The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion

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Battle for a New Champion
Season 39
The Challenge Battle for a New Champion title card.png
Presented by T. J. Lavin
No. of contestants24
WinnerEmanuel Neagu
Location Pula, Croatia
No. of episodes21 (including the two-part Reunion special)
Original network MTV
Original releaseOctober 25, 2023 (2023-10-25) 
March 6, 2024 (2024-03-06)
Season chronology
Ride or Dies
List of episodes

The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion is the thirty-ninth season of the MTV reality competition series The Challenge , featuring alumni from The Challenge, Are You the One? (U.S.), Big Brother (UK and U.S.), Ex on the Beach (UK and U.S.), Survivor (Romania, Turkey and U.S.), Love Island (U.S.), So You Think You Can Dance , The Mole Germany , Exatlón Estados Unidos , Ibiza Weekender , The Bachelor & The Bachelorette (Australia), 12 Dates of Christmas , The Circle (U.S.), The Only Way Is Essex , Shipwrecked , and The Royal World competing for a share at up to a $500,000 prize. [1]

The season premiered on October 25, 2023 with a simulcast on MTV2, [2] [3] preceded by a launch special titled "Countdown Begins" which aired on October 18, 2023. [4]


Battle for a New Champion features 24 contestants who have previously competed on The Challenge but have not won a season. [1] The season's prize pot starts at $300,000, however, money can be earned or lost based on the outcomes of certain challenges and eliminations throughout the season.

The season has three formats (or "phases") called Control, Chaos, and Conquest. [5]

After all three phases, the final seven contestants compete in the Final Challenge to determine the champion of the season.



Male contestants [1] Original seasonFinish
Emanuel Neagu Survivor România 1 Winner
Corey Lay 12 Dates of Christmas 1 Fourth place
Justin "Jay" Starrett Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Seventh place
James Lock The Only Way Is Essex 24 Episode 17
Horacio Gutiérrez Exatlón Estados Unidos 5 Episode 16
Kyland Young Big Brother 23 Episode 16
Ed Eason The Circle US 1 Episode 16
Asaf Goren So You Think You Can Dance 12 Episode 14
Callum Izzard Ibiza Weekender 7 Episode 7
Ciarran Stott The Bachelorette Australia 5 Episode 5
Hughie Maughan Big Brother UK 17 Episode 4
Chauncey Palmer The Challenge: Ride or Dies Episode 2
Female contestants [1] Original seasonFinish
Nurys Mateo Are You the One? 6 Runner-up
Colleen Schneider The Mole Germany Third place
Berna Canbeldek Survivor Turkey 8 Fifth place
Moriah JadeaThe Challenge: Ride or DiesSixth place
Olivia Kaiser Love Island USA 3 Episode 17
Michele Fitzgerald Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Episode 17
Zara Zoffany The Royal World Episode 15
Ravyn RochelleThe Challenge: Ride or DiesEpisode 15
Melissa Reeves Ex on the Beach UK 2 Episode 9
Tula "Big T" Fazakerley Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands Episode 8
Sofia "Jujuy" Jiménez Dancing with the Stars Argentina 2018 Episode 3
Jessica Brody The Bachelor Australia 7 Episode 1


Although not in contention to win the season, ten champions of The Challenge appeared during the season to compete in elimination rounds against contestants and win a cash prize. [6] [7]

Champions [1] Original season
Jordan Wiseley [A] [B] [C] [D] The Real World: Portland
Kaz Crossley [E] [D] Love Island UK 4
Devin Walker-Molaghan [F] Are You the One? 3
Kaycee Clark [G] Big Brother 20
Tori Deal [F] Are You the One? 4
Darrell Taylor [H] [I] [J] [K] Road Rules: Campus Crawl
Laurel Stucky [L] The Challenge: Fresh Meat II
Cara Maria Sorbello [M] [N] The Challenge: Fresh Meat II
Brad Fiorenza [O] The Real World: San Diego (2004)
Chris "CT" Tamburello [P] [Q] [C] [R] [G] The Real World: Paris
Champion of


The Challengers are first brought to the Arena where they must figure out that they must team up to complete a series of puzzles in order to unlock cots, food, and alcohol for an overnight stay in the Arena.

Challenge games

Arena games

Final Challenge

The final seven contestants compete in the Final Challenge which has three phases – Control, Chaos and Conquest – mirroring the phases of the season.

Day one

For the Control phase, players work as a group to complete a challenge. If they are successful, the prize pot remains at $356,000; otherwise, the pot is reduced by $16,000. Afterwards, contestants vote for one player (of either gender) to compete in an elimination. The player who receives the most votes then calls out any player as their opponent.

