4th Quebec Legislature

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Legislature of Quebec

Législature du Québec
Fourth Legislature, 1878 - 1881
Coat of arms of Quebec (1867-1939).svg
Houses Legislative Council
Legislative Assembly
Term limits
Four years, subject to earlier dissolution.
FoundedJuly 1, 1867
Preceded by Third Legislature of Quebec, 1875-1878
Succeeded by Fifth Legislature of Quebec, 1881-1886
Henry Starnes (Liberal) (1878-1879)
John Jones Ross (Conservative) (1879-1882)
Arthur Turcotte (Independent Conservative) (1878-1882)
Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau (Conservative) (1878-1879)
Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière (1879-1882) Liberal
SeatsLegislative Council: 24
Legislative Assembly: 65
Legislative Council political groups
Conservatives 21
Liberals 2
Vacant 1
Legislative Assembly political groups
Conservatives 32
Liberals 31
Independent Conservatives 2
Legislative Council voting system
Life appointments
Legislative Assembly voting system
Single member constituencies
First-past-the-post voting
Secret ballot
Adult male franchise with property qualification
British North America Act, 1867

The Fourth Legislature of Quebec was the provincial legislature of Quebec, Canada that existed from 1878 to 1881, following the general election of 1878.


The 1878 election was called by Premier Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, after he had been installed in office by the Lieutenant Governor Luc Letellier de St-Just. The Lieutenant Governor had dismissed the former Conservative Premier, Charles Boucher de Boucherville, over a dispute about railway legislation proposed by the Boucher de Boucherville government.

Since the Liberals did not have a majority in the Legislative Assembly, Joly de Lotbinière called an election immediately. The election resulted in a hung parliament, with neither party having a majority in the Legislative Assembly. Joly de Lotbinière was able to stay in office for one year with a minority government, supported by two Independent Conservatives, but lost a confidence vote in 1879. The Quebec Conservative Party led by Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau then formed a majority government for the remainder of the term of the Legislature.

The Legislature held four annual sessions, with the first session called on June 4, 1878. The Legislature was dissolved on November 7, 1881, leading to the 1881 general election on December 2, 1881.

Structure of the Legislature

The Legislature of Quebec was created by the British North America Act, 1867 . It consisted of the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. [1] The Lieutenant Governor was appointed by the Governor General of Canada for a term of five years. [2] The Legislative Assembly consisted of sixty-five members, elected in single-member constituencies by first-past-the-post elections. [3] The Legislative Assembly was to last for four years, subject to being dissolved earlier by the Lieutenant Governor. [4] The Legislative Council consisted of twenty-four members, appointed for life by the Government of Quebec. [5]

Elections and qualifications

Right to vote

The right to vote in elections to the Legislative Assembly was not universal. Only male British subjects (by birth or naturalisation), aged 21 or older, were eligible to vote, and only if they met a property qualification. For residents of larger cities, the qualification was being the owner or occupant of real property assessed at three hundred dollars or more, or for tenants, an annual rent of thirty dollars or more. For any other municipality, the qualification was being an owner or occupant of real property assessed at two hundred dollars or more, or twenty dollars in annual value. For tenants in smaller centers, the qualification was paying an annual rent of twenty dollars or more. [6]

Women were completely barred from voting. [6]

Judges and many municipal and provincial officials were also barred from voting, particularly officials with law enforcement duties, or duties relating to public revenue. [7] The Returning Officer in each riding was also barred from voting, except when needed to give a casting vote in the event of a tie vote. [8]

Qualification for the Legislative Assembly

Candidates for election to the Legislative Assembly had to meet stricter qualifications than voters. In addition to being male, twenty-one or older, and a subject of Her Majesty (by birth or naturalisation), a candidate had to be free from all legal incapacity, and be the proprietor in possession of lands or tenements worth at least $2,000, over and above all encumbrances and charges on the property. [9]

Women were completely barred from membership in the Assembly. [9]

Qualification for the Legislative Council

The qualifications for the members of the Legislative Council were the same as for the members of the Senate of Canada. [10] Those requirements were:

