![]() This book, written by women, is a collection of critical commentaries on texts within chapters of the Bible directly referring to women with its purpose being to explore man's translations and their interpretations of Scriptures that make woman inferior to man. | |
Author | Elizabeth Cady Stanton and further c. 26 women co-authors and commentators |
Publisher | European Publishing Company, New York |
Publication date | November, 1895 |
Media type | paper, green covers, 6"x9" |
Pages | 152pp, 4pp ads |
The Woman's Bible is a two-part non-fiction book, written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and a committee of 26 women, published in 1895 and 1898 to challenge the traditional position of religious orthodoxy that woman should be subservient to man. [1] By producing the book, Stanton wished to promote a radical liberating theology, one that stressed self-development. [2] The book attracted a great deal of controversy and antagonism at its introduction. [3]
Many women's rights activists who worked with Stanton were opposed to the publication of The Woman's Bible; they felt it would harm the drive for women's suffrage. Although it was never accepted by Bible scholars as a major work, much to the dismay of suffragists who worked alongside Stanton within the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), it became a popular best-seller. Susan B. Anthony tried to calm the younger suffragists, but they issued a formal denunciation of the book at NAWSA's January 1896 convention, [4] and worked to distance the suffrage movement from Stanton's broader scope which included attacks on traditional religion. Because of the widespread negative reaction, including that of suffragists who had been close to her, publication of the book effectively ended Stanton's influence in the suffrage movement. [5]
In the early 19th century advocates of women's rights began to accumulate rebuttals to arguments used against them founded on traditional interpretations of Bible scriptures. Lucretia Mott countered those who would put her in her place by quoting other Bible passages, or by challenging the original interpretation of the scripture. In 1849, Mott wrote Discourse on Woman which discussed Adam and Eve, the activities of various women who appear in the Bible, and argued that the Bible supported woman's right to speak aloud her spiritual beliefs. [6] Independently from Mott, Lucy Stone determined for herself that the male-dominant interpretations of the Bible must be faulty—she worked to learn Greek and Hebrew and thereby gain insight into the earlier Bible translations which she believed would contain wording more favorable to women's equality. [7] In New York, aided by Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped draft the Declaration of Sentiments in 1848 and included two Resolutions which protested against man's usurpation of rights relating to her position in church and to her role under God. By the 1850s, Mott had become expert at disarming men who used Scripture against her. At the National Women's Rights Convention in 1852, and again in 1854, she stood up to debate men who came prepared with Scripture in hand. Reverend Henry Grew told the 1854 convention audience that the Bible proved men were naturally superior to women. He was countered point-by-point by Hannah Tracy Cutler, then in broad societal and political terms by Mott who began by saying: "It is not Christianity, but priestcraft that has subjected woman as we find her. The Church and State have been united, and it is well for us to see it so." [8]
In 1881, 1885 and 1894, the Church of England published a Revised Version of the Bible, the first new English version in over two centuries. Stanton was dissatisfied with the Revised Version's failure to incorporate recent scholarship from Bible translator Julia Evelina Smith. She wrote:
Whatever the Bible may be made to do in Hebrew or Greek, in plain English it does not exalt and dignify woman. My standpoint for criticism is the revised edition of 1888. I will so far honor the revising committee of wise men who have given us the best exegesis they can according to their ability, although Disraeli said the last one before he died, contained 150,000 blunders in the Hebrew, and 7,000 in the Greek. [1]
Stanton assembled a "Revising Committee" to draft commentary on the new Bible version. Many of those she approached in person and by letter refused to take part, especially scholars who would be risking their professional reputations. Sharing Stanton's determination, the committee wished to correct biblical interpretation which they viewed as being biased against women, and to bring attention to the small fraction of the Bible which discussed women. [9] They intended to demonstrate that it was not divine will that humiliated women, but human desire for domination. [10]
The committee was made up of women who were not Bible scholars, but who were interested in biblical interpretation and most were active in the NAWSA. In The Woman's Bible, Part I, first edition, released November 1895, the Revising Committee listed 23 members, including Phebe Ann Coffin Hanaford, Clara Bewick Colby, Augusta Jane Chapin, Lillie Devereux Blake, Matilda Joslyn Gage, Olympia Brown, and Carrie Chapman Catt. Just a few months later in early 1896, Part I, Second Edition was released permanently replacing Mrs. Catt's name with Mrs. Clara Neymann and adding a list of international members, notably among them were Alexandra Gripenberg, Ursula Mellor Bright and Irma von Troll-Borostyani.
