2nd Parliament of Ontario

Last updated

The Second Parliament of Ontario was in session from March 21, 1871, until December 23, 1874, just prior to the 1875 general election.


The majority party was the Ontario Liberal Party led by Edward Blake, whose Cabinet succeeded as Government when incumbent John Sandfield Macdonald and his Patent Combination Ministry fell December 20, 1871; Oliver Mowat replaced Blake as premier in October 25, 1872, after an act was passed by the Ontario Parliament which prohibited a member from holding a seat in the Legislative Assembly while holding a seat in the Dominion Parliament, a so-called "dual mandate". Blake chose to serve as federal Leader of the Opposition instead of remaining as Premier. Mowat's Cabinet was largely similar to Blake's in composition.

Richard William Scott served as speaker for the assembly until he was named to cabinet on December 21, 1871. James George Currie succeeded Scott as speaker, serving until his resignation on March 29, 1873. Rupert Mearse Wells then succeeded Currie as speaker. [1]

There were 82 seats in the second legislature, 58 in the Liberal strongholds of Western, Central, and Northern Ontario, and 24 in much more conservative Eastern Ontario.


RidingMemberPartyFirst elected / previously electedComments
  Addington Hammel Madden Deroche Liberal 1871
  Algoma Frederick William Cumberland Conservative 1867
  Bothwell Archibald McKellar Liberal 1867 Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works in Blake ministry after December 20, 1871 and the Mowat ministry until March 24, 1874 [2]
  Brant Hugh Finlayson Liberal 1867
  Brant South Edmund Burke Wood Conservative 1867 Treasurer in Sandfield Macdonald ministry until December 20, 1871;
resigned provincial seat April 1, 1872 to keep a seat in the federal parliament [3]
  Arthur Sturgis Hardy (1873) Liberal 1873elected May 2, 1873 [4]
  Brockville and
William Fitzsimmons Conservative 1867
  Bruce North Donald Sinclair Liberal 1867
  Bruce South Edward Blake Liberal 1867Leader of the Opposition until December 20, 1871
Premier and Attorney General in Blake ministry from December 20, 1871 until October 25, 1872;
resigned provincial seat September 12, 1872 to keep a seat in the federal parliament;
initially elected to two seats (the other being Durham West) Blake represents Bruce South as Premier [5]
  Rupert Mearse Wells (1872) Liberal 1872elected September 21, 1872; Speaker after March 29, 1873 [6]
  Cardwell George McManus Liberal-Conservative 1871
  Carleton George William Monk Conservative 1871
  Cornwall John Sandfield MacDonald Conservative 1867 Premier and Attorney General until December 20, 1871.
John Sandfield Macdonald died in June 1, 1872 [7]
  John Goodall Snetsinger (1872) Liberal 1872elected July 16, 1872 [8]
  Dundas Simon S. Cook Liberal 1867
  Durham East Arthur Trefusis Heneage Williams Conservative 1867
  Durham West Edward Blake Liberal 1867 Premier and Attorney General in Blake ministry from December 20, 1871 until October 25, 1872;
resigned provincial seat September 12, 1872 to keep a seat in the federal parliament;
initially elected to two seats (the other being Bruce South) Blake represents Bruce South as Premier [5]
  John McLeod (1872) Liberal 1867, 1872
  Elgin East John Henry Wilson Liberal 1871
  Elgin West Thomas Hodgins Liberal 1871
  Essex Albert Prince Liberal 1871
  Frontenac Delino Dexter Calvin Conservative 1868
  Glengarry James Craig Conservative 1867
  Grenville South Mcneil Clarke Conservative 1867died February 29, 1872 [9]
  Christopher Finlay Fraser (1872) Liberal 1872elected March 30, 1872;
Commissioner of Public Works in Mowat ministry after March 24, 1874 [10]
  Grey North Thomas Scott Conservative 1867
  Grey South Abram William Lauder Conservative 1867
  Haldimand Jacob Baxter Liberal 1867
  Halton William Barber Liberal 1867
  Hamilton James Miller Williams Liberal 1867
  Hastings East Henry Corby Conservative 1867
  Hastings North George Henry Boulter Conservative 1867
  Hastings West Ketchum Graham Conservative 1867
  Huron North Thomas Gibson Liberal 1871
  Huron South Robert Gibbons Liberal 1867, 1871resigned January 8, 1874 to accept an appointment as sheriff [11]
  Archibald Bishop (1873) Liberal 1873elected October 16, 1873 [12]
  Kent James Dawson Liberal 1871
  Kingston William Robinson Conservative 1871
  Lambton Timothy Blair Pardee Liberal 1867 Commissioner of Crown Lands in Mowat ministry after December 4, 1873 [13]
  Lanark North Daniel Galbraith Liberal 1867resigned August 1, 1872 to run (successfully) federally [14]
  William Clyde Caldwell (1872) Liberal 1872elected August 23, 1872 [15]
  Lanark South Abraham Code Conservative 1869
  Leeds North and