  1. Be of the full age of thirty years;
  2. Be a British subject, either natural-born or naturalised;
  3. Possess real property in Quebec worth at least $4,000, over and above any debts or incumbrances on the property;
  4. Have a net worth of at least $4,000, over and above debts and liabilities;
  5. Reside in Quebec;
  6. Reside in, or possess his qualifying real property, in the division he was named to represent. [11]

The provisions of the British North America Act, 1867 did not explicitly bar women from being called to the Senate of Canada. However, until the Persons Case, it was assumed that women could not be called to the Senate, and were thus also barred from the Legislative Council. In any event, no woman was ever appointed to the Legislative Council. [12]

Events of the Fourth Legislature

The initial lack of a clear majority in the Legislative Assembly for either party led to political instability for the first eighteen months of the term of the Fourth Legislature. The Liberal government of Premier Joly de Lotbinière depended on the support of the two Independent Conservatives. The Liberals agreed to elect one of the two independents, Arthur Turcotte, as Speaker of the Assembly, a highly coveted position. Given the narrow majority and factiousness within the Liberal caucus itself, Joly de Lotbinière's government was uncertain of support from vote to vote in the Assembly, which affected his ability to implement major legislation. Several times, his government only stayed in office by a vote from Turcotte as Speaker. [13] Joly de Lotbinière's government was also supported from time to time by William Evan Price, who was nominally a Conservative but often voted in support of the government. [14]

On the Conservative side, the former house leader of the party in the Legislative Assembly, Auguste-Réal Angers, lost his seat in the general election. This event badly weakened the authority of the leader of the party, former premier Boucher de Boucherville, who sat in the unelected Legislative Council. He was forced to cede the leadership of the party to Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau, who became the Leader of the Opposition. [15]

The next event was the dismissal of Lieutenant Governor Luc Letellier de Saint-Just by the new federal Conservative government of Sir John A. Macdonald. Conservatives in Quebec, led by Chapleau, had been pressuring Macdonald to dismiss Letellier de Saint-Just as soon as the Macdonald government had defeated Alexander Mackenzie's Liberal government in the 1878 federal election. [16] Macdonald replaced Letellier de Saint-Just with an equally partisan Conservative, Théodore Robitaille. [17] [13]

By the fall of 1879, Joly de Lotbinère's government was badly weakened. A proposal to abolish the Legislative Council as an austerity measure resulted in a revolt in the Legislative Council. Urged by Chapleau, the Council refused to pass the provincial budget. [16] Chapleau attracted the support of five Liberal members of the Legislative Assembly, who crossed the floor and joined the Conservatives, giving Chapleau a majority in the Assembly. [13] [18] On October 29, 1879, the Assembly passed a motion calling for a coalition government, essentially a motion of non-confidence, by a vote of 35 to 29. [18] Joly de Lotbinière was confident that he could win an election on the issues. He advised the new Lieutenant Governor, Robitaille, to dissolve the Assembly and call a general election. [17] On October 30, 1879, Robitaille refused the dissolution. [18] Joly de Lotbinière resigned and the Lieutenant Governor called on Chapleau to form a government. [17] The Chapleau government was sworn in on October 31, 1878. [18] Since he now had a working majority, Chapleau did not call an election, instead leading the Conservative government for the remaining term of the Legislature. Like the Conservatives the previous year, the Liberals accused the Lieutenant Governor of performing a coup d'état. [17]

Legislative Assembly

Party standings

The 1878 election returned a hung parliament. Neither party initially had a majority in the Legislative Assembly. The Conservatives had one seat more than the Liberals, but there were also two independent Conservatives. With their support, Premier Joly de Lotbinière was initially able to stay in office.

  Conservative Party 32
  Liberal Party 31
 Independent Conservative2
 Liberal Majority

Members of the Legislative Assembly

The following candidates were elected to the Legislative Assembly in the 1878 election. [19] The Premiers of Quebec are indicated by Bold italics. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is indicated by small caps. Cabinet Ministers are indicated by Italics.

