Modern History)

The Cambridge Modern History is a comprehensive modern history of the world, beginning with the 15th century Age of Discovery, published by the Cambridge University Press in England and also in the United States.


The first series, planned by Lord Acton and edited by him with Stanley Mordaunt Leathes, Sir Adolphus William Ward and G. W. Prothero, was launched in 1902 and totalled fourteen volumes, the last of them being an historical atlas which appeared in 1912. The period covered was from 1450 to 1910. [1] Each volume includes an extensive bibliography.

A second series, with entirely new editors and contributors, The New Cambridge Modern History , appeared in fourteen volumes between 1957 and 1979, again concluding with an atlas. It covered the world from 1450 to 1945.

Planning and publishing

The dominions of Charles V in 1558,
map from the atlas of 1912 Habsburg Map 1547.jpg
The dominions of Charles V in 1558,
map from the atlas of 1912

The first discussions about creating The Cambridge Modern History took place in 1896. [2] [3]

The original Cambridge Modern History was planned by Lord Acton, who during 1899 and 1900 gave much of his time to coordinating the project, intended to be a monument of objective, detailed, and collaborative scholarship. [4] Acton was Regius professor of modern history at Cambridge, and a fellow of All Souls, Oxford. He had previously established the English Historical Review in 1886 and had an exalted reputation. [5]

Cambridge Modern History Atlas
(1912), title page Cambridge Modern History Atlas title.jpg
Cambridge Modern History Atlas
(1912), title page

The new work was published in fourteen volumes between 1902 and 1912, in the British Isles by the Cambridge University Press and in the United States by Macmillan & Co. of New York City. Written mostly by English scholars, the first twelve volumes dealt with the history of the world from 1450 up to 1870. [1] The final volume, numbered 12, was The Latest Age and appeared in 1910. [6] There then followed two supplemental volumes. [1]

The history was later followed by similar multi-volume works for the earlier ages, namely the Cambridge Ancient History and the Cambridge Medieval History . [7] As the first of such histories, it later came to be seen as establishing a tradition of collaborative scholarship. [8]

A second edition of the atlas (volume XIV) was published in 1924. [9]

Volumes published

I. The Renaissance (1902)

Introductory Note Mandell Creighton
1The Age of Discovery Edward John Payne
2The New WorldEdward John Payne
3The Ottoman Conquest John Bagnell Bury
4Italy and her Invaders Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
5Florence (I): Savonarola Edward Armstrong
6Florence (II): Macchiavelli Laurence Arthur Burd
7Rome and the Temporal Power Richard Garnett
8Venice Horatio Robert Forbes Brown
9Germany and the Empire Thomas Frederick Tout
10Hungary and the Slavonic Kingdoms Emil Reich
11The Catholic Kings Henry Butler Clarke
12France Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
13The Netherlands Adolphus William Ward
14The Early Tudors James Gairdner
15Economic Change William Cunningham
16The Classical Renaissance Richard Claverhouse Jebb
17The Christian Renaissance Montague Rhodes James
18Catholic Europe William Francis Barry
19The Eve of the Reformation Henry Charles Lea

II. The Reformation: The end of the Middle Ages (1903)

1Medicean Rome Franz Xaver Kraus
2Habsburg and Valois (I) Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
3Habsburg and Valois (II) Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
4Luther Thomas Martin Lindsay
5National Opposition to Rome in Germany Albert Frederick Pollard
6Social Revolution and Catholic Reaction in GermanyAlbert Frederick Pollard
7The Conflict of Creeds and Parties in GermanyAlbert Frederick Pollard
8Religious War in GermanyAlbert Frederick Pollard
9The Reformation in France Arthur Augustus Tilley
10The Helvetic Reformation James Pounder Whitney
11Calvin and the Reformed Church Andrew Martin Fairbairn
12The Catholic South William Edward Collins
13Henry VIII James Gairdner
14The Reformation under Edward VIAlbert Frederick Pollard
15Philip and Mary James Bass Mullinger
16The Anglican Settlement and the Scottish Reformation Frederic William Maitland
17The Scandinavian NorthWilliam Edward Collins
17 AddendumNote on the Reformation in Poland Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
18The Church and Reform Reginald Vere Laurence
19Tendencies of European Thought in the Age of the Reformation'Andrew Martin Fairbairn

