1875 Ontario general election

Last updated

1875 Ontario general election
Flag of Ontario.svg
  1871 January 18, 1875 1879  

88 seats in the 3rd Legislative Assembly of Ontario
45 seats were needed for a majority
 First partySecond party
  Oliver Mowat.jpg MatthewCrooksCameron23.jpg
Leader Oliver Mowat Matthew Crooks Cameron
Party Liberal Conservative
Leader since18721871
Leader's seat Oxford North Toronto East
Last election4338
Seats won5034
Seat changeIncrease2.svg7Decrease2.svg4

Premier before election

Oliver Mowat

Premier after election

Oliver Mowat

The 1875 Ontario general election was the third general election held in the province of Ontario, Canada. It was held on January 18, 1875, to elect the 88 Members of the 3rd Legislative Assembly of Ontario ("MLAs"). [1]


The Ontario Liberal Party, led by Oliver Mowat, increased its majority in the Legislature for its second term in government.

The Ontario Conservative Party, led by Matthew Crooks Cameron lost four of its seats.

Electoral reforms

The Legislative Assembly had passed several pieces of legislation that impacted on the current election:

Redistribution of ridings

The Assembly was increased from 82 to 88 members, [5] through the following changes:

Abolished ridingsNew ridings
Divisions of ridings
Creation of riding from parts of others
Mergers of ridings
Reorganization of ridings


Elections to the 3rd Parliament of Ontario (1875)
Political partyParty leaderMLAsVotes
Candidates 1871 1875±#±%± (pp)
Liberal Oliver Mowat 8443496Increase2.svg90,80922,443Increase2.svg47.55%4.75Decrease2.svg
Conservative Matthew Crooks Cameron 8138353Decrease2.svg87,80227,876Increase2.svg45.98%0.13Increase2.svg
Liberal–Conservative 111Increase2.svg1,5531,553Increase2.svg0.81%New
Independent Conservative222Increase2.svg2,1292,129Increase2.svg1.11%New
Independent Liberal111Increase2.svg1,1251,125Increase2.svg0.59%New
Independent 116,7575,454Increase2.svg3.54%2.54Increase2.svg
Voter turnout190,96660,255Increase2.svg67.284.35Increase2.svg
Registered electors283,85676,139Increase2.svg
Acclamations   Liberal 8
  Conservative 1
Seats and popular vote by party
PartySeatsVotesChange (pp)
49 / 88
36 / 88
3 / 88