In 1890 at the formation of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Stanton was elected president. She left such duties to Susan B. Anthony and instead traveled to Europe for two years. While there she met with women who shared her views, and she gathered critical observations about the place of woman in the Bible. In Greenbank, Bristol, Stanton met with English suffragist Helen Bright Clark, and spoke to a group about the Bible position of woman. Clark questioned whether Stanton's liberal views had shocked some in attendance, and Stanton replied: "Well, if we who do see the absurdities of the old superstitions never unveil them to others, how is the world to make any progress in the theologies? I am in the sunset of life, and I feel it to be my special mission to tell people what they are not prepared to hear ..." [11]
In 1893, Matilda Joslyn Gage took time out from her participation in the Revising Committee to write Woman, Church and State, a book which challenged traditional Judeo-Christian teaching that women were the source of sin, and that sex was sinful. Gage wrote that the double standard for morality hurt both sexes. [12] Gage differed from most of the women on the Revising Committee in that she did not feel that the Bible, once interpreted in a more true, original form, would support women's rights. Gage determined that the Church had acted against women's interests in important ways: from Roman Catholic canon law, to Scripture, to its advocacy of celibacy and more. Especially troubling to Gage was the story of Adam and Eve. [7]
In November 1895, The Woman's Bible – Part I, first edition was published, [13] covering the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. [14] It was a best seller. News sources reported the initial printing of the first edition Part I, consisting of 50,000 copies, [15] [16] sold out within three months and by May 2, 1896, Part I, Second Edition was selling rapidly. [17]
In April 1898, Part II was published, [18] [19] covering the rest of the Old Testament as well as all of the New Testament. [20] It included a Preface and an Appendix. The Preface was written by Stanton in which she acknowledged that "Both friend and foe object to the title." [21] Nevertheless, she praised the Revising Committee for showing "a more worshipful reverence for the great Spirit of All Good than does the Church." [21] Stanton wrote: "We have made a fetich [ sic ] of the Bible long enough. The time has come to read it as we do all other books, accepting the good and rejecting the evil it teaches." [21] The Appendix consisted of Letters and Comments written by a multitude of contributors, as well as the resolution passed by the NAWSA, by which it repudiated "The Woman's Bible". [22]
Additional co-authors of the two volumes include Ellen Battelle Dietrick; Ursula Newell Gestefeld, a New Thought activist; [23] Louisa Southworth, a suffragette and temperance movement activist; [24] Frances Ellen Burr (1831–1923), a leading suffragette of Connecticut; [25] Lucinda B. Chandler, a leader of the American women's rights movement with interest in New Thought; [26] and Clara B. Neyman (1840–1931), New York suffragette and member of the Freethinkers. [27] Other contributors to the Appendix are Mary A. Livermore, Frances E. Willard, Eva Amelia (Parker) Ingersoll (1841–1923), the wife of leading US agnostic Robert G. Ingersoll, Josephine K. Henry, and Catharine F. Stebbins.