  Robert Greenshields Meikle Liberal Argenteuil
  Narcisse Blais Liberal Bagot
  Joseph Poirier Liberal Beauce
  Célestin Bergevin Conservative Beauharnois
  Pierre Boutin Liberal Bellechasse
  Joseph Robillard [note 1] Conservative Berthier
  Joseph-Israël Tarte Conservative Bonaventure
  William Warren Lynch [note 2] Conservative Brome
  Michel-Dosithée-Stanislas Martel [note 3] Conservative Chambly
  Dominique-Napoléon Saint-Cyr Conservative Champlain
  Onésime Gauthier Conservative Charlevoix
  Édouard Laberge Liberal Châteauguay
  William Evan Price [note 4] Independent Conservative Chicoutimi et Saguenay
  Willian Sawyer Conservative Compton
  Charles Champagne Conservative Deux-Montagnes
  Nicodème Audet Conservative Dorchester
  William John Watts Liberal Drummond et Arthabaska
  Edmund James Flynn [note 5] Liberal 1878-1879 Gaspé
  Conservative 1879-1881
  Louis Beaubien Conservative Hochelaga
  Alexander Cameron Liberal Huntingdon
  Louis Molleur Liberal Iberville
  Jean-Baptiste Couillard Dupuis Liberal Islet
  Narcisse Lecavalier Conservative Jacques Cartier
  Vincent-Paul Lavallée Conservative Joliette
  Charles-Antoine-Ernest Gagnon Liberal Kamouraska
  Léon-Benoît-Alfred Charlebois Conservative Laprairie
  Onuphe Peltier [note 6] Conservative L'Assomption
  Louis-Onésime Loranger [note 7] Conservative Laval
  Étienne-Théodore Pâquet [note 8] Liberal 1878-1879 Lévis
  Conservative 1879-1881
  Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière Liberal Lotbinière
  Édouard Caron Conservative Maskinongé
  George Irvine Liberal Mégantic
  Ernest Racicot [note 9] Liberal 1878-1879 Missisquoi
  Conservative 1879-1881
  Octave Magnan Conservative Montcalm
  Louis-Napoléon Fortin [note 10] Liberal 1878-1878 Montmagny
  Conservative 1879-1881
  Charles Langelier Liberal Montmorency
  Horatio Admiral Nelson Liberal Montréal Centre
  Louis-Olivier Taillon Conservative Montréal Est
  James McShane Liberal Montreal Ouest
  Laurent-David Lafontaine Liberal Napierville
  Charles-Édouard Houde Conservative Nicolet
  Louis Duhamel Conservative Ottawa
  Levi Ruggles Church Conservative Pontiac
  François Langelier Liberal Portneuf
  David Alexander Ross Liberal Québec-Comté
  Rémi-Ferdinand Rinfret dit Malouin Liberal Québec-Centre
  Joseph Shehyn Liberal Québec-Est
  Arthur H. Murphy Liberal Québec-Ouest
  Michel Mathieu Conservative Richelieu
  Jacques Picard Conservative Richmond et Wolfe
  Alexandre Chauveau [note 11] Liberal 1878-1879 Rimouski
  Conservative 1879-1880
  Solime Bertrand [note 12] Conservative Rouville
  Pierre Bachand [note 13] Liberal Saint-Hyacinthe
  Félix-Gabriel Marchand Liberal St. Jean
  François-Sévère Desaulniers Conservative St. Maurice
  Joseph Lafontaine Liberal Shefford
  Joseph Gibb Robertson [note 14] Conservative Sherbrooke
  William Duckett Conservative Soulanges
  Henry Lovell Liberal Stanstead
  Georges-Honoré Deschênes Conservative Témiscouata
  Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau [note 15] Conservative Terrebonne
  Henri-René-Arthur Turcotte Independent Conservative Trois-Rivières
  Émery Lalonde, Sr. Conservative Vaudreuil
  Jean-Baptiste Brousseau [note 16] Liberal Verchères
  Jonathan Saxton Campbell Würtele Conservative Yamaska