III. The Wars of Religion (1904)

1The Wars of Religion in France Arthur John Butler
2French Humanism and Montaigne Arthur Augustus Tilley
3The Catholic Reaction, and the Valois and Báthory Elections, in Poland Robert Nisbet Bain
4The Height of the Ottoman Power Moritz Brosch
5The Empire under Ferdinand I and Maximilian II Adolphus William Ward
6The Revolt of the Netherlands George Edmundson
7William the SilentGeorge Edmundson
8Mary Stewart Thomas Graves Law
9The Elizabethan Naval War with Spain John Knox Laughton
10The Last Years of Elizabeth Sidney Lee
11The Elizabethan Age of English LiteratureSidney Lee
12Tuscany and Savoy Edward Armstrong
13Rome under Sixtus V Ugo Balzani
14The End of the Italian Renaissance Arthur John Butler
15Spain under Philip II Martin Hume
16Spain under Philip IIIMartin Hume
17Britain under James I Samuel Rawson Gardiner
18Ireland to the Settlement of Ulster Robert Dunlop
19The Dutch RepublicGeorge Edmundson
20Henry IV of France Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
21The Empire under Rudolf IIAdolphus William Ward
22Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century John Neville Figgis

IV. The Thirty Years War (1906)

1The Outbreak of the Thirty Years' War Adolphus William Ward
2The Valtelline Horatio Robert Forbes Brown
3The Protestant Collapse (1620–30)
     (1) The Bohemian and the Palatinate War (1620-3)
     (2) The Lower-Saxon and Danish War (1623-9)
     (3) The Edict of Restitution and the Dismissal of Wallenstein (1628–30)
Adolphus William Ward
4Richelieu Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
5The Vasa in Sweden and Poland (1560–1630) William Fiddian Reddaway
6Gustavus Adolphus (1630–2)Adolphus William Ward
7Wallenstein and Bernard of Weimar (1632–5)
     (1) Wallenstein's End (1632-4)
     (2) Nördlingen and Prague (1634-5)
Adolphus William Ward
8The Constitutional Struggle in England (1625–40) George Walter Prothero
9The First Two Years of the Long Parliament (1640-2)George Walter Prothero
10The First Civil War (1642-7)George Walter Prothero, and
Ernest Marsh Lloyd
11Presbyterians and Independents (1645-9)George Walter Prothero, and
Ernest Marsh Lloyd
12The Westminster Assembly William Arthur Shaw
13The Later Years of the Thirty Years' War (1635–48)Adolphus William Ward
14The Peace of WestphaliaAdolphus William Ward
15The Commonwealth and the Protectorate (1649–59)William Arthur Shaw
16The Navy of the Commonwealth and the First Dutch War Joseph Robson Tanner
17Scotland from the Accession of Charles I to the Restoration Peter Hume Brown
18Ireland from the Plantation of Ulster to the Cromwellian Settlement (1611-1659) Robert Dunlop
19Anarchy and the Restoration (1659–60) Charles Harding Firth
20The Scandinavian North (1559-1660)William Fiddian Reddaway
21Mazarin Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
22Spain and Spanish Italy under Philip III and IV Martin Hume
23Papal Policy, 1590-1648 Moritz Brosch
24Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange George Edmundson
25The Transference of Colonial Power to the United Provinces and England Hugh Edward Egerton
26The Fantastic School of English Poetry Arthur Clutton-Brock
27Descartes and Cartesianism Émile Boutroux

