ABCs of Death (film series)

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ABCs of Death
ABCs of Death film series official logo.jpg
Official film series logo
Based onOriginal story
by Ant Timpson
Distributed by
CountryUnited States
Budget$260,000 (Total of 2 films)
Box office$42,307 (Total of 2 films)

ABCs of Death is a series of American-produced multilingual comedy horror anthology films created in independent filmmaking collaboration with various countries; [1] [2] [3] including two limited theatrical releases, and one straight-to-consumer video on demand spin-off film. [4]


Created from an original story concept by producer Ant Timpson, the plot centers around a variety of anthological explorations of horror and death. Through the series, writers and directors create a segment centered around one of the letters of the alphabet, with the studios allowing creative freedom to each of the filmmakers once they were assigned their segment (including which word they chose to explore with their given letter). The resulting film series includes a diversity in cultures, languages, content, and subgenres within the horror genre.

The film series as a whole has been met with a variety of classifications from film critics; the original film was met with mixed critical reception, [5] while the second installment was more well received overall. [6] The third released movie was similarly met with mixed reception from critics, though it was acknowledged as fitting the praiseworthy aspects of the previous two films. [7] [8] Though the box office numbers for the series were not considered as well as expected, [9] [10] Timpson later stated that the series had made enough monetary income through video on demand to justify continuing to develop additional installments. [3]