Reasons for Vacancies

  1. Election annulled, November 30, 1880. [20]
  2. Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. [21]
  3. Election annulled, April 30, 1879. [22]
  4. Resigned due to ill-health, February 13, 1880. [14] [23]
  5. Elected as a Liberal in the general election of 1878. One of five Liberals who crossed the floor to the Conservatives, bringing down the Liberal government, October 29, 1879. Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. [24]
  6. Died in office, May 10, 1880. [25]
  7. Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. [26]
  8. Elected as a Liberal in the general election of 1878. One of five Liberals who crossed the floor to the Conservatives, bringing down the Liberal government, October 29, 1879. Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. [27]
  9. Elected as a Liberal in the general election of 1878. One of five Liberals who crossed the floor to the Conservatives, bringing down the Liberal government, October 29, 1879. [28]
  10. Elected as a Liberal in the general election of 1878. One of five Liberals who crossed the floor to the Conservatives, bringing down the Liberal government, October 29, 1879. [29]
  11. Elected as a Liberal in the general election of 1878. One of five Liberals who crossed the floor to the Conservatives, bringing down the Liberal government, October 29, 1879. Resigned seat on being appointed judge of the Sessions of the Peace, January 16, 1880. [30]
  12. Election annulled, May 21, 1879. [31]
  13. Died in office, November 3, 1878. [32]
  14. Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. [33]
  15. Appointed Premier of Quebec on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. [34]
  16. Election annulled by the Superior Court, June 8, 1878. [35]


There were fourteen by-elections during the term of the Fourth Legislature. [19] [36] Premier of Quebec is indicated by bold italics. Cabinet ministers are indicated by italics.

By-elections, 1879-1880
NamePartyRidingReason for VacancyBy-election Date
  Honoré Mercier Liberal Saint-Hyacinthe Incumbent died in office.June 3, 1879
  Flavien-Guillaume Bouthillier Liberal Rouville Election of incumbent annulled.June 18, 1879
  Raymond Préfontaine Liberal Chambly Election of incumbent annulled.June 26, 1879
  Achille Larose Liberal Verchères Election of incumbent annulled.July 17, 1879
  Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau Conservative Terrebonne Appointed Premier of Quebec, triggering a ministerial by-election. Re-elected by acclamation.November 13, 1879
  Louis-Onésime Loranger Conservative Laval Appointed to Cabinet, triggering a ministerial by-election. Re-elected by acclamation.November 13, 1879
  William Warren Lynch Conservative Brome Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election.November 20, 1879
  Étienne-Théodore Pâquet Conservative Lévis Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election.November 20, 1879
  Joseph Gibb Robertson Conservative Sherbrooke Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. Re-elected by acclamation.November 20, 1879
  Edmund James Flynn Conservative Gaspé Appointed to Cabinet on October 31, 1879, triggering a ministerial by-election. Re-elected by acclamation.December 6, 1879
  Joseph Parent Liberal Rimouski Incumbent appointed to the Sessions of the Peace March 3, 1880
  Joseph-Élisée Beaudet Conservative Chicoutimi-Saguenay Incumbent resigned due to ill health.March 27, 1880
  Joseph Marion Conservative L'Assomption Incumbent died in office.June 4, 1880
  Joseph Robillard Conservative Berthier Election in the general election annulled.December 30, 1880

Legislative Council

Party standings

The Conservatives had a strong majority in the Legislative Council throughout the Fourth Legislature.

Standings at First Session, 1878
  Conservatives 21
  Liberals 3
Conservative Majority:18

Members during the Fourth Legislature

The Speakers of the Legislative Council are indicated by small caps. Cabinet members are indicated by italics.