At its introduction, The Woman's Bible was widely criticized in editorials and from the pulpit. Stanton wrote that "the clergy denounced it as the work of Satan ..." [5] Some were put off just by its prejudicial, sacrilegious title, especially those who did not take the time to read the book. [28] Others countered the book's more extreme conclusions one by one in public fora such as letters to the editor. One female reader of The New York Times wrote to decry The Woman's Bible for its radical statements that the Trinity was composed of "a Heavenly Mother, Father, and Son", and that prayers should be addressed to an "ideal Heavenly Mother". [28] Mary Seymour Howell, a member of the Revising Committee, wrote to The New York Times in defense of the book, saying that its title could be better understood as "The Woman's Commentary on the Women of the Bible". [29] Stanton countered attacks by women readers, writing "the only difference between us is, we say that these degrading ideas of woman emanated from the brain of man, while the church says that they came from God." [30]
Susan B. Anthony, Stanton's best and most faithful collaborator, concluded after years of working for women's rights that the concentration on one issue—votes for women—was the key to bringing success to the movement. The women's organizations had too varied a membership to agree on anything more complex. Stanton insisted, however, that the women's rights conventions were too narrowly focused; she brought forward a variety of challenging concepts in the form of essays for Anthony to read to the audiences. [31] When Stanton made known her interest in completing The Woman's Bible, Anthony was unhappy at the futility of the effort, a harmful digression from the focused path which led to woman suffrage. Anthony wrote to Clara Bewick Colby to say of Stanton "of all her great speeches, I am always proud—but of her Bible commentaries, I am not proud—either of their spirit or letter ... But I shall love and honor her to the end—whether her Bible please me or not. So I hope she will do for me." [32]
At the NAWSA convention January 23–28, 1896, Corresponding Secretary Rachel Foster Avery led the battle to distance the organization from The Woman's Bible. [33] After Susan B. Anthony opened the convention on January 23, Avery surprised Anthony by stating to the more than 100 members of the audience:
During the latter part of the year the work has been in several directions much hindered by the general misconception of the relation of the so-called "Woman's Bible" to our association. As an organization we have been held responsible for the action of an individual ... in issuing a volume with a pretentious title, covering a jumble of comment ... without either scholarship or literary value, set forth in a spirit which is neither reverent nor inquiring. [34]
Avery called for a resolution: "That this Association is non-sectarian, being composed of persons of all shades of religious opinion, and that it has no connection with the so-called 'Woman's Bible', or any theological publication." [35] The motion was tabled until later, [34] and motions were made to strike Avery's comments from the official record. [36] A complete account of Avery's remarks were reported the next day in The New York Times. [34]
The opinion of NAWSA delegate Laura Clay, expressed in her Southern Committee report on January 27 that "the South is ready for woman suffrage, but it must be woman suffrage and nothing else," [37] was typical of responses to The Woman's Bible conflict. Most suffragists wanted only to work on the right to vote, "without attaching it to dress reform, or bicycling, or anything else ..." [37]
On the afternoon of January 28, a list of Resolutions was put to a vote. The first seven were passed without comment. The eighth was Avery's proposed dissociation with The Woman's Bible, and its presence caused an active debate. Anna Howard Shaw, Alice Stone Blackwell, Henry Browne Blackwell, Carrie Chapman Catt and others spoke in favor, while Colby, Lillie Devereux Blake, and more spoke against it. [38] Anthony left her chair to join the debate against the resolution, and spoke at length, saying "Lucretia Mott at first thought Mrs. Stanton had injured the cause of woman's rights by insisting on the demand for woman suffrage, but she had sense enough not to pass a resolution about it ..." [39] A majority of 53 to 41 delegates approved the resolution, [38] an action which was seen as a censure of Stanton, and one which was never repealed. [5] Avery's opening report of January 23 was adopted with the part about The Woman's Bible expunged. [40]
Stanton did not attend the 1896 convention; she was 80 years old, obese, and bedridden. [41] She acknowledged the controversy stirred by the publication of the first part, but continued writing the second part of the book, and she worked on her autobiography Eighty Years & More: Reminiscences 1815–1897. She wrote to her longtime friend Reverend Antoinette Brown Blackwell in April, 1896 to observe: "Our politicians are calm and complacent under our fire but the clergy jump round the moment you aim a pop gun at them 'like parched peas on a hot skillet'". [5]
Stanton was marginalized in the women's suffrage movement after publication of The Woman's Bible, solidifying Susan B. Anthony's leadership position in that movement. [5] Stanton was never again invited to sit on stage at NAWSA conventions. [42]
According to historian and author Kathi Kern, "The Woman's Bible proved to be the most devastating weapon in the antisuffrage arsenal." [43]
In 1920, during the last battles for ratification of the 19th Amendment in Tennessee and North Carolina, Anti-suffragists weaponized the first edition of The Woman's Bible, Part I with Carrie Chapman Catt's name listed among the Revising Committee. Despite Catt's consistent denials of the book, according to recollections of Tennessee suffragist Abby Crawford Milton, "They called it Mrs. Catt's Bible, ... there were 26 ministers of churches in Nashville ... who were converted against women suffrage by being shown that book." [43]
In July and August, they maintained an exhibit in their mezzanine headquarters at the Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, TN, and prominently displayed several first edition Woman's Bibles and other literature supporting their anti-ratification views. [44] They promoted their exhibit with WOMAN'S BIBLE broadsides to be displayed about town and advertisements in Tennessee newspapers [45] inviting the public, especially the clergy, to "Come and See" their Woman's Bibles associating Mrs. Catt, then 1920 president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, former president of the NAWSA and other prominent suffragists who, by having their names printed among the Revising Committee and their printed commentaries in such an irreligious book, were accused of rejecting the traditional principles of the Bible that held women in their God ordained sphere.
