2006 Solomon Islands general election

Last updated

2006 Solomon Islands general election
Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg
  2001 5 April 2006 2010  

All 50 seats in the National Parliament
26 seats needed for a majority
National 6.854
SIPRA 6.294
People's Alliance Allan Kemakeza 6.243
Democratic 4.883
Liberal Bartholomew Ulufa'alu 4.592
Social Credit Manasseh Sogavare 4.292
Lafari 3.192
Independents 59.8930
This lists parties that won seats. See the complete results below.
Prime Minister beforePrime Minister after
Allan Kemakeza
People's Alliance
Snyder Rini

General elections were held in the Solomon Islands on 5 April 2006. No party won more than four of the fifty seats, while thirty seats went to independent candidates. A number of those subsequently formed an Association of Independent Members of Parliament, with Snyder Rini as their leader. Rini was elected prime minister by Parliament on 18 April, amidst "widespread street protests" in Honiara, which caused particular damage in the city's Chinatown. Rioters "alleged corruption and insisted that Mr. Rini had been unfairly favouring Chinese businessmen". While the riots ceased with the arrival of Australian and New Zealand peacekeeping troops the next day, the opposition soon lodged a motion of no confidence in Rini's premiership. Rini resigned on 26 April, having been Prime Minister for just eight days. Opposition parties united in a coalition and succeeded in having Manasseh Sogavare, of the Solomon Islands Social Credit Party, elected Prime Minister on 4 May. [1]



Australia sent a ten-member observer delegation to monitor the election, led by Senator Marise Payne, and comprising MPs Bob Sercombe and Michael Ferguson, former Queensland Electoral Commissioner Bob Longland, and six experienced officials from the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Defence and AusAID. The Australian observer delegation was joined by other international observer teams from New Zealand, Japan, the USA, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. The United Nations Electoral Assistance Division coordinated the consolidated international observer effort. [2] The international observers' interim assessment said the polling process was transparent and well-conducted, and voters were able to exercise a free and secret vote. [3]


Twenty-six women candidates stood in the election, but none were elected, making the Solomons' Parliament one of the world's few all-male legislatures. [4]

National Party 13,1036.854
Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 12,0306.294
People's Alliance Party 11,9356.243
Solomon Islands Democratic Party 9,3384.883
Solomon Islands Liberal Party 8,7834.592
Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 8,2134.292
Lafari Party 6,0993.192
Christian Alliance Party 3,6131.890
Solomon Islands Labour Party 1,7330.910
Association of Independent Members 6810.360
Solomon First Political Party3520.180
Solomon Islands United Party 3240.170
Solomon One Nation Party2740.140
Independent Democratic2520.130
Valid votes191,32199.16
Invalid/blank votes1,6270.84
Total votes192,948100.00
Registered voters/turnout342,11956.40
Source: Solomon Islands Election Resources [5]