Members 1878-1881
Legislative Council DivisionsMemberPartyTerm StartTerm End
Alma Beaudry, Jean-Louis Conservative November 2, 1867June 25, 1886
Bedford Wood, Thomas Conservative November 2, 1867November 13, 1898
De la Durantaye Rémillard, Édouard Liberal May 27, 1878January 31, 1887
De la Vallière Proulx, Jean-Baptiste-Georges Liberal November 2, 1867January 27, 1884
De Lanaudière Dostaler, Pierre-Eustache Conservative November 2, 1867January 4, 1884
De Lorimier Laviolette, Joseph-Gaspard Conservative May 1, 1876March 11, 1897
De Salaberry Starnes, Henry Liberal November 2, 1867March 3, 1896
Grandville Dionne, Élisée Conservative November 2, 1867August 22, 1892
Gulf Savage, Thomas Conservative November 19, 1873February 27, 1887
Inkerman Bryson, George (Sr.) Conservative November 2, 1867January 13, 1900
Kennebec Gaudet, Joseph Conservative October 30, 1877August 4, 1882
La Salle Panet, Louis Conservative November 2, 1867May 15, 1884
Lauzon Chaussegros de Léry, Alexandre-René Conservative November 2, 1867December 19, 1880
Mille-Isles Lemaire, Félix-Hyacinthe Conservative November 2, 1867December 17, 1879
VacantDecember 18, 1879June 2, 1880
Jean-Baptiste Lefebvre de Villemure Conservative June 3, 1880March 4, 1882
Montarville Boucher de Boucherville, Charles-Eugène Conservative November 2, 1867September 10, 1915
Repentigny Archambeault, Louis Conservative November 2, 1867June 6, 1888
Rigaud Prud'homme, Eustache Conservative November 2, 1867April 28, 1888
Rougemont Boucher de la Bruère, Pierre Conservative October 30, 1877April 5, 1895
Saurel Roy, Pierre-Euclide Conservative November 19, 1873October 31, 1882
Shawinigan Ross, John Jones Conservative November 2, 1867May 4, 1901
Stadacona Hearn, John Conservative October 30, 1877February 19, 1892
The Laurentides Gingras, Jean-Élie Conservative November 2, 1867December 10, 1887
Victoria Ferrier, James Conservative November 2, 1867May 30, 1888
Wellington Webb, William Hoste Conservative October 7, 1875March 11, 1887

Vacancies of less than one month are not shown.
† Died in office.

Executive Council during the Fourth Legislature

There were two different ministries during the term of the Fourth Legislature, under Premiers Joly de Lotbinière (1878-1879) and Chapleau (1879-1881).

Fourth Quebec Ministry: Joly de Lotbinière Cabinet (1878 - 1879)

Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, Fourth Premier of Quebec HenriGustaveJolydeLotbiniere23.jpg
Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, Fourth Premier of Quebec

Following the election of 1878, Joly de Lotbinière retained much of his Cabinet in the new Legislature, but carried out a Cabinet shuffle the next year, in 1879. In 1879, Joly de Lotbinière appointed Honoré Mercier to cabinet, even though Mercier did not initially have a seat in the Legislative Assembly. [37] The resignation of Alexandre Chauveau on September 12, 1879 marked the beginning of the dissolution of the Joly de Lotbinière government. Chauveau would join the Conservatives a month later, along with four other Liberals who crossed the floor and voted to defeat the government on October 29, 1879. When the Lieutenant Governor refused a dissolution, the government resigned on October 30, 1879. The Chapleau government was sworn in the next day. [18]

Members of the Executive Council: 1878-1879
PositionMinisterTerm StartTerm End
Premier and President of the Executive Council Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière 18781879
Agriculture and Public WorksHenri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière18781879
Attorney General David Alexander Ross 18781879
Crown lands François Langelier 18781879
Félix-Gabriel Marchand1879
Secretary and Registrar Félix-Gabriel Marchand 18781879
Alexandre Chauveau1879
Solicitor General Alexandre Chauveau 18781879
Honoré Mercier**1879
Speaker of the Legislative Council Henry Starnes*18781879
Treasurer Pierre Bachand 18781879
François Langelier1879
* Member of the Legislative Council
**Appointed minister without seat in the Legislature

Fifth Quebec Ministry: Chapleau Cabinet (1879-1882)

Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau, Fifth Premier of Quebec Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau.jpg
Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau, Fifth Premier of Quebec

Following the defeat of the Joly de Lotbinière government on a confidence vote on October 29, 1879, the Chapleau government was sworn in on October 31, 1879.

