The Worshipful Company of Nurses is a livery company in the City of London.
It was founded as the Guild of Nurses and was approved for formation as a guild by the Court of Aldermen of the City of London on 9 February 2016. It was formed to represent the nursing profession. [1] A guild is the beginning of a process towards forming a livery company. [2]
In 2020 the Guild became a company without livery, [3] and in May 2023, the Worshipful Company of Nurses was granted Livery by the Court of Aldermen. [4]
The Company ranks 111th in the order of precedence for Livery Companies.
Its primary aims are benevolence, education, and philanthropy for nurses past, present and future.
The company has a charitable arm- the Company of Nurses Charitable Trust, which gives help and support for nurses at times of financial hardship, and through educational grants. [5]
The Company provides a forum through meetings and events to bring together members from all parts of the nursing world to enjoy fellowship, support, networking and learning.
Membership of the Company, as prescribed by the Court of Aldermen of the City of London, shall not exceed 250 Liverymen. The number of Freemen is unlimited.
Members of the Company are, or have previously been, on the Register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (or an equivalent regulatory body).
Students can join as an Apprentice if studying for a nursing degree that will lead to registration. Membership is open to all irrespective of age, sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or gender affirmation.
The Company is administered by the Court of Assistants, comprising the Master, who acts as Chairman supported by the Upper Warden, Middle Warden, Renter Warden, and the Court Assistants. The Master holds office for one year and is normally succeeded by the Upper Warden. The Clerk to the Company is the Chief Executive and has responsibility for day-to-day administration of the Company and acts as secretary to the Court. Standing Committees made up of Court Assistants, Liverymen and Freemen address specific matters relating to Company activities and make recommendations to the Court.
The Company of Nurses Charitable Trust exists to promote the nursing profession for nurses past, present, and future. The Trust is able to offer support for nurses at times of financial hardship, and also contributes to the professional development of through the award of scholarships, bursaries and prizes. The aim is to support nurses so they can contribute to raising standards of nursing care, encourage health and wellbeing, and ultimately, support the lives of those in their care. This is achieved through
Livery Companies have long supported the Armed Forces and most Companies continue to support one or more regular, reserve or cadet forces units. Some Companies have an obvious connection based upon shared professional interests, while others may be based on historical context.
The Worshipful Company of Nurses is affiliated to the Central Reserve Headquarters Army Medical Services (CRHQ).
A livery company is a type of guild or professional association that originated in medieval times in London, England. Livery companies comprise London's ancient and modern trade associations and guilds, almost all of which are styled the "Worshipful Company of" their respective craft, trade or profession. There are 111 livery companies in total. They play a significant part in the life of the City of London, not least by providing charitable-giving and networking opportunities. Liverymen retain voting rights for the senior civic offices, such as the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and Common Council of the City Corporation, London's ancient municipal authority with extensive local government powers.
The Worshipful Company of Scriveners is an ancient Livery Company of the City of London. Originally known as the Mysterie of the Writers of the Court Letter and, since its incorporation, as the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Company of Scrivenors of the Cittie of London [sic], the Scriveners' Company remains one of the few City livery companies continuing to influence professional standards, namely that of scrivener notary. The Company received its first ordinances in 1373 and its royal charter was granted by King James I on 28 January 1617.
The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London, being an incorporated guild of sellers of fish and seafood in the City. The Company ranks fourth in the order of precedence of City Livery Companies, thereby making it one of the Great Twelve City Livery Companies.
The Worshipful Company of Curriers is one of the ancient livery companies of London, associated with the leather trade.
The Worshipful Company of Masons is one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City of London, number 30 in the order of precedence of the 111 companies. It was granted Arms in 1472, during the reign of King Edward IV; its motto is “God Is Our Guide”.
The Worshipful Company of Loriners is one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City of London. The organisation was originally a trade association for makers of metal parts for bridles, harnesses, spurs and other horse apparel; hence the company's name, which comes from the Latin word lorum through the French word lormier.