Grenville North
Henry Merrick Conservative 1871
  Leeds South Herbert Stone MacDonald Conservative 1871resigned January 4, 1874 to accept an appointment as judge [16]
  John Godkin Giles (1873) Conservative 1873elected December 9, 1873 [17]
  Lennox John Thomas Grange Conservative 1871
  Lincoln John Charles Rykert Conservative 1867
  London John Carling Conservative 1867 Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works in Sandfield Macdonald ministry until December 20, 1871;
resigned provincial seat July 23, 1872 to keep a seat in the federal parliament [18]
  William Ralph Meredith (1872) Conservative 1872elected September 4, 1872 [19]
  Middlesex East Richard Tooley Conservative 1871
  Middlesex North James Sinclair Smith Liberal 1867
  Middlesex West Alexander Mackenzie Liberal 1871 Treasurer in Blake ministry from 20 December 1871 to October 25, 1872;
resigned provincial seat September 12, 1872 to keep a seat in the federal parliament [20]
  John Watterworth (1872) Liberal 1872elected September 17, 1872
  Monck Lachlin McCallum Conservative 1871resigned August 2, 1872 to keep a seat in the federal parliament [21]
  Henry Ryan Haney (1872) Liberal 1872elected September 17, 1872 [22]
  Niagara Stephen Richards Conservative 1867 Commissioner of Crown Lands in Sandfield Macdonald ministry until December 20, 1871
  Norfolk North John Fitzgerald Clarke Liberal 1871
  Norfolk South Simpson McCall Liberal 1867
  Northumberland East William Wilson Webb Liberal 1871
  Northumberland West Alexander Fraser Liberal 1867
  Charles Gifford (1872) Conservative 1872
  Ontario North Thomas Paxton Liberal 1867
  Ontario South Abram Farewell Liberal 1871
  Ottawa Richard William Scott Liberal 1867Speaker until December 21, 1871;
Commissioner of Crown Lands in Blake ministry after December 20, 1871 and in Mowat ministry after October 25, 1872;
resigned December 4, 1873 to accept federal cabinet post in Mackenzie ministry [23]
  Daniel John O'Donoghue (1874) Liberal 1874
  Oxford North George Perry Liberal 1867resigned October 31, 1872 to allow Oliver Mowat a seat in the legislature
  Oliver Mowat (1872) Liberal 1872 Premier and Attorney General in Mowat ministry after October 25, 1872;
elected November 29, 1872 [24]
  Oxford South Adam Oliver Liberal 1867
  Peel John Coyne Conservative 1867died November 16, 1873 [25]
  Kenneth Chisholm (1873) Liberal 1873elected December 29, 1873 [26]
  Perth North Andrew Monteith Conservative 1867resigned from provincial parliament January 19, 1874 after he was elected to the federal parliament [27]
  Thomas Mayne Daly (1874) Conservative 1874
  Perth South Thomas B. Guest Conservative 1871
George Read Conservative 1867
Thomas McCulloch Fairbairn Liberal 1871died May 13, 1874 [28]
  William Hepburn Scott (1874) Conservative 1874elected July 30, 1874 [29]
  Prescott George Wellesley Hamilton Conservative 1871
  Prince Edward James Simeon McCuaig Conservative 1871resigned August 29, 1872 to run (unsuccessfully) for a federal seat [30]
  Gideon Striker (1871) Liberal 1871
  Renfrew North Thomas Deacon Conservative 1871
  Renfrew South Eric Harrington Conservative 1871
  Russell William Craig Conservative 1867
  Simcoe North William Davis Ardagh Conservative 1871
  Simcoe South Thomas Roberts Ferguson Conservative 1867resigned January 18, 1874 due to health problems [31]
  D'Arcy Edward Boulton (1873) Conservative 1873
  Stormont William Colquhoun Conservative 1867Colquhoun's election was declared void September 12, 1871, resulting in a by-election [32]
  James Bethune (1872) Liberal 1872elected January 3, 1872 [33]
  Toronto East Matthew Crooks Cameron Conservative 1867 Provincial Secretary and Registrar in Sandfield Macdonald ministry until December 20, 1871
Leader of the Opposition after December 20, 1871
  Toronto West Adam Crooks Liberal 1871
  Victoria North Duncan McRae Conservative 1871
  Victoria South Samuel Casey Wood Liberal 1871
  Waterloo North Moses Springer Liberal 1867
  Waterloo South Isaac Clemens Liberal 1867
  Welland James George Currie Liberal 1871Speaker from December 21, 1871 to his resignation on March 29, 1873.
  Wellington Centre Charles Clarke Liberal 1871
  Wellington North Robert McKim Liberal 1867resigned January 19, 1874 to compete (unsuccessfully) in the 1874 federal election
  John McGowan (1874) Conservative 1874
  Wellington South Peter Gow Liberal 1867 Provincial Secretary and Registrar in Blake ministry after December 20, 1871 and Mowat ministry after October 25, 1872
  Wentworth North Robert Christie Liberal 1867
  Wentworth South William Sexton Liberal 1867
  York East Hugh Powell Crosby Liberal 1867
  York North Alfred Boultbee Conservative 1871
  York West Peter Patterson Liberal 1871