V. The Age of Louis XIV (1908)

1The Government of Louis XIV (1661–1715) Arthur James Grant
2The Foreign Policy of Louis XIV (1661–1697) Arthur Hassall
3French Seventeenth Century Literature and its European Influence Émile Faguet
4The Gallican Church Stafford Harry Northcote (Viscount St Cyres)
5The Stewart Restoration Charles Harding Firth
6The Literature of the English Restoration, Including Milton Harold Hannynston Child
7The Administrations of John de Witt and William of Orange' (1651–88) George Edmundson
8 (1)The Anglo-Dutch Wars: Naval Administration under Charles II and James II Joseph Robson Tanner
8 (2)The Anglo-Dutch Wars: The Wars (1664–74) Christopher Thomas Atkinson
9The Policy of Charles II and James II (1667–87) John Pollock
10 (1)The Revolution and the Revolution Settlement in Great Britain: England (1687-1702) Harold William Vezeille Temperley
10 (2)The Revolution and the Revolution Settlement in Great Britain: Scotland from the Restoration to the Union of the Parliaments (1660-1707) Peter Hume Brown
10 (3)The Revolution and the Revolution Settlement in Great Britain: Ireland from the Restoration to the Age of Resumptionn (1660-1700)Robert Dunlop
11Religious Toleration in England Henry Melvill Gwatkin
12Austria, Poland, and Turkey Richard Lodge
13The Treaties of Partition and the Spanish Succession Wolfgang Michael
14 (1)The War of the Spanish Succession: Campaigns and NegotiationsChristopher Thomas Atkinson
14 (2)The War of the Spanish Succession: the Peace of Utrecht and the Supplementary Pacifications Adolphus William Ward
15Party Government under Queen AnneHarold William Vezeille Temperley
16Russia (1462–1682) John Bagnell Bury
17Peter the Great and His Pupils (1689–1730) Robert Nisbet Bain
18The Scandinavian Kingdoms William Fiddian Reddaway
19Charles XII and the Great Northern WarRobert Nisbet Bain
20The Origins of the Kingdom of PrussiaAdolphus William Ward
21The Great Elector and the First Prussian KingAdolphus William Ward
22 (1)The Colonies and India: The Colonies Ernest Alfred Benians
22 (2)The Colonies and India: India Paul Ernest Roberts
23 (1)European Science in the Seventeenth and Earlier Years of the Eighteenth Century: Mathematics and Physical Science Walter William Rouse Ball
23 (2)European Science in the Seventeenth and Earlier Years of the Eighteenth Century: Other Branches of Science Michael Foster
24Latitudinarianism and Pietism Moritz Kaufmann

VI. The Eighteenth Century (1909)

1 (1)Great Britain under George I: The Hanoverian Succession Adolphus William Ward
1 (2)Great Britain under George I: The Foreign Policy of George I (1714–21) James Frederick Chance
2The Age of Walpole and the Pelhams Harold William Vezeille Temperley
3Jacobotism and the Union Charles Sanford Terry
4The Bourbon Governments in France and Spain. I. (1714–26) Edward Armstrong
5The Bourbon Governments in France and Spain. II. (1727–46)Edward Armstrong
6Financial Experiments and Colonial Development Ernest Alfred Benians
7Poland under the Saxon Kings Robert Nisbet Bain
8 (1)The War of the Austrian Succession: The Pragmatic Sanction Christopher Thomas Atkinson
8 (2)The War of the Austrian Succession: Prussia under Frederick William I Emil Daniels
8 (3)The War of the Austrian Succession: The WarChristopher Thomas Atkinson
9The Seven Years' War
     For a four-page addendum on naval operations see Volume XIII
Emil Daniels
10Russia Under Anne and ElizabethRobert Nisbet Bain
11The Reversal of Alliances and the Family Compact Jean Lemoine
12Spain and Portugal (1746–94)
     (1) Spain under Ferdinand VI and Charles III
     (2) Portugal (1750–93)
     (3) Brazil (Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries)
George Edmundson
13 (1)Great Britain (1756–93): William Pitt the Elder Wolfgang Michael
13 (2)Great Britain (1756–93): The King's Friends James Macmullen Rigg
13 (3)Great Britain (1756–93): The Years of Peace and the Rise of the Younger Pitt (1782–93) Martin J. Griffin
14Ireland in the Eighteenth CenturyRobert Dunlop
15 (1)India: The Moghul Empire Alfred Comyn Lyall
15 (2)India: The English and French in India (1720–63) Paul Ernest Roberts
15 (3)India: Clive and Warren HastingsPaul Ernest Roberts
16Italy and the PapacyMrs. H. M. Vernon (Katharine Dorothea Ewart)
17Switzerland from the Treaty of Aarau to the French Revolution Johann Jacob Schollenberger
18Joseph II Eugène Hubert
19Catharine II Otto Hötsch
20 (1)Frederick the Great and His Successor: Home and Foreign Policy (1763–97)Emil Daniels
20 (2)Frederick the Great and His Successor: Poland and PrussiaOtto Hötsch
21Denmark under the Bernstorffs and Struensee William Fiddian Reddaway
22The Hats and Caps and Gustavus III (1721–92)Robert Nisbet Bain
23English Political Philosophy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Arthur Lionel Smith
24The Romantic Movement in European Literature Charles Edwyn Vaughan

