2005 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

Last updated

61st Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race
Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race - Flickr - S Baker.jpg
Event information
Dates26 December 2005 – 2 January 2006
Sponsor Rolex
Host city Sydney, Hobart
Distance630 nautical miles (1,170 km)
Website Website archive
Winner (2005) Wild Oats XI (Mark Richards)
Previous Nicorette III (Ludde Ingvall) in 2004
Next Wild Oats XI (Mark Richards) in 2006

The 2005 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, sponsored by Rolex, was the 61st annual running of the "blue water classic" Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. [1] [2] As in past editions of the race, it was hosted by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia based in Sydney, New South Wales. [3] The 2005 edition began on Sydney Harbour at 1:20pm on Boxing Day (26 December 2005), before heading south for 630 nautical miles (1,170 km) through the Tasman Sea, past Bass Strait, into Storm Bay and up the River Derwent, to cross the finish line in Hobart, Tasmania. [4] [3]


The 2005 fleet comprised 85 starters of which 80 completed the race and five yachts retired. [5]


Line Honours

PosSail NumberYachtState/CountryYacht TypeLOA
SkipperElapsed time
110001 Wild Oats XI Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesReichel Pugh RP10030.00 Mark Richards 1:18:40:10
2NZL80 Alfa Romeo Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandReichel Pugh Maxi30.00 Neville Crichton 1:19:56:31
3M10 Skandia Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaJones IRC Maxi 9830.00Grant Wharington2:00:25:57
4NZL10001Konica Minolta Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandBakewell-White Maxi 30m30.00Stewart Thwaites2:01:26:41
5AUS11111 AAPT Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesSimonis Voogd Maxi27.38Sean Langman2:04:22:11
660000Loki Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesReichel Pugh 6018.29Stephen Ainsworth2:11:59:36
7A99Coogans Stores Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaDovell MBD Open 66 20.03Duncan Hine2:12:07:58
88844Seriously 10 Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesDavidson Volvo Ocean 60 19.46John Woodruff2:12:33:10
9GBR 99Hugo Boss Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Great BritainLombard Open 60 18.28Alex Thompson2:12:54:50
10NOR2 ABN AMRO Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesDavidson Volvo Ocean 60 19.46Andrew Short2:13:14:00
11IRL5005Chieftain Flag of Ireland.svg IrelandFarr Cookson 5015.05Gerard O'Rourke2:15:18:10
12R50Living Doll Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr Cookson 5015.05Michael Hiatt2:17:01:33
131836Yendys Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesJudel Vrolijk JV5215.75Geoff Ross2:17:29:29
14YC3300Hardy's Secret Mens Business Flag of South Australia.svg South AustraliaReichel Pugh 4614.21Geoff Boettcher2:17:57:22
15H1Heaven Can Wait Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandWelbourn 5015.19Peter Hollis2:17:58:13
16SM4321RFlirt Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaCorby 4914.93Chris Dare2:19:27:10
178880Goldfinger Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr 5215.79Peter Blake2:19:41:01
18YC560Pale Ale Rager Flag of South Australia.svg South AustraliaElliott 5617.10Gary Shanks2:21:01:53
19HW42Wedgetail Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandWelbourn 4212.80Bill Wild2:21:08:40
20AUS70Ragamuffin Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 5015.50 Syd Fischer 2:21:21:56
21AUS8889Quantum Racing Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMills DK4614.10Ray Roberts2:21:30:56
22G162Prowler Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaElliott 4714.41Christian Jackson2:22:48:13
236559Wot's Next Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 4714.20 Graeme Wood 2:22:48:38
24G4646Shogun Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMills DK4614.10Rob Hanna3:00:39:35
257878Kaz Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesLyons 5416.20David Pescud3:01:11:14
26SM46Dekadence Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMills DK4614.10Philip Coombs3:01:43:18
27B45Rush Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr 4513.81Ian & John Paterson3:02:48:37
288338AFR Midnight Rambler Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 4012.41 Ed Psaltis 3:04:29:42
296419Pekljus Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesRadford 5015.24David Ferrall3:06:06:34
30G147Ocean Skins Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaInglis 4714.30Tony Fowler3:06:48:47
31R69Fuzzy Logic Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMurray Burns Dovell ILC 4012.48Paul Roberts
Bill Lennon
32SM447Cougar Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr Beneteau 44.713.68Alan Whiteley3:07:55:20
33SM2Challenge Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Lou Abrahams3:09:23:56
34R33Chutzpah Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Bruce Taylor3:09:48:17
35AUS6606Quest Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaNelson Marek 4614.19Anthony Nicholas3:09:49:32
368402Fincorp More Witchcraft Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesDibley 4613.95John Cameron3:11:03:18
377447Prime Time Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesWauquiez C45S13.68David Mason3:12:23:00
384343Wild Rose Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 4313.11Roger Hickman3:14:15:50