By constituency

Results by constituency
ConstituencyElectorateCandidatePartyVotes %Notes
Aoke/Langalanga7,365Batholomew Ulufa'alu Solomon Islands Liberal Party 1,52334.90Re-elected
Mathew Cooper Wale Solomon Islands Democratic Party 1,03223.60
Rachel Fera Independent 55512.70
Arthold Matanani National Party 3157.20
Peter Baru People's Alliance Party 2806.40
Abraham Baeanisia Independent 1613.70
Peter Obadae Koti Independent 1383.20
Benjimen Fagasi Independent 1112.50
Sudani Walemae Independent 611.40
Alfred Polard Ludae Independent 360.80
Chris Karau Lafari Party 320.70
John Paul Dio Independent 310.70
Philip Jack Aru Independent 300.70
Rejected votes591.40
Baegu/Asifola6,975Toswel Kaua Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 1,75841.80Elected
Steve Aumanu Independent 91321.70Unseated
Walter Folotalu Christian Alliance Party 68816.40
Cornelius Keteau Lafari Party 47511.30
George Suri Laufanua Solomon Islands Liberal Party 3508.30
Catherine Adifaka Independent 210.50
Central Guadalcanal5,089Peter Shanel Agovaka Independent 1,12431.50Elected
Walton Naezol Independent 96627.10Unseated
Noveti Napter Independent 49013.70
Wilson Weston Suhara Lafari Party 46713.10
Whitlam Kikolo Independent 3008.40
Simon Tonavi Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 1634.60
Paul Berry Voromate Independent 391.10
Rejected votes210.60
Central Honiara19,539Nelson Ne'e Independent 1,64425.30Elected
John Moffat Fugui Independent 1,28319.70
Meshach Maebiru Maetoloa Independent 1,09516.80Unseated
Wayne Maepio Independent 6279.60
Delmah Lavina Nori Independent 5358.20
Moon Pin Kwan Independent 4476.90
Josephine Teakeni Independent 3525.40
Geoffrey Alacky Independent 2924.50
Eric Kwalai Independent 440.70
Quinzy Darcy Independent 320.50
Simone Geatavem Lifa Independent 280.40
John Geoffrey Kevisi Independent 270.40
Miriam Garo Independent 210.30
Rejected votes781.20
Central Kwara'ae8,977Fred Iro Fono People's Alliance Party 2,80254.50Re-elected
Richard Na'amo Irosaea National Party 2,28844.50
Rejected votes541.00
Central Makira4,722Bernard Ghiro Lafari Party 87726.80Re-elected
Johnson Taisae Sunaone Independent 44313.50
Clement Kirari Solomon Islands Liberal Party 39612.10
George Alfred Kuper Independent 34110.40
Fredson Fenua Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 2928.90
Allen Ngariniuki Campbell Independent 2497.60
Andrew Mua National Party 1705.20
Gad Hagasuramo Independent 1193.60
Benedict Tahi Independent 1123.40
James Mua Rafe Independent 872.70
Stanley Waisi Tageahoro Independent 802.40
Edward Haui Independent 481.50
Rejected votes561.70
East ꞌAreꞌare5,235Edward Huniehu Independent 88226.20Re-elected
Michael Ahikau Solomon Islands Democratic Party 72621.60
Abraham Namokari Independent 49714.80
Dickson Warakohia Independent 48914.50
Peter Maeatua National Party 39011.60
Francis Hoasipua People's Alliance Party 1354.00
Michael Wairamo Independent 1013.00
Alphonsus Nori Independent 772.30
Jezreel Loaloa Independent 591.80
Jerry Haipora Terenihona Independent 100.30
East Central Guadalcanal5,896Nollen C. Leni Independent 98423.20Re-elected
Gordon Tapalia Independent 79918.80
Hilda Thugea Kari Independent 65515.40
John Gela Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 57713.60
Benjamin Savino Independent 3778.90
Nathaniel Mara Solomon Islands Democratic Party 2946.90
Jamie Lency Vokia Independent 2696.30
John Selwyn Besa'A Independent 2616.10
Johnson Meshach Villia Solomon Islands Labour Party 300.70
East Choiseul4,028Mannaseh Sogavare Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 85435.70Re-elected
Francis Qalokamake People's Alliance Party 64627.00
Gordon Volaka National Party 37115.50
Moses Kurebose Biliki Independent 35514.80
Billy Takubala Independent 1365.70
Rejected votes321.30
East Guadalcanal6,212Johnson Koli Independent 1,17234.60Re-elected
Fred Laku Independent 57116.90
Bendick Tova Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 56816.80
Joseph Hikuta'a Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 49314.60
John Marahare Independent 2808.30
Shaniella Talasifera Solomon Islands Liberal Party 1534.50
Rejected votes1504.40
East Honiara30,060Charles Dausabea Independent 1,89223.00Elected
Simeon Bouro Independent 1,23215.00Unseated
Edward Jacob Ronia Independent 1,11013.50
George Mamimu Independent 1,02612.50
Jack Donga Independent 5146.20
Dominic Tata Independent 4665.70
Ronald Ila Fugui Independent 4435.40