VII. The United States (1903)

Scanned full text here (

1The First Century of English Colonisation (1607-1700) John Andrew Doyle
2The English Colonies (1700-1763)John Andrew Doyle
3The French in America (1608-1744) Mary Bateson
4The Conquest of Canada (1744-1761) Arthur Granville Bradley
5The Quarrel with Great Britain (1761-1776)John Andrew Doyle
6The Declaration of Independence (1761-1776) Melville Madison Bigelow
7The War of Independence (1776-1783)John Andrew Doyle
8The Constitution (1776-1789)Melville Madison Bigelow
9The Struggle for Commercial Independence (1783-1812) John Bach McMaster
10The War of 1812-1815 Herbert Wrigley Wilson
11The Growth of the Nation (1815-1828)John Bach McMaster
12Commerce, Expansion and Slavery (1828-1850)John Bach McMaster
13State Rights (1850-1860) Woodrow Wilson
14The Civil War: I (1861) John George Nicolay
15The Civil War: II (1862-1863)John George Nicolay
16The Civil War: III (1864-1865)John George Nicolay
17Naval Operation of the Civil War (1861-1865)Herbert Wrigley Wilson
18The North during the War (1861-1865)John George Nicolay
19The South during the War (1861-1865) John Christopher Schwab
20Political Reconstruction (1865-1885) Theodore Clarke Smith
21The United States as a World-Power (1885-1902) John Bassett Moore
22Economic Development of the United States Henry Crosby Emery
23The American Intellect Barrett Wendell

VIII. The French Revolution (1904)

1Philosophy and the Revolution Paul Ferdinand Willert
2The Government of France Francis Charles Montague
3Finance Henry Higgs
4Louis XVIFrancis Charles Montague
5The Elections to the States GeneralFrancis Charles Montague
6The National Assembly, and the Spread of AnarchyFrancis Charles Montague
7The Constitution of 1791Francis Charles Montague
8The Legislative Assembly John Ronald Moreton Macdonald
9The National Convention to the Fall of the GirondeJohn Ronald Moreton Macdonald
10The Foreign Policy of Pitt to the Outbreak of War with France Oscar Browning
11The European Powers and the Eastern Question Richard Lodge
12The TerrorJohn Ronald Moreton Macdonald
13The Thermidorian Reaction and the End of the ConventionJohn Ronald Moreton Macdonald
14The General War Richard Phillipson Dunn-Pattison
15The Naval War Herbert Wrigley Wilson
16The DirectoryGeorge Knottesford Fortescue
17The Extinction of Poland, 1788–97Richard Lodge
18Bonaparte and the Conquest of Italy John Holland Rose
19The Egyptian ExpeditionJohn Holland Rose
20The Struggle for the MediterraneanHerbert Wrigley Wilson
21The Second CoalitionJohn Holland Rose
22Brumaire Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher
23Revolutionary FinanceHenry Higgs
24French Law in the Age of the Revolution Paul Viollet
25Europe and the French Revolution George Peabody Gooch

