Velocity obstacle

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The velocity obstacle VOAB for a robot A, with position xA, induced by another robot B, with position xB and velocity vB. Velocity obstacle.svg
The velocity obstacle VOAB for a robot A, with position xA, induced by another robot B, with position xB and velocity vB.

In robotics and motion planning, a velocity obstacle, commonly abbreviated VO, is the set of all velocities of a robot that will result in a collision with another robot at some moment in time, assuming that the other robot maintains its current velocity. [1] If the robot chooses a velocity inside the velocity obstacle then the two robots will eventually collide, if it chooses a velocity outside the velocity obstacle, such a collision is guaranteed not to occur. [1]

This algorithm for robot collision avoidance has been repeatedly rediscovered and published under different names: in 1989 as a maneuvering board approach, [2] in 1993 it was first introduced as the "velocity obstacle", [3] in 1998 as collision cones, [4] and in 2009 as forbidden velocity maps. [5] The same algorithm has been used in maritime port navigation since at least 1903. [6]

The velocity obstacle for a robot induced by a robot may be formally written as

where has position and radius , and has position , radius , and velocity . The notation represents a disc with center and radius .

Variations include common velocity obstacles (CVO), [7] finite-time-interval velocity obstacles (FVO), [8] generalized velocity obstacles (GVO), [9] hybrid reciprocal velocity obstacles (HRVO), [10] nonlinear velocity obstacles (NLVO), [11] reciprocal velocity obstacles (RVO), [12] and recursive probabilistic velocity obstacles (PVO). [13]

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  2. Tychonievich, L. P.; Zaret, D.; Mantegna, R.; Evans, R.; Muehle, E.; Martin, S. (1989). A maneuvering-board approach to path planning with moving obstacles. International Joint conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). pp. 1017–1021.
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  9. Wilkie, D.; v.d. Berg, J.; Manocha, D. (October 2009). Generalized velocity obstacles. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 09). New York, N.Y.: IEEE. doi:10.1109/IROS.2009.5354175.
  10. Snape, J.; v.d. Berg, J.; Guy, S. J.; Manocha, D. (October 2009). Independent navigation of multiple mobile robots with hybrid reciprocal velocity obstacles. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 09). New York, N.Y.: IEEE.
  11. Large, F.; Sekhavat, S.; Shiller, Z.; Laugier, C. (December 2002). Using non-linear velocity obstacles to plan motions in a dynamic environment. IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 02). New York, N.Y.: IEEE. pp. 734–739. doi:10.1109/ICARCV.2002.1238513.
  12. v.d. Berg, J.; Lin, M.; Manocha, D. (May 2008). Reciprocal velocity obstacles for real-time multi-agent navigation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 08). New York, N.Y.: IEEE. pp. 1928–1935. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1109/ROBOT.2008.4543489.
  13. Fulgenzi, C.; Spalanzani, A.; Laugier, C. (April 2007). Dynamic obstacle avoidance in uncertain environment combining PVOs and occupancy grid. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 07). New York, N.Y.: IEEE. pp. 1610–1616. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1109/ROBOT.2007.363554.