release date
SegmentDirector(s)Screenwriter(s)Story byConcept byProducers
The ABCs of Death March 8, 2013Title Sequence(s)Aaron Becker Ant Timpson Ant TimpsonAnt Timpson and Tim League
A is for Apocalypse Nacho Vigalondo Gorka CornejoNacho VigalondoAnt Timpson, Tim League, Nahikari Ipiña and Nacho Vigalando
B is for BigfootAdrián García BoglianoAnt Timpson, Tim League and Andrea Quiroz Hernández
C is for Cycle Ernesto Díaz Espinoza Haroldo Muñoz
and Ernesto Díaz Espinoza
Ernesto Díaz EspinozaAnt Timpson, Tim League and Marlene Vargas Brebes
D is for Dogfight Marcel Sarmiento Ant Timpson, Tim League and Douglas Nabors
E is for Exterminate Angela Bettis Brent HanleyAnt Timpson, Tim League, Angela Bettis and Jammes Luckett
F is for Fart Noboru Iguchi Ant Timpson, Tim League, Marc Walkow and Yoshihiro Nishimura
G is for GravityAndrew TrauckiAnt Timpson, Tim League and Andrew Traucki
H is for Hydro-Electric Diffusion Thomas Cappelen Malling Kenneth Olaf Hjellum
and Thomas Cappelen Malling
Thomas Cappelen MallingAnt Timpson, Tim League and Hugo Hagemann Fosker
I is for IngrownJorge Michel GrauMartha Poly R. Mendivil & Jorge Michel GrauAnt Timpson, Tim League and Mayra Espinosa Castro
J is for Jidai-geki (Samurai Movie) Yūdai Yamaguchi Ant Timpson, Tim League, Marc Walkow and Yoshihiro Nishimura
K is for Klutz Anders Morgenthaler Anders MorgenthalerAnt Timpson, Tim League, Sine Birkegaard Pedersen
Director of Animation:
Stine Marie Buhl
L is for Libido Timo Tjahjanto Ant Timpson, Tim League, Novialita Fa and Dicky Fa
M is for Miscarriage Ti West Ant Timpson, Tim League, Peter Phok and Ti West
N is for Nuptials Banjong Pisanthanakun Banjong Pisanthanakun & Nontra KhumvongAnt Timpson and Tim League
O is for Orgasm Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani
P is for PressureSimon RumleyAnt Timpson, Tim League, Simon Rumley and Milton Kam
Q is for Quack Adam Wingard Simon Barrett Keith CalderAnt Timpson, Tim League and Lino Stavole
R is for RemovedSrđan SpasojevićDimitrije Vojnov & Srđan Spasojević
and Marija Stanosević
Ant Timpson, Tim League, Srđan Spasojević and Dragana Jovanović
S is for Speed Jake West Ant Timpson, Tim League, Francis O'Toole, Simon Boswell and Jake West
T is for Toilet Lee Hardcastle Ant Timpson, Tim League and Lee Hardcastle
U is for Unearthed Ben Wheatley Ben Wheatley & Andy StarkeAnt Timpson, Tim League, Claire Jones and Andy Starke
V is for Vagitus (The Cry of a Newborn Baby) Kaare Andrews Ant Timpson, Tim League and Chris Ferguson
W is for WTF! Jon Schnepp Ant Timpson, Tim League and Jon Schnepp
X is for XXL Xavier Gens Ant Timpson, Tim League, Michel Teicher, Camila Mendez and Esmeralda Leo
Y is for Youngbuck Jason Eisener Ant Timpson, Tim League and Robert Cotterill
Z is for Zetsumetsu (Extinction) Yoshihiro Nishimura Ant Timpson, Tim League, Marc Walkow and Yoshihiro Nishimura
ABCs of Death 2 January 1, 2017Title SequenceWolfgang MatzlAnt TimpsonAnt Timpson and Tim League
A is for Amateur E. L. Katz David Chirchirillo
and Rachel Lamb
David ChirchirilloAnt Timpson, Tim League, Peter Katz, Don Le and Bobbi Sue Luther
B is for Badger Julian Barratt Ant Timpson, Tim League and Andy Starke
C is for Capital Punishment Julian Gilbey Ant Timpson, Tim League, Matthew Hobbs and Julian Gilbey
D is for Deloused Robert Morgan Ant Timpson and Tim League
E is for Equilibrium Alejandro Brugués Marc Walkow & Alejandro BruguésAnt Timpson, Tim League and Asori Soto
F is for Falling Aharon Keshales & Navot Papushado Limor ShmilaAnt Timpson, Tim League and Nadav Shlomo Giladi
G is for Grandad Jim Hosking Jim Hosking & Toby HarvardAnt Timpson, Tim League and Andy Starke
H is for Head Games Bill Plympton Ant Timpson, Tim League and Bill Plympton
I is for Invincible Erik Matti Ant Timpson, Tim League and Relyn Tan
J is for JesusDennison RamalhoJeff BühlerAnt Timpson, Tim League, Rodrigo Castellar and Pablo Torrecillas
K is for KnellKristina Buožytė & Bruno SamperKristina Buožytė & Bruno Samper