396073Swish Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Steven Proud3:14:16:40
408924Pretty Fly II Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau First 47.714.80Colin Woods3:14:23:52
41M6Tow Truck Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Mumm 309.43Anthony Paterson3:14:39:42
42MH60Horwarth BRI Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Tony Levett3:15:07:23
436081Dodo Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Adrian Dunphy3:15:10:32
446285Sea Quest Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesRadford 5015.18Geoff Smith3:15:38:28
45RQ2001Sweethart Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandJutson 3911.87Antony Love3:15:44:57
462999Savcor Flag of Sweden.svg SwedenMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Peter Westerlund3:16:05:17
473838Zen Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Gordon Ketelbey3:16:39:39
48S16Addiction Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaInglis 3711.62Richard McGarvie
Peter Davidson
495985Torpan International Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesKaufman Jutson NSX 3811.63Gill Whitton3:17:49:22
508301Cadenza Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 5015.20Gunnar & Ulli Tuisk3:17:54:15
519797Hidden Agenda Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Graham Gibson
Ross Trembath
527008Inon Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau 6419.52Bruce Gray3:18:05:42
536565Team Lexus Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Frank Sticovich3:18:30:15
546469White Hot XSI Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesBakewell-White F36 Razor11.00Warren Cottis3:18:36:01
556146Kioni Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau First 47.714.54Andrew Lygo3:19:12:05
56R1111Toecutter Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaHick 319.15Robert Hick3:19:28:01
576351Game Set Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesPeterson Bavaria Match 3811.30Stephen Roach3:19:38:19
587407Chancellor Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau First 40.711.92Ted Tooher3:20:54:51
59A121Jailhouse Grill Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaAdams 1313.18Jason Van Zetten
Mark Koppelmann
60RQ68Ray White Koomooloo Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandKaufman 4112.49Mike Freebairn3:22:52:32
61M762Inner Circle Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 40 IOR12.24Michael Graham
Darren Cooney
62F308Balance Flag of Western Australia.svg Western AustraliaLidgard 3510.74Rolf Heidecker4:00:04:48
63R63Toll Shipping Prion Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaLyons Modified Mount Gay 309.59Michael Dolphin4:00:10:36
64TYC250Apollonius Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaRobinson 4112.60Julian Robinson4:01:11:18
65SM117Tilting at Windmills Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaJoubert Modified 4212.83Thorry Gunnersen4:04:04:14
662557Phillip's Foote Witchdoctor Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesDavidson 4212.00Maurie Cameron4:04:05:45
67M666Lucifarr Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 4012.28Mark Davies4:04:10:52
686388Namadgi Flag of the Australian Capital Territory.svg Australian Capital TerritoryHumphreys Elan 44413.95Garth Brice4:04:12:09
694057Aurora Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 40 One Off12.30Jim Holley4:04:13:35
701124Farr South Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaFarr 3611.16Ian Hall4:05:31:20
71SA98Renegade Flag of South Australia.svg South AustraliaHolland 4012.60Robert Francis4:05:34:28
721987Flying Fish BMS Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesPeterson 5115.50Randal Wilson
Hugh O'Neill
736520Diomeada Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesVan de Stadt 4814.50David & Andrea McKay4:06:17:44
744924She Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMull Olsen 4012.23Peter Rodgers4:06:31:18
75508Stormy Petrel Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesSparkman & Stephens S&S 3611.12Kevin O'Shea4:06:31:37
76MH106Impeccable Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesPeterson 3/4 Tonner IOR10.20John Walker4:06:40:01
775776Isabella Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesKaufman Northshore 380 Sports11.63John Nolan5:00:28:49
785527Polaris of Belmont Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesCole 4313.20Chris Dawe5:01:08:30
79371Berrimilla Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesJoubert Brolga 3310.10Alex Whitworth5:02:34:47
80C2Gillawa Flag of the Australian Capital Territory.svg Australian Capital TerritorySalthouse Cavalier 9759.76David Kent7:10:23:57
DNF505008Conergy Flag of Germany.svg GermanyBeale 4513.85Dirk Wiegmann
Neil Gray
Retired-Rudder & Radio Problems
DNFR6572Icefire Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMummery 4513.85Jeff Otter
Gary Caulfield
Retired-Rig Damage
DNFNZL 2716Nevenka Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandTownson 3610.97Pete Mummery
Phil Chisholm
Retired-Lack of Wind
DNF8447Sirromet Life Style Wine Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau First 44.713.68Michael Spies
David Beak
Retired-Rig Damage
DNF6068Star Dean-Willcocks Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Ola Andersen
Marc & Louis Ryckmans
Retired-Rig Problems
References: [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [3] [12] [13] [14]