Samuel Maesatana Independent 2102.50
Dickson Waimora Independent 2042.50
Wilson B. Karamui Independent 2022.50
Robert Wales Feraltelia Solomon Islands Liberal Party 1762.10
Francis Ramoifuila Independent 1511.80
John Maetia Kaliuae Independent 901.10
Paul Kakai Independent 710.90
Gabriel Taloikwai Independent 680.80
Peter Usi Independent 630.80
Fred Binta Talafunu Independent 470.60
Elson Maetia Hilly Independent 460.60
Saxon Talo Independent 420.50
Edwin Sitori Nanau Independent 240.30
Rejected votes1622.00
East Kwaio8,856Stanley Festus Sofu Solomon Islands Democratic Party 1,55733.70Elected
Senda Fifi Independent 84918.40
Billy Abae National Party 70115.20
Alfred Solomon Sasako Lafari Party 65214.10Unseated
Delson Wane Safa'a People's Alliance Party 47510.30
Henry Faasifoabae Independent 2264.90
Nelson Richard Isika Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 1633.50
East Makira6,805David Sitai Independent 1,24025.30Re-elected
Alfred Ghiro Independent 1,13223.10
Fred P. Fanua Independent 57911.80
Doreen Ysabel Kuper Independent 56711.60
George Kuata Independent 48810.00
Warren Tereqora Independent 3246.60
Daniel Dannah Nahusu Independent 3016.20
Stanley S. Siapu Independent 2004.10
Francis Tagua Independent 621.30
East Malaita6,379Joses Wawari Sanga National Party 1,60145.30Re-elected
Afu Lia Billy Solomon Islands Democratic Party 73820.90
Alfred Maetia Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 58316.50
Chris Maebiru Independent 2547.20
Nation Sia Saelea Solomon Islands United Party 1785.00
Robert Nathan Mautai People's Alliance Party 1193.40
Eddie Misitee Leanafaka Solomon Islands Liberal Party 60.20
Rejected votes571.60
Fataleka6,586Steve William Abana Independent 1,05626.00Elected
Felix Taloinao Laumae Kabini Independent 98924.40
Gabriel Kaula Independent 68416.90
Casper Cassidy Luiramo Independent 57414.20Unseated
Andy Tony Tosasai Independent 1433.50
Wilson Maemae People's Alliance Party 1433.50
David Siau Lafari Party 1273.10
George Paul Fia Independent 1223.00
Hendry Ra'aga Independent 461.10
Alice Kakabu Baekalia Solomon Islands United Party 370.90
Catherine Leta Solomon Islands Liberal Party 340.80
Samuel Ifuna'au Independent 280.70
Patrick Uma Independent 170.40
George Abana Sanga Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 130.30
Billy Dauma Independent 10.00
Rejected votes411.00
Gao/Bugotu4,758Samuel Manetoali Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 97831.60Elected
Basil Manelegua Independent 3069.90Unseated
Nathaniel Supa Independent 3019.70
Warren B Sikilabu Independent 2688.70
Edmund Bourne Gagahe National Party 2347.60
Trasel Gilbert Independent 2026.50
Eric Notere People's Alliance Party 1785.80
Nicholas Lolita Independent 1715.50
Doris Bava Independent 973.10
John Patteson Bako Independent 973.10
William Manepolo Independent 742.40
Ian Aujare Independent 541.70
Nathaniel Gudfraede Independent 421.40
John Salano Independent 341.10
Ambrose H Bugotu Independent 110.40
Rejected votes471.50
Gizo/Kolombangara7,628Gordon Darcy Lilo Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 1,81045.70Re-elected
Chachabule Amoi Independent 72618.30
Stephen Suti-Agalo Solomon Islands Liberal Party 51913.10
Jackson Piasi Solomon Islands Labour Party 40810.30
Vainga Taniera Tion Independent 3238.20
Demetrius Tarabangara Piziki Independent 1433.60
Rejected votes330.80
Hograno/Kia/Havulei4,861Selwyn Riumana Independent 93727.40Elected
Dick Daoleni Independent 54115.80
Jane Magata Tozaka Independent 50714.80
Nelson Kehe Kile Independent 44913.10Unseated
Luke Layman Eta Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 2988.70
Johnson Leamana Solomon Islands Democratic Party 2376.90
Cornelius Rathamana Independent 1995.80
Jason B Leguhavi Independent 1775.20
Charles Misari Ravinago Independent 361.10
Rejected votes371.10
Lau/Mbaelelea12,136Bentley Samuel Rogosomani Independent 1,54622.20Elected
Judson Lee Leafasia Independent 1,24617.90
Francis Maaka Solomon Islands Liberal Party 1,07215.40
Paul Maenu'u Solomon Islands Liberal Party 1,04515.00Unseated
Charles Ferania Sale National Party 76210.90
John Beui Lamani Independent 3044.40
Aaron Rubin Olofia Independent 2904.20
Peter Satu Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 1772.50
Toata Molea Independent 1502.20
Philip Oeta Independent 1382.00
Hedley Aluta Toata Independent 771.10
Duddley Wate Independent 691.00
Frederick Taloimatakwa Independent 440.60