and Darius Silenas
Kristina Buožytė & Bruno SamperAnt Timpson, Tim League, Vitalijus Žukas, Jurga Jutaitė, Gabija Siurbytė, Kristina Buožytė and Burno Samper
L is for Legacy Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen Ossa Earlice
and B.B.C. Nwanchineke
Lancelot Oduwa ImasuenAnt Timpson, Tim League and Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen
M is for MasticateRobert BoocheckAnt Timpson, Tim League, Wade Harpptlian, Robert Boocheck and Andrew Gilson
N is for Nexus Larry Fessenden Ant Timpson, Tim League and Jenn Wexler
O is for Ochlocracy (Mob Rule)Hajime OhataAnt Timpson, Tim League and Mai Nakanishi
P is for P-P-P-P SCARY! Todd Rohal Ant Timpson, Tim League, Clay Liford and Zack Carlson
Q is for Questionnaire Rodney Ascher Ant Timpson, Tim League and Tim Kirk
R is for Roulette Marvin Kren Benjamin HesslerAnt Timpson, Tim League and Pia Sophie Abazovic
S is for SplitJuan Martínez MorenoAnt Timpson, Tim League and Ben Jacques
T is for Torture Porn Jen Soska & Sylvia Soska Ant Timpson, Tim League, Jen Soska and Sylvia Soska
U is for Utopia Vincenzo Natali Vincenzo Natali
and Candice Gregoris
Vincenzo NataliAnt Timpson, Tim League and Peter Mabrucco
V is for VacationJerome SableJerome Sable & Nicholas MusurcaAnt Timpson, Tim League, Jerome Sable and Nicholas Musurca
W is for Wish Steven Kostanski Jeremy GillespieAnt Timpson, Tim League and Steven Kostanski
X is for Xylophone Julien Maury & Alexandre Bustillo Ant Timpson and Tim League
Y is for YouthSoichi UmezawaAnt Timpson, Tim League, Mai Nakanishi and Soichi Umezawa
Z is for ZygoteChris NashAnt Timpson, Tim League, Peter Kuplowsky and Shannon Rae Hanmer
ABC's of Death 2½ October 31, 2017M is for Magnetic TapeTim Rutherford & Cody KennedyTim Rutherford, Kevin Martin
& Cody Kennedy
Ted Geoghegan, Tim Rutherford and Cody Kennedy
M is for Maieusiophobia (The Fear of Giving Birth)Christopher YounesTed Geoghegan and Christopher Younes
M is for MailboxDante Vescio & Rodrigo GaspariniDante Vescio, Rafael Baliú & Rodrigo GaspariniTed Geoghegan, Dante Vescio and Rodrigo Gasparini
M is for Make BelieveSummer JohnsonTed Geoghegan and Summer Johnson
M is for MalnutritionPeter CzikraiTed Geoghegan, Peter Czikrai and Andrej Doleźal
M is for ManureMichael SchwartzJay Clarke & Michael SchwartzTed Geoghegan, Jason Baskey and Michael Schwartz
M is for MarauderSteve DanielsTed Geoghegan and Steve Daniels
M is for MariachiEric PennycoffTed Geoghegan and Ricardo Lorenzo
M is for MarriageTodd E. FreemanTed Geoghegan, Christian Burgess, Devon Lyon, Kevin Curry, Todd E. Freeman and Lara Cuddy
M is for MartyrJeff StewartTed Geoghegan and C.B. Kaczor
M is for Matador Gigi Saul Guerrero Shane McKenzieGigi Saul Guerrero & Luke BramleyTed Geoghegan and Raynor Shima
M is for MeatWolfgang MatzlTed Geoghegan and Wolfgang Matzl
M is for MermaidAma LeaRobert G. PhelpsTed Geoghegan, Emma Jacobs and Ama Lea
M is for Merry ChristmasJoe Stas & Lloyd StasJoe Stas & Lloyd Stas
and Tom Stas
Ted Geoghegan, Joe Stas and Lloyd Stas
M is for MessCarlos FariaTed Geoghegan and Carlos Faria
M is for MessiahNicholas HumphriesBob WoolseyTed Geoghegan, Lindsey Mann and Darren Borrowman
M is for Mind MeldBC GlassbergBC Glassberg
and Bridget Green
BC GlassbergTed Geoghegan and Jimmie Parker
M is for MiracleÁlvaro NúñezTed Geoghegan and Sonia Álvarez
M is for MobileBarış ErdoğanTed Geoghegan and Ozan Özkırmızı
M is for Mom Carles Torrens Ted Geoghegan and Rich Salamone
M is for MoonstruckTravis BetzTed Geoghegan and Travis Betz
M is for Mormon MissionariesPeter PodgurskyTed Geoghegan and Jacob Brumfield
M is for MotherRyan BosworthRyan Bosworth & Jennifer BosworthTed Geoghegan, Ryan Bosworth and Jennifer Bosworth
M is for MuffMia’Kate RusselTed Geoghegan and Justin Dix
M is for MungingJason Koch & Clint KellyTed Geoghegan, Jason Kock and Clint Kelly
M is for MutantStuart SimpsonTed Geoghegan and Fabian Pisani

