The Challenge: Double Agents

Last updated


Double Agents
Season 36
The Challenge Double Agents Logo.jpg
Presented by T. J. Lavin
No. of contestants30
Location Reykjavík, Iceland
No. of episodes21 (including the two-part Reunion special)
Original network MTV
Original releaseDecember 9, 2020 (2020-12-09) 
May 5, 2021 (2021-05-05)
Season chronology
Total Madness
List of episodes

The Challenge: Double Agents is the thirty-sixth season of the MTV reality competition series The Challenge . This season features alumni from The Real World , Road Rules , The Challenge, Are You the One? , Big Brother , Celebrity Big Brother , the Olympics, Love Island UK , The Amazing Race , Survivor , Geordie Shore , Ex on the Beach , Shipwrecked , America's Got Talent , WWE NXT , and Ultimate Beastmaster competing for a share at a $1 million prize. The season premiered on December 9, 2020. A launch special, titled "The Challenge: Double Agents Declassified" aired on December 7, 2020. [1]


Double Agents features a main challenge, a nomination process, and an elimination round. This season had players competing in male-female teams of two, initially selected among themselves at the conclusion of the opening challenge. These teams frequently changed throughout the season due to the nature of the game.



Male contestants [2] Original seasonFinish
Chris "CT" Tamburello The Real World: Paris Winner
Cory Wharton Real World: Ex-Plosion Runner-up
Leroy Garrett The Real World: Las Vegas (2011) Third place
Faysal "Fessy" Shafaat Big Brother 20 Fourth place
Kyle Christie Geordie Shore 8 Episode 17 [a]
Darrell Taylor Road Rules: Campus Crawl Episode 14
Nam Vo Ultimate Beastmaster 1 Episode 12 [b]
Josh Martinez Big Brother 19 Episode 12
Devin Walker-Molaghan Are You the One? 3 Episode 12
Demetrius "Mechie" Harris Ex on the Beach 3 Episode 8
Jay Starrett Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Episode 7
Lio Rush WWE NXT Episode 6 [c]
Nelson ThomasAre You the One? 3Episode 4
Wes Bergmann The Real World: Austin Episode 3
Joseph Allen America's Got Talent 14 Episode 2
Female contestants [2] Original seasonFinish
Amber Borzotra Big Brother 16 Winner
Kam Williams Are You the One? 5 Runner-up
Nany GonzalezThe Real World: Las Vegas (2011)Third place
Kaycee ClarkBig Brother 20Fourth place
Tula "Big T" Fazakerley Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands Episode 16
Aneesa Ferreira The Real World: Chicago Episode 15
Gabby Allen Love Island UK 3 Episode 13
Lolo Jones US Olympian Episode 11 [d]
Amber Martinez Are You the One? 8 Episode 10
Theresa Gonzalez-Jones The Challenge: Fresh Meat II Episode 9
Ashley Mitchell [e] Real World: Ex-PlosionEpisode 6
Tori Deal Are You the One? 4 Episode 5
Natalie Anderson The Amazing Race 21 Episode 5 [f]
Olivia "Liv" JawandoShipwrecked: Battle of the IslandsEpisode 4 [g]
Nicole Zanatta Real World: Skeletons Episode 3 [h]