William R. Garaema Independent 320.50
Luke Tome Independent 100.10
Malaita Outer Islands2,345Patrick Vahoe Independent 35227.00Elected
David Holosivi Independent 29922.90Unseated
Reginald W Aipia Independent 17513.40
Davidson Alaki Poula Independent 14010.70
Levi Apuna Independent 947.20
Henry Manuhea Independent 937.10
Gabriel Kemaiki Independent 695.30
John Apo Independent 594.50
Rejected votes251.90
Maringe/Kokota4,989Varian Lonamei Independent 1,29735.30Elected
Ruben Dotho Independent 92825.30
Charles De Fox Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 49913.60
Clement Rojumana People's Alliance Party 2426.60Unseated
Dave Bale National Party 1674.50
Elizabeth Theodi Independent 1243.40
Arnold Iru Solomon Islands Democratic Party 1213.30
Gregory Frank Koutini Independent 1173.20
Wilson Hane Sedere Independent 1143.10
Caroline Hebala Maetia Solomon Islands United Party 351.00
Rejected votes310.80
Marovo7,690Snyder Rini Independent 1,44128.70Re-elected
Steven Veno Independent 1,13322.60
Duddley Hirata Independent 97119.30
Sam Patavangara Independent 71014.10
Lore Reuben Independent 4388.70
Spama Runialo Sialo Independent 2525.00
Albert Solomon Independent 791.60
Nggela10,378Mark Roboliu Kemakeza Independent 1,53422.00Elected
Frank Bollen Pule People's Alliance Party 1,43220.50Unseated
Martin Mata Independent 89412.80
Ambrose Siau Independent 6118.80
Gordon Mara Independent 5848.40
Charles Fox Manebona Independent 5287.60
John Steward Visivisi Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 4236.10
David KwanSolomon First Political Party3525.00
John Smith Tokasi Independent 2643.80
Daniel A. Parapolo Independent 1582.30
Alphonsus Selofae Independent 1001.40
Nolland Jolo Solomon Islands Liberal Party 640.90
Cecil Ono People's Alliance Party 380.50
North East Guadalcanal5,616Derek Sikua Independent 1,38235.60Elected
Ishmael Robert Leuape Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 44911.60
Stephen Paeni Independent 44311.40Unseated
Maleli Zalao Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 3519.10
Gabriel Leua Lovanitila Independent 2686.90
Gordon Leua Christian Alliance Party 2486.40
Leadley Qena Independent 2376.10
John Tome Independent 2346.00
John Tatahu Independent 1383.60
Samuel Ono Vaka Independent 1273.30
North Guadalcanal3,928Martin Sopage Independent 78827.70Elected
Edmond Rukale People's Alliance Party 48217.00Unseated
Stephen Panga Independent 44215.50
Eliam Tangirongo Christian Alliance Party 40414.20
Samson Maneka Independent 39013.70
Benjiman Kelly Independent 2117.40
Catherine Kakamo Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 652.30
Stephen Kulagani Lafari Party 291.00
Rejected votes321.10
North Malaita9,238Daniel E. Kwanairara Lafari Party 2,29241.60Re-elected
Michael Maeliau Independent 1,48727.00
Michael Iro People's Alliance Party 4788.70
Ronnie Faiga Independent 4748.60
Jemuel William Liobana Independent 4137.50
Benjamin Laefanaomea Riiga Independent 2214.00
Starling Daefa Solomon Islands Democratic Party 1182.10
George Walenenea National Party 220.40
Moffat Stephen Ganisua Solomon Islands United Party 90.20
North New Georgia2,448Job Dudley Tausinga Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement Re-elected unopposed
North Vella Lavella2,930Milner Tozaka Independent 57326.40Elected
Danny Bula Association of Independent Members 57126.30Unseated
Iodine Panasasa National Party 28513.10
Pye Robert Kuve Independent 26212.10
Lepesi Paul Jama Independent 23510.80
Billy Maelagi Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 21710.00
Rejected votes281.30
North West Choiseul6,239Clement Pikabatu Kengava People's Alliance Party 1,27131.40Re-elected
Jerold Simmy Vazarabatu Independent 72217.80
John Ridd Kure Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 61115.10
Alpha Kimata Independent 57114.10
Luke Pitakoe Independent 47011.60
William Pita Kutinikolo Independent 2415.90
Gabby Taniveke Independent 1172.90
Rejected votes511.30
North West Guadalcanal5,525Siriako Usa Independent 1,02829.10Re-elected
Joseph Pali Neilsen Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 80322.70
David Sali Independent 59016.70
Richard Selwyn Baokosu Solomon Islands Democratic Party 45612.90
Doreen Maeke Independent 1815.10
Japhet Voselau Solomon Islands Liberal Party 1755.00
Francis OrodaniSolomon One Nation Party1644.60
Kanuto Kobi Independent 812.30
Bernadette Tadakusu Independent 441.20
Gordon Billy Gatu Independent 120.30