For the Chaos Phase, players compete in a challenge where winner earns the power to select one contestant to compete in an elimination. The selected contestant then participates in the Draw by selecting between six covered poles to determine their opponent in the elimination. Four of the poles contain the names of the non-immune finalists while two poles allow the selected player to choose any player as their opponent.

Day two

For the Conquest Phase, players complete the Conquest Challenge which consists of three checkpoints. The first player to finish all three checkpoints and cross the finish line is declared the winner of Battle for a New Champion and receives $250,000 from the prize pot; second place receives $60,000; third place receives $30,000.

Final results

Game summary

Control Phase
EpisodeGenderChallenge typeResultArena contestantsArena gameArena outcomePrize Pot
#ChallengeVoted inCalled outN/AWinnerEliminated
1Hole ControlN/ACollectiveFailedJessicaBig TFall OutBig TJessica$300,000
2Ball ControlFailedChaunceyJamesMight LightJamesChauncey$306,000
3Control TowerPassedRavynJujuyDirty DeedsRavynJujuy$356,000
4Under ControlMalePassedHughieKylandHow I RollKylandHughie$406,000
Chaos Phase
#ChallengeGenderChallenge typeWinnersWinners' pickVoted inChampionCalled outArena gameWinnerLoserPrize Pot
5Upside Down WhirledMaleMale/Female pairsCorey & RavynAsafCiarranJordanN/AKing of the HillsJordanCiarran$396,000
6Bingo BangoFemale2 teams of 6 & 1 team of 7Red TeamMelissaBig TKazLoaded BarrelBig TKaz$396,000
7Working the AnglesMale5 teams of 3 & 1 team of 4Team 5EmanuelCoreyDevinCallumTotally MentalDevinCallum$386,000
8Tower of PowerFemale2 teams of 9Orange TeamMelissaBig TKayceeN/APole in the StormKayceeBig T$376,000
9Doom SticksFemaleMale/Female pairs & 1 team of 3Asaf, Ravyn & ZaraMelissaColleenToriGoing UnderToriMelissa$366,000
10Sky BallMale2 teams of 8Orange TeamKylandJamesDarrellFire WalkerKylandDarrell$366,000
11Banquet of ChampionsFemale4 teams of 4Team 1RavynZaraLaurelChain ReactionRavynLaurel$366,000
12We All Fall DownFemale4 teams of 4Team 4ColleenRavynCara MariaMicheleBlock HeadMicheleCara Maria$366,000
13Getting TankedMale4 teams of 4Team 4HoracioKylandBradN/AWhat's Going DownKylandBrad$366,000
14Off in the DistanceMale4 teams of 4Orange TeamHoracio [a] CTAsafMind GrindCTAsaf$356,000
Conquest Phase and Final Challenge
#ChallengeN/AChallenge typeWinnerNot savedElimination gameWinner(s)EliminatedPrize Pot
15Dark TideIndividualEdRavyn$356,000
HoracioKylandZaraConquest EliminationHoracioZara
16End of the LineJayEd
HoracioKylandNurysConquest EliminationNurysHoracio
17Drum RollBernaMichele
JamesNurysOliviaConquest EliminationNurysJames
18/19Final ChallengeCollective
→ Pairs
→ Individual
Emanuel2nd: Nurys; 3rd: Colleen; 4th: Corey; 5th: Berna; 6th: Moriah; 7th: Jay$340,000

Bold indicates the contestant was selected in the Draw to compete against a champion in the Arena.

Episode progress


Color key:

  The contestant completed the Final Challenge and won
  The contestant completed the Final Challenge and lost
  The contestant was eliminated during the Final Challenge
  The contestant won the daily challenge and was immune from elimination
  The contestant was nominated for the Arena and saved by not being chosen to compete
  The contestant was not selected for the Arena
  The contestant won the elimination in the Arena
  The contestant lost in the Arena and was eliminated
  The contestant placed last in the daily challenge and was eliminated

Team progress

Episodes 5-14: Chaos Phase
Each challenge is played in pairs or in teams. For paired challenges, teams are randomly selected. For team challenges, teams are randomly selected or determined based on where contestants are standing.
Episodes 18-19: Final Challenge
Throughout the Chaos portion of the Final Challenge, players were required to play with a teammate throughout the five checkpoints. Teams were selected randomly by TJ.

