X0 sex-determination system

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Heredity of sex chromosomes in XO sex determination Critique of the Theory of Evolution Fig 060.svg
Heredity of sex chromosomes in XO sex determination

The X0 sex-determination system determines the sex of offspring among:


In this system, there is only one sex chromosome, referred to as X. Males only have one X chromosome (X0), while females have two (XX). The zero (sometimes, the letter O) signifies the lack of a second X. Maternal gametes always contain an X chromosome, so the sex of the animals’ offspring depends on whether a sex chromosome is present in the male gamete. Its sperm normally contain either one X chromosome or no sex chromosomes at all.

In a variant of this system, most individuals have two sex chromosomes (XX) and are hermaphroditic, producing both eggs and sperm with which they can fertilize themselves, while rare individuals are male and have only one sex chromosome (X0). The model organism Caenorhabditis elegans —a nematode frequently used in biological research—is one such organism.

Some Drosophila species have X0 males. [9] These are thought to arise via the loss of the Y chromosome.[ original research ]


XO sex determination can evolve from XY sex determination with about 2 million years. [10]


Parthenogenesis with X0 sex-determination can occur by different mechanisms to produce either male or female offspring. [11]

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Y chromosome

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Haldanes rule

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Sex-chromosome dosage compensation

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The Z0 sex-determination system is a system that determines the sex of offspring in several moths. In those species, there is one sex chromosome, Z. Males have two Z chromosomes, whereas females have one Z. Males are ZZ, while females are Z0.


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