Ranongga/Simbo5,197Francis Billy Hilly National Party 1,09833.00Re-elected
Jimmy Sendersley Independent 1,02430.80
Reuben Lilo Independent 73822.20
Jay Hong Christian Alliance Party 2888.70
Charles Kelly Independent 942.80
Pelopi Tada Lomae Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 421.30
Rejected votes451.40
Rennell/Bellona3,155Seth Gukuna Independent 43125.00Elected
Charlie Tango Independent 30717.80
Joses Taungenga Tuhanuku Solomon Islands Labour Party 26215.20Unseated
Lence R. Tagosia Independent 24814.40
Chard-Richard Maui Hatingongo Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 1639.40
Saueha Joses Tahua Independent 1458.40
Ajilon J. Nasiu Independent 1005.80
T. Tuhenua Independent 553.20
Rejected votes150.90
Russells/Savo6,954Allan Kemakeza People's Alliance Party 1,31030.00Re-elected
Reginald Hill Kokili Independent 1,05524.10
Stanley S Manetiva Solomon Islands Democratic Party 80618.40
Christopher Narasia Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 3598.20
Tony Kagovai Solomon Islands Labour Party 3137.20
Peter Damien Tura Independent 2886.60
Leotina Kikitu National Party 1774.00
Nivardo Tuanikebu Solomon Islands Liberal Party 641.50
Shortland2,556Augustine Taneko Independent 59232.90Re-elected
Albert Bakale Laore Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 34018.90
James Laore Independent 25314.00
Queensland Olega Christian Alliance Party 19710.90
Michael Kalanuma Independent 19010.50
John Alisae B. Independent 1226.80
Steve Laore Independent 864.80
Rejected votes221.20
Small Malaita9,557William Nii Haomae Independent 1,17919.80Elected
Matthew Fakaia Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 1,01617.10
Wallen Hite Independent 72212.20
Elizah Owa Independent 68711.60
Peter Nikae National Party 64710.90
Timothy Laesanau Solomon Islands Democratic Party 4647.80
John Pipi Susupuri Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 3756.30
James Honimae Independent 2674.50
Rose Paohu Christian Alliance Party 2454.10
James Hoilopo Solomon Islands Liberal Party 1582.70
Walter Hikumane Independent 1302.20
Rejected votes500.80
South Choiseul5,440Leslie Boseto National Party 1,03733.30Re-elected
Jerry Pitisopa Solomon Islands Liberal Party 82526.50
Robertson Erere Galokale Independent 58818.90
Elizah Doro Muala Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 54817.60
Randall Biliki Independent 812.60
Rejected votes391.30
South Guadalcanal4,993David Day Pacha Solomon Islands Democratic Party 65621.20Elected
Sethuel Kelly Independent 62620.30
Michael Voli Independent 33610.90
Joshua Karichi Solomon Islands Labour Party 3049.80
Victor Totu Independent Democratic 2528.20Unseated
Charles Aiwosuga Cheka'a Solomon Islands Liberal Party 2197.10
Rollen Seleso Independent 1555.00
Shadrack Sese Independent 1504.90
Ron Lawson Meke People's Alliance Party 1334.30
Karnol Kalea Sala Association of Independent Members 1103.60
Francis Peter Para Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 742.40
Terry Vekea Independent 511.70
Isaac Leslie Tagu Independent 220.70
Rejected votes00.00
South New Georgia/Rendova/Tetepari5,475Francis John Zama Independent 1,52840.30Re-elected
Danny Philip Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 1,43737.90
Osborn Vangana Solomon Islands Democratic Party 58515.40
Douglas Aleke Semi National Party 1233.20
Lawry Eddie Wickham Independent 1012.70
Rejected votes130.30
South Vella Lavella4,249Trevor Olavae Independent 1,65557.10Re-elected
Robins Mesepitu Christian Alliance Party 92331.80
Milton Mitau Independent 1796.20
Seth G. Lekelalu Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 1204.10
Rejected votes220.80
Temotu Nende6,677John Patterson Oti National Party 1,11426.10Re-elected
Edward Daiwo Solomon Islands Liberal Party 97722.90
Ataban M Tropa Independent 50211.70
Noel Keniano Christian Alliance Party 43810.30
Luke Memua Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 4039.40
Simon Peter Meioko Independent 4019.40
George Henry Malirbaal Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 3017.00
John Ini Lapli Solomon Islands Democratic Party 1373.20
Temotu Pele4,250Martin Teddy Magga Independent 87733.00Elected
Michael Maina Independent 76628.80Unseated
Jasper M. Bonie Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 48318.20
Ross Hepworth Independent 30911.60
Barnabas Bolam Nimelie Independent 1656.20
Simon Peter Leinga Independent 441.70
Rejected votes170.60