The ABCs of Death (2012)

Released as an anthology film, featuring segments depicting various subgenres of horror that were directed by twenty-six of what the studio described as "the world's leading talents" in contemporary indie-filmmaking. With a premise inspired by ABC educational children's books, the movie is made up of twenty-six individual segments directed by a different director, who was assigned a specific letter of the alphabet; and given the task do develop a story and film a short that explores a death associated with that letter of the alphabet. The studio allowed each director creative freedom in choosing the word, and developing the segment around their choice. The result includes provocative, shocking, and comedic exploration of the reality of death. The film depicts the range of diversity within the modern horror movie genre. [11] [12] [13] [14]

Fangoria described the product as: "a stunning roll call of some of the most exciting names in horror across the world." [15] Producer Ant Timpson later stated that the movie made a significant amount of income from video on demand (VOD) means, though he nor the studios would reveal those financial figures. [3]

ABCs of Death 2 (2014)

Following the financial success of the first installment, the producers created another feature-length anthology film which includes twenty-six more segments depicting various horrific deaths. Inspired alongside the rest of the film series by the "ABC's" in children's literature, each filmmaker was assigned a letter of the alphabet and given creative control over the story and creation of the associated short. The studio once again touted "over two dozen of the world's leading talents in contemporary genre film", with the announcement of the project. Each segment explores a different aspect of death, through a variety of subgenres of horror through the styles of independent filmmaking. [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

Though the movie was met with much more critical praise than the first installment, the film suffered greatly financially due to the illegal pirating. [3] Producer Ant Timpson would state in later years that the movie made enough income through VOD figures, to continue the film series. [3]

ABC's of Death 2½ (2016)

In July 2016, it was announced that another installment in the film series would be released. Described as a spin-off from the previous two entries, the project would explore the 26 best submissions out of 541 that the studio had received from independent filmmakers for ABCs of Death 2. For the first two movies, the associated studios held competitions for fans to submit their own creations, to be featured in the film series. In 2012, the featured selection was "T is for Toilet", while "M is for Masticate" was released in 2014. For the new spin-off movie, the producers decided to compile their selection of the top twenty-six submitted shorts for the featured letter "M" segment, of the second movie. Executive producer, Ant Timpson stated: "These are who we think are the next filmmakers to break out...That [was] the goal of the competition." [3]

ABC's of Death 2½ was described as separate from a planned third installment, and critics described the result as a mixed bag of product created by runners-up of the prior competition. [22] The variety of segments once again explore various genres and styles of horror, all centered around a designated letter of the alphabet. Independent filmmakers created the stories and shorts with creative freedom, choosing the word that starts with the letter "M" associated with death, that they wanted the segment to center around. Ant Timpson and Tim League who served as producers on the first two feature films, served as executive producers for this straight-to-consumer release. [3] Though the series continued to fare better critically by its second installment, it suffered a monetary loss due to the large amount of pirated viewings it received. As a response to this, Drafthouse Films chose to release through Vimeo where it could be rented for $2.99 or purchased at $5.99 total. Timpson would also clarify that the first two movies were financially successful through VOD means, and was a factor in their decision to release the spin-off in a similar fashion; albeit the revenue earned through the release, would see Drafthouse split the income with Vimeo. [3] [8] [7]

Potential sequel

During the final clip of the end credits to ABCs of Death 2, a teaser statement for a third installment read as: "ABCs of Death 3: Teach Harder, coming 2016". Despite the successes of the previous two movies, producer Ant Timpson stated in March 2015 that the box office performance of the second film was affected dramatically by pirated viewings. At that time, the producer stated that he and Tim League were looking at the financial figures, and will approach Magnolia Pictures to continue working on the project. [23] When ABC's of Death 2½ was released in 2016 it was described as a spin-off, while the introductory statement of the film clarifies that it "is not the ABCs of Death 3", indicating that the third movie was still in development at that time. [22]

