1954 NFL draft

Last updated

1954 NFL draft
General information
Date(s)January 28, 1954
Location Bellevue-Stratford Hotel
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
360 total selections in 30 rounds
League NFL
First selection Bobby Garrett, QB
Cleveland Browns
Mr. Irrelevant Ellis Horton, B
Detroit Lions
Most selections (35) Los Angeles Rams
Fewest selections (27) Baltimore Colts
Hall of Famers

The 1954 NFL draft was held on January 28, 1954, at The Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. [1] [2]


This was the eighth year that the first overall pick was a bonus pick determined by lottery. With the previous seven winners ineligible from the draw, only the Baltimore Colts, Chicago Cardinals, Cleveland Browns, Green Bay Packers, and Pittsburgh Steelers had an equal chance of winning. [3] The draft lottery was won by Cleveland, who selected quarterback Bobby Garrett.

Player selections

= Pro Bowler [4] = Hall of Famer

Round one

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
1 Cleveland Browns (Lottery bonus pick) Bobby Garrett Quarterback Stanford
2 Chicago Cardinals Lamar McHan Quarterback Arkansas
3 Green Bay Packers Art Hunter Tackle Notre Dame
4Green Bay Packers (From the New York Giants) Veryl Switzer Back Kansas State
5 Baltimore Colts Cotton Davidson Quarterback Baylor
6 Chicago Bears Stan Wallace Back Illinois
7 Pittsburgh Steelers Johnny Lattner [5] HalfbackNotre Dame
8 Washington Redskins Steve Meilinger End Kentucky
9 Philadelphia Eagles Neil Worden Fullback Notre Dame
10 Los Angeles Rams Ed Beatty Center Ole Miss
11 San Francisco 49ers Bernie Faloney Back Maryland
12Cleveland Browns John Bauer Guard Illinois
13 Detroit Lions Dick Chapman Tackle Rice

Round two

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
14Chicago Cardinals Gary Knafelc End Colorado
15Green Bay Packers Bob Fleck Tackle Syracuse
16Baltimore ColtsLarry GriggBack Oklahoma
17New York Giants Ken Buck End Pacific
18Chicago Bears Rick Casares Back Florida
19Pittsburgh Steelers Pat Stark BackSyracuse
20Washington Redskins Jim Schrader CenterNotre Dame
21Philadelphia Eagles Rocky Ryan EndIllinois
22Los Angeles RamsBuddy GilliozTackle Houston
23San Francisco 49ers Leo Rucka CenterRice
24Cleveland Browns Chet Hanulak BackMaryland
25Detroit LionsJim NealCenter Michigan State

Round three

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
26Chicago CardinalsBobby CavazosBack Texas Tech
27Green Bay Packers George Timberlake Guard USC
28New York Giants Clyde Bennett End South Carolina
29Los Angeles Rams Jim Kincaid BackSouth Carolina
30Chicago Bears Ed Meadows Tackle Duke
31Pittsburgh SteelersTom MinerEnd Tulsa
32Los Angeles RamsTom NickoloffEndUSC
33Philadelphia EaglesTed ConnorTackle Nebraska
34Los Angeles RamsHenry HairEnd Georgia Tech
35San Francisco 49ers Steve Korcheck Center George Washington
36Cleveland Browns Mo Bassett Back Langston
37Detroit Lions Bill Bowman Back William & Mary

Round four

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
38Chicago Cardinals Bill Bredde Back Oklahoma A&M
39Washington Redskins Ralph Felton BackMaryland
40Green Bay PackersTommy AllmanBack West Virginia
41New York Giants Dick Nolan BackMaryland
42Chicago BearsFran PaterraBackNotre Dame
43Los Angeles RamsLester McClellandTackleSyracuse
44Detroit Lions Bill Stits Back UCLA
45Philadelphia Eagles Minnie Mavraides GuardNotre Dame
46Los Angeles RamsNorm NygaardBack San Diego State
47San Francisco 49ersCharlie BoxoldBackMaryland
48Cleveland Browns Jerry Hilgenberg Center Iowa
49Detroit LionsHoward McCantsEnd Washington State