Temotu Vatud3,152Clay Forau Soalaoi Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 42119.90Elected
Jeffrey Teava Independent 37217.60Unseated
Samuel Kafukese Independent 35116.60
Alfred Ramsey Napeaurua Independent 29213.80
Gordon H. Bila Independent 25312.00
Michael Meone People's Alliance Party 1798.50
Afetama Steven Torro Independent 1135.30
Moffat Aloha Christian Alliance Party 633.00
Rejected votes713.40
Ulawa/Ugi3,182James Tora Independent 49722.90Re-elected
Carl Warren Beldon Independent 38117.60
John Douglas Teaitala Independent 35816.50
Andrew Mamau Independent 29413.50
Meffrey Awao Independent 1748.00
Stanley Mamanu Independent 1707.80
Brook H. Walalau Independent 1527.00
Daniel Ho'ota Independent 562.60
Charles Ureie Lalasi Independent 321.50
Henry Ha'aina Independent 291.30
George Pahili Independent 110.50
Rejected votes160.70
West ꞌAreꞌare5,374Severino Nuaiasi Independent 82924.60Elected
Alfred Hairiu Independent 60217.90Unseated
Lawrence Hunumeme Independent 47814.20
Andrew Nori Independent 33910.10
Alice A. Pollard Independent 3229.60
Aloysio Ma'ahanoa Independent 3049.00
John Naitoro Independent 2828.40
Joe Timothy Ariaria Independent 1434.20
Moses Ramo Independent 230.70
Rejected votes441.30
West Guadalcanal4,633Laurie Chan Independent 1,04230.00Re-elected
Moses Garu Independent 61117.60
Pascal Belamataga Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 49714.30
George Kejoa National Party 39511.40
Joseph Solomon Anea Independent 3439.90
Kamilo Teke People's Alliance Party 3118.90
Titus Sura Solomon Islands Democratic Party 1143.30
Philip G. ManakakoSolomon One Nation Party1103.20
Rejected votes521.50
West Honiara13,128Isaac Inoke Tosika Independent 83227.10Elected
Sarah Lolana Dyer Independent 64120.80
David Puia Tuhanuku Independent 32210.50
Yukio Sato Independent 32010.40Unseated
Casper Muna Tofimao Independent 2909.40
Francis Kairi Independent 1886.10
Malachi Mekano Independent 1876.10
Derold Hatigeva Independent 1284.20
Joe Racket Waihahoi'Asu Independent 672.20
Henry Ta'Akihenua Teho Independent 591.90
Rejected votes411.30
West Kwaio5,786Peter Tom Independent 1,02325.40Elected
George Luialamo People's Alliance Party 74518.50
John Martin Garo Lafari Party 71517.70Unseated
Mathias Olofia National Party 68216.90
Lloyd Gwee Toribaeko Solomon Islands Social Credit Party 2676.60
Patricia Mae Samdalu Solomon Islands Labour Party 1854.60
Anderson K. Raenaitoro Independent 1774.40
John Nika Independent 1152.90
Tony Uania Solomon Islands United Party 651.60
Harry Haihanasi Arufaegwao Independent 40.10
Rejected votes571.40
West Kwara'ae10,755Sam Shemuel Iduri Solomon Islands Democratic Party 1,29720.10Elected
Martin Aebata Independent 1,02215.80
David Dausabea Independent 5979.20
Rose Anilabata Independent 5027.80
Freddy Ratu Saenile Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 4577.10
Andrew Loboi Independent 4507.00
Fagal Aengari People's Alliance Party 3585.50
Paul Kukute Daokalia National Party 3154.90
John Alfred Tuasulia Lafari Party 3034.70
Casper Joseph Fa'asala Solomon Islands Liberal Party 2373.70
Andrew Moli Solomon Islands Labour Party 2313.60
Hudson Faitadi People's Alliance Party 1782.80
Walton Willy Abuito'o Independent 1652.60
Robert Oi Lafari Party 1302.00
Joses Naumai Christian Alliance Party 1191.80
John Donation Maefaididia Independent 781.20
Joshua Waneta Independent 190.30
Peter Indu Independent 90.10
West Makira6,069Japhet Waipora Solomon Islands Liberal Party 79019.40Elected
Jackson Sunaone Independent 76718.80
Ben Hoda Mato'o Independent 3388.30
John Mark Huta Independent 3207.80
Dick Ha'amori Independent 3107.60
David Bo'orauniara Aitora Independent 2826.90
Mathias Taro Independent 2596.40Unseated
Charles Stennett Kereau Independent 1874.60
David Wakasi Independent 1754.30
Haga Mataroha John Palmer Independent 1273.10
Clara Rebitai Independent 1202.90
Thompson Orimatawa Independent 1062.60
Peter Tahaani Independent 791.90
Kennedy Hoda Independent 651.60
Michael Saiki Waokahi Independent 471.20
Leslie Gua Independent 451.10
Rejected votes611.50
West New Georgia/Vona Vona8,104Peter James Boyers Independent 1,69934.30Re-elected
John Deane Kuku Independent 92618.70
Andrew Prakash Independent 85317.20
Ashley Wickham Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement 79516.00
Nuatali Tongarutu Independent 3316.70
Warren Paia National Party 2094.20
Wilson Gina Independent 781.60
Rejected votes681.40