IX. Napoleon (1906)

1The Consulate, 1799-1804 Georges Pariset
2The Armed Neutrality, 1780-1801 Thomas Alfred Walker and
Herbert Wrigley Wilson
3The Pacification of Europe, 1799-1802 Anton Guilland
4France and Her Tributaries, 1801-3Anton Guilland
5France under the Empire, 1804–14Georges Pariset
6The Codes Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher
7The Concordats Leopold George Wickham Legg
8The Command of the Sea, 1803–15Herbert Wrigley Wilson
9The Third Coalition. I. 1805-6 Ernest Marsh Lloyd
10The Third Coalition. II. 1806-7Ernest Marsh Lloyd
11The Napoleonic Empire at Its Height, 1807-9 John Holland Rose
12The War of 1809 August Keim
13The Continental System, 1809–14John Holland Rose
14The French Dependencies, and Switzerland, 1800–14Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher (The French Dependencies), and
Anton Guilland (Switzerland)
15The Peninsular War, 1808–14 Charles William Chadwick Oman
16Russia under Alexander I, and the Invasion of 1812 Eugen Stschepkin
17The War of Liberation, 1813-4 Julius von Pflugk-Harttung
18The First Restoration, 1814-5Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher
19The Congress of Vienna, I. 1814-5Adolphus William Ward
20The Hundred Days, 1815Charles William Chadwick Oman
21The Congress of Vienna, II. 1814-5Adolphus William Ward
22Great Britain and Ireland, 1792-1815 George Peabody Gooch
23The British Empire, 1783-1815 William Holden Hutton (India and Ceylon), and
Hugh Edward Egerton (The Colonies)
24St. HelenaHerbert Albert Laurens Fisher

X. The Restoration (1907)

1The Congresses, 1815–22 Walter Alison Phillips
2The Doctrinaires Charlotte Julia von Leyden Blennerhassett
3Reaction and Revolution in France Émile Bourgeois
4Italy Carlo Segré
5The Papacy and the Catholic ChurchCharlotte Julia von Leyden Blennerhassett
6Greece and the Balkan PeninsulaWalter Alison Phillips
7Spain (1815–45) Rafael Altamira
8The Spanish Dominions in America Frederick Alexander Kirkpatrick
9The Establishment of Independence in Spanish AmericaFrederick Alexander Kirkpatrick
10Brazil and Portugal George Edmundson
11The Germanic Federation (1815–40) Albert Frederick Pollard
12Literature in Germany John George Robertson
13Russia Szymon Askenazy
14Poland and the Polish RevolutionSzymon Askenazy
15The Orleans MonarchyÉmile Bourgeois
16The Low CountriesGeorge Edmundson
17Mehmet AliWalter Alison Phillips
18Great Britain (1815–32) Harold William Vezeille Temperley
19Catholic Emancipation Henry William Carless Davis
20Great Britain and Ireland (1832–41) George Peabody Gooch
21Canada Ernest Alfred Benians
22The Revolution in English Poetry and Fiction William John Courthope
23Economic Change John Harold Clapham
24The British Economists Joseph Shield Nicholson