Round five

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
50Chicago Cardinals Don Dohoney EndMichigan State
51Green Bay Packers Max McGee End Tulane
52New York Giants Earl Putnam Tackle Arizona State
53Baltimore ColtsDon EllisBack Texas A&M
54Chicago BearsBob GriffisGuard Furman
55San Francisco 49ers Bob Hantla Guard Kansas
56Washington Redskins Billy Wells BackMichigan State
57Los Angeles RamsCharlie AllenTackle San Jose State
58Los Angeles Rams Art Hauser Tackle Xavier
59San Francisco 49ersFrank MincevichGuardSouth Carolina
60Cleveland Browns Bill Lucky TackleBaylor
61Detroit LionsGeorge ParozzoTackleWilliam & Mary

Round six

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
62Chicago Cardinals Tom McHugh BackNotre Dame
63Detroit Lions Pence Dacus Back Southwest Texas State
64Cleveland Browns Jim Ray Smith GuardBaylor
65New York GiantsGeorge JacobyTackle Ohio State
66Chicago BearsJohn HudsonGuardRice
67Pittsburgh Steelers Laurin Pepper Back Mississippi Southern
68Washington Redskins Bill McHenry Center Washington & Lee
69Philadelphia EaglesHal LambertTackle TCU
70Los Angeles Rams Ken Panfil Tackle Purdue
71San Francisco 49ers Floyd Sagely EndArkansas
72Cleveland BrownsAsa JenkinsBack Toledo
73Detroit Lions Dick Kercher BackTulsa

Round seven

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
74Chicago Cardinals Dave Mann Back Oregon State
75Green Bay PackersSam MarshallTackle Florida A&M
76New York Giants Wayne Berry BackWashington State
77Baltimore ColtsGlenn TurnerBackGeorgia Tech
78Chicago BearsRalph CecereBack Villanova
79Pittsburgh Steelers Jack O'Brien EndFlorida
80Washington Redskins Harry Jagielski Tackle Indiana
81Philadelphia Eagles Jerry Norton Back SMU
82Los Angeles RamsCharley WeeksTackleUSC
83San Francisco 49ers Sid Youngelman Tackle Alabama
84Cleveland Browns Don Miller BackSMU
85Detroit LionsJack CrossBack Utah

Round eight

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
86Chicago Cardinals Paul Larson Back California
87Green Bay PackersJimmie WilliamsTackleTexas Tech
88Baltimore ColtsDennis McCotterGuard Detroit
89New York GiantsRalph StarkeyTackleWest Virginia
90Chicago BearsTom GarlingtonTackleArkansas
91Pittsburgh Steelers Paul Cameron BackUCLA
92Washington RedskinsBill MarkerEndWest Virginia
93Philadelphia EaglesDan HunterTackleFlorida
94Los Angeles RamsGeorge BlackEnd Washington
95Cleveland BrownsBill BarbishBack Tennessee
96Cleveland BrownsCharlie HarrisBack Georgia
97Detroit Lions Milt Davis BackUCLA

Round nine

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
98Chicago CardinalsDean ChambersTackleWashington
99Green Bay PackersDave DavisEndGeorgia Tech
100New York GiantsPete O'GarraEndUCLA
101Baltimore ColtsBob AdamsGuard Shippensburg
102Chicago Bears Paul Giel Halfback Minnesota
103Pittsburgh Steelers Joe Zombek End Pittsburgh
104Washington RedskinsJerry MinnickTackleNebraska
105Philadelphia Eagles Phil Branch Guard Texas
106Los Angeles Rams Alex Bravo Back Cal Poly
107San Francisco 49ers Ted Connolly GuardTulsa
108Cleveland Browns Tom Jones Tackle Miami (OH)
109Detroit LionsBob LawsonBackCal Poly

Round ten

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
110Chicago Cardinals Tommy Lewis BackAlabama
111Green Bay Packers Gene Knutson End Michigan
112Baltimore ColtsBob SchoonmakerBack Missouri
113New York GiantsJohn SteinbergEndStanford
114Chicago BearsD. C. AndrewsEnd Hardin–Simmons
115Pittsburgh SteelersBob FisherTackleTennessee
116Washington RedskinsMerrill GreenBackOklahoma
117Los Angeles Rams Ed Hughes BackTulsa
118Los Angeles Rams Joe Katchik EndNotre Dame
119Cleveland BrownsDon GossGuardSMU
120Cleveland BrownsTom PagnaBackMiami (OH)
121Detroit LionsJack CarrollEnd Holy Cross