EmanuelBernaRedTeam 2OrangeBernaOrangeTeam 2Team 3Team 1TurquoiseIndividual
NurysJamesBlueTeam 4OrangeHoracioBlueTeam 4Team 3Team 3YellowCoreyMoriahColleenEmanuelBerna
ColleenCallumRedTeam 1BlueEdOrangeTeam 1Team 1Team 2YellowEmanuelCoreyNurysBernaMoriah
CoreyRavynTurquoiseTeam 6OrangeOliviaBlueTeam 1Team 3Team 4TurquoiseNurysColleenBernaMoriahEmanuel
BernaEmanuelRedTeam 6OrangeEmanuelBlueTeam 2Team 4Team 4TurquoiseMoriahEmanuelCoreyColleenNurys
MoriahKylandTurquoiseTeam 4OrangeJayOrangeTeam 1Team 2Team 1OrangeBernaNurysEmanuelCoreyColleen
JayMelissaTurquoiseTeam 1OrangeMoriahOrangeTeam 3Team 1Team 3Yellow
JamesNurysTurquoiseTeam 2OrangeMelissaBlueTeam 1Team 2Team 3Orange
OliviaEdTurquoiseTeam 1BlueCoreyBlueTeam 3Team 3Team 4Blue
MicheleAsafBlueTeam 3BlueKylandBlueTeam 4Team 2Team 2Orange
HoracioBig TRedTeam 5BlueNurysOrangeTeam 2Team 4Team 2Blue
KylandMoriahRedTeam 5BlueMicheleBlueTeam 4Team 2Team 1Orange
EdOliviaBlueTeam 4BlueColleenBlueTeam 4Team 4Team 4Yellow
ZaraCiarranRedTeam 3OrangeAsafRavynOrangeTeam 2Team 4Team 1Blue
RavynCoreyBlueTeam 6OrangeAsafZaraOrangeTeam 3Team 1Team 3Turquoise
AsafMicheleBlueTeam 4BlueRavynZaraOrangeTeam 3Team 1Team 2Blue
MelissaJayTurquoiseTeam 2BlueJames
Big THoracioTurquoiseTeam 5Blue
CallumColleenBlueTeam 3

Voting progress

Winners' pickAsaf
2 of 2 votes
5 of 6 votes
3 of 3 votes
9 of 9 votes
3 of 3 votes
7 of 8 votes
3 of 4 votes
3 of 4 votes
3 of 4 votes
3 of 4 votes
1 of 1 vote
House voteJessica
23 of 24 votes
18 of 23 votes
12 of 22 votes
15 of 21 votes
10 of 18 votes
Big T
12 of 13 votes
16 of 16 votes
Big T
9 of 9 votes
6 of 14 votes
6 of 8 votes
12 of 12 votes
11 of 12 votes
7 of 12 votes
Stalemate [a] Corey
5 of 7 votes
ChampionJordanKazDevinKayceeToriDarrellLaurelCara MariaBradCT
Called outBig T
Jessica's choice
Chauncey's choice
Ravyn's choice
Hughie's choice
Devin's choice
Cara Maria's choice
CT's choice
Corey's choice
Draw pickCiarranBig TBig TMelissaKylandRavynKylandMoriah
NurysJessicaJayHughieCiarranBig TCoreyMelissaBernaJamesZaraRavynEmanuelEmanuelEmanuelCorey
ColleenJessicaChaunceyEmanuelHughieCiarranMelissaCoreyBig TKylandRavynRavynKylandEdEdNurys
CoreyJessicaChaunceyRavynAsafAsafBig TCoreyMelissaColleenJamesRavynRavynHoracioEdCoreyCorey
MoriahJessicaChaunceyJamesHughieEmanuelBig TCoreyMelissaKylandBernaRavynKylandHoracioCorey
JayJessicaChaunceyRavynHughieCiarranBig TCoreyMelissaColleenKylandZaraRavynKylandEdEdCorey
JamesJessicaCiarranRavynCallumBig TCoreyMelissaColleenEdRavynRavynKylandHoracio
OliviaJessicaChaunceyEdHughieCiarranBig TCoreyBig TJamesZaraRavynEmanuelEmanuel
MicheleJessicaChaunceyCallumHughieBig TCoreyBig TColleenJamesZaraRavynKylandHoracio
HoracioBig TChaunceyRavynHughieCiarranMelissaEmanuelBig TColleenZaraColleenJayEmanuelEmanuel
KylandJessicaHughieRavynHughieCiarranRavynEmanuelBig TEdZaraMoriahJay
EdJessicaChaunceyRavynHughieCiarranBig TCoreyBig TJamesZaraColleenHoracioEmanuelJay
RavynJessicaHughieRavynHughieAsafBig TCoreyMelissaMelissaKylandZaraRavynJayEmanuelEmanuel
AsafJessicaRavynHughieCiarranBig TCoreyBig TMelissaKylandZaraRavynKylandEdEd
MelissaJessicaKylandEmanuelEmanuelBig TCoreyBig T
Big TJessicaCoreyHoracioEmanuelRavynEmanuelBig T
CallumJessicaChaunceyRavynHughieBig TCorey