Synopsis of results

Results by riding - 1875 Ontario general election [1]
RidingWinning partyTurnoutVotes
Name [a 1] 1871 PartyVotesShareMargin
Addington LibLib1,45360.77%51521.54%67.91%1,4539382,391
Algoma ConLib51064.31%22728.63%91.25%510283793
Brant North LibLib74754.17%1158.34%62.54%7476321,379
Brant South ConLibacclaimed
Brockville ConLib1,24751.51%733.02%71.35%1,2471,1742,421
Bruce North LibLib1,23255.95%26211.90%68.75%1,2329702,202
Bruce South LibLib1,86465.87%89831.73%49.26%1,8649662,830
Cardwell CLCon1,20852.80%1285.59%66.82%1,0801,2082,288
Carleton ConConacclaimed
Cornwall ConCon49950.25%50.50%68.44%494499993
Dufferin NewCon98246.06%25511.96%66.23%332,0992,132
Dundas LibCon1,45851.67%943.33%74.99%1,3641,4582,822
Durham East ConCon1,45455.22%27510.44%69.73%1,1791,4542,633
Durham West LibLib1,25753.95%1847.90%71.52%1,2571,0732,330
Elgin East LibLib1,92450.31%240.63%73.85%1,9241,9003,824
Elgin West LibCon1,10150.23%100.46%78.01%1,0911,1012,192
Essex North NewCon1,20961.56%45423.12%54.37%1,2097551,964
Essex South NewCon1,01451.19%472.37%69.61%9671,0141,981
Frontenac ConCon88459.61%28519.22%55.92%5998841,483
Glengarry ConI-Lib1,12551.07%472.13%74.08%1,0781,1252,203
Grenville South ConLib1,13653.36%1436.72%71.04%1,1369932,129
Grey East NewCon1,29767.55%67435.10%53.42%6231,2971,920
Grey North ConCon1,43153.40%1826.79%67.59%1,2491,4312,680
Grey South ConLib1,01746.27%29313.33%69.29%1,0174577242,198
Haldimand LibLib1,47653.87%2127.74%75.84%1,4761,2642,740
Halton LibLib1,60952.58%1585.16%68.18%1,6091,4513,060
Hamilton LibLibacclaimed
Hastings East ConI-Con1,06463.37%49329.36%58.20%6151,0641,679
Hastings North ConCon96055.14%17910.28%74.62%7819601,741
Hastings West ConCon72036.87%1025.22%65.94%6157206181,953
Huron East NewLib1,53052.92%1695.85%70.89%1,5301,3612,891
Huron South LibLib1,44051.39%782.78%72.53%1,4401,3622,802
Huron West NewLib1,59551.48%922.97%68.59%1,5951,5033,098
Kent East NewLib1,42551.76%973.52%66.27%1,4251,3282,753
Kent West NewCon1,44052.67%1465.34%58.64%1,2941,4402,734
Kingston ConCon93554.17%1448.34%64.55%9357911,726
Lambton East NewLib1,44353.35%1816.69%70.74%1,4431,2622,705
Lambton West NewLib1,37264.53%61829.07%57.23%1,3727542,126
Lanark North LibCon91350.72%261.44%80.07%8879131,800
Lanark South ConCon1,23453.68%1697.35%72.57%1,0651,2342,299
Leeds North and Grenville North ConCon1,03561.57%38923.14%66.63%1,0356461,681
Leeds South ConCon1,48158.70%43917.40%79.87%1,0421,4812,523
Lennox ConI-Con1,06554.36%55528.33%53.47%5101,0653841,959
Lincoln NewLib2,06551.38%1112.76%75.25%2,0651,9544,019
London ConCon1,31152.84%1415.68%60.39%1,1701,3112,481
Middlesex East ConCon2,18553.11%2566.22%72.87%1,9292,1854,114
Middlesex North LibCon1,56554.89%2799.79%72.77%1,2861,5652,851
Middlesex West LibLib1,41554.30%2248.60%71.36%1,4151,1912,606
Monck ConLib1,41256.21%31212.42%74.47%1,4121,1002,512
Muskoka and Parry Sound NewLib83958.63%24717.26%65.52%8395921,431
Norfolk North LibLib1,41752.19%1194.38%75.77%1,4171,2982,715
Norfolk South LibCon1,29358.27%36716.54%64.71%1,2939262,219
Northumberland East LibLib1,55148.27%1033.21%74.62%1,765 [a 2] 1,4483,213
Northumberland West LibLib1,25152.59%1235.17%70.78%1,2511,1282,379
Ontario North LibLib1,85851.84%1323.68%68.24%1,8581,7263,584
Ontario South LibCon1,61450.52%331.03%72.91%1,5811,6143,195
Ottawa LibLib85235.35%522.16%54.25%1,652 [a 3] 7582,410
Oxford North LibLibacclaimed
Oxford South LibLib1,30544.27%431.46%66.05%1,3051,2623812,948
Peel ConLib1,34951.98%1033.97%72.95%1,3491,2462,595
Perth North ConLib1,84751.69%1403.92%68.16%1,8471,726 [a 4] 3,573
Perth South ConLib1,50853.23%1836.46%70.98%1,5081,3252,833
Peterborough East ConCon75952.13%624.26%67.47%6977591,456
Peterborough West LibLib97051.19%452.37%71.27%9709251,895
Prescott ConCon98862.57%39725.14%59.61%5919881,579
Prince Edward LibLib1,76250.91%631.82%77.90%1,7621,6993,461
Renfrew North ConCon89453.44%1156.87%76.71%7798941,673
Renfrew South ConLibacclaimed
Russell ConCon1,06661.30%39322.60%49.10%6731,0661,739
Simcoe East NewCon1,13354.00%1688.01%73.90%9651,1332,098
Simcoe South ConCon1,05758.17%29716.35%67.15%7601,0571,817
Simcoe West NewCon1,35351.15%612.31%67.63%1,2921,3532,645
Stormont ConLib94853.77%1337.54%77.19%9488151,763
Toronto East ConCon1,84953.83%2707.86%54.42%1,5791,8493,435
Toronto West LibCon2,14550.71%601.42%55.31%2,0852,1454,230
Victoria North ConLib72450.14%40.28%68.60%7247201,444
Victoria South LibLib1,32656.38%30012.76%68.29%1,3261,0262,352
Waterloo North LibLib1,36367.71%71335.42%70.31%1,3636502,013
Waterloo South LibLibacclaimed
Welland LibLib1,71951.16%782.32%69.48%1,7191,6413,360
Wellington Centre LibLibacclaimed
Wellington South LibLibacclaimed
Wellington West NewL-Con1,55351.63%983.26%73.82%1,4551,5533,008
Wentworth North LibCon1,22250.48%230.95%73.72%1,1991,2222,421
Wentworth South LibLib94471.14%56142.28%44.70%9443831,327
York East LibLib1,26654.26%1998.53%63.16%1,2661,0672,333
York North ConLib1,83557.69%48915.37%65.36%1,8351,3463,181
York West LibLibacclaimed
  1. order is as given in EO reports
  2. the incumbent William Wilson Webb received 214 votes
  3. the incumbent Daniel John O'Donoghue was returned
  4. the incumbent Thomas Mayne Daly received 1,707 votes
  = open seat
  = turnout is above provincial average
  = winning candidate was in previous Legislature
  = incumbent had switched allegiance
  = previously incumbent in another riding
  = not incumbent; was previously elected to the Legislature
  = incumbency arose from byelection gain
  = other incumbents renominated
  = previously an MP in the House of Commons of Canada
  = multiple candidates