Tennessee newspapers, including Nashville Banner and The Tennessean and others across the state reported the furious discourse between the parties. [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53]
In The Tennessean, August 15, 1920, [54] Mrs. Catt denied the charge against her,
"I was never a member of a 'revising committee' for the Woman's Bible, and although asked to be a member of the committee, I declined, and any printing of my name in connection with the book has been without my knowledge or consent. I never wrote a word of the Woman's Bible, nor did I see anything written by anyone else before it was printed.
At the first annual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, I spoke and voted for a resolution repudiating the Woman's Bible and that is part of the record of the Association. The Woman's Bible was never circulated by the Association.
The above statement of fact has been made so often that continued publication of the false assertion can only be interpreted as intentional and malicious."
The Anti's purpose was to stir outrage and line up legislators to vote against passage of the 19th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. They asked, "Are you willing for women who hold these views to become political powers in our country?"
Ms. Kern summarized those historical events.
“Twenty-five years later [after 1895], Catt was dogged by this conflict; the "Antis" had dug up a first edition, advertised it as "Mrs. Catt's Bible," and used it skillfully among the clergy. And, try as she might, Mrs. Catt simply could not "deny it" enough. Supporters of woman suffrage were narrowly victorious in Tennessee; the legislature ratified the Nineteenth Amendment by a single vote. And yet, twenty-five years after it first appeared in print, the Woman's Bible still wreaked political havoc among supporters of woman's rights.”
Stanton wished for a greater degree of scholarship in The Woman's Bible, but was unable to convince Bible scholars of her day to take part in what was expected to be a controversial project. Scholars continued to avoid addressing the subject of sexism in the Bible until 1964 when Margaret Brackenbury Crook published Women and Religion, a study of the status of women in Judaism and Christianity. In her 1973 book Beyond God the Father, Mary Daly discussed The Woman's Bible, [55] and subsequent works by Letty Russell and Phyllis Trible furthered the connection between feminism and the Bible. Today, biblical scholarship by women has come into maturity, with women posing new questions about the Bible, and challenging the very basis of biblical studies. [56]
Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and women's rights activist who played a pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement. Born into a Quaker family committed to social equality, she collected anti-slavery petitions at the age of 17. In 1856, she became the New York state agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an American writer and activist who was a leader of the women's rights movement in the U.S. during the mid- to late-19th century. She was the main force behind the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention, the first convention to be called for the sole purpose of discussing women's rights, and was the primary author of its Declaration of Sentiments. Her demand for women's right to vote generated a controversy at the convention but quickly became a central tenet of the women's movement. She was also active in other social reform activities, especially abolitionism.
The National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) was formed on May 15, 1869, to work for women's suffrage in the United States. Its main leaders were Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. It was created after the women's rights movement split over the proposed Fifteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, which would in effect extend voting rights to black men. One wing of the movement supported the amendment while the other, the wing that formed the NWSA, opposed it, insisting that voting rights be extended to all women and all African Americans at the same time.
The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was an organization formed on February 18, 1890, to advocate in favor of women's suffrage in the United States. It was created by the merger of two existing organizations, the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) and the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). Its membership, which was about seven thousand at the time it was formed, eventually increased to two million, making it the largest voluntary organization in the nation. It played a pivotal role in the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which in 1920 guaranteed women's right to vote.
Carrie Chapman Catt was an American women's suffrage leader who campaigned for the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave U.S. women the right to vote in 1920. Catt served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association from 1900 to 1904 and 1915 to 1920. She founded the League of Women Voters in 1920 and the International Woman Suffrage Alliance in 1904, which was later named International Alliance of Women. She "led an army of voteless women in 1919 to pressure Congress to pass the constitutional amendment giving them the right to vote and convinced state legislatures to ratify it in 1920". She "was one of the best-known women in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century and was on all lists of famous American women."