Round eleven

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
122Chicago Cardinals Homer Smith Back Princeton
123Green Bay PackersKen HallEnd North Texas State
124New York GiantsTom FitzpatrickGuardVillanova
125Baltimore ColtsBob LebermanBackSyracuse
126Chicago BearsRon WallinBackMinnesota
127Pittsburgh SteelersLou CimarolliBackPittsburgh
128Washington RedskinsGene WilsonBackSouth Carolina
129Philadelphia EaglesDave McLaughlinEnd Dartmouth
130Los Angeles Rams Duane Wardlow TackleWashington
131San Francisco 49ersJohn SkockoEndUSC
132Cleveland BrownsMax SchuebelTackleRice
133Detroit LionsMilt SchwenkTackleWashington State

Round twelve

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
134Chicago CardinalsHoward PittEndDuke
135Green Bay PackersBill OliverBackAlabama
136Baltimore Colts Don Chelf TackleIowa
137New York GiantsWendell GulsethTackle Wisconsin
138Chicago Bears Joe Faragalli GuardVillanova
139Pittsburgh SteelersDon FritzEnd Cincinnati
140Washington RedskinsBen DunkerleyTackleWest Virginia
141Philadelphia EaglesDick ClasbyBack Harvard
142Los Angeles RamsJack MaultsbyTackle North Carolina
143San Francisco 49ers Hal Easterwood Center Mississippi State
144Cleveland BrownsTom BruenichTackleMaryland
145Detroit LionsBob HartmanTackleOregon State

Round thirteen

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
146Chicago Cardinals Les Goble Back Alfred
147Green Bay PackersMike TakacsGuardOhio State
148New York GiantsBob ToppEndMichigan
149Baltimore ColtsChuck McMillanBack John Carroll
150Chicago BearsJulius SeaholmGuardTexas
151Pittsburgh SteelersCharles LattimerCenterMaryland
152Washington RedskinsRoger DornburgBackWisconsin
153Philadelphia EaglesJoe MehalickTackle Virginia
154Los Angeles RamsSam HensleyEndGeorgia Tech
155San Francisco 49ersMorgan WilliamsGuardTCU
156Cleveland BrownsGeorge CumminsTackleTulane
157Detroit LionsJim SwierczekBack Marshall

Round fourteen

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
158Chicago CardinalsSammy DumasGuardArkansas
159Green Bay Packers Kosse Johnson BackRice
160Baltimore Colts Ordell Braase Tackle South Dakota
161New York Giants Bobby Epps BackPittsburgh
162Chicago BearsKen MillerBackIllinois
163Pittsburgh SteelersRoger BradfordEnd Waynesburg
164Washington Redskins Roger Nelson TackleOklahoma
165Philadelphia Eagles Hal Patterson BackKansas
166Los Angeles RamsMitchell JohnsonBackBishop
167San Francisco 49ersSammy WilliamsBackCalifornia
168Cleveland BrownsJim HeadBackIowa
169Detroit LionsRay NovakBackNebraska

Round fifteen

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
170Chicago CardinalsCecil HarpEndPacific
171San Francisco 49ersEd GossageTackleGeorgia Tech
172New York GiantsJim SwanGuard Denver
173Baltimore Colts Joe D'Agostino GuardFlorida
174Chicago Bears Harlon Hill End Florence State
175Pittsburgh SteelersTom DrakeGuard Chattanooga
176Washington RedskinsHugh MerckTackleSouth Carolina
177Philadelphia EaglesRay McKownBackTCU
178Los Angeles RamsEd ElliotBack Richmond
179San Francisco 49ers Sam Palumbo GuardNotre Dame
180Cleveland BrownsChet LyssyBackHardin–Simmons
181Detroit LionsKirk HinderliderEnd Colorado A&M

Round sixteen

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
182Chicago CardinalsAl KilgoreTackle Kent State
183Green Bay Packers Des Koch BackUSC
184Baltimore Colts Alex Sandusky End Clarion
185New York GiantsGeorge RiceBackIowa
186Chicago Bears Earl Lindley Back Utah State
187Pittsburgh SteelersCas KrolTackleDetroit
188Washington RedskinsGilmer SpringEndTexas
189Philadelphia EaglesCharlie GrantCenterUtah
190Los Angeles RamsRoger FreyTackleGeorgia Tech
191San Francisco 49ersBobby FiveashBack Florida State
192Cleveland BrownsRich RaidelGuardKent State
193Detroit LionsBob ChuokeTackleHouston