Party candidates in 2nd place [1]
Party in 1st placeParty in 2nd placeTotal
Liberal 8137349
Conservative 12814135
Independent Conservative112
Liberal–Conservative 11
Independent Liberal11
Candidates ranked 1st to 5th place, by party [1]
  Liberal 8413221
  Conservative 1343961
 Independent Conservative2
  Liberal–Conservative 1
 Independent Liberal1
  Independent 731
Resulting composition of the 2nd Legislative Assembly of Ontario [1]
Seats retainedIncumbents returned20929
Returned by acclamation61
Open seats held189
Byelection loss reversed213
Seats changing handsIncumbents defeated3710
Open seats gained42118
Byelection gains held55
Incumbent changing allegiance12
Returned by acclamation11
New seatsNew MLAs459
Previously incumbent in another riding3216

MLAs elected by region and riding

Party designations are as follows:

  Independent Conservative
  Independent Liberal

    Controverted elections

    The following constituencies had elections which were declared void, for which writs of election were issued and elections held prior to the opening of the first session of the new Legislature:

    New elections held upon previous results declared void [6]
    Voided resultSubsequent outcome
    DistrictCandidateDate writ returnedWinner
    Cornwall   Alexander Fraser McIntyre September 20, 1875  John Goodall Snetsinger
    Dundas   Andrew Broder September 28, 1875Reelected
    Essex South   Lewis Wigle September 24, 1875Reelected
    Grey North   Thomas Scott November 3, 1875  David Creighton
    Halton   William Barber November 8, 1875  William Durie Lyon
    Kent East   Archibald McKellar September 22, 1875  Daniel McCraney
    Monck   Henry Ryan Haney June 28, 1875Reelected
    Northumberland East   James Marshall Ferris November 18, 1875Reelected
    Ontario North   Thomas Paxton October 30, 1875Reelected
    Oxford South   Adam Oliver September 14, 1875  Adam Crooks [a 1]
    Peterborough East   John C. O'Sullivan September 28, 1875Reelected
    Peterborough West   George Albertus Cox October 30, 1875  William Hepburn Scott
    Russell   Adam Jacob Baker August 21, 1875Reelected
    Simcoe South   D'Arcy Edward Boulton June 3, 1875  William McDougall
    Victoria North   John David Smith September 29, 1875  Duncan McRae
    Welland   James George Currie July 8, 1875Reelected
    Wellington West   John McGowan October 4, 1875Reelected
    Wentworth North   Thomas Stock November 3, 1875  James McMahon
    1. formerly MLA for Toronto West

    See also

    Notes and references


    1. Election overturned on petition to the court. Thomas Hodgins (Liberal) was declared elected.


    1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "1875 general election results". Elections Ontario . Retrieved November 11, 2023.
    2. An Act to render Members of the House of Commons of Canada ineligible as Members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario , S.O. 1871-72, c. 4
    3. An Act to provide for voting by Ballot at Elections to the Legislative Assembly , S.O. 1874 (1st session), c. 5
    4. "Voting in Ontario Provincial Elections" (PDF). Elections Ontario. Archived from the original (PDF) on July 27, 2011. Retrieved July 10, 2011.
    5. An Act to re-adjust the Representation in the Legislative Assembly , S.O. 1874 (2nd session), c. 2
    6. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. Toronto: Legislative Assembly of Ontario. 1876. pp. 25–30.