Challenge games

Crater games

Final Challenge

Day one
Day two

Game summary

EpisodeGenderWinnersCrater contestantsCrater gameCrater outcome
#MissionVoted inWinners' pickWinnerEliminatedInfiltrateInfiltrated team
1DecryptionFemaleAneesa & Fessy [i] Ashley & CTNatalie & WesFire EscapeNatalieAshleyDark Red x.svg
2Ice SpyMaleAneesa & FessyBig T & JosephKyle & NanyRing of SpiesKyleJosephCheck-green.svgJosh & Kam
3Road Kill [h] MaleKaycee & LeroyDevin & NicoleNatalie & WesSnapping PointDevinWesCheck-green.svgCory & Tori
4Drone Control [g] MaleDevin & ToriAmber M. & NelsonAneesa & FessyHall BrawlFessyNelsonCheck-green.svgKaycee & Leroy
5Agent Down [f] [e] FemaleBig T & CTAneesa & LeroyDevin & ToriAsset DestructionAneesaToriCheck-green.svgFessy & Kaycee
6Smuggle Run [c] FemaleJay & TheresaAshley & CoryKam & KyleDead RingerKamAshleyDark Red x.svg
7Aerial TakedownMaleKaycee & LeroyJay & Theresa [k] Fire EscapeLeroyJayDark Red x.svg
8All BrawlMaleKam & KyleAmber M. & MechieJosh & NanyAsset Destruction IIJoshMechieDark Red x.svg
9InterrogationFemaleAmber B. & DarrellCory & TheresaKaycee & LeroySnapping PointKayceeTheresaDark Red x.svg
10Black Sand OpsFemaleDevin & GabbyAmber M. & CoryAmber B. & DarrellHall BrawlAmber B.Amber M.Dark Red x.svg
11/12Air Lift [d] MaleBig T & CTDevin & GabbyAmber B. & DarrellDead RingerDarrellDevinDark Red x.svg
Josh & NanyCTJoshCheck-green.svgKam & Kyle
12/13Survive the Night [b] FemaleKaycee & LeroyCory & GabbyKyle & NanyRing of SpiesNanyGabbyCheck-green.svgAneesa & Fessy
14UndercoverMaleAneesa & KyleAmber B. & DarrellBig T & CorySnapping PointCoryDarrellCheck-green.svgCT & Kam
15Spy DiveFemaleKaycee & LeroyBig T & CTAneesa & KyleFire EscapeBig TAneesaDark Red x.svg
16Global Domination [j] FemaleKaycee & LeroyAmber B. & KyleBig T & CTHall BrawlAmber B.Big TCheck-green.svgFessy & Nany
17Escape the VolcanoMaleCory & KamAmber B. & FessyKyle & NanyHall BrawlFessyKyle [a] Check-green.svgKaycee & Leroy
18/19Final ChallengeAmber B. & CT2nd: Cory & Kam; 3rd: Leroy & Nany; 4th: Fessy & Kaycee

Elimination progress

123 [h] 4 [g] 5 [e] [f] 6 [c] 7891011/12 [d] 12/13 [b] 14151617 [a] Finale
  The contestant finished the Final Challenge and won
  The contestant finished the Final Challenge and lost
  The contestant was eliminated during the Final Challenge
  The contestant's team won the daily challenge
  The contestant was not selected for the Crater
  The contestant's teammate was nominated for the Crater
  The contestant was a Rogue Agent, did not have a partner or compete in the daily challenge, and was exempt from being voted into the Crater
  The contestant won in the Crater and earned a Gold Skull
  The contestant was a Double Agent, volunteered for the Crater, won and earned a Gold Skull
  The contestant lost in the Crater and was eliminated
  The contestant was removed from the competition due to medical reasons
  The contestant withdrew from the competition

Team progress

Amber B.DarrellRogueKyleFessyCT
CTAshleyRogueBig TKamBig TRogueAmber B.
CoryToriNatalieAshleyRogueTheresaAmber M.RogueGabbyBig TKam
FessyAneesaKayceeAneesaNanyAmber B.Kaycee
KyleNanyKamNanyAneesaAmber B.Nany
Big TJosephCTNamRogueCoryCT
DarrellAmber B.
NamLoloBig T
Amber M.NelsonMechieRogueCory
MechieLivRogueAmber M.
NelsonAmber M.
JosephBig T

Gold Skull progress

Female1NatalieAneesaBig T
Female9Amber B.
  The Gold Skull was stolen after the contestant possessing it lost in the Crater and was eliminated from the competition
  The Gold Skull was recycled after the contestant possessing it was removed from the competition due to medical reasons