Women's suffrage, or the right of women to vote, was established in the United States over the course of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, first in various states and localities, then nationally in 1920 with the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
The American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) was a single-issue national organization formed in 1869 to work for women's suffrage in the United States. The AWSA lobbied state governments to enact laws granting or expanding women's right to vote in the United States. Lucy Stone, its most prominent leader, began publishing a newspaper in 1870 called the Woman's Journal. It was designed as the voice of the AWSA, and it eventually became a voice of the women's movement as a whole.
Hannah Maria Conant Tracy Cutler was an American abolitionist as well as a leader of the temperance and women's suffrage movements in the United States. Cutler served as president of the Ohio Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). Cutler helped to shape the merger of two feminist factions into the combined National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).
This timeline highlights milestones in women's suffrage in the United States, particularly the right of women to vote in elections at federal and state levels.
History of Woman Suffrage is a book that was produced by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage and Ida Husted Harper. Published in six volumes from 1881 to 1922, it is a history of the women's suffrage movement, primarily in the United States. Its more than 5700 pages are the major source for primary documentation about the women's suffrage movement from its beginnings through the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which enfranchised women in the U.S. in 1920. Written from the viewpoint of the wing of the movement led by Stanton and Anthony, its coverage of rival groups and individuals is limited.
Women's suffrage was established in the United States on a full or partial basis by various towns, counties, states, and territories during the latter decades of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century. As women received the right to vote in some places, they began running for public office and gaining positions as school board members, county clerks, state legislators, judges, and, in the case of Jeannette Rankin, as a member of Congress.
The Georgia Woman Suffrage Association was the first women's suffrage organization in the U.S. state of Georgia. It was founded in 1890 by Helen Augusta Howard (1865-1934). It was affiliated with the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).
Ellen Battelle Dietrick (1847–1895) was an American suffragist and author who was active in the movement's organizations in Kentucky and Massachusetts. She was a core member of the group that published The Woman's Bible in the 1890s.
Elizabeth Upham Yates was an American suffragist and missionary in China. She was also one of the first two women to run for statewide office in Rhode Island.
Lucy Elmina Anthony was an internationally known leader in the American woman's suffrage movement. She was the niece of American social reformer and women's rights activist, Susan B. Anthony, and longtime companion of women's suffrage leader, Anna Howard Shaw. She served as a secretary to both women, as well as on the committee on local arrangements for the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA)
Laura M. Johns was an American suffragist and journalist. She served as president of the Kansas State Suffrage Association six times, and her great work was the arrangement of thirty conventions beginning in Kansas City in February, 1892. She also served as president of the Kansas Republican Woman's Association, superintendent of the Kansas Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and field organizer of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). Johns died in 1935.
The women's suffrage movement began in California in the 19th century and was successful with the passage of Proposition 4 on October 10, 1911. Many of the women and men involved in this movement remained politically active in the national suffrage movement with organizations such as the National American Women's Suffrage Association and the National Woman's Party.
The West Virginia Equal Suffrage Association (WVESA) was an organization formed on November 29, 1895, at a conference in Grafton, West Virginia. This conference and the subsequent annual conventions were an integral part of the National American Woman Suffrage Association's Southern Committee's work to reach into previously under-represented areas for supporting the women's suffrage movement. The WVESA relied not only on the national association but also worked together with activists from the state's chapter of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, state chapter of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, and the clubs affiliated with the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs to win the right to vote. Though they lost in a landslide the 1916 referendum to amend the state's constitution for women's suffrage, the group provided the strong push for ratifying the federal amendment in spring 1920 that led to West Virginia becoming the thirty-fourth of the thirty-six states needed. That fall, West Virginia women voted for the first time ever, and the WVESA transformed itself into the League of Women Voters of West Virginia.
Mary Hutcheson Page was an American Suffragist from Brookline, Massachusetts. She was a member and leader of suffrage organizations at both the state and national levels, wrote on the subject of suffrage for a variety of publications. She worked with other American suffragists Carrie Chapman Catt and Susan B. Anthony.
Laura Gregg Cannon was an American lecturer and organizer in the women's suffrage movement. Over the course of almost three decades, she led or supported suffrage activities in fifteen different states. She was a Life Member of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). Cannon edited a suffrage publication and wrote on labor issues. She was a national speaker for the Socialist Party.
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