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Laurie Hok Si Chan is a politician and diplomat from the Solomon Islands. He served as Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2002 to 2006 and served in the National Parliament as MP for West Guadalcanal Constituency from 2001 to 2010. In May 2009, he was named Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs in Prime Minister Derek Sikua's government, and was fired from this same position in April 2010.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Manasseh Sogavare</span> Former Prime Minister of Solomon Islands

Manasseh Damukana Sogavare is a Solomon Islander politician serving as Minister of Finance since 2024. He served as the prime minister of Solomon Islands for a total of nine years from 2000–2001, 2006–2007, 2014–2017, and 2019–2024. Sogavare has served in the National Parliament representing East Choiseul since 1997.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Parliament of Tuvalu</span> Parliament

The Parliament of Tuvalu is the unicameral national legislature of Tuvalu. The place at which the parliament sits is called the Vaiaku maneapa. The maneapa on each island is an open meeting place where the chiefs and elders deliberate and make decisions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Snyder Rini</span> 8th Prime Minister of Solomon Islands

Snyder Rini is a Solomon Islands politician who was briefly the prime minister of Solomon Islands from April to May 2006 and was Minister for Finance and Treasury 2000–2001, 2002–2003, 2007–2010 and 2014–2017. He has represented the Marovo constituency in National Parliament since 1997.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bartholomew Ulufa'alu</span> Prime Minister of Solomon Islands (1997–2000)

Bartholomew (Bart) Ulufa'alu CMG was the prime minister of Solomon Islands from 27 August 1997 to 30 June 2000.