Voting progress

House VoteAshley & CT
22 of 28 votes
Big T & Joseph
17 of 27 votes
Devin & Nicole
19 of 25 votes
Amber M. & Nelson
12 of 23 votes
Aneesa & Leroy
15 of 22 votes
Ashley & Cory
9 of 20 votes
Jay & Theresa
7 of 11 votes [k]
Amber M. & Mechie
10 of 18 votes
Cory & Theresa
14 of 17 votes
Amber M. & Cory
12 of 16 votes
Devin & Gabby
8 of 15 votes
Josh & Nany
5 of 15 votes
Cory & Gabby
9 of 11 votes
Amber B. & Darrell
6 of 10 votes
Big T & CT
8 of 9 votes
Amber B. & Kyle
5 of 8 votes
Amber B. & Fessy
7 of 7 votes
Winner's VoteNatalie & Wes
2 of 2 votes
Kyle & Nany
2 of 2 votes
Natalie & Wes
2 of 2 votes
Aneesa & Fessy
2 of 2 votes
Devin & Tori
2 of 2 votes
Kam & Kyle
2 of 2 votes
Kaycee & Leroy
Josh & Nany
2 of 2 votes
Kaycee & Leroy
2 of 2 votes
Amber B. & Darrell
2 of 2 votes
Amber B. & Darrell
2 of 2 votes
Big T & CT
Kyle & Nany
2 of 2 votes
Big T & Cory
2 of 2 votes
Aneesa & Kyle
2 of 2 votes
Big T & CT
2 of 2 votes
Kyle & Nany
2 of 2 votes
Amber B.Ashley & CTBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonAneesa & LeroyAmber M. & MechieJay & TheresaAmber M. & MechieKaycee & LeroyAmber M. & CoryDevin & GabbyCory & GabbyKaycee & LeroyBig T & CTFessy & NanyAmber B. & Fessy
CTGabby & LioBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonDevin & ToriAshley & CoryJay & Theresa [k] Aneesa & FessyCory & TheresaJosh & NanyAmber B. & DarrellBig T & CTKyle & NanyAmber B. & DarrellBig T & CTAmber B. & KyleAmber B. & Fessy
CoryAshley & CTNatalie & WesDevin & NicoleJay & TheresaFessy & KayceeAmber M. & MechieJay & TheresaAmber M. & MechieLolo & NamAmber M. & CoryDevin & GabbyCory & GabbyBig T & CoryBig T & CTAmber B. & KyleKyle & Nany
KamAshley & CTNatalie & WesDevin & NicoleBig T & CTAneesa & LeroyDevin & GabbyJay & TheresaJosh & NanyCory & TheresaAmber M. & CoryLolo & NamKyle & NanyAmber B. & DarrellBig T & CTAmber B. & KyleKyle & Nany
LeroyAshley & CTBig T & JosephNatalie & WesAnessa & FessyAneesa & LeroyDevin & GabbyKaycee & LeroyAneesa & FessyCory & TheresaAmber M. & CoryLolo & NamKyle & NanyAmber B. & DarrellAneesa & KyleBig T & CTAmber B. & Fessy
NanyAshley & CTBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonAneesa & LeroyDevin & GabbyDevin & GabbyAmber M. & MechieCory & TheresaAmber M. & CoryDevin & GabbyCory & GabbyAmber B. & DarrellBig T & CTAmber B. & KyleAmber B. & Fessy
FessyNatalie & WesKyle & NanyDevin & NicoleKam & KyleAmber M. & MechieKam & KyleDevin & Gabby [k] Amber M. & MechieCory & TheresaAmber M. & CoryDevin & GabbyCory & GabbyAmber B. & DarrellBig T & CTAmber B. & KyleAmber B. & Fessy
KayceeAshley & CTBig T & JosephNatalie & WesAmber M. & NelsonAneesa & LeroyAshley & CoryKaycee & LeroyAmber M. & MechieCory & TheresaAmber M. & CoryDevin & GabbyKyle & NanyAmber B. & DarrellAneesa & KyleBig T & CTAmber B. & Fessy
KyleAshley & CTBig T & JosephAneesa & FessyAneesa & FessyAneesa & LeroyAmber M. & MechieJay & Theresa [k] Josh & NanyCory & TheresaJosh & NanyJosh & NanyCory & GabbyBig T & CoryAneesa & KyleFessy & NanyAmber B. & Fessy
Big TLolo & NamNatalie & WesDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonDevin & ToriAshley & CoryJay & TheresaAneesa & FessyCory & TheresaAmber M. & CoryAmber B. & DarrellBig T & CTCory & GabbyBig T & CoryBig T & CTFessy & Nany
AneesaNatalie & WesKyle & NanyDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonAmber M. & MechieAmber M. & MechieJay & TheresaAmber M. & MechieLolo & NamAmber M. & CoryDevin & GabbyCory & GabbyBig T & CoryBig T & CT
DarrellAshley & CTBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleAneesa & FessyAneesa & LeroyAmber M. & MechieJay & Theresa [k] Amber M. & MechieKaycee & LeroyAmber M. & CoryDevin & GabbyCory & GabbyKaycee & Leroy
GabbyAshley & CTNatalie & WesDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonAneesa & LeroyAshley & CoryJay & TheresaAneesa & FessyCory & TheresaAmber B. & DarrellJosh & NanyCory & Gabby
NamAshley & CTBig T & JosephCory & ToriAmber M. & NelsonAneesa & LeroyAshley & CoryAmber M. & Mechie [k] Aneesa & FessyCory & TheresaLolo & NamJosh & Nany
JoshAshley & CTBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleJay & TheresaAmber M. & MechieAmber M. & MechieDevin & Gabby [k] Amber M. & MechieCory & TheresaAmber M. & CoryDevin & Gabby
DevinGabby & LioBig T & JosephCory & ToriAneesa & FessyAneesa & LeroyAshley & CoryJay & Theresa [k] Aneesa & FessyCory & TheresaAmber B. & DarrellJosh & Nany
LoloAshley & CTKyle & NanyDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonAneesa & LeroyAshley & CoryDevin & GabbyAmber M. & MechieCory & TheresaLolo & NamJosh & Nany
Amber M.Ashley & CTBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleJay & TheresaAneesa & LeroyAshley & CoryJay & TheresaAneesa & FessyCory & TheresaAmber M. & Cory
TheresaAshley & CTGabby & LioDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonDevin & ToriKam & KyleDevin & GabbyAmber M. & MechieDevin & Gabby
MechieAshley & CTBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleJay & TheresaAneesa & LeroyAshley & CoryJay & Theresa [k] Aneesa & Fessy
JayAshley & CTGabby & LioDevin & NicoleAmber M. & NelsonDevin & ToriKam & KyleDevin & Gabby
AshleyGabby & LioAneesa & LeroyAmber M. & Mechie
LioAshley & CTBig T & JosephDevin & NicoleNany & JoshAneesa & Leroy
ToriAshley & CTNatalie & WesDevin & NicoleAneesa & FessyAmber M. & Mechie
NatalieGabby & LioBig T & JosephCory & ToriAmber M. & Nelson
NelsonAshley & CTNatalie & WesDevin & NicoleJay & Theresa
LivAshley & CTBig T & JosephCory & Tori
WesGabby & LioBig T & JosephCory & Tori
NicoleAshley & CTBig T & Joseph
JosephAshley & CTNatalie & Wes