Selection progress



No. in
TitleOriginal release dateUS viewers
5271"Teamwork Makes The Perfect Work"October 25, 2023 (2023-10-25)0.34 [b] [9]
5282"Two Lungs, One Heart, Can't Lose"November 1, 2023 (2023-11-01)0.31 [10]
5293"It's a Matter of Semantics"November 8, 2023 (2023-11-08)0.29 [11]
5304"I'm Coming Out"November 8, 2023 (2023-11-08)0.19 [11]
5315"Countdown to Chaos"November 15, 2023 (2023-11-15)0.39 [12]
5326"The Big Mistake"November 22, 2023 (2023-11-22)0.38 [13]
5337"So Flip Floppy"November 29, 2023 (2023-11-29)0.41 [14]
5348"Struggling to Hold It Together"December 6, 2023 (2023-12-06)0.42 [15]
5359"A Banana Split"December 13, 2023 (2023-12-13)0.39 [16]
53610"Feeling Used"December 20, 2023 (2023-12-20)0.36 [17]
53711"My Own Worst Frenemy"December 27, 2023 (2023-12-27)0.45 [18]
53812"A Legend Returns"January 3, 2024 (2024-01-03)0.50 [19]
53913"El Saboteur"January 10, 2024 (2024-01-10)0.53 [20]
54014"Don't Let TJ Decide"January 17, 2024 (2024-01-17)0.49 [21]
54115"Welcome to Conquest"January 24, 2024 (2024-01-24)0.48 [22]
54216"Family Knows Best"January 31, 2024 (2024-01-31)0.48 [23]
54317"Feel the Bern"February 7, 2024 (2024-02-07)0.46 [24]
54418"The Beginning Of The End"February 14, 2024 (2024-02-14)0.52 [25]
54519"Only One Gets The Crown"February 21, 2024 (2024-02-21)0.51 [26]

Reunion special

The two-part reunion special aired on February 28 and March 6, 2024 and was hosted by entertainment personality Maria Menounos. Cast members attended in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


The season received a nomination for GLAAD Media Award in the "Outstanding Reality Competition Program" category at the 35th GLAAD Media Awards. [27]


  1. 1 2 The episode 14 house vote was tied between Ed and Emanuel. After a revote, the vote continued to stalemate. As a result, the Champion, CT, did not have to partake in The Draw and was automatically given the "Chaos" choice to select any non-immune contestant as his opponent for the elimination round.
  2. MTV2 simulcast ratings not included.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Falcone, Dana Rose (September 12, 2023). "CT Tamburello, Cara Maria Sorbello and More Vets Return for 'The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion'". People . Retrieved September 16, 2023.
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  3. "Shows A-Z The Challenge". The Futon Critic . Retrieved October 29, 2023.
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  6. Longretta, Emily (September 12, 2023). "'The Challenge' 39 Cast: Cara Maria, CT and More Legends Return to Help Crown a New Champion". Variety . Retrieved September 18, 2023.
  7. Bucksbaum, Sydney (September 18, 2023). "The Challenge showrunner addresses concerns over season 39's cast of no champions". Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved October 22, 2023.
  8. Bucksbaum, Sydney (February 21, 2024). "The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion runner-up reveals what wasn't shown in the final". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved February 22, 2024.
  9. V (October 27, 2023). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 25th October 2023 - Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved October 27, 2023.
  10. V (November 3, 2023). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 1st November 2023 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved November 3, 2023.
  11. 1 2 V (November 9, 2023). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 8th November 2023 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved November 10, 2023.
  12. V (November 17, 2023). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 15th November 2023 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved November 18, 2023.
  13. V (November 29, 2023). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 22nd November 2023 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved November 29, 2023.
  14. V (December 2, 2023). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 29th November 2023 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved December 3, 2023.
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  22. V (January 26, 2024). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 24th January 2024 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved January 26, 2024.
  23. V (February 2, 2024). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 31st January 2024 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved February 2, 2024.
  24. V (February 9, 2024). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 7th February 2024 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved February 9, 2024.
  25. V (February 16, 2024). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 14th February 2024 - Network Prelims, Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved February 16, 2024.
  26. V (February 24, 2024). "TV Ratings for Wednesday 21st February 2024 - Network Finals and Select Cable Numbers Posted". SpoilerTV. Retrieved February 25, 2024.
  27. "'Heartstopper,' '9-1-1 Lone Star' and 'Baldur's Gate 3' among GLAAD Media Awards nominees". NBC News . January 17, 2024. Retrieved January 26, 2025.