Round seventeen

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
194Chicago CardinalsJack TroxellBackArkansas
195Green Bay Packers J. D. Roberts GuardOklahoma
196New York Giants Jackie Parker BackMississippi State
197Baltimore Colts Tommy Adkins CenterKentucky
198Chicago BearsLou WoodardCenter Sam Houston State
199Pittsburgh SteelersJoe FulwylerCenterOregon State
200Washington RedskinsJerry CoodyBack Baylor
201Philadelphia EaglesBob KnowlesTackleBaylor
202Los Angeles RamsEd WilhelmCenterHouston
203San Francisco 49ersCarl KautzTackleTexas Tech
204Cleveland BrownsHoward ChapmanTackleFlorida
205Detroit LionsRick KaserBackToledo

Round eighteen

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
206Chicago Cardinals Dick Young BackChattanooga
207Green Bay Packers Emery Barnes End Oregon
208Baltimore ColtsDick ShinautBack Texas Western
209New York Giants Crawford Mims GuardOle Miss
210Chicago Bears McNeil Moore BackSam Houston State
211Pittsburgh Steelers Don Penza EndNotre Dame
212Washington Redskins Walt Cudzik CenterPurdue
213Philadelphia EaglesSam MrvosGuardGeorgia
214Los Angeles Rams Stan Sheriff CenterCal Poly
215San Francisco 49ers Morris Kay EndKansas
216Cleveland BrownsBill WohrmanBackSouth Carolina
217Detroit LionsNorm HayesTackle College of Idaho

Round nineteen

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
218Chicago CardinalsJerry SazioTackleWilliam & Mary
219Green Bay PackersKen HallCenter Springfield
220New York GiantsBob KingGuardSouth Carolina
221Baltimore ColtsCharley WenzlauEndMiami (OH)
222Chicago BearsJim LumTackle Louisiana Tech
223Pittsburgh SteelersDon RydalchBackUtah
224Washington RedskinsJerry WittBackWisconsin
225Philadelphia EaglesJerry ClemGuardSMU
226Los Angeles RamsFrank GivensTackleGeorgia Tech
227San Francisco 49ersBob EdmistonTackle Temple
228Cleveland BrownsJohn TaylorCenter Austin
229Detroit LionsBuster GravesTackleArkansas

Round twenty

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
230Chicago Cardinals Stan Huntsman Back Wabash
231Green Bay PackersLowell HerbertGuardPacific
232Baltimore Colts Raymond Berry Split end SMU
233New York GiantsGene SnipesEndAustin
234Chicago Bears Jim Ladd End Bowling Green
235Pittsburgh Steelers Fred Prender Back West Chester
236Washington Redskins Sam Morley EndStanford
237Philadelphia EaglesTommy BailesBackHouston
238Los Angeles Rams Bob Dougherty BackCincinnati
239San Francisco 49ersFrank DePietroBackGeorgia
240Cleveland BrownsHugh PierceCenter NC State
241Detroit LionsJim DurrantGuardUtah

Round twenty-one

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
242Chicago CardinalsJim StanderTackleColorado
243Green Bay PackersArt LiebscherBackPacific
244New York GiantsRex CorlessBackMichigan State
245Baltimore ColtsBob LadeGuard Peru State
246Chicago BearsSonny CleereTackle Abilene Christian
247Pittsburgh SteelersDan TassottiTackle Miami (FL)
248Washington RedskinsJohn CavaglieriTackleNorth Texas State
249Philadelphia EaglesJohnny CrouchEndTCU
250Los Angeles RamsJerry CooperTackleWest Virginia
251San Francisco 49ersHoward AlsupTackle Middle Tennessee
252Cleveland BrownsJim BaughmanGuardIllinois
253Detroit LionsJack KistlerBackDuke

Round twenty-two

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
254Chicago Cardinals Ledio Fanucchi Tackle Fresno State
255Green Bay PackersWillie BufordTackle Morgan State
256Baltimore ColtsBob MeyerTackleOhio State
257New York Giants Joe Collier End Northwestern
258Chicago Bears Charlie Sumner BackWilliam & Mary
259Pittsburgh SteelersJohn LapsleyGuard Northeastern
260Washington RedskinsMax SchmalingBackPurdue
261Philadelphia EaglesJim WojciehowskiEndPurdue
262Los Angeles RamsRay PacerTacklePurdue
263San Francisco 49ersRalph ReynoldsBackNorth Texas State
264Cleveland BrownsLloyd CaudleBackDuke
265Detroit Lions Dewey Brundage End BYU