Members of the Executive Council: 1878-1879
PositionMinisterTerm StartTerm End
Premier and President of the Executive Council Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau 18791882
Agriculture and Public WorksJoseph-Adolphe Chapleau18791881
John Jones Ross*18811882
Élisée Dionne*1882
Attorney General Louis-Onesime Loranger 18791882
Crown lands Edmund James Flynn 18791882
RailwaysJoseph-Adolphe Chapleau1881
John Jones Ross*18811882
William Warren Lynch 1882
Secretary and Registrar Étienne-Théodore Pâquet 18791882
Solicitor General William Warren Lynch 18791882
Treasurer Joseph Gibb Robertson 18791882
Jonathan Saxton Campbell Würfele1882
Speaker of the Legislative Council John Jones Ross*18791882
Pierre Boucher de la Bruère align=center|1882
* Member of the Legislative Council

Leaders of the Opposition

There were two leaders of the Opposition during the Fourth Legislature. Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau was leader for the first eighteen months of the Legislature, from May 1878 to October 1879. When Premier Joly de Lotbinière resigned and was replaced by Chapelau, Joly de Lotbinière became leader of the Opposition for the remainder of the term of the Legislature, to 1882. [38]

Legislative sessions

The Legislature had four annual sessions:

The Legislature was dissolved on November 7, 1881. [39]

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  1. British North America Act, 1867 [now known as the Constitution Act, 1867], s. 71.
  2. British North America Act, 1867, s. 58.
  3. British North America Act, 1867, s. 80.
  4. British North America Act, 1867, s. 85.
  5. British North America Act, 1867, s. 72.
  6. 1 2 The Quebec Election Act, RSQ 1875, c. 7, s. 8.
  7. The Quebec Election Act, s. 11.
  8. The Quebec Election Act, s. 205.
  9. 1 2 The Quebec Election Act, s. 124.
  10. British North America Act, 1867, s. 73.
  11. British North America Act, 1867, s. 23.
  12. Quebec National Assembly: Les membres du Conseil législatif (par divisions).
  13. 1 2 3 Hamelin, Marcel (1994). "Joly de Lotbinière, Sir Henri-Gustave". In Cook, Ramsay; Hamelin, Jean (eds.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography . Vol. XIII (1901–1910) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
  14. 1 2 Tremblay, Victor (1972). "Price, William Evan". In Hayne, David (ed.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography . Vol. X (1871–1880) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
  15. Munro, Kenneth (1998). "Boucher de Boucherville, Sir Charles". In Cook, Ramsay; Hamelin, Jean (eds.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography . Vol. XIV (1911–1920) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
  16. 1 2 Désilets, Andrée (1990). "Chapleau, Sir Joseph-Adolphe". In Halpenny, Francess G (ed.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography . Vol. XII (1891–1900) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
  17. 1 2 3 4 Desjardins, Marc (1990). "Robitaille, Théodore". In Halpenny, Francess G (ed.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography . Vol. XII (1891–1900) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 Quebec National Assembly: Chronologie parlementaire depuis 1791 (1878-1879).
  19. 1 2 Quebec National Assembly: Les résultats électoraux depuis 1867.
  20. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Joseph Robillard
  21. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: William Warren Lynch
  22. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Michel-Dosithée-Stanislas Martel
  23. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Wiliam Evan Price
  24. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Edmund James Flynn
  25. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Onuphe Peltier
  26. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Louis-Onésime Loranger
  27. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Étienne-Théodore Pâquet
  28. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Ernest Racicot
  29. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Louis-Napoléon Fortin
  30. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Alexandre Chauveau
  31. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Solime Bertrand
  32. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Pierre Bachand
  33. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Joseph Gibb Robertson
  34. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau
  35. Quebec National Assembly, Québec Dictionary of Parliamentary Biography, from 1764 to the present: Jean-Baptiste Brousseau
  36. Quebec National Assembly: Les élections partielles.
  37. Quebec National Assembly: Cabinet Joly de Lotbinière (Liberal) (March 8, 1878 to October 31, 1879).
  38. Quebec National Assembly: Les chefs de l'opposition officielle depuis 1869.
  39. Quebec National Assembly: Les législatures et leurs sessions depuis 1867.