Sir Francis Billy Hilly is a Solomon Islands politician who was the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands from 18 June 1993 to 7 November 1994. He represented the Ranogga/Simbo Constituency in the National Parliament from 1976 to 1984, and has represented the constituency again since 1993. Hilly has been Minister of Commerce, Industry and Employment since December 2007.

A prime minister–designate or premier–designate is the person who is expected to succeed an incumbent as prime minister, or premier, as the result of a general election, winning the leadership of a currently governing party, or being named by the head of state to form a new government.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fred Fono</span> Solomon Islands politician (1962–2011)

Fred Iro Fono was a Solomon Islands politician, serving as the country's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Rural Development and Indigenous Affairs from December 2007 to August 2010. He was a member of the People's Alliance Party and represented Central Kwara'ae Constituency in the National Parliament for thirteen years from 1997 to 2010, when he was defeated for re-election by MP Jackson Fiulaua.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Clay Forau Soalaoi</span> Solomon Islands politician (born 1976)

Clay Forau Soalaoi, more commonly referred to as Clay Forau, is a Solomon Islands politician.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2010 Solomon Islands general election</span>

General elections were held in the Solomon Islands on 4 August 2010. The election date was announced in May 2010 by Prime Minister Derek Sikua. Although the announcement was deemed to be premature, as only the Governor General has the authority to announce the election date upon the advice of the Electoral Commission, the election date remained the same.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2011 Samoan general election</span>

General elections were held in Samoa on 4 March 2011, to determine the composition of the 15th Parliament. Two parties contested the election, the ruling Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP), which had been in power for most of the time since 1982, led by Prime Minister Tuilaʻepa Saʻilele Malielegaoi and the newly founded Tautua Samoa Party (TSP) led by Vaʻai Papu Vailupe, which several minor parties had merged into. The election occurred following amendments to the electoral act in 2009, including the introduction of the Monotoga law, a requirement for aspiring candidates to dedicate traditional village service and commitments. As a result, three TSP aspiring candidates, including a challenger for the prime minister's seat, were disqualified by the Supreme Court for failing to satisfy this law.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Peter Shannel Agovaka</span> Solomon Islands politician (born 1959)

Peter Shannel Agovaka is a Solomon Islands politician.

Joses Tuhanuku is a Solomon Islands politician and former trade union leader. He served three terms in Parliament before losing his seat in the 2006 general election.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Milner Tozaka</span> Solomon Islands diplomat and politician

George Milner Tozaka OBE, better known as Milner Tozaka, is a Solomon Islands diplomat and politician.

Charles Dausabea was a Solomon Islands politician.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 Solomon Islands general election</span>

General elections were held in the Solomon Islands on 19 November 2014. Independent candidates won 32 of the 50 seats in the National Parliament, with the Democratic Alliance Party emerging as the largest party with seven seats.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2019 Solomon Islands general election</span>

General elections were held in Solomon Islands on 3 April 2019 to determine the composition of the 11th Parliament. The election was the first to occur since the conclusion of the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) in 2017. Parliament passed amendments to the electoral act in 2018 that included the introduction of pre-polling, a significant increase in campaign budgets for candidates and stricter penalties for individuals committing electoral offences such as vote-buying. Ten of the thirteen parties that contested the election won seats, and the Solomon Islands Democratic Party and the Kadere Party were the parties that secured the highest number, winning eight each. However, as in previous elections, independent candidates won the largest share of seats, securing 21.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2024 Solomon Islands general election</span>

General elections were held in Solomon Islands on 17 April 2024 to determine the composition of the 12th Parliament. Initially planned for 2023, parliament voted in 2022 to delay the elections. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare claimed the country could not afford to have an election in the same year the Solomon Islands were hosting the Pacific Games. The opposition condemned the delay and accused Sogavare of a power grab.


  1. "Solomon Islands National Parliament: Election in 2006". Inter-Parliamentary Union.
  2. "Minister for Foreign Affairs". Archived from the original on 11 March 2007. Retrieved 29 January 2007.
  3. "Observers endorse elections". Islands Business. Archived from the original on 10 March 2007. Retrieved 29 January 2007.
  4. "Women call for change in perception" Archived 17 March 2011 at the Wayback Machine , Lora Lini, Vanuatu Daily Post, 4 February 2009
  5. "Election Results". Solomon Islands Election Resources.