Round twenty-three

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
266Chicago Cardinals Charley Oakley Back LSU
267Green Bay PackersClint SathrumBack St. Olaf
268New York Giants Pete Mangum BackOle Miss
269Baltimore Colts Leon Hardeman BackGeorgia Tech
270Chicago Bears Herm Lee TackleFlorida A&M
271Pittsburgh SteelersJoe PascarellaTackle Penn State
272Washington RedskinsPete CarrieriGuardVillanova
273Philadelphia EaglesHarold LoftonBackOle Miss
274Los Angeles RamsDon MarksBackCalifornia
275San Francisco 49ersLeRoy FenstemakerBackRice
276Cleveland Browns Bob Mischak End Army
277Detroit Lions Jack Shanafelt Tackle Penn

Round twenty-four

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
278Chicago CardinalsLou SawchikEnd Ohio
279Green Bay PackersMarv TennefossEndStanford
280Baltimore ColtsDon KerlinBack Concordia (Moorhead)
281New York GiantsBill HarrisTackleLSU
282Chicago BearsBill JarrettBackWest Virginia
283Pittsburgh SteelersJack FlanaganEndDetroit
284Washington Redskins Will Renfro End Memphis State
285Philadelphia EaglesNate GressetteTackle Clemson
286Los Angeles RamsEd BrookmanTackleWest Virginia
287San Francisco 49ersJerry DanielsTackle Tennessee Tech
288Cleveland BrownsJohnny GramlingBackSouth Carolina
289Detroit LionsBobby BurrowsGuardDuke

Round twenty-five

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
290Chicago CardinalsJerry MarchandBackLSU
291Green Bay PackersJohn SmalleyTackleAlabama
292New York GiantsBill BakerBack Washburn
293Baltimore Colts Pepper Rodgers BackGeorgia Tech
294Chicago Bears Tom Feamster EndFlorida State
295Pittsburgh SteelersJim BarronTackleMississippi State
296Washington Redskins George Rosso BackOhio State
297Philadelphia EaglesRay ZambiasiBackDetroit
298Los Angeles RamsDick MillerBack Baldwin Wallace
299San Francisco 49ersJohn PlattBack Elon
300Cleveland BrownsTom HughesTackle VPI
301Detroit Lions Richie Woit Back Arkansas State

Round twenty-six

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
302Chicago CardinalsRalph CarriganCenterAlabama
303Green Bay PackersRalph BaierlTackleMaryland
304Baltimore ColtsJesus EsparzaTackle New Mexico A&M
305New York GiantsGeorge Van ZandtBack Long Beach State
306Chicago BearsLou PetrokaBack Boston University
307Pittsburgh SteelersJoe VaraitisBackPenn
308Washington RedskinsDorsey GibsonBackOklahoma A&M
309Philadelphia EaglesCharley SmithBackBaylor
310Los Angeles Rams Glenn Holtzman TackleNorth Texas State
311San Francisco 49ersPete BelloCenter Pasadena CC
312Cleveland BrownsJoe LundyGuardKansas
313Detroit LionsJim GeorgeTackleSyracuse

Round twenty-seven

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
314Chicago Cardinals John Culver BackHarvard
315Green Bay PackersHosea SimsEnd Marquette
316New York Giants Bobby Clatterbuck BackHouston
317Baltimore ColtsBill SennettEndGeorgia Tech
318Chicago BearsDick OniskeyCenterChattanooga
319Pittsburgh Steelers Tom Yewcic QuarterbackMichigan State
320Washington RedskinsKen YarboroughEndNorth Carolina
321Philadelphia EaglesBen AddiegoBackVillanova
322Los Angeles RamsEntee ShineEndNotre Dame
323San Francisco 49ersGayford BakerGuard Nebraska–Omaha
324Cleveland BrownsJohnny MappBack VMI
325Detroit LionsDick RzeszutCenter Benedictine