Cast and characters

Additional crew and production details

Running time
The ABCs of Death Title Sequence(s)Aaron BeckerDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures Magnet Releasing 2 hrs 4 mins
A is for ApocalypseRoberto FernandezJon D. Dominguez
B is for BigfootJulio PilladoErnesto HerreraAdrián García BoglianoDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Salto De Fe Films, Morbido Films
C is for CycleRoccoNicolás IbietaErnesto Díaz EspinozaDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, CBRA Films
D is for DogfightPhillip BlackfordHarris CharalambousPhillip BlackfordDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Radiant Images Studio, Ironlight Studios, Killer Grip Studios
E is for ExterminateJammes LuckettKevin FordChepo PeñaDrafthouse Films, Magnolia Pictures, Timpson Films
F is for Fart: Young Ladies and Poison GasYasuhiko FukudaYasutaka NaganoTakanori Tsujimoto
G is for Gravity Andrew Traucki & Greg Ferris Andrew Traucki & Larry GrayGreg Ferris
H is for Hydro-Electric DiffusionJohannes RingenMagnus FlaatoOve Kenneth HilsenDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Fantefilm, Hocus Focus, Arctic Action, Whitelight Studios
I is for IngrownHugo Quezada MonroyAlberto Anaya AdalidRodrigo Rios LegaspiDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Velarium Arts
J is for Jidai-Geki (Samurai Movie)Nobuhiko MorinoShu G. MomoseYudai YamaguchiDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures
K is for KlutzMorten DalsgaardStoryboarding/Animation by:
Stine Marie Buhl, Mads Juul & Kristjan Møller
Martin Wichmann AndersenDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Copenhagen Bombay Productions
L is for LabidoFajar Yuskemal & Aria PrayogiAga WahyudiBobby Prabowo & Albert PrabowoDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures
M is for MiscarriageGraham Reznick Ti West
N is for NuptialsPakawat WiwitayaNaruphol ChokanapitakThammarat Sumethsupachok
O is for OrgasmMarie-Agnés BeaupainColin LévèqueBernard BeetsDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Setpigo Films, Anonymes Filmse
P is for PressureNancy De RandamieMilton KamRob HallDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Suriname Productions
Q is for QuackMikhail GlinkaJuan Carlos Bagnell Adam Wingard Drafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Snoot Entertainment
R is for RemovedNenad MarkovićNemanja JovanovNatasa DamnjanovićDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures
S is for SpeedSimon Boswell Jake West Drafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Nucleus Films Ltd.
T is for ToiletTim AtkinsAnimation by:
Lee Hardcastle
Lee HardcastleDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures
U is for UnearthedMartin PaveyLaurie Rose Ben Wheatley Drafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Rook Films
V is for Vagitus (The Cry of a Newborn Baby)Kevin RieplChayse IrvinGreg NgDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Arctic Productions, Q Films, The Union of BC Film Performers
W is for WTF!Travis Simon & Jon Schnepp Jon SchneppTim Kolenut & Jon SchneppDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures
Animation by:
Travis Simon, Jon Schnepp, Dee Chavez, Nathan Rico & Darren Shaw
X is for XXLYasmine MeddourAntoine MarteauZohar MichelDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Rita & the Ink Connection
Y is for Youngbuck Powerglove Karim Hussain Jason Eisener Drafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Yer Dead Productions
Z is for Zetsumetsu (Extinction)Ko NakagawaShu G. Momose Yoshihiro Nishimura Drafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Cinemaport Studios
ABCs of Death 2 Title SequenceAndré Roessler & Isabel GreiweAnimation by:
Wolfgang Matzl & Moana Rom
Wolfgang MatzlDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures 2 hrs 4 mins
A is for AmateurMads HeldtbergAndrew Wheeler & Benjamin KitchensJohn Welsey WhittonDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Shadowcat Pictures
B is for BadgerRob EntwistleNick GillespieJulian BarrattDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Rook Films
C is for Capital PunishmentChad HobsonAdam HallJulian Gilbey & William GilbeyDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Creativity Media
D is for DelousedZnO Robert Morgan Robert MorganDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Swartz Can Talk Studios
Animation by:
Robert Morgan
E is for EquilibriumKyle NewmasterPedro LuqueCarlos Rafael BetancourtDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, The Cortez Brothers Productions, Producciones de le 5th Avenida
F is for FallingFrank IlfmanNir BarOmer Ben DavidDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Dream Catcher Productions
G is for GrandadRob EntwistleLaurie RoseMark Brunett-TenthreeDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Rook Films
H is for Head GamesMichael NannaAnimation by:
Bill Plympton
Sandrine Plympton & Wendy Cong ZhaoDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Plymptoons Studios