No. in
TitleOriginal release dateUS viewers
4701"License to Killer Kam"December 9, 2020 (2020-12-09)0.90 [13]
4712"Dive Another Day"December 16, 2020 (2020-12-16)0.84 [14]
4723"Enemy of the State"December 23, 2020 (2020-12-23)0.79 [15]
4734"Duplicity"January 6, 2021 (2021-01-06)0.82 [16]
4745"Skyfall"January 13, 2021 (2021-01-13)0.77 [17]
4756"From Theresa With Love"January 20, 2021 (2021-01-20)0.88 [18]
4767"Die Another Jay"January 27, 2021 (2021-01-27)0.99 [19]
4778"A Muddy Matter"February 3, 2021 (2021-02-03)0.92 [20]
4789"Lady Vengeance"February 10, 2021 (2021-02-10)0.97 [21]
47910"A Clockwork Amber"February 17, 2021 (2021-02-17)0.89 [22]
48011"An Inconvenient Goof"February 24, 2021 (2021-02-24)0.76 [23]
48112"Tinker, Tailer, Bunny, Spy"March 3, 2021 (2021-03-03)0.89 [24]
48213"The Spy Who Loved Fessy"March 10, 2021 (2021-03-10)0.93 [25]
48314"The Best of Enemies"March 17, 2021 (2021-03-17)0.89 [26]
48415"Never Say Never Again"March 24, 2021 (2021-03-24)0.96 [27]
48516"A Most Wanted Man"March 31, 2021 (2021-03-31)0.91 [28]
48617"True Lies"April 7, 2021 (2021-04-07)0.90 [29]
48718"No Time To Die"April 14, 2021 (2021-04-14)0.93 [30]
48819"The World Is Not Enough"April 21, 2021 (2021-04-21)0.99 [31]

