Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture

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ZMC complex fracture
Other namesQuadripod fracture
Tripod fx labeled.jpg
Right zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture with disruption of the lateral orbital wall, orbital floor, zygomatic arch and maxillary sinus.

The zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture, also known as a quadripod fracture, quadramalar fracture, and formerly referred to as a tripod fracture or trimalar fracture, has four components, three of which are directly related to connections between the zygoma and the face, and the fourth being the orbital floor. Its specific locations are the lateral orbital wall (at its superior junction with the zygomaticofrontal suture or its inferior junction with the zygomaticosphenoid suture at the sphenoid greater wing), separation of the maxilla and zygoma at the anterior maxilla (near the zygomaticomaxillary suture), the zygomatic arch, and the orbital floor near the infraorbital canal.


Signs and symptoms

On physical exam, the fracture appears as a loss of cheek projection with increased width of the face. In most cases, there is loss of sensation in the cheek and upper lip due to infraorbital nerve injury. Facial bruising, periorbital ecchymosis, soft tissue gas, swelling, trismus, altered mastication, diplopia, and ophthalmoplegia are other indirect features of the injury. [1] The zygomatic arch usually fractures at its weakest point, 1.5 cm behind the zygomaticotemporal suture. [2]


The cause is usually a direct blow to the malar eminence of the cheek during assault. The paired zygomas each have two attachments to the cranium, and two attachments to the maxilla, making up the orbital floors and lateral walls. These complexes are referred to as the zygomaticomaxillary complex. The upper and transverse maxillary bone has the zygomaticomaxillary and zygomaticotemporal sutures, while the lateral and vertical maxillary bone has the zygomaticomaxillary and frontozygomatic sutures.[ citation needed ]

The formerly used 'tripod fracture' refers to these buttresses, but did not also incorporate the posterior relationship of the zygoma to the sphenoid bone at the zygomaticosphenoid suture.[ citation needed ]

There is an association of ZMC fractures with naso-orbito-ethmoidal fractures (NOE) on the same side as the injury. Concomitant NOE fractures predict a higher incidence of post operative deformity. [3]


Non-displaced or minimally displaced fractures may be treated conservatively. Open reduction and internal fixation is reserved for cases that are severely angulated or comminuted. The purpose of fixation is to restore the normal appearance of the face. Specific attention is given to the position of the malar eminence and reduction of orbital volume by realigning the zygoma and sphenoid. Failure to correct can result in rotational deformity and increase the volume of the orbit, causing the eye to sink inwards.[ citation needed ]

Fractures with displacement require surgery consisting of fracture reduction with miniplates, microplates and screws. Gillie's approach is used for depressed zygomatic fractures. [4] The prognosis of tripod fractures is generally good. In some cases there may be persistent post-surgical facial asymmetry, which can require further treatment. [5]

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Zygoma reduction, also known as cheekbone reduction surgery, is a surgery used to reduce the facial width by excising part of the zygomatic bone and arch. Wide cheekbones are a characteristic facial trait of Asians, whose skull shapes tend to be more brachycephalic in comparison with Caucasian counterparts, whose skull shapes tend to be more dolichocephalic .This surgery is popular among Asians due to their inherent wide cheekbones. Due to the advanced surgical skills of Korean surgeons who perform facial contouring surgeries, the number of Asian people undergoing this surgery is increasing.

Caldwell-Luc surgery, Caldwell-Luc operation, also known as Caldwell-Luc antrostomy, and Radical antrostomy, is an operation to remove irreversibly damaged mucosa of the maxillary sinus. It is done when maxillary sinusitis is not cured by medication or other non-invasive technique. The approach is mainly from the anterior wall of the maxilla bone. It was introduced by George Caldwell (1893)and Henry Luc (1897). The maxillary sinus is entered from two separate openings, one in the canine fossa to gain access to the antrum and other in the naso antral wall for drainage.


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