  1. "Speakers of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario". Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Archived from the original on 2014-08-01. Retrieved 2014-08-29.
  2. "Archibald McKellar | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. 1872-01-08. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  3. "Edmund Burke Wood | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. 1867-09-03. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  4. "Arthur Sturgis Hardy | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. 1877-03-29. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  5. 1 2 "Edward Blake | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  6. "Rupert Mearse Wells | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". 21 September 1872.
  7. "John Sandfield Macdonald | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  8. "John Goodall Snetsinger | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  9. "Mcneil Clarke | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. 1867-09-03. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  10. "Christopher Finlay Fraser | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  11. "Robert Gibbons | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  12. "Archibald Bishop | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. 1873-10-16. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  13. "Timothy Blair Pardee | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  14. "Daniel Galbraith | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  15. "William Clyde Caldwell | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  16. "Herbert Stone MacDonald | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  17. "John Godkin Giles | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. 1873-12-09. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  18. "John Carling | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  19. "William Ralph Meredith | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  20. "Alexander Mackenzie | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  21. "Lachlin McCallum | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  22. "Henry Ryan Haney | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  23. "Richard William Scott | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  24. "Oliver Mowat | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  25. "John Coyne | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  26. "Kenneth Chisholm | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  27. "Andrew Monteith | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  28. "Thomas McCulloch Fairbairn | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  29. "William Hepburn Scott | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  30. "James Simeon McCuaig | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  31. "Thomas Roberts Ferguson | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  32. "William Colquhoun | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.
  33. "James Bethune | Legislative Assembly of Ontario". www.ola.org. Retrieved 2025-01-08.