Reunion special

The two-part reunion special aired on April 28 and May 5, 2021, and was hosted by former NFL player Vernon Davis. [32] [33] [34] The cast members who attended the reunion were CT, Nany, Kam, Cory, Leroy, Amber B., Kaycee, Josh, Devin, Tori, Aneesa, Fessy, Jay, Ashley, and Amber M. Big T, Kyle, Nelson, Nam, Gabby and Darrell also appeared via satellite.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Double Agents was filmed in Iceland amid the COVID-19 pandemic, where precautions took place to ensure the safety of the cast and production. Both cast and crew were tested for COVID-19 every three days and were required to undergo quarantine prior to the filming of the season. [35] Preparation for the show took production over ten months (longer than most other seasons) and filming locations were scouted virtually due to international travel restrictions. [36] While the international crew occupied a hotel, hired Icelandic locals would instead return home at the end of the day to maintain a bubble, and were kept separate from the cast through a tiered system represented by colored bands. Showrunner Emer Harkin revealed that production was required to wear PPE and remain six-feet apart from cast members. Harkin also revealed that unlike other seasons, where the cast recreated at local venues between challenges, an on-premise club separate to the house was built as an alternative to maintain the filming bubble. During the nine weeks that the season filmed for, none of the 3,000 conducted COVID-19 tests returned positive. [37]


  1. 1 2 3 During the "Hall Brawl" elimination, Kyle dislocated his finger in the first round and was deemed medically unable to continue. Fessy was declared the winner by default. [3]
  2. 1 2 3 Prior to the "Survive the Night" challenge, Nam was deemed medically unable to continue in the game due to a back injury. Big T became a Rogue Agent since she was left without a partner. [4]
  3. 1 2 3 Prior to the "Smuggle Run" challenge, Lio withdrew from the game due to personal matters regarding his mental health. Devin and Gabby formed a new pair since they were both left without a partner. [5]
  4. 1 2 3 Prior to the "Dead Ringer" elimination, Lolo withdrew from the game due to frustration regarding her performance in the competition, and to prepare for the upcoming Olympic Games. On social media, she disputed the portrayal of her exit, claiming production "forced" her to leave the competition. [6]
  5. 1 2 3 After losing the "Fire Escape" elimination in episode one, Ashley was brought back into the game prior to the "Agent Down" challenge as a replacement due to the number of female medical disqualifications. She was partnered with Cory upon her return. [7]
  6. 1 2 3 Prior to the "Agent Down" challenge, Natalie was deemed medically unable to continue in the game due to personal matters. In an interview, it was later revealed that her departure was because of her pregnancy. [8]
  7. 1 2 3 Prior to the "Drone Control" challenge, Liv was medically removed from the competition after injuring her arm in the "Road Kill" challenge during the previous episode. [9]
  8. 1 2 3 Nicole was medically removed from the competition after dislocating her shoulder during the "Road Kill" challenge. Though Nicole had left the house following the challenge and did not vote at nominations, her departure was not formally announced until the "Snapping Point" elimination. Therefore, she and her partner Devin were still eligible to be voted into elimination as a team. [10]
  9. 1 2 Aneesa was the overall winner in the "Mission Decryption" challenge, and could choose any male player to be her partner. She picked Fessy (the winner of the male heat time trial test), and they formed the Double Agent Pair. [11]
  10. 1 2 Due to an uneven number of teams, one team had to play offense for both rounds of the "Global Domination" challenge, where their highest score is counted. The previous Double Agents, Kaycee & Leroy, were given the power to decide which team would play offense for both rounds and chose themselves. [3]
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 As punishment for not attempting to win the "Aerial Takedown" challenge, CT, Darrell, Devin, Fessy, Josh, Kyle, Mechie and Nam's votes were all negated. The original vote tally (including the nullified votes) was 12 out of 19 votes for Jay & Theresa. [12]


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