The Worshipful Company of Shipwrights is one of the ancient livery companies of the City of London.
The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers was established under a Royal Charter granted by King Charles I in 1631. It ranks sixty-first among the livery companies of the City of London, and comes under the jurisdiction of the Privy Council. The company established a library and its museum in 1813, which is the oldest specific collection of clocks and watches worldwide. This is administered by the company's affiliated charity, the Clockmakers' Charity, and is presently housed on the second floor of London's Science Museum. The modern aims of the company and its museum are charitable and educational, in particular to promote and preserve clockmaking and watchmaking, which as of 2019 were added to the HCA Red List of Endangered Crafts.
The Worshipful Company of Gardeners is one of the livery companies of the City of London. A fraternity of Gardeners existed in the middle of the fourteenth century; it received a royal charter in 1605. The company no longer exists as a regulatory authority for the sale of produce in London; instead serving as a charitable institution. The company also performs a ceremonial role; it formally presents bouquets to the Queen and to princesses upon their wedding, anniversary, or other similar occasion.
The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers referred to as The Furniture Makers' Company, is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The organisation was formed in 1952, and was granted Livery status by the City in 1963 being the 83rd in order of precedence. Its church is St Mary-le-Bow
The Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales is one of the livery companies of the City of London. They were one of the earliest of the modern livery companies promoted by the Court of Aldermen from the 1970s, receiving a Grant of Letters Patent in 1977 and receiving a Royal Charter in 2012. The Company is complementary to, and supported by, the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW). It promotes "honourable practice" of accounting and awards prizes to students in the field. It also supports general charities. The company ranks eighty-sixth in the order of precedence for livery companies. Its motto is True and Fair.
The Worshipful Company of Marketors is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. The company was founded in 1975.
The Worshipful Company of Arbitrators is 93rd in the order of precedence of the livery companies of the City of London. The organisation formally became a livery company on 17 March 1981. The company supports education in the field of arbitration. It also functions as a charitable institution. Its motto is Law and Custom, and its church is St Mary-le-Bow.
The Worshipful Company of Management Consultants is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. It draws its memberships from practising management consultants and has close links to the Management Consultancies Association and the Institute of Management Consultancy. The Company's motto is 'Change through Wisdom'.
The Worshipful Company of Constructors is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The Company aims to bring together those professionally qualified individuals concerned with aspects of building design, execution, management, vision and economic appraisal.
The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers is a livery company of the City of London. It draws its membership from tax advisers and other taxation-related practitioners.
The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP) is the 108th Livery Company of the City of London. It is a non-profit making organisation providing education and health services to members of the security profession.
The Worshipful Company of Educators is the 109th livery company of the City of London, having been granted livery status on 10 September 2013 by the Court of Aldermen. The Company was founded on 24 May 2001 as a Guild to represent the education and training profession and for charitable purposes. On 15 September 2009 the City's Court of Aldermen granted the petition of the Guild of Educators and agreed that the Guild be constituted one of the Companies of the City, without a grant of livery, with the title of The Company of Educators and that its Ordinances be approved and duly enrolled amongst the records of the City. Upon being advanced to the status of City livery company in 2013, the Company was accorded the official title of Worshipful Company of Educators, although less formally it can continue to be known as the Educators' Company.
Sir David Hugh Wootton is an English lawyer and politician. He was the 684th Lord Mayor of London, from 2011 to 2012, and is was Alderman of the Ward of Langbourn until 2nd November 2024, when he retired from the Court of Aldermen. .
The Company of Entrepreneurs is a Company without Livery and an aspirant Livery Company of the City of London. It successfully petitioned the Court of Aldermen for Guild status in 2014 with ambitions to become a full Livery Company by 2024. It is a membership and charitable organisation formed of men and women connected with the City of London who have invested their own time and financial resources in establishing and running successful businesses and enterprises. Its motto is Dare, Create, Succeed}}