I is for InvincibleErwin RomuloJ.A. TadeñaJay HaliliDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Reality Entertainment
J is for JesusPaulo BetoJosé Roberto EliezerPaulo SacramentoDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, TC Filmes
K is for KnellVytis Puronas
Maris Abolins & Andris Pakalns
Janis Saldanais & Nadia Romanova
Rolandas LeonaviciusTomas RugysDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Clan Su Productions, Okta Studios
L is for LegacyTaiya OviahonFortune Ejim KaziAmen ImasuenDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, IceSlides Films
M is for MasticateSimon ThirlwayWhite FenceRussell LichterDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures
N is for NexusJeff Grace & Graham Reznick Larry Fessenden & Chris SkotchdopoleLarry FessendenDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Glass Eye Pix Productions
O is for Ochlocracy (Mob Rule)Hiroyuki NagashimaKenji NoguchiHajime OhataDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Shaiker Co. Ltd.
P is for P-P-P-P SCARY!Nikolay DoktorovClay LifordScott ColquittDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Arts+Labor Studios
Q is for QuestionnaireJonathan SnipesBridger Nielson Rodney Ascher Drafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Highland Park Classics Productions
R is for RouletteStefan Will & Marco DreckkötterMoritz SchultheissJan HilleDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, MBF Filmtechnick Hamberg
S is for SplitSergio MoureJon BrittRichard BlackburnDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, The Tea Shop & Film Company, Maniac Fiction Films, Filmscape Media
T is for Torture PornKevvy MentalMahlon Todd WilliamsBruce MacKinnonDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Twisted Twins Productions
U is for UtopiaAlex KhaskinAlex GomezLindsay AllikasDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Lifeguard Productions, Copperheart Entertainment,
V is for VacationPaul LosadaJohn RutlandNick WengerDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Jerome Sable & Nicholas Musurca Productions
W is for WishJeremy GillespiePierce DerksMike HamiltonDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures
X is for XylophoneRaphaël GesquaAntoine SanierSébastien de Sainte-Croix
Y is for YouthJun KoyamaShintaro KuriyamaKazuki TobitaDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Soychiume Productions
Z is for ZygoteWilliam M. Nash & Chris NashIoana VasileMichael Lane & Chris NashDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Gasfire Films
ABC's of Death 2½ M is for Magnetic TapeRyan Rathjen & Johnny LoveCody KennedyAngela SeehagenDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment Magnet Releasing,
Vimeo Inc.,
FilmBuff Distribution Co.
1 hr 25 mins
M is for Maieusiophobia (The Fear of Giving Birth)Rami AbdouChristopher Younes & Jeff SebastianChristopher Younes
Animation by:
Christopher Younes
M is for MailboxMauricio ZaniAline BizDaniel WeberDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment, Urubu Filmes
M is for Make BelieveEric DwightJason WestphalDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment
M is for MalnutritionJozef VlkIvan FintaMiroslav Roháček
M is for ManureAnwar DeebJason Baskey
M is for MarauderZachary CottonSteve Daniels
M is for MariachiEric RomaryRommel GencianaEric Pennycoff
M is for MarriageAuditory Sculpture & Keith SchreinerPhilip A. AndersonTodd E. Freeman
M is for MartyrJacob FoyJ. Otis DynamitePeter Kuhn
M is for MatadorChase HorsemanLuke BramleyGigi Saul Guerrero & Luke Bramley
M is for MeatIlya KaplanWolfgang Matzl & Moana RomWolfgang Matzl
Animation by:
Wolfgang Matzl
M is for MermaidMichael ConnelleyDiego MadrigalMichael Gilmore
M is for Merry ChristmasThomas CrabbRowan Stas, Ben Galler & Simon CurdJoe Stas & Lloyd Stas
M is for MessArthur PrestaCarlos Faria
M is for MessiahRed HeartbreakerDarren BorrowmanDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment, Borrowtime Films
M is for Mind MeldJoe StaceyJimmie ParkerJara WallaceDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment
M is for MiracleJorge Granda & Jorge LacastaCarlos FerragutÁlvaro Núñez
M is for MobileBurak TopalakcıTaner TamerMurat Secan Subası
M is for MomZacarías M. de la RivaKyle KlützAlberto BernadDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment, 3Roundburst Productions
M is for MoonstruckScott GlasgowShannon BetzTravis BetzDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment
Animation by:
Travis Betz
M is for Mormon MissionariesTommy PeskorzCharles DeRosaPeter Podgursky
M is for MotherRuss Howard IIITristan WhitmanRyan Bosworth
M is for MuffJamie MurgatroydTim EganDave Redman
M is for MungingPaul JoyceNate SpiveyJason Koch & Clint Kelly
M is for MutantHeath BrownStuart SimpsonStuart SimpsonDrafthouse Films, Timpson Films, Magnolia Pictures, Magnet Releasing Productions, Vimeo Entertainment, Lost Art Films 2013
Animation by: Stuart Simpson


