Tooro Kingdom

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Kingdom of Tooro
Obukama bwa Tooro (Tooro)
Flag of Toro.gif
Anthem: "Agutamba"
Kingdom of Toro (map).png
Location of Toro (red) in Uganda (pink).
Capital Fort Portal
Official languages Rutooro, English
Ethnic groups
many ethnicities but the indigenous are; Batooro, Bakonzo, Babwisi, Bamba
Demonym(s) Tooro
Government Constitutional monarchy
Rukidi IV
  Omuhikirwa (Prime Minister)
Steven Kiyingi
 from the Kingdom of Bunyoro
1830, 1876
 Monarchy abolished
 Monarchy reinstated
Currency Ugandan shilling
Time zone UTC+3 (EAT)
Calling code 256
People Abatooro
Language Orutooro
Country Obukama bwa Tooro
Tooro Palace Palace of the king of the Tooro Kingdom - Flickr - Dave Proffer.jpg
Tooro Palace
Parliament of Tooro Kingdom The parliiament of Toro Kingdown 09.jpg
Parliament of Tooro Kingdom
The original Kingdom of Tooro (red) and its districts. Lake Victoria and other bodies of water are shaded blue. Kingdom of Toro (map of the original kingdom).png
The original Kingdom of Tooro (red) and its districts. Lake Victoria and other bodies of water are shaded blue.

The Tooro Kingdom [a] is a Bantu kingdom located within the borders of Uganda. [1] The current Omukama of Tooro is King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV. [1] King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV took to the throne of Tooro kingdom in 1995 at the age of just three years, after the death of his father Omukama Patrick David Matthew Kaboyo Rwamuhokya Olimi III on August 26, 1995, at the age of 50. [1] [2]


The people native to the kingdom are the Batooro, and their language is likewise called Rutooro. [1] [3] The Batooro and Banyoro speak closely related languages, Rutooro and Runyoro, and share many other similar cultural traits. [3] The Batooro live on Uganda's western border, south of Lake Albert. [1]


The Tooro Kingdom evolved out of a breakaway segment of Bunyoro sometime before the nineteenth century. [4] It was founded in 1830 when Omukama Kaboyo Olimi I, the eldest son of Omukama of Bunyoro Nyamutukura Kyebambe III of Bunyoro, seceded and established his own independent kingdom. [3] [1] Absorbed into Bunyoro-Kitara in 1876, it reasserted its independence in 1891.

As with Buganda, Bunyoro, and Busoga, Tooro's monarchy was abolished in 1967 by the Government of Uganda, but was reinstated in 1993. [1]

Aerial view of the Tooro Palace at Karuzika Hill overlooking Fort Portal Town Tooro Palace.jpg
Aerial view of the Tooro Palace at Karuzika Hill overlooking Fort Portal Town

Cultural influence

The Austrian painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000) spent some time there in the 1960s where he painted a number of works and named them after the kingdom. [5] [6]

The Batooro people have a strong culture but similar in stratification to Banyoro. [2] They have got a strong cultural naming system (PET NAME) known as Empaako. [7] [8] With the Empaako naming system, children are given one of twelve names shared across the communities in addition to their given and family names. [8] [9] Addressing someone by his or her Empaako is a positive affirmation of cultural ties. It can be used as a form of greeting or a declaration of affection, respect, honour or love. [8] [7] Use of Empaako can defuse tension or anger and sends a strong message about social identity and unity, peace and reconciliation. [8] [10] The Empaako names are: Amooti, Abbooki, Akiiki, Ateenyi, Adyeri, Atwoki, Abwoli, Araali, Acaali, Bbala, and Okaali. [8] [10] [9]

Abakama baTooro (Kings of Tooro)

The following is a list of the Abakama of Tooro since 1800:

  1. Olimi I: 1822–1865
  2. Ruhaga of Tooro: 1865–1866
  3. Nyaika Kyebambe I: 1866–1871 and 1871–1872
  4. Rukidi I: 1871
  5. Olimi II: 1872–1875
  6. Rukidi II: 1875–1875
  7. Rububi Kyebambe II: 1875 and 1877–1879
  8. Kakende Nyamuyonjo: 1875–1876 and 1879–1880
  9. Katera: 1876–1877
    1. Interregnum, reverted to Bunyoro : 1880–1891
  10. Kyebambe III: 1891–1928
  11. Rukidi III: 1929–1965
  12. Olimi III: 1965–1967 and 1993–1995
    1. in pretence : 1967–1993 (monarchy abolished)
  13. Rukidi IV: 1995–present (monarchy reinstated)

See also



  1. /ˈtɔːr/ , Tooro pronunciation: [tóːɾo]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Today in History: Toro king passes on". Retrieved 2020-05-30.
  2. 1 2 "The Kingdom of Toro". Archived from the original on 2020-08-12. Retrieved 2020-05-30.
  3. 1 2 3 Turyahikayo, B. (1976). "Review of A Dynastic History "The Kingdom of Toro in Uganda"". Transafrican Journal of History. 5 (2): 194–200. ISSN   0251-0391. JSTOR   24520247.
  4. "Uganda Batoro - Flags, Maps, Economy, History, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System". Retrieved 2020-05-30.
  5. "Hundertwasser - One Toro in the Kingdom of the Mountains of the Moon". (in German). Retrieved 2024-01-25.
  6. "Kingdom of the Toro von Friedensreich Hundertwasser auf artnet". Archived from the original on 2020-07-31.
  7. 1 2 "UNESCO - Empaako tradition of the Batooro, Banyoro, Batuku, Batagwenda and Banyabindi of western Uganda". Retrieved 2020-05-30.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 "Empaako Ceremony, Origin and meaning". The Ugandan. Retrieved 2020-05-30.
  9. 1 2 "Home". Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda. Retrieved 2020-05-30.
  10. 1 2 "Pet Names (Empaako) and Their Meaning". 2015-11-02. Retrieved 2020-05-30.