Overall Handicap

PosDivisionSail NumberYachtState/CountryYacht TypeLOA
SkipperCorrected time
1A10001 Wild Oats XI Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesReichel Pugh RP10030.00 Mark Richards 3:03:54:32
2ANZL80 Alfa Romeo Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandReichel Pugh Maxi30.00 Neville Crichton 3:04:43:21
3ANZL10001Konica Minolta Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandBakewell-White Maxi 30m30.00Stewart Thwaites3:09:29:06
4BIRL5005Chieftain Flag of Ireland.svg IrelandFarr Cookson 5015.00Gerard O'Rourke3:10:48:00
5AM10 Skandia Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaJones IRC Maxi 9830.00Grant Wharingtonn3:11:24:03
6BHW42Wedgetail Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandWelbourn 4212.80Bill Wild3:11:35:44
7B60000Loki Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesReichel Pugh 6018.29Stephen Ainsworth3:11:45:02
8BYC3300Hardy's Secret Mens Business Flag of South Australia.svg South AustraliaReichel Pugh 4614.21Geoff Boettcher3:11:45:51
9BAUS8889Quantum Racing Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMills DK4614.10Ray Roberts3:11:45:58
10D6559Wot's Next Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 4714.20 Graeme Wood 3:11:50:23
11BR50Living Doll Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr Cookson 5015.05Michael Hiatt3:12:32:01
12B1836Yendys Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesJudel Vrolijk JV5215.75Geoff Ross3:13:16:11
13BH1Heaven Can Wait Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandWelbourn 5015.19Peter Hollis3:13:17:58
14BSM4321RFlirt Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaCorby 4914.93Chris Dare3:14:00:08
15BAUS70Ragamuffin Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 5015.50 Syd Fischer 3:15:03:14
16BG4646Shogun Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMills DK4614.10Rob Hanna3:15:42:01
17DSM447Cougar Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr Beneteau 44.713.68Alan Whiteley3:15:45:17
18BYC560Pale Ale Rager Flag of South Australia.svg South AustraliaElliott 5617.10Gary Shanks3:16:17:28
19BSM46Dekadence Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMills DK4614.10Philip Coombs3:16:45:39
20B8880Goldfinger Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr 5215.79Peter Blake3:17:04:18
21D8338AFR Midnight Rambler Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 4012.41 Ed Psaltis 3:17:11:35
22ERQ68Ray White Koomooloo Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandKaufman 4112.49Mike Freebairn3:17:16:40
23AAUS11111 AAPT Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesSimonis Voogd Maxi27.38Sean Langman3:18:01:25
24DR69Fuzzy Logic Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMurray Burns Dovell ILC 4012.48Paul Roberts
Bill Lennon
25CSM2Challenge Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Lou Abrahams3:18:30:56
26AA99Coogans Stores Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaDovell MBD Open 66 20.03Duncan Hine3:18:51:38
27CR33Chutzpah Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Bruce Taylor3:18:58:01
28E4343Wild Rose Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 4313.11Roger Hickman3:19:00:30
29AGBR 99Hugo Boss Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Great BritainLombard Open 60 18.28Alex Thompson3:19:29:34
30BB45Rush Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaFarr 4513.81Ian & John Paterson3:19:29:35
31D7447Prime Time Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesWauquiez C45S13.68David Mason3:21:45:00
32DM6Tow Truck Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Mumm 309.43Anthony Paterson3:22:06:52
33ER1111Toecutter Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaHick 319.15Robert Hick3:23:24:00
34C6073Swish Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Steven Proud3:23:56:27
35DRQ2001Sweethart Flag of Queensland.svg QueenslandJutson 3911.87Antony Love4:00:10:23
36CMH60Horwarth BRI Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Tony Levett4:00:52:51
37E508Stormy Petrel Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesSparkman & Stephens S&S 3611.12Kevin O'Shea4:01:42:29
38D6081Dodo Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Adrian Dunphy4:01:43:26
39C2999Savcor Flag of Sweden.svg SwedenMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Peter Westerlund4:01:57:14
40D6351Game Set Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesPeterson Bavaria Match 3811.30Stephen Roach4:02:03:12
41BAUS6606Quest Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaNelson Marek 4614.19Anthony Nicholas4:02:06:32
42D8924Pretty Fly II Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau First 47.714.80Colin Woods4:02:08:52
43D6469White Hot XSI Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesBakewell-White F36 Razor11.00Warren Cottis4:02:23:31
44C6469White Hot XSI Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesBakewell-White F36 Razor11.00Warren Cottis4:02:35:27
45E7407Chancellor Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau First 40.711.92Ted Tooher4:02:51:38
46EMH106Impeccable Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesPeterson 3/4 Tonner IOR10.20John Walker4:03:16:44
47C9797Hidden Agenda Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Graham Gibson
Ross Trembath
48DS16Addiction Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaInglis 3711.62Richard McGarvie
Peter Davidson
49C6565Team Lexus Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Frank Sticovich4:04:38:26
50EM762Inner Circle Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 40 IOR12.24Michael Graham
Darren Cooney
51DF308Balance Flag of Western Australia.svg Western AustraliaLidgard 3510.74Rolf Heidecker4:07:22:55
52DR63Toll Shipping Prion Flag of Victoria (Australia).svg VictoriaLyons Modified Mount Gay 309.59Michael Dolphin4:07:23:24
53E1124Farr South Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaFarr 3611.16Ian Hall4:08:40:10
54ESA98Renegade Flag of South Australia.svg South AustraliaHolland 4012.60Robert Francis4:09:19:58
55E4057Aurora Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 40 One Off12.30Jim Holley4:09:32:18
56DTYC250Apollonius Flag of Tasmania.svg TasmaniaRobinson 4112.60Julian Robinson4:10:01:57
57E371Berrimilla Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesJoubert Brolga 3310.10Alex Whitworth4:13:13:07
58DM666Lucifarr Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 4012.28Mark Davies4:13:17:51
59EM666Lucifarr Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr 4012.28Mark Davies4:22:21:19
60E5776Isabella Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesKaufman Northshore 380 Sports11.63John Nolan5:03:51:13
DNFD8447Sirromet Life Style Wine Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesFarr Beneteau First 44.713.68Michael Spies
David Beak
Retired-Rig Damage
DNFC6068Star Dean-Willcocks Flag of New South Wales.svg New South WalesMurray Burns Dovell Sydney 38 11.78Ola Andersen
Marc & Louis Ryckmans
Retired-Rig Problems
References: [6] [7] [8] [1] [10] [15] [9] [16] [11] [17] [18]