Box office performance

FilmBox office grossBox office rankingVideo
sales gross
Worldwide total
gross income
BudgetWorldwide total
net income/loss
North AmericaOther territoriesWorldwideAll time
North America
All time
The ABCs of Death $21,832$13,304$35,136#14,928#21,322Information not publicly available>$35,136$130,000≥-$94,864 [9] [24] [25]
ABCs of Death 2 $7,171$7,171#16,476#31,475$108,360$115,531$130,000-$14,469 [10] [26] [27]
ABC's of Death 2½ Information not publicly availableInformation not publicly availableInformation not publicly available [a] >$0 [28] [29]
Totals$29,003$13,304$42,307x̄ #10,468x̄ #17,599>$108,360>$150,667>$260,000≥-$109,333

Critical and public response

Film Rotten Tomatoes Metacritic
The ABCs of Death37% (67 reviews) [5] 43/100 (16 reviews) [30]
ABCs of Death 273% (33 reviews) [6] 53/100 (10 reviews) [31]
ABC's of Death 2½[ to be determined ] [32]


  1. As each segment of this installment was independently produced by amateur filmmakers and submitted to the studio for a chance to feature in ABCs of Death 2, the individual small budgets of these segments are unknown; though they were not produced by the studio's funding.


  1. Rae, Lacey (October 14, 2023). "The 10 Best 'ABCs of Death' Shorts, Ranked". Collider. Retrieved October 7, 2024.
  2. Shotwell, James (August 12, 2016). "'The ABCs Of Death 2.5' showcases the next generation of horror masters". Substream Magazine. Retrieved October 7, 2024.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Winfrey, Graham (August 6, 2016). "'The ABCs of Death 2.5': Why the Indie Horror Sequel Went Straight to Vimeo". IndieWire. Retrieved March 11, 2023.
  4. Hamman, Cody (August 5, 2021). "ABCs of Death 2 1/2 to be released exclusively on Vimeo". JoBlo. Retrieved October 7, 2024.
  5. 1 2 "The ABCs of Death". Rotten Tomatoes . Fandango Media . Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  6. 1 2 "ABCs of Death". Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  7. 1 2 Molgaard, Matt (August 28, 2016). "'ABC's of Death 2.5' Fits Quite Comfortably into the Franchise as We Know it (Review)". Addicted to Horror Movies. Retrieved March 11, 2023.
  8. 1 2 A.V. Club staff (August 2, 2016). "The ABCs of Death 2.5". The A.V. Club. Retrieved March 11, 2023.
  9. 1 2 "The ABCs of Death". Box Office Mojo . IMDb . Retrieved March 10, 2023.
  10. 1 2 "ABC's of Death 2". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved March 10, 2023.
  11. Walkuski, Eric (February 1, 2013). "Review: The ABCs of Death". JoBlo. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  12. Williams, Owen (April 22, 2013). "ABCs Of Death Review". Empire. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  13. Lewis, Ethan (March 9, 2013). "The ABCs of Death, Review". Den of Geek. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  14. Robinson, Tasha (March 7, 2013). "The ABCs Of Death". The A.V. Club. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  15. Fangoria (2012). "The ABCs of Death". The Film Catalogue. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  16. The Hollywood Reporter staff (October 29, 2014). "'ABCs of Death 2': Film Review". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
  17. Debruge, Peter (October 20, 2014). "Film Review: 'ABCs of Death 2'". Variety. Retrieved March 13, 2023.
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