X-ray specs

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"See through clothing" text on product package promises (falsely) the ability to engage in voyeurism X-Ray Spex.jpg
"See through clothing" text on product package promises (falsely) the ability to engage in voyeurism

X-ray specs or X-ray glasses are an American novelty item, purported to allow users to see through or into solid objects. In reality, the spectacles merely create an optical illusion; no X-rays are involved. The current paper version is sold under the name "X-Ray Spex"; a similar product is sold under the name "X-Ray Gogs".



X-Ray Specs consist of an over-sized pair of spectacles with plastic or cardboard frames and white cardboard "lenses" printed with concentric red circles, and emblazoned with the legend "X-RAY VISION". [1]

Approximation of the view through a pair of X-Ray Specs, showing the "bones" of the hand X-ray specs hand.jpg
Approximation of the view through a pair of X-Ray Specs, showing the "bones" of the hand

The "lenses" consist of two layers of thin cardboard with a small hole about a quarter-inch (6 millimeters) in diameter punched through both layers. The user views objects through the holes. In the original version, a feather is embedded between the layers of each lens. The vanes of the feathers are so close together that light is diffracted, causing the user to receive two slightly offset images. For instance, if viewing a pencil, one would see two offset images of the pencil. Where the images overlap, a darker image is obtained, giving the illusion that one is seeing the graphite embedded within the body of the pencil. [2] Newer versions utilize manufactured diffraction lenses instead of feathers. [3]

Marketing themes

X-Ray Specs were long advertised with the slogan "See the bones in your hand, see through clothes!" Some versions of the advertisement featured an illustration of a young man using the X-Ray Specs to examine the bones in his hand while a voluptuous woman stood in the background, as though awaiting her turn to be "X-rayed". These claims, however, were untrue. In smaller print below the X-ray claims, advertisements and packaging state that X-Ray Specs operate by "illusion".

Part of the novelty value lies in provoking the object of the wearer's attentions. These subjects may believe that the device does allow the wearer to compromise their modesty, so are liable to respond with a variety of amusing reactions. Indeed, instructions with the packaging explain how to provoke such reactions, to "CONVINCE the gals that your X-Ray Spex are for real!"


The principle behind the illusion, as well as its use in a pair of "spectacles", was first patented (in the United States) in 1906 by George W. Macdonald ( U.S. patent 839,016 ). A tubular configuration employing the same principle as well as the use of a feather for the diffraction grating was first patented in 1909 by Fred J. Wiedenbeck ( U.S. patent 914,904 )[ citation needed ]

X-Ray Specs were improved ( U.S. patent 3,592,533 ) by Harold von Braunhut, also the inventor of Amazing Sea-Monkeys. [4]

A previous product called the Wonder Tube worked similarly. Instead of glasses, the device was in the form of a small telescope.

Their name was used as the inspiration for the UK punk band X-Ray Spex.

Similar useful devices

See also

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  1. "X-Ray Spex (Specs)". Nostalgia Central. 21 July 2014.
  2. Lisa Hix (April 18, 2012). "Sea Monkeys and X-Ray Spex: Collecting the Bizarre Stuff". Collectors Weekly.
  3. "X-Ray Glasses: Fact or Fiction?". Nostalgia Central. 2 April 2014.
  4. Brott, Tamar (1 October 2010). "The Sea Monkeys and the White Supremacist". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 1 October 2010.
  5. "Why Sony NightShot". Kaya Optics. Retrieved 7 January 2011.
  6. Best, Jo (26 October 2004). "Peeping Tom filter lets phones see through bikinis". ZDNet.
  7. Leake, Jonathan (March 9, 2008). "Strip search: camera that sees through clothes from 80 ft away". The Times . Retrieved 7 January 2011.