XI. The Growth of Nationalities (1909)

1Great Britain and Free Trade (1841–52) John Harold Clapham
2The Fall of Constitutionalism in France (1840-8) Émile Bourgeois
3Liberalism and Nationality in Germany and Austria (1840-8) Friedrich Meinecke
4Italy in Revolution (1846-9) Ernesto Masi
5The French RepublicÉmile Bourgeois
6The Revolution and the Reaction in Germany and Austria. I. (1848-9) Adolphus William Ward
7The Revolution and the Reaction in Germany and Austria. II.Adolphus William Ward
8The Achievement of Swiss Federal Unity Wilhelm Oechsli
9 (1)Russia and the Levant: Russia under Nicholas I Geoffrey Drage
9 (2)Russia and the Levant: The Levant Edward Charles Blech
10Napoleon III and the Period of Personal Government (1852-9) Albert Thomas
11Great Britain and the Crimean War (1852-6) Spencer Walpole
12Great Britain, Last Years of Whiggism, Parliamentary Reform (1856–68)Spencer Walpole
13English Literature (1840–70) Hugh Walker
14Cavour and the Kingdom of Italy (1849–61)Ernesto Masi
15 (1)Austria, Prussia, and the Germanic Confederation: Reaction and Reorganisation (1852–62) Heinrich Friedjung
15 (2)Austria, Prussia, and the Germanic Confederation: German Literature (1840–70) Karl Hermann Breul
15 (3)Austria, Prussia, and the Germanic Confederation: The National Spirit in Hungarian Literature (1686-1900) Arthur Battishill Yolland
16Bismarck and German Unity Gustav Roloff
17The Liberal Empire (1859–70)Albert Thomas
18The Reaction against Romanticism in French Literature (1840–71)Émile Bourgeois
19 (1)The Completion of Italian Unity: The Successors of Cavour (1861–70)Ernesto Masi
19 (2)The Completion of Italian Unity: The Literature of the Risorgimento and After (1846–70)Carlo Segré
20The Course of the Revolution in Spain and Portugal (1845–71) James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
21The Franco-German War (1870-1) Frederick Barton Maurice
22 (1)Russia and the Levant after the Crimean War: Russia and the Period of Reform Geoffrey Drage
22 (2)Russia and the Levant after the Crimean War: The Balkan LandsEdward Charles Blech
22 (3)Russia and the Levant after the Crimean War: Russian Literasture (1800-1900) Geoffrey Drage
22 (4)Russia and the Levant after the Crimean War: National Influences in Bohemian and Polish Literature Robert Nisbet Bain
23Holland and Belgium (1839–70)
     (1) Holland
     (2) Belgium
     (3) The Luxemburg Question
     (4) Literature in the Netherlands (1800–70)
George Edmundson
24 (1)Scandinavia (1815–70): Sweden and Norway William Fiddian Reddaway
24 (2)Scandinavia (1815–70): DenmarkWilliam Fiddian Reddaway
24 (3)Dano-Norwegian Literature Edmund Gosse
25Rome and the Vatican Council (1846–70) G. Alfred Fawkes
26India and Afghanistan (1815–69) William Lee-Warner
27 (1)Great Britain and Her Colonies: The New Colonial Policy (1840–70) Harold William Vezeille Temperley
27 (2)Great Britain and Her Colonies: The Federation of Canada Stuart Johnson Reid
27 (3)Great Britain and Her Colonies: The English and Dutch in South Africa (1815–70) Archibald Ross Colquhoun
27 (4)Great Britain and Her Colonies: The Development of Australasia (1815–70) John Davenport Rogers
28The Far East (1815–71)
     (1) China and her Intercourse with Western Powers
     (2) Japan
Ernest Mason Satow