Round twenty-eight

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
326Chicago CardinalsTom KollerBackWilliam & Mary
327Green Bay PackersEvan SlonacBackMichigan State
328Baltimore ColtsRay EcstromCenter Westminster (PA)
329New York GiantsJim PartridgeBackTulane
330Chicago Bears P. W. Underwood GuardMississippi State
331Pittsburgh SteelersJoe BushGuardNotre Dame
332Washington Redskins Ron Hansen TackleMinnesota
333Philadelphia EaglesJohn GerdesTackle Cornell
334Los Angeles RamsDick MannBack Western Reserve
335San Francisco 49ersBob GarbrechtBackRice
336Cleveland BrownsVince VergaraBackArmy
337Detroit Lions Dolph Rutschman Back Linfield

Round twenty-nine

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
338Chicago CardinalsBill AlbrechtBackWashington
339Green Bay PackersJerry DufekTackle St. Norbert
340New York GiantsBill MoteTackleFlorida State
341Baltimore ColtsClaude TaliaferroBackIllinois
342Chicago BearsAlvin BealeBack Trinity (TX)
343Pittsburgh SteelersJoe FaganTackleJohn Carroll
344Washington Redskins Ted Kress BackMichigan
345Philadelphia EaglesJack StoneBackWest Virginia
346Los Angeles RamsDick DietrickEndPittsburgh
347San Francisco 49ersTed DunnBack Murray State
348Cleveland BrownsTroy CarterBackVMI
349Detroit LionsMel BertrandCenter Idaho

Round thirty

Pick #NFL teamPlayerPositionCollege
350Chicago Cardinals Alex Burl BackColorado A&M
351Green Bay PackersTerry CampbellBackWashington State
352Baltimore Colts Pat Abbruzzi Back Rhode Island
353New York GiantsJim GibsonTackleUSC
354Chicago Bears Jim Haluska BackWisconsin
355Pittsburgh SteelersJuel SweatteBackOklahoma
356Washington RedskinsDon RondouBackNorthwestern
357Philadelphia EaglesTommy WoodleeBackSouth Carolina
358Los Angeles RamsFrank MetzkeTackleMarquette
359San Francisco 49ersDon FolksEndHouston
360 [6] Detroit LionsEllis HortonBack Eureka
= Pro Bowler [4] = Hall of Famer

Hall of Famers

Inducted: Professional Football Hall of Fame class of 1973. [7]

Notable undrafted players

= Pro Bowler [4]
Original NFL teamPlayerPos.CollegeConf.Notes
Baltimore Colts Royce Womble   HB North Texas State Gulf Coast
Cleveland Browns Cookie Gilchrist   FB   
Cleveland Browns Don King   DT Kentucky SEC
Green Bay Packers Gene White   CB Georgia SEC
Los Angeles Rams Ernie Warlick   TE North Carolina Central CIAA
New York Giants Cliff Livingston   LB UCLA PCC
New York Giants Ken MacAfee   TE Alabama SEC
Washington Redskins Joe Scudero   S San Francisco

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The 1960 NFL draft in which NFL teams take turns selecting amateur college American football players and other first-time eligible players, was held at the Warwick Hotel in Philadelphia on November 30, 1959. Many players, including half of those drafted in the first round, signed with teams in the newly created American Football League, including the first overall pick and Heisman Trophy winner Billy Cannon. At the time of the draft, the Cardinals were still the Chicago Cardinals; they moved to St. Louis in March 1960. The Dallas Cowboys were enfranchised in January 1960 after the draft.

The 1963 NFL draft was held at the Sheraton in Chicago, Illinois, on Monday, December 3, 1962.


  1. "NFL Draft Locations". www.footballgeography.com. October 2, 2014. Archived from the original on September 5, 2015. Retrieved October 23, 2014.
  2. Salomone, Dan (October 2, 2014). "NFL Draft headed to Chicago in 2015". Giants.com. New York Giants. Archived from the original on September 30, 2015. Retrieved June 3, 2015.
  3. "Draft History: 1940's". Pro Football Hall of Fame. Archived from the original on October 1, 2013. Retrieved October 16, 2013.
  4. 1 2 3 Players are identified as a Pro Bowler if they were selected for the Pro-Bowl at any time in their career.
  5. John Lattner, 1953 Heisman Trophy winner "Heisman Trophy". Archived from the original on July 1, 2009. Retrieved August 4, 2008.
  6. This last selection is commonly referred to as Mr. Irrelevant.
  7. List of 1970s Hall of Fame Inductee's at profootballhof.com "Pro Football Hall of Fame". Archived from the original on July 31, 2008. Retrieved October 7, 2008.