  1. 1 2 "Maxis lead Sydney-Hobart classic". CNN. 26 December 2005. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  2. "Seven past winners heading south again". Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. 12 December 2005. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  3. 1 2 3 Campbell, Peter (26 December 2005). "Tassie has four entrants in Rolex Sydney Hobart". Sail-World. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  4. "Sailing-Wild Oats win sixth Sydney-Hobart in record time". Chicago Tribune. 27 December 2012. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  5. "CYCA announces fleet of 85 for Rolex Sydney Hobart 2006". Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. 3 November 2006. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  6. 1 2 "Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2005 results" (PDF). Offshore Yachting Australia. Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 August 2021. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  7. 1 2 "Guide to the Fleet" (PDF). Offshore Yachting Australia. Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 August 2021. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  8. 1 2 Peters, Lucy (29 December 2005). "Richards sees Wild Oats flourish" . The Independent. Archived from the original on 1 May 2022. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  9. 1 2 "Skandia takes third place in Sydney-Hobart". ABC News. 27 December 2005. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  10. 1 2 "Skipper hits back at blue water favourites". ABC News. 21 December 2005. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  11. 1 2 "Quantum Racing and Loki win Rolex Challenge". Sail-World. 1 January 2006. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  12. Campbell, Peter (29 December 2005). "Expat Tasmanian returns with Pekljus in PHS Division". Sail-World. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  13. Boss, Hugo; Campbell, Peter (27 December 2005). "Sartorial elegance aboard Hugo Boss". Sail-World. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  14. Fisher, Bob (27 December 2005). "Crichton drives Alfa Romeo towards race record in Hobart". The Guardian. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  15. "Wild Oats limps home to line honours and a new record". Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. 28 December 2005. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  16. Gale, Jim (16 December 2005). "Wedgetail finding her wings". Sail-World. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  17. Whittington, Sean (23 December 2005). "Hardy's Secret Mens Business goes for Goal". Sail-World Cruising. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  18. Ratcliff, Lisa (14 November 2005). "Wotif.com Youth Programme for Sydney Hobart". Sail-World. Retrieved 1 March 2022.