XII. The Latest Age (1910)

1Modern Europe Stanley Mordaunt Leathes
2Foreign Relations of the United States during the Civil War John Westlake
3Great BritainStanley Mordaunt Leathes
4Ireland and the Home Rule Movement Robert Dunlop
5The Third French Republic Émile Bourgeois
6The German Empire
     (1) The First Seven Years of the Empire (1871-7)
     (2) The Triple Alliance and the Culminating Period of Bismarck's Ascendancy
     (3) Bismarck's Fall, and After (1888-1910)
Hermann Oncken
7Austria-Hungary Louis Eisenmann
8United Italy Thomas Okey
9The Low Countries
George Edmundson
10The Iberian Peninsula
David Hannay
     Norway and the Dissolution of the Union
Ludvig Stavenow
12Reaction and Revolution in Russia Bernard Pares
13The Reform Movement in RussiaBernard Pares
14The Ottoman Empire and the Balkan Peninsula William Miller
15Egypt and the Egyptian Sudan (1841-1907) Fleming Mant Sandwith
16The British Empire in India Paul Ernest Roberts
17The Far East
     The Philippine Islands
     The Malay Peninsula
Robert Kennaway
18The Regeneration of Japan Joseph Henry Longford
19The Russo-Japanese War Frederick Barton Maurice
20The European Colonies Ernest Alfred Benians
21 (1)The Republics of Latin America: (1) Historical Sketch to 1896 Frederick Alexander Kirkpatrick
21 (2)The Republics of Latin America: {2} The International Position of the Latin American Races Santiago Perez Triana
22The Modern Law of Nations and the Prevention of War Frederick Pollock
23Social Movements Sidney Webb
24The Scientific Age William Cecil Dampier Whetham
25Modern Explorations John Davenport Rogers
27The Growth of Historical Science George Peabody Gooch

XIII. Tables and General Index (1911)

This volume includes

  • A four-page addendum, written by Ernest Alfred Benians, to Chapter 9 of Volume 6: Naval Operations in the Period of the Seven Years' War
  • Genealogical Tables and Lists
    • 1. Genealogical Tables of Ruling and Noble Houses (112 tables)
    • 2. Lists of Spiritual Princes, Elected Sovereigns, Etc. (28 lists)
    • 3. Lists of Parliaments, General Councils, Etc. (6 lists)
  • General Index to all volumes

XIV. Atlas (1912, 2nd ed. 1924)

A map of the Franco-Prussian War from the 1912 atlas FrancoPrussianWarFrontierJuly1870.jpg
A map of the Franco-Prussian War from the 1912 atlas

This volume begins with an extensive introduction to the maps, written by Ernest Alfred Benians. It is divided into several sections:

  • I. Europe in the Fifteenth Century
  • II. The Age of Habsburg Power and of the Reformation
  • III. The Rise of France and Sweden
  • IV. The Formation of the Great Powers of the Eighteenth Century
  • V. The Age of the Revolution and of Napoleon
  • VI. Since 1815

Except for the first, each is in turn subsectioned for Europe and "Greater Europe", with the latter term referring mostly to the colonial empires. A separate index is provided for the introduction.

There are 141 maps in this volume. Two-page maps are bound in such a way as to prevent information from being lost in the gutter between pages. The concluding index gives the latitude and longitude of the places named.


  1. 1 2 3 Huntley Hayes, Carlton Joseph (1922). A political and social history of modern Europe. Vol. 1. Kessinger. p. 11. ISBN   9781419102745.
  2. Clark, G. N. (1945). "The Origin of the Cambridge Modern History". The Cambridge Historical Journal. 8 (2): 57–64. ISSN   1474-6913.
  3. Altholz, Josef L. (1996). "Lord Acton and the Plan of the Cambridge Modern History". The Historical Journal. 39 (3): 723–736. ISSN   0018-246X.
  4. 'John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1st Baron Acton (English historian and moralist)', in Encyclopædia Britannica
  5. R. C. S. Trahair, From Aristotelian to Reaganomics: a dictionary of eponyms with biographies in the social sciences (1994), p. 5
  6. "The Cambridge Modern History. Planned by the late LORD ACTON, LL.D. Edited by A. W. WARD, Litt.D., G. W. PROTHERO, Litt.D., STANLEY LEATHES, M.A. Volume XII: 'The Latest Age.' Cambridge: University Press, 1910.) Review". The English Historical Review. 26 (103): 612–614. July 1911. JSTOR   549876.
  7. Leslie Bethell, The Cambridge history of Latin America: Latin America since 1930 (vol. 6), p. 11
  8. Roberto González Echevarría, Enrique Pupo-Walker, 'Introduction', in The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature vol. 2 (1996), p. xvii: "The Cambridge history of Latin American literature draws upon a long tradition of collaborative scholarship that began with the Cambridge modern history (1902–1912)..."
  9. William Robert Shepherd, Historical Atlas (1964), p. iv

