List of types of inflammation by location

Last updated

This is a list of types of inflammation in the body when organised by location.


Nervous system





Cardiovascular system

Respiratory system

Digestive system

Integumentary system

Musculoskeletal system

Urinary system

Reproductive system



Endocrine system

Lymphatic/immune system

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Otitis Medical condition

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Otitis externa Medical condition

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Astroviridae is a family of non-enveloped ssRNA viruses that cause infections in different animals. The family name is derived from the Greek word astron ("star") referring to the star-like appearance of spikes projecting from the surface of these small unenveloped viruses. Astroviruses were initially identified in humans but have since been isolated from other mammals and birds. This family of viruses consists of two genera, Avastrovirus (AAstV) and Mamastrovirus (MAstV). Astroviruses most frequently cause infection of the gastrointestinal tract but in some animals they may result in encephalitis, hepatitis (avian) and nephritis (avian).