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Eleanor of Navarre,, was a Navarrese princess and monarch. She served as the regent of Navarre from 1455 to 1479, during the absence of her father, and then briefly as the queen regnant of Navarre in 1479. She was crowned on 28 January 1479 in Tudela.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">William, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg</span> Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg from 1539 to 1592

William of Jülich-Cleves-Berge was a Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg (1539–1592). William was born in and died in Düsseldorf. He was the only son of John III, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, and Maria, Duchess of Jülich-Berg. William took over rule of his father's estates upon his death in 1539. Despite his mother having lived until 1543, William also became the Duke of Berg and Jülich and the Count of Ravensberg.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Reuben Gold Thwaites</span> American librarian and author (1853-1913)

Reuben Gold Thwaites was an American librarian and historical writer.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vest Recklinghausen</span> Territory of the Holy Roman Empire

Vest Recklinghausen was an ecclesiastical territory in the Holy Roman Empire, located in the center of today's North Rhine-Westphalia. The rivers Emscher and Lippe formed the border with the County of Mark and Essen Abbey in the south, and to the Bishopric of Münster in the north. In the east, a fortification secured the border with Dortmund and in the west it was bordered by the Duchy of Cleves.

Ernst Detlof von Krassow, Swedish noble and military commander, born around 1660, dead 23 January 1714, freiherr (1707). Appointed Major General in 1706. Father of Karl Vilhelm von Krassow. As a colonel, he was an important leader in the cavalry assault in the Battle of Fraustadt in the Great Northern War resulting in the rout of the Saxon cavalry, and the double envelopment of the Saxon main element.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Isabella, Countess of Vertus</span> Countess of Vertus

Isabella of France was a French princess and member of the House of Valois, as well as the wife of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, who after her death became Duke of Milan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">George Prothero</span> British historian (1848–1922)

Sir George Walter Prothero was an English historian, writer, and academic who served as president of the Royal Historical Society from 1901 to 1905.

The Peace of Turin of 1381, ended the War of Chioggia (1376–81), in which Venice, allied with Cyprus and Milan, had narrowly escaped capture by the forces of Genoa, Hungary, Austria, Padua and the Patriarchate of Aquileia. Venice had overcome this crisis, forcing the surrender of the Genoese fleet at Chioggia, fighting a second Genoese fleet to a standstill in the Adriatic, and turning Austria against Padua, thus forcing its most threatening landward opponent into retreat. However, the war had been extremely costly for Venice, and it was only able to secure peace by making major concessions to its opponents.

Walter Alison Phillips was an English historian, a specialist in the history of Europe in the 19th century. From 1914 to 1939 he was the first holder of the Lecky chair of History in Trinity College Dublin. Most of his writing is in the name of W. Alison Phillips, and he was sometimes referred to as Alison Phillips.

Sir Stanley Mordaunt Leathes was a British poet, economist, historian and senior Civil Service administrator, being the First Civil Service Commissioner from 1910 to 1927.

William Miller, FBA was a British-born medievalist and journalist.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lawrence Burd</span>

Lawrence Arthur Burd FRHistS FRPSL was a British public school schoolmaster, expert on the works of Niccolò Machiavelli, and also notable as a philatelist.

The Cambridge History of the British Empire was a major work of historical scholarship published in eight volumes between 1929 and 1961 by Cambridge University Press. Volume seven was divided into two parts. The general editors were John Holland Rose, A. P. Newton and Ernest Alfred Benians. The original set of eight volumes was issued between 1929 and 1936. A number of the volumes were reissued in revised and expanded editions.

<i>The Cambridge Medieval History</i>

The Cambridge Medieval History is a history of medieval Europe in eight volumes published by Cambridge University Press and Macmillan between 1911 and 1936. Publication was delayed